by Laura Knight
See Knight Records 1166-1549 for key.
1700 - May 1 – VA Henrico – Will - Anthony Knight - To Maj. Thomas Chamberlayne, my ____. George, to age 30.
* To god daughter Margery Gillam, 1 shilling.
* To god son Burrell Gordon, 20 shillings.
* John Oliver to live on plantation I possess for 6 years, paying yearly 400 lbs tobacco.
* Maj. Thomas Chamberlayne to be executor…
* Dated 1 __ 1699, Wit: James Sanford, Mary Ludson, Charles Roberts, Recorded 1 May 1700. (Weisiger, 1998, p. 64)
Note: What was ___ George? Was it a son who needed a guardian or someone to manage his money until he was 30? Or was it an indentured servant who was to serve until he was 30? It seems most likely to be the former since he does not bequeath his land to anyone but leaves it to the occupation of John Oliver for 6 years. Is that when George will turn 30? If so, that would give George an est year of birth of 1676. Who is the 400 pounds of tobacco paid as yearly rent on his plantation to go to? This is a curious problem and the document needs to be re-examined to see if more cannot be gotten out of it. Could it relate to the George Knight who showed up in Surry County?
Also note the 1686 Nov 20 entry of a land transfer from Thomas Wells to Robert Clark whose son was named Samuel Clark. Recall that this was the name of the "heir and next of kin" to Peter Knight of Gloucester who probably married Knight's daughter or widow. Notice that Thomas Chamberlayne was witness to that transfer.
1700 - Jun 10 – VA Surry – Admin – Tithables - Selected: Robert Crawford, Carter Crawford, John Clarke, John Kindred, Charles Savage, Joseph Richardson, Edward Mathews, Lovelace Savage, Henry Hart, Joseph Ford, Charles Bass, Thomas Evans, Robert Lancaster, John Greene, Robert Hart, Francis Gregory, John Bell, William Williams, James Bennett, Richard Taylor, Richard Bennett, Matthew Swann, William Phillips, Robert Reynolds, Martin Johnson SR & JR, John Johnson, Thomas Johnson, John Gray, Sampson Clarke, Timothy Walker, William Newsome, David Rice, William Sharpe, Robert Lancaster JR, Samuel Lancaster, Thomas Waller, John Hancock, John Corker, Anthony Evans, James Griffin, Francis Clements, Charles Williams, John Knight, Walter Cotton, Richard Parker, John Grantham, Thomas Cotton, William Johnson, Richard Bullock, Valentine Williamson, John Lanier, John Johnson, John Greene, Peter Evans, Robert Nicholson, William Knott, Edward Greene, Richard Moore, Abraham Evans, John Evans, Jeremiah Ellis JR, Richard Atkinson, George Jordan, River Jordan, Jeremiah Ellis SR, Clement Lanier, Edward Grantham, Henry Hollingsworth, Roger Williams, George Williams, Sion Hill SR & JR, William Rose, Thomas Andrews, Robert Andrews, Bartholomew Andrews, Thomas Flood, Walter Flood, John Flood, Henry Savage, Francis Regan, John Williams, David Andrews, Benjamin Ferreby, John Watkins, Henry Fletcher, Richard Jordan, William Gray, William Taylor, Widow Kiggan for Jeremiah Regan, William Gray JR, Francis Clements, Richard Rose, Thomas Hart, John Gray, Thomas Williams, George Williams, Samuel Cook, Stephen Vaughan, John Clements SR & JR, Henry Clarke SR & JR. (VA Gen. Soc. Qrtly. Vol. 24, No. 2)
Note: Surprise! John Knight is now back in Surry and there is no George Knight. Does this have anything to do with the mention of a George in the will of Anthony Knight of Henrico? Could John Knight and George Knight be cousins?
1700 – Nov 8 – VA Henrico – Admin – Joseph Woodson & Jane Woodson – Quaker meeting records: At a Monthy meeting held at William Porters house… "Joseph Woodson desired consent of Friends to take Jane Woodson as wife, she being nearly related to him. The answer is referred to the next monthly meeting because friends are not generally agreed." (U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935, Henrico Monthly Meeting, The Record Book, 1699-1757, p. 13)
1700 – Nov 18 – UK Hampshire Weyhill – Will – Sarah Knight, Spinster – To be buried at Temple Church, Bristol; to my sister Dixon, 50 pounds; to goddaughter Sarah Dixon, 108 pounds and my silver tankard; to sister Martha Creswerk, 5 pounds; to sister Joane Shute, 50 pounds; to two nephews, Isaac Knight and George Knight, sons of brother George Knight, 3 score (60) pounds apiece; to Dr. Dixon and my sister Dixon, 5 pounds apiece to buy them mourning; to brother and sister Shute, 5 pounds apiece to buy them morning; to my sister Shute, a 5 pound guinea piece to keep in remembrance of me and a silver porringer; to niece Martha Shute, diamond earrings and gold watch; to sister Chamberlayne, 5 pounds to buy her mourning; to sister Knight, brother Thomas Knight’s widow, 5 pounds to buy her mourning; to niece Martha Dixon, large silver college cup with cover; to sister Knight of Southmond, 20 shillings to buy her a ring; to my brother (in-law), Joseph Creswerk, 20 shillings to buy him a ring; to John Barnes and Dorothy Blackmore, 40 shillings apiece; to Thomas Sparrow and Frances Battin, 20 shillings apiece, being 4 servants of Dr. Dixon; to Robert Bendall, Peter Bendall, George Sharpe and Robert Tarrant, all of Clanwell, and David Fay of Penton Menosie, 20 shillings apiece; to the poor of Temple parish, 4 pounds to be given in bread. 4 pounds to the poor of Weyhill; residue of estate to sister Elizabeth Kent who is to be executrix. (Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858, PROB 11: Will Registers, 1697-1704, Piece 457: Noel, Quire Numbers 124-162 (1700))
1700 – Nov 25 – UK London St Bride Fleet Street – Will – John Knight – To nephew Francis Knight, son of brother, Francis Knight, 10 pounds for mourning “which I leave him in full satisfaction of what he may or can expect from me considering that I leave him in a very good way of trade and business desiring of him that he will be careful and diligent therein and that he will be assisting my executors in what he can in gathering in my debts and giving them an account of my affairs”; to nephew Francis Clues, 5 pounds “for a legacy in full of what he can or may claim, he having been very chargeable to me already in providing for him”; to Martha Lawrence, 5 pounds for mourning and 5 additional pounds; to friends Richard Godfrey, Robert Gront and Thomas Giles, 1 guinea apiece to buy a ring; residue of estate to niece Ann Clues, Spinster, “provided that the said Ann Clues does not dispose of herself in marriage without the consent and approbation of the aforesaid Richard Godfrey, Robert Gront and Thomas Giles”; if she marries without their approval, her inheritance will go to the three of them; niece Anne Clues executrix, Robert Gront, Thomas Giles overseers. (Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858, PROB 11: Will Registers, 1697-1704, Piece 457: Noel, Quire Numbers 124-162 (1700))
1700 – Dec 30 – VA Isle of Wight – Admin – George Carter - Thomas Carter of Upper Province give George Carter son of said Thomas and Magdalen: “Whereas George Moore of said Parish father of Magdalen (Moore Carter) by deed dated 11 August 1673 did in consideration of marriage convey to said Thomas and Magdalen 400 acrs , part of 1400 acres in Blackwater Swamp patent 05 May 1669-now they confirm said George Carter 200 of said 400 acres. 30 dec 1700.(Isle of Wight Deeds 1688-1704, p. 324) (17th Century Isle of Wight, Boddie, page 643.)
Note: Thomas Carter and his wife Magdalen convey to their son George Carter, 200 acs, part of 400 acs given them by her father, George Moore, on 1673 Aug 11 at “the Red Root Branch”.
1700 - Dec - VA Henrico – Admin – Joseph Woodson & Jane Woodson – Quaker Meeting Records: Joseph Woodson hath leave of this meeting to publish his intentions of marriage when he thinks convenient Except four members of the Mens and Women’s meeting who are: John Crew, John Robinson, Jane Pleasant and Mary Howard, who think they are too near akin they being second cousins. (U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935, Henrico Monthly Meeting, The Record Book, 1699-1757, p. 14)
1701 – Jan – VA Henrico – Admin – Joseph Woodson & Jane Woodson – Quaker Meeting Records: The persons appointed to inquire into the clearness and conversation of Joseph Woodson makes return to this meeting that they find nothing to the contrary but that he is clear as also of Jane Woodson’s clearness in relation to marriage or otherwise. (U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935, Henrico Monthly Meeting, The Record Book, 1699-1757, p. 15)
1701 – Jan 27 – VA Henrico – Mar – Joseph Woodson & Jane Woodson – Quaker Meeting Records: Whereas Joseph Woodson son of Robert Woodson … and Jane Woodson daughter of John Woodson JR, dec. … etc. Witnesses: Robert Woodson SR, John Pleasants, William Porter JR, John Woodson, Edward Mosby, Benjamin Woodson, Edward Goode JR, Richard Ferris JR, Mary Woodson, Elizabeth Woodson, Margaret Goode, Sarah Mosby, Mary Woodson JR, Judith Woodson, Martha Pleasants, Sarah Woodson. (U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935, Henrico Monthly Meeting, The Record Book, 1699-1757, p. 17)
1701 - Apr 1 – VA Accomack – Admin – Lewis Knight – Court: Lewis Knight and his wife Esther presented and acknowledged a deed for land they sold to Stephen Warrington. (McKey 2012, p. 114)
1701 - Apr 25 – VA Henrico – Admin - John Woodson SR - 1020 acs. … trans. Of 21 pers. Incl. Henry Peirce, John Johnson, Sarah Davis, Hellena Parker. (Foley 1983, p. 38)
1701 - Jun 10 – VA Surry – Admin – Tithables - Selected: John Vaughan, George Jordan, John Sharpe, Peter Bagley, William Cook, John Cook, John Johnson, John Baker, Richard Parker, Edward Greene. Richard Moore, Richard Greene, Robert Nicholson, Sampson Lanier, Peter Evans, Edward Ellis, James Ellis, John Greene, Walter Cotton, Abraham Evans, John Evans, John Knight, Richard Bullock, Thomas Cotton, George Nicholson, William Knott SR & JR, William Johnson, Jeremiah Ellis, Richard Washington, George Washington, Jeremiah Ellis JR, Henry Baker, John Griffin, William Hughes, William Phillips, Edward Grantham, Henry Hollingsworth, John Watkins, Henry Johnson, John Clements SR & JR, Samuel Cook, David Andrews, Richard Andrews, Thomas Andrews, George Williams, William Gray, Benjamin Ferreby, Walter Flood, John Flood, Francis Regan, John Williams, Henry Savage, Richard Jordan, Robert Jordan, Jeremiah Regan, Henry Clarke SR & JR, John Clarke, John Johnson, Sion Hill SR & JR, Richard Hill, Thomas Flood, William Rose, Richard Rose, John Gray, Robert Andrews, Charles Bass, Francis Clements, Alexander Walker, John Bell, Charles Williams, Henry Hart, Francis Gregory, Richard Morris, David Rice, William Sharpe, Richard Taylor, Isaac Carrington, John Griffin, Robert Lancaster SR & JR, Samuel Lancaster, Sampson Clarke, Joseph Richardson, Charles Savage, John Gray, Robert Crawford, Carter Crawford, John Kindred, Martin Johnson, Robert Newsome, Edward Taylor, John Taylor, Richard Bennett, Robert Hart, Willilam Phillips, Timothy Walker, Robert Reynolds SR & JR, Anthony Evans, Henry Gray, (VA Gen. Soc. Qrtly. Vol. 23, No. 4)
1701 - Sep 29 – VA Northampton – Will - John Knight SR, planter - Sons John Knight and Dixon Knight; wife Elizabeth; Wit. John Nelson, Hannah Capell, Nathaniel Capell. (Crozier 1909, p. 145)
1701 – Oct 15 – VA Northumberland – Will – Mary Hornsby - Court: Motion of Mary Hornsby Relict and Widdow of John Hornsby, a Probate of the Will of her dec’d husband John Hornsby, proved by Leonard Knight and Elizabeth Knight. (Duvall 1979, p. 85)
Note: Leonard’s wife’s name is Anne, though it is not impossible that he had a first wife named Elizabeth. However, this could also be Leonard and Elizabeth the children of Capt. Peter Knight acting together. One wonders if there was more than a friendly relationship between them and the Hornsbys to cause them to be asked to witness a will? There will be a further Hornsby connection.
1701 – Oct 24 – VA Nansemond – Admin - James Spier (Speir) – Land patent for 100 acres “Up. Par. Of Nansemond Co; on SE side of Beaverdam Swl, adj. Randall Crew…” Sold to Spier by George Spivey 21 May 1700. (Nugent III, p. 54)
1702 – VA New Kent/King & Queen – Admin – William Knight - Court: Martin Palmer, Gent., Exr. of Capt. Martin Palmer, dec’d. vs William Knight: Judgment. (Parks 1982, p. 288)
1702 - Feb 4 – VA Henrico – Will - Sarah Woodson, widow - To Martha Batt, daughter of Thomas Batte, late of this county, dec’d., negro man Peter.
* To granddaughter Martha Batt, iron pott and oval table, now in possession of her father in law, John Farrar, etc.
* To grandson John Knibb, negro boy Jack & items
* To grandson Solomon Knibb, items
* To Seth Ward’s daughter, who was god daughter of Mary Ragsdale, dec’d., my silver bodkin
* To grandson John Farrar, one negro boy, Peter
* To grandson Thomas Knibb, feather bed, etc anlso negro boy, Jack. If he die, then to my daughter Temperance Farrar.
* To daughter Temperance Farrar, all my clothes, livestock, 3 lbs (money) and items.
* All the rest to my daughter Farrar, and she to be executrix. Dated 4 Feb. 1701/2, Wit: John Bolling, Arthur Mosely, F. Bondurant, Recorded 1 Oct. (Weisiger, 1998, p. 78)
Note: This was Sarah Browne, widow of John Browne, who married John Woodson after the death of his wife, Mary Pleasants. Her daughter, Temperance Browne, was apparently married first to a Thomas Batt, and then, to a Farrar. This was John Farrar, grandson of William Farrar and Cecily Jordan Farrar (widow of Samuel Jordan, maiden name unknown). This John was nephew to Lt. Col. John Farrar. This latter John Farrar was very active in the militia (W. A. Crozier, "Virginia Colonial Militia", 1651-1776, p. 103), a coroner, a Burgess in 1680, 1683 and 1684; Justice of the Peace of Henrico County 1677-1685 and at the time of his death in 1685, sheriff of the county, 1683-1685. I can find almost nothing on the nephew who married Temperance Browne-Batt. (The Farrar's Island Family by Alvahn Holmes, 1972, pp10, 137-139.)
Another daughter appears to have been married to a Knibb; either that, or Temperance was serially married to Knibb, Batt and Farrar and all the children are hers.
In 1690 Jun 2, John Woodson Sr sold land to Samuel Knibb and Jeremiah Brown. On the same day, he sold land to Philemon Childers, deed witnessed by "Samuel Knigg", and another patent was witnessed by "Knigg". Obviously, the scribe or transcriber was not paying attention and the name was “Knibb”.
1702 - Jun 10 – VA Surry – Admin – Tithables - Selected: Roger Williams SR & JR, John Jeffries, Benjamin Ferreby, John Pace, George Jordan, John Ironmonger, Thomas Ironmonger, William Knott SR & JR, Walter Flood, John Flood, David Andrews, Richard Andrews, William Marriott, Henry Clarke SR & JR, John Clarke, John Clements SR & JR, Richard Washington, George Washinton, Bartholomew Andrews, Thomas Andrews, Sion Hill SR & JR, Richard Hill, John Sharpe, John Grantham, Abraham Evans, John Evans, Robert Owen, John Vaughn, Thomas Cotton, Walter Cotton, John Averitt, John Baker SR & JR, John Watkins, Robert Watkins, Samuel Cooke, Isaac Carrington, James Ellis, Thomas Hart, George Williams SR, Lawrence Fleming, Elias Ford, Robert Nicholson for Sampson Lanier, William Gray, John Gray, John Johnson, Richard Parker, Richard Jordan, Robert Jordan, Robert Andrews, William Cooke, Peter Bagley, Richard Bullock, Edward Greene, Richard Greene, Thomas Flood, Francis Clements, Richard Rose, Henry Savage, Francis Regan, William Rose, William Johnson, John Knight, Stephen Vaughan, Roger Williams JR, John Lanier, Clement Lanier, Henry Baker, Jeremiah Ellis SR & JR, Edward Grantham, Edward Taylor, John Taylor, Timothy Sharpe, William Gray JR, Charles Williams, John Phillips, Henry Hart, William Phillips, James Bennett, Robert Lancaster, John Hancosck, Robert Reynolds SR & JR, Sampson Clarke, Robert Hart, Thomas Clarke, William Williams, George Williams, Richard Taylore, Thomas Rose, Francis Gregory, Charles Bass, Robert Hill, Thomas Waller SR & JR, Robert Lancaster JR, Samuel Lancaster, David Rice, Robert Crawford, Carter Crawford, Timothy Walker, Martin Johnson, Richard Morris, John Kindred, John Clarke, William Johnson, Anthony Evans, James Griffin, Francis Clements. (VA Gen. Soc. Qrtly. Vol. 23, No. 4)
1702 - Nov 12 – VA Stafford – Admin – Henry Hawley - Court: Payment made to Henry Hawley for killing wolves. (Sparacio, SCDWA, p. 52 )
1702 - Dec 13 – VA Northampton – Will - Frances Waterson - Witnessed by John Knight, Thomas Nelson, John Frank, Ralph Piggot. (Crozier 1909, pp. 146-147)
1703 - Mar 1 – VA Henrico – Admin – William Lewis - Richard Bays, Sr. of Henrico Co., for 1700 lbs tobacco, to William Lewis of same, land on north side of White Oak Swamp, next to William Ferris, 100 acres, next to Richard Ferris, Nicholas Amoss and William Porter, part of 403 acres. Wit: Wm. Blackman, C. Evans. Jane, wife of Richard, relinquished her dower rights. (Weisiger 1996, p. 130)
1703 - Apr 24 – VA Henrico – Admin - Mr. John Woodson – Land patent for 2700 acs. N. side of James River… Beg. At mouth of Gennitoe Cr.… Trans. Of 24 pers: incl. John Jackson, John Matthews, Elizabeth Carter, James Jackson. (Foley 1983, p. 40)
1703 - Jun 10 – VA Surry – Admin – Tithables - Selected: Richard Parker, John Vaughan, Walter Cotton, Henry Baker, John Lanier, Clement Lanier, John Cooke, William Cooke, Robert Nicholson, Richard Greene, Peter Bagley, George Jordan, John Sharpe, William Sharpe, William Johnson, Jeremiah Ellis, John Ellis, Edward Ellis, Edward Greene, Richard Moore, George Nicholson, Benjamin Evans, Peter Anderson, John Knight & Valentine Williamson, John Johnson, Jonathan Mosely, Carter Land, Abraham Evans, John Evans, Richard Washington, George Washington, Richard Atkinson, Robert Clarke, Samuel Clark, Ingram Anderson, William Knott SR & JR, Jeremiah Ellis, Henry Hollingsworth, John Pace, George Williams, Francis Regan, Walter Flood, John Flood, Benjamin Ferreby, John Watkins, Robert Watkins, Richard Jordan, Robert Jordan, William Rose, Roger Williams SR, Henry Savage, Thomas Ironmonger, Thomas Flood, Thomas Andrews, Richard Rose, Robert Andrews, Sion Hill SR & JR, Richard Hill, John Greene, John Gray, Lodovick Drawford, Henry Floyd, Francis Clements, James Bryant, John Jeffries, John Clements JR, John Johnson, John Clements, Henry Clarke, John Clarke, William Clarke, Roger Williams JR, William Gray, Richard Bennett, Robert Newsome, Edward Mathews, Thomas Clarke, William Newsome, David Rice, Robert Reynolds, Robert Crawford, Carter Crawford, Martin Johnson, Charles Savage, Lovely Savage, William Williams, John Baker, John Clarke, Charles Williams, John Bell, James Atkinson, Richard Taylor, Sampson Clarke, Henry Hart, Thomas Waller and John Waller, Robert Hart, Robert Lancaster JR, Lemuel Lancaster, Timonthy Walker, John Atkinson, Joseph Richardson, Robert Lancaster, James Bennett, James Griffin, Anthony Evans. ( VA Gen. Soc. Qrtly. Vol. 24, No. 2)
Note: The Williamsons intermarried with the Carters who had already intermarried with the Moores. Moore Carter married Jane Kindred and we see Kindreds in this list. Moses Knight, son of John Knight and Isabel Carter married Charity Carter and named a son "Kindred."
1703 - Jul 30 – VA Henrico – Admin - John Woodson - Of Henrico Co., merchant, to Hugh Jones of same, planter, for 200 acrees conveyed to him by Jones, conveys 500 acres on north side James River, next to place called Half Cinque, being part of a tract granted to him by patent 25 Apr 1701 bounded by Chickahominy Swamp. Wit: Absolom (A) Smith, Stephen (X) Lewis. Signed: John Woodson * Judith, wife of John, relinquished her dower right by Charles Evans. Judith and John Woodson of Henrico Co, appoint Charles Evans of same, their attorney. Witnessed, signed as above. (Weisiger 1996, p. 127.)
1703 - Dec 16 – VA Stafford - Admin – Thomas Knight - Court: Auction of the Estate of Francis Hund – Thomas Knight came and did confess Judgment to the Estate of Francis Hund for sum Forty five pounds Tobacco for goods purchased of said Estate… (Sparacio, SCWDA, p. 73)
1704 - Feb 31 – VA Henrico – Admin - Richard Ferris & William Ferris - (apparently brothers?) mentioned in land sale from Richard Bays to William Lewis. (Weisiger 1996, p. 130)
1704 - May 31 – VA Henrico – Admin - John Woodson - Of Henrico Co., merchant, to Edward Hatcher, Sr. of same, Gent., make agreement: Woodson confirms to Hatcher land on Cornelius Creek on north side of James River, 150 acres, bounded by the creek; being part of a patent to Robert Burton and sold by him to William Hobson, and also Woodson hath given Hatcher 28 lbs 15 shillings in store goods. For this Hatcher gives Woodson a tract on south side James River at Neck of Land, 50 acres, bounded by William Hatcher, the river. Wit: John Archer, Charles Evans, signed etc. * wife Judith of John, and Mary of Edward, relinquished their dower rights. (Weisiger 1996, p. 131)
1704 - Jun 5 – VA Richmond – Admin - Thomas Knight - Of Northumberland Co. 1250 acs. in Richmond Co. Wrnt. 19 Oct. Last. Surv. by Edwin Conway. On Rappahanock R., adj. Mr. John Waugh, on Rocky Penn Run. (Gray 1987, p. 26)
1704 - Jun 6 – VA Richmond – Admin - Hancock Lee - Of Northumberland Co. 1353 Acs. in Richmond Co. Wrnt. 20 Oct. Last. Surv. by Edwin Conway. Adj. Mr. Thomas Knight, Horse Penn Run of Rappahanock R. (Gray 1987, p. 26)
1704 - Jun 24 – VA Richmond – Admin – Isaac Knight - From a List of Ships that have been Cleared in Rappahanock River from 25th March to 24th June 1704: “Mayflower of Virginia”, Isaac Knight, Master, Owners: John Foster, Isaac Knight, Elisha James, Hugh Hayward. (des Cognets, p. 309)
1704 - Oct 1 – VA Henrico – Admin - John Woodson - of Henrico Co., for 3 lbs (money) to Edward Curd of same, land on north side of James River, bounded by lands formerly James Blair’s, Cornelius Creek, Four Mile Creek and main road to falls of James River, 600 acres; being part of a grant to John Woodson, Jr. by patent 23 Oct 1690. Wit: Obadiah Smith, Stephen Lewis, Mary Lester. Signed and wife Judith relinquished dower rights. (Weisiger 1996, p. 135)
1704 - Oct 20 – VA Henrico – Admin - Mr. Robert Woodson – Land patent for 171 acs. Pd for 4 headrights. (Foley 1983, p. 41)
1704 – VA Accomack – Admin - Rent Roll - No Knights but other names of interest are: Denis Moore, Edward Bell, Edward Moore, Elias Taylor, George Parker, George Johnson, Henry Stokes, Joseph Clark, John Collins, John Parker, John Evans, John Abbott, John Baker, James Taylor, John Collins, James Walker, Ingold Cobb, John Parker, John Carter, Nathaniel Ratcliff, Robert Bell, Roulard Savage, Rodger Abbott, Sylvanus Cole, Thomas Clark, Thomas Rose, Thomas Bell SR & JR, Thomas Moore, William Andrews, William Fletcher, William Moore, William Cole, William Lewis, William Williamson. (des Cognets, pp. 123-129)
1704 – VA Middlesex – Admin - Rent Roll - No Knights, names of interest: Col. Carter, John Southern, Thomas Stapleton, Richard Kemp, Robert Williamson, Thomas Lee, Valentine Mayo, William Montague, Edward Williams, Alexander Murray, Edward Clark, Col. Kemp. (des Cognets, pp. 131-133)
1704 – VA Gloucester – Admin - Rent Roll - Abbington Parish: John Stokes, Thomas Coleman, John Butler, Benjamin Clements, Joseph Moore, William Kemp, Joseph Coleman, Thomas Walker. Ware Parish: Sarah Moore, Thomas Powell, George Moore, Anthony Gregory, Peter Kemp. Kingston Parish: Andrew Bell, Henry Knight (240 acs.), John Williams, John Floyd, George Roberts, Thomas Kemp, John Andrews, James Taylor. Petso Parish: Robert Carter, Benjamin Clements, John Clarke (100 acs), William Cook, John Coleman, John Harper, Stephen Johnson, Capt. Edward Lewis, Richard Lee Esq., John Pate, Richard Price, Augustine Smith SR & JR, Conquest Wyatt. (des Cognets, pp. 141-148)
1704 – VA King & Queen – Admin - Rent Roll - No Knights, names of interest: Richard Anderson, William Bennett, Roger Bell, John Bullock, James Barber, Henry Bland, James Baker, John Cain, Timothy Carter, Thomas Coleman, Daniel Coleman, Catherine Cotton, James Collins, Carters ___, Robert Ferish, Henry Fielding, John Farmer, Frances Gregory (widow), William Lee, Matthew Lawrence, Augustine Moore, Samuel Moore, William Morris, Henry Morris, Edward Matthews, Nathaniel Sanders, Thomas Spencer, Thomas Stapleton, Daniel Taylor, Cornelius Vaughan, William Watkins, Edward Watkins, Philip Watkins, Thomas Williams, Benjamin Watkins, Thomas Watkins JR, William Wildbore, John Walker. (des Cognets, pp. 149-156)
1704 – VA King William – Admin - Rent Roll - No Knights, names of interest: Robert Abbott, Capt. William Anderson, Paul Bunch, John Baker, Edward Bell, Thomas Baker, John Burrus, Thomas Butler, Thomas Burrus, Col. William Claiborne, Capt. Thomas Claibourne, John Claiborne, Margaret Clark, John Ford JR, William Ford, Charles Fleming, John Green, William Johnson, John Lee, William Morris, Nicholas Merriwether, Phillip Williams, Griffith Williams, John Williams, Samuel Williams, Thomas Wright. (des Cognets, pp. 157- 160)
1704 – VA Charles City – Admin - Rent Roll - No Knights, names of interest: Littlebury Epes, John Epes, George Floyd, John Hamelin, Stephen Hamelin, Thomas Hamelin, Edward Jordan, Thomas Parker, George Spiers. (des Cognets, pp. 161-162)
1704 – VA New Kent – Admin - Rent Roll - No Knights, names of interest: John Anderson, Robert Anderson SR & JR, David Anderson, Richard Anderson, Nicholas Amos, Christopher Baker, Richard Bullock, Charles Bryan, Edward Bullock, John Baker, John Bunch, David Crawford SR & JR, Charles Fleming, Edward Green, John Giles, Robert Hughes, Rees Hughes, Richard Johnson, John Johnson, Edward Johnson, Edward Lee, Pelham Moore, Robert Morris, George Meredith, Nicholas Merriwether, Anne Moore, Richard Richardson, James Sanders, Joseph Taylor, Lemuel Taylor, Thomas Taylor, William Vaughan, John Vaughan, Vincent Vaughan, William Walker, Edward Walton, John Wilson, John Woodson (600 acs), Edward Walton, William Watkins. (des Cognets, pp. 163-171)
1704 – VA James City – Admin - Rent Roll - No Knights, names of interest: John Baker, Edward Bell, John Bryan, Richard Cole, Ambrose Cobbs, Nicholas Gregory, Thomas Greene, George Hughes, Robert Hancock, Frederick Jones, Anthony Johnson, William Jones, John Johnson, John Jordan, Richard Lawrence, Edward Morris JR, James Morris, John Morris, John Nicholson, John Phillips, Edward Phillips, William Phillips, John Sanders, John Sharp, Henry Vaughan, Samuel Wright, Matthew Williams, Alexander Walker SR & JR, John Williamson, David Walker, Thomas Warburton, David Walker. (des Cognets, pp. 172-177)
1704 – VA York – Admin - Rent Roll - No Knights, names of interest: Robert Cobbs, Francis Sharp, William Jones, William Taylor, William Jordan, William Cobbs, Richard Kendall, William Lee, James Bates, Edward Young, Robert Green, Joseph White, Thomas Barber, Seymour Powell, John Lewis Esq., Joseph Walker, John Sanders, John Williams, James Morris, Daniel Taylor, John Potter, Thomas Walker, Nicholas Phillips, John Wright, William Whitaker. (des Cognets, pp. 178-181)
1704 – VA Elizabeth City – Admin - Rent Roll - No Knights, names of interest: William Williams (apparently, owned/conducted a school), Robert Taylor, George Bell, Edward Lattimore, James Baker, Thomas Tucker, John Cotton, Mark Johnson, Capt. Augustine Moore, John Moore, Thomas Roberts. (des Cognets, pp. 182-184)
1704 – VA Warwick – Admin - Rent Roll - No Knights, and almost no names of particular interest except William Cotton and James Cotton. There are a LOT of widows and ophans in this county. (des Cognets, pp. 185-187)
1704 – VA Princess Anne – Admin - Rent Roll - No Knights, names of interest: Thomas Moore, Capt. William Crawford, Richard Williamson, Bartholomew Williamson, Simon Hancock SR, John Kemp, Robert Cartwright, John Cartwright, Adam Thoroughgood, John Richardson, William Moore, Jacob Taylor, Stephen Pace, George Walker, Johnathan Sanders, Col. Anthony Lawson, Capt. John Thoroughgood, Robert Thoroughgood, Thomas Walker, George Bullock, Mark Powell, Jacob Johnson, John Mayo, Argoll Thoroughgood, William Moore, Thomas Cason, Jacob Moore. (des Cognets, pp. 188-191)
1704 – VA Norfolk – Admin - Rent Roll - No Knights, names of interest: Peter Cartwright, John Carney, Richard Carney, William Collins, John Johnston, Morse Johnston, Richard Cain (Kaine), Edward Luelling (Llewellyn?), Richard Luelling, William Maund, Henry Nicholson, William Nicholson, Richard Powell, Lemuel Powell, William Powell, Joseph Roberts, Samuel Roberts, Robert Rose, John Rose, Thomas Richardson, Richard Taylor, John Taylor, Andrew Taylor, William Taylor, John Williams, Nicholas Wilder, Thomas Watkins, John Williamson, Capt. Thomas Willoughby, John Williams. (des Cognets, pp. 192-197)
1704 – VA Nansemond – Admin - Rent Roll - James Knight, 600 acres; names of interest: Robert Baker, William Parker, Francis Parker, Thomas Parker, Capt. John Spier, John Gorden, Robert Lassiter, Thomas Davis, John Cole, Thomas Norfleet, James Speirs, Epaphroditus Benton, Gresham Coffield, Edward Norfleet, John Norfleet, Edward Moore, Thomas Moore, William Spiers, John Lawrence, Sampson Meredith, Joseph Meredith, Henry Lawrence, William Keene, William Everett, Richard Lawrence, Thomas Vaughan, John Parker, John Moore, Richard Moore, John Lee, Robert Coleman, John Butler, James Butler, William Collins, Robert Lawrence, James Lawrence, George Lawrence, Richard Taylor, Peter Parker, Thomas Mason, James Moore, James Knott, John Brassieur, Edward Welsh, John White, John Hambleton, Robert Jordan, Maj. Thomas Jordan, Margarett Jordan, William Butler. (des Cognets, pp. 198-204) Note: Most of these people will move to Bertie and then Edgecombe NC.
1704 – VA Isle of Wight – Admin - Rent Roll - No Knights, names of interest: Richard Bennett, Edward Boykin, Thomas Carter, Reuben Cooke, Francis Lee, George Moore, Matthew Jordan, John Richardson, Henry Baker, John Bell, Henry Applewaite, John Lawrence, William Mayo, James Bryan, Arthur Whitehead, John Giles, Thomas Jorden, Benjamin Jorden, George Greene, Richard Ratcliffe, Joshua Jordan, Arthur Smith, John Jordan, Simon Everett, Robert Coleman, Mary Cobb, George Anderson, Henry Wilkinson, Richard Braswell, Robert Johnson, John Roberts, Thomas Bullock, William Powell, John Williams, Henry Sanders, John Cotten–200 A. (des Cognets, pp. 205-209)
1704 – VA Surry – Admin - Rent Roll - No Knights, names of interest: Bartholomew Andrews, Thomas Andrews, Robert Andrews, David Andrews, Co. Henry Baker, Sarah Bland, John Bell, Robert Craword, Carter Crawford, John Clements, Walter Cotton, Thomas Cotton, Francis Clements, Abraham Evans, George Ford, Walter Flood, Elizas Ford (Elijah?), Thomas Flood, Benjamin Ferreby, Richard Green, Henry Hart, John Hancock, Henry Hollingsworth, George Jordan, Richard Jordan, William Knott, Robert Lancaster, George Lanier, Edmond Matthew, Richard Parker, William Phillips, Francis Regan, Richard Rose, Charles Savage, Thomas Sharpe, William Swann, Hanry Savage, Thomas Wright, Charles Williams, John Watkins, Henry Welch, Matthew Wilkinson. (des Cognets, pp. 210-214)
1704 – VA Henrico – Admin - Rent Roll - No Knights, names of interest: Thomas Andrews, Essex Bevill, William Walker, Maj. Thomas Chamberlain, Theodore Carter, Capt. Frederick Epes, Isham Epes, Francis Epes JR, Richard Ferris SR, Henry Farmer, Edward Hughes, Samuel Hancock, James Hambleton, Robert Hancock, Henry Jordan, William Perker, Robert Powell, William Pride SR, William Pinckett, Robert Sharpe, Thomas Taylor, John Woodson, Robert Woodson, Robert Woodson JR, Richard Woodson, Widdow Woodson, Henry Watkins SR, Thomas Williamson, Joseph Wilkinson. (des Cognets, pp. 216-221)
1704 – VA Prince George – Admin - Rent Roll - No Knights, names of interest: Thomas Anderson, Charles Anderson, Matthew Anderson, William Anderson, John Anderson, Henry Anderson, John Butler, William Butler, John Coleman, Francis Coleman, William Coleman JR, John Epes SR, William Epes SR, John Epes, William Epes, Edward Epes, Littlebury Epes, Benjamin Evans, John Hardiman, Richard Moore, William Rachell, Capt. John Tayloer, John Vaughan, Samuel Vaughan, Daniel Vaughan, James Vaughan, Richard Vaughan, William Vaughan, Nicholas Vaughan, Valentine Williamson. (des Cognets, pp. 222-227)
1704 – VA Northampton – Admin - Rent Roll - John Knight, 200 acres. (p. 230, des Cognets; see entry for 1696 Apr 26 also) Other names of interest: Robert Andrews, Andrew Andrews, George Bullock, George Bell, John Baker, Samuel Cobb, Robert Gascoyne, William Gascoyne, John Greene SR, John Johnson SR & JR, Jacob Johnson, Capt. Obedience Johnson, Obedience Johnson JR, Thomas Johnson SR & JR, Jeptha Johnson SR & JR, Edmond Johnson, William Kendall, John Lawrence, Robert Lewis, John Matthews, Matthew Moore SR & JR, Gilbert Moore, John Moore, Eleanor Moore, Frances Powell (widow), Samuel Palmer, John Powell, Samuel Powell, Daniel Paine, John Roberts, Obedience Roberts, Thomas Savage, Richard Sanders, John Swann, Capt. Thomas Savage, Elkington Savage, John Walker. (des Cognets, pp. 228-232)
1705 - Apr 25 – VA Northumberland – Admin - Thomas Read - died seized of 1000 acs. Edmund Baysey of Northumberland Co. possessed 157 acs of Read’s land. Certificate by Thomas Hobson, Clk of said Co. Surv. by George Cooper. Near Thomas Knight, adj. Thomas Walters, Capt. Peter Knight’s Main Sw., Mr. Tayler. (Gray 1987, p. 31)
1705 - May 2 – VA Essex – Admin – Augustine Smith – Land patent for 1050 acres “about 2 ½ mi. from S. side the river… Beg. 100 perches from path to Portobacco [Port Tobacco] from Mattapony Indian Towne or Chicahominy… Granted Thomas Gilson, 20 Oct 1670, deserted & now granted by order, &c. Trans. Of 21 pers”. List includes: Elizabeth Lee and William Davis. Patent following, same date, same grantee: 2359 acs; same Co., date, & page. Bet. Rappa. River & the head or run of Mattapony Riv; E. on path from Portobacco Indian Town to Chicahominy Indian Town… Trans. Of 48 pers.” The list includes Thoma Jordan, Mary Scott, William Knight, James Johnson, William Moor, Margaret Johnson. (Nugent III, p. 97)
1705 - Jul – VA Northumberland – Will - Capt. Peter Knight - Will dated 28 Nov 1702. Will proved 18 Jul 1705.
* Peter Knight of Wiccocomoco Parish in the County of Northumberland, Gent., 28 November 1702:
* Son Leonard Knight a parcel of land bounding upon a branch of the Eastern Neck wch branch is next to his spring branch and southerly Upon the swamp and northerly upon a line of marked trees up the branch unto a marked poplar at head of the sd branch and from thence northwesterly unto a marked white oak standing in a thicket and so along to a marked red oak standing nigh the road to my house and nigh Mr Mayes path and so along his path to the head of the spring branch to Mr. Rich’d Nutts marked tree at the head of the branch and so along his marked trees southerly unto Mr Peter Presleys marked trees and so thence easterly along his line unto ye swamp and so along the swamp to the branch where it began; to him and his heirs etc.
* Son James Knight all the rest and remainder of my land to him and his heirs.
* Daughter Elizabeth Knight shall have as much land as a couple of hands can tend during her life and not to be molested with land she now lives on.
* Son Leonard Knight my silver seals and one hundred pounds of tobacco
* Daughter Elizabeth Knight one hundred pounds of tobacco to buy her a ring.
* Daughter Mary Knight one hundred pounds of tobacco to buy her a ring.
* Son James Knight my sole executor.
* Son James Knight all my personal estate to him and his heirs.
* Witness: mark of Robt R Marsh, Patrick Maley (his mark), Joan O Maley (her mark)
* This original will was presented into Northumberland County Court by Jno Coppedge and the book of Records wherein the same was recorded being burned with the office on the sd Coppedge motion. it is again admitted to Record. July 16th 1712. (Abstract of Peter Knight's will Recorded in Northumberland County Virginia Record Book 1706-1720 pages 175-176)
Peter Knight's Will in Northumberland County Virginia Record Book 1706-1720 p. 175 |
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1705 - Jul 18 – VA Northumberland – Admin – James Knight - Court: Motion of James Knight, Exor., a Probate to him of the Last Will of his dec’d father Mr. Peter Knight, proved by Patrick Maley and Robert Marsh. (Duvall, p. 102)
1705 - Jul 27 – VA Northumberland – Admin – Thomas Knight - Thomas Read died seized of 1000 Acs. Thomas Knight of Northumberland Co. possessed 80 A. of Read’s land. Endorsement by Thomas Hobson Clk of said Co. Surv. By Edwin Conway. Grant to Knight for 140 A. (80 A. & 60 A. surplus) in Northumberland Co. on Capt. Howsons Sw., adj. Kiffin’s or Downing’s line. (Gray 1987, p. 32)
1705 - Aug 16 – VA Lancaster – Admin – Leonard Knight - Court: Leonard Knight and Anne his wife Ack. a Deed of Indenture of Land to William Short of Lancaster County. This transcript says: “Wittnesseth that ye sd. William Short and Elisabeth his Wife in consideracon of other lands by the sd. Leonard Knight and Ann his Wife conveyed to ye sd. William Short and Elisabeth his wife… acknowledge themselves fully satisfied. And clearly acquitted & dischargeth the sd. Leonard Knight and Ann his Wife a certain tract of land containing Two hundred and fifteene acres being in Fleets Bay in the Pish: of Christ Church in the County of Lancaster…. Near unto Robert Huffs House… line of Abraham Corrells. etc” (Duvall, p. 102; The full transcript can be found in Sparacio’s Lancaster County Virginia Deed Book Abstracts 1701-1706)
Note: The use of the word “dischargeth” suggests that the Shorts held a mortgage or lien on a tract of land in Lancaster county. That, in turn, might suggest that Leonard and Anne had obligated themselves for this tract somewhat earlier. That means, we don’t know when they married, or even if they already had children. We do know that Capt. Peter Knight, Leonard’s father, mentioned no grandchildren in his will but that does not absolutely mean that there were none because he did mention “heirs” of his two sons. What is rather telling is that Leonard traded off his inheritance from his father almost before Capt Peter was cold in the grave.
1705 - Oct – VA Jamestown – Info - The General Assembly passes "An Act Concerning Servants and Slaves," which summarizes previous laws defining bound labor in Virginia. It makes distinctions between the treatment of white "Christian" indentured servants and nonwhite, non-Christians, allowing for the killing of slaves in various situations without penalty. (VA History online). The wealthy elite landowners were evidently becoming nervous about the stability of their economic system based on slaves formerly called “indentured servants”. They were seeking a way to perpetuate it in the face of rising dissatisfaction among the masses of whites and blacks who were being exploited.
1705 - Nov 2 – VA Essex – Admin – Daniel Mackgirt & James Gibbins - Land patent for 3700 acres …”bet. Rappa. & Matapony Rivers; S. on a gr. Tract granted to Maj. Robert Beverly, dec’d., & N. on land of Thomas Pannell, dec’d; … E. side of Chickahominie Path sometimes called Portobago Path [Port Tobacco] ... Imp. Of 74 pers”. The list incl: Margaret Butler, John Morgan John Hughes, Elizabeth Dudley, John Knight, Elizabeth Morgan, Anne Jefferys, Richard Johnson, Jane Roberts, Sarah Roberts, John Davis, Richard Scott, James Johnson, Jacob Martin, Robert Gibbins, Justin Cox, John Holliday, Robert Whitehead, Matthew Lloyd, Thomas Martin. . (Nugent III, p. 100)
1705 - Nov 2 – VA Essex – Admin - Daniel Mackgirt & Francis Shackleford – Land patent for 1316 acres “bet. Rappa. & Mattapony Rivers… Imp. Of 27 pers: Frances Knight … John Hambleton.” (Nugent III, p. 104)
1705 - Nov 20 – VA Northumberland – Admin – James Knight - James Knight of Northumberland County, planter, sells to Edmond Bassey (Bazie) Junr, 60 acres. Part of patent formerly granted to Capt. Peter Knight 1 Nov 1661. Adj land of Leonard Knight which land is now land of William Short, Mr. Mayes plantation, etc. Wit: Edmond Basie Senr, Isaac Baysie, Dennis Coure. Re. rec by John Coppedge (Copage) for Edmond Baysie 16 Jul 1712. (Fleet, Northumbria Collectanea, p. 560)
1706 - May 1 – VA Prince George – Mr. John Anderson & Mr. Robert Mumford – Land patent for 405 acres “Beg. Near Henry King, on S. side of Moccosoneck Cr. Trans. Of 8 pers.” incl: James King, John Lewis. (Nugent III, p. 104) Note: Prince George County was formed in 1703 from the portion of Charles City County that was south of the James River.
1706 - Jul 10 – VA Jamestown – Info - Grace Sherwood undergoes a water test to determine whether she is guilty of the charge of witchcraft. Sherwood floats, indicating her guilt, and once ashore is examined for witch's marks. A jury of women finds two marks. Sherwood is imprisoned and ordered to undergo another trial. It is unclear whether the second trial ever occurred. (VA Hist online)
1706 - Oct 13 – VA Northumberland – Bap – Ephraim Knight - s/o Leonard Knight and Anne (Wright 2016, p. 373) Note: There is more evidence further along that Leonard had other children before Ephraim even though no grandchildren are mentioned in the will of Capt. Peter Knight, Leonard’s father. It is notable that Ephraim was baptized in an Anglican church after the death of Capt. Peter considering the fact that Peter was a staunch Puritan.
1706 – VA Isle of Wight – Admin – Leonard Knight - Deed for land patented by his father in 1655. (The William and Mary Quarterly, Vol. 7, No. 4 (Apr., 1899), pp. 205-315)
Note: There is no record of a patent by Capt. Peter Knight of any land in Isle of Wight county and none is mentioned in his will. He left a well-defined parcel of land in Northumberland County to Leonard, and all the rest of his land to his son James Knight. It has been noted that James patented land in Isle of Wight, possibly next to that of Capt. Peter and he may have gone there first to manage his father’s land. This record may be evidence of James transferring a tract to his brother, Leonard. More details would be welcomed.
1708 - May 20 – VA Stafford - Admin – Thomas Knight - Court: An Inventory of the Estate of Thomas Knight made by Katherine Knight. (Sparacio, SCWDA 1699-1709, p. 147)
1709 – May 28 - VA Northampton – Will - John Knight - Sons: Charles Knight, John Knight and William Knight; Brother: Dixon Knight; wife Ann to be executrix; Wit: Benjamin Stratton, Richard Thorman. (Crozier 1909, p. 223)
1709 - Jun 1 – VA Henrico – Will - Jane Pleasants of Curles - To daughter Mary Woodson, Items & Negro woman Maria
* To granddaughter Jane Woodson, items and negro Samson.
* To (gr-grandson) John Woodson, son of said Jane Woodson, 2 silver spoons.
* To (gr-granddaughter) Mary Woodson, daughter of said Jane, 1 silver spoon.
* To (son?) Joseph Woodson, negro girl Bridget, livestock, etc.
* To grandson Tucker Woodson, negro girl Nanny, at age 21.
* To grandson Benjamin Woodson, items at age 21. Remainder of bequests to her Pleasants children, daughter Elizabeth Cock, son James Cock, daughter Dorothy Pleasants, grandson Thomas pleasants, granddaughter Anne Pleasants, granddaughter Jane Pleasants, granddaughter Dorothy Pleasants, Son Joseph’s daughter Elizabeth, grandson Joseph Pleasants, son Joseph’s daughter Jane, granddaughter Martha Pleasants, friend Mary Howard, William porter, the Elder, son John Pleasants, son John executor etc etc. (Weisiger, 1998, pp. 92-93)
1709 - Jul 20 – VA Northumberland – Will - Hancock Lee - Proved by oaths of Thomas Knight and Mary Knight, witnesses to the will. Dau: Anna Armistead, son: Richard Lee (b. 18 Aug 1709) Hancock’s Northumberland Plantation; Bro. Richard Lee Esq., Cozen. John Howson; good friend Robert Carter Esq. to be executors. Codicil: son Isaac Lee, land above the falls of Rappahannock Riv.; 2nd. Codicil: son John Lee to get land in “Chopowamsick contey”. Wife pregnant at time of will. Witnesses to various parts: Thomas Knight, Thomas Ingram, Mary Knight, Daniel Fielding, Robert Spencer, Elizabeth Bell, John Harris, William Jones. (Sparacio NC DWA 1670-1672 and 1706-1711, pp. 79-81) Note: Robert Spencer bequeathed his plantation in Kent Co, named Memento More, to his son, Thomas Spencer, in his 1732 will.
1709 - Dec 28 – VA York – Bap – Ann Knight – d/o John Knight by Bridget; Charles Parish. (Bell 1932, p. 123)