by Laura Knight
See Knight Records 1166-1549 for key.
1720 - VA Brunswick - Info - County was established from Prince George County.
VA Counties before 1720 | VA Counties after 1720 |
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1720 - Jun 15 – NC Pasquotank – Admin - Lewis Knight - witnesses the will of Winefred Boyd. (Grimes 1910, p. 42)
Note: See entry 1701 Apr 1 for a Lewis Knight of Accomack/Northampton who has a wife named Esther. They may be parents of this Lewis who, as we will see further on, has a wife named Ann, apparently a Richardson.
1721 – Apr 18 – NC Chowan Precinct – Admin – John Cotten - The Honorable Frederick Jones, Esquire of Chowan Prect. to John Cotten, Gentleman and Martha his wife and Alexander Cotten son of the sd John all of the sd Prect. for 5 shillings lawful money of this Province a lease for one year of 800 acres whereon the sd John Cotten now dwells on Meherring Creek, joining the sd Jones, Cat Tail Branch and Hoskey Path all houses, gardens, orchards etc. and is part of a larger tract belonging to the sd Jones Wit.: Thomas Harvey, J. Lovick Reg Chowan Ct Apr 1721 Test: Thomas Henman, Clerk. (Hofmann 1696-1723, p. 116)
1721 – Apr 18 – NC Chowan Precinct – Admin – John Cotten – Frederick Jones, Esquire of Chowan Prect to John Cotten, Gentleman, and Martha his wife and Alexander Cotten son of the sd John for 40 pounds and the love and affection I bear toward my grandson the sd Alexander the 800 acres whereon the sd John now lives Wit: Thomas Harvey, John Lovick Reg Chowan Ct Apr 1721 Test: Thomas Henman, Clerk. (Hofmann 1696-1723, p. 117)
Note: The “experts” say this was a copying error on the part of the clerk, that the word was God-son and not grandson.
1721 – VA Richmond – Admin - John Knight – Rent Rolls. (Virginia, Compiled Census and Census Substitutes Index, 1607-1890)
1721 – VA Richmond – Admin - John Knight – County records: Knight pays a debt to Mrs. Susannah Taylor, widow. (Fleet, Richmond, p. 322)
1722 - Mar 3 – NC Bertie – Admin - James Anderson - of Bath County to John Gray (Capt.) … 400 acres NS Morattock River in Occoneeche Neck. Part of 640 acres surveyed by Coll. William Maule for William Braswell then sold to Matthew Capps, and by Capps sold to James Anderson. Adj. William Boon, John Nelson. Wit: Patrick Maule, Mau. Moore. (Bell 1997, p. 1)
1722 - May 15 – VA Brunswick – Admin - Robert Mumford & John Anderson Gents – Land patent for 2811 acs. in a fork of Cock’s Cr; 14 Lbs., 5 Shill. (Nugent III, p. 232)
1722 - Oct 9 – NC Craven – Admin - Thomas Knight - witnesses the will of William Handcock. (Grimes 1910, p. 149) Note: This my be Thomas Knight of Northumberland. He disappears from there in 1710.
1723 - Jan 24 – NC Bertie – Admin - Robert Lanier (Laneer) - & wife Sarah Sell to James Spier of Nansemond Co. VA: 25 pds for 420 acs. “lately taken up & pattened” by Robert Laneer dated April 1, 1723. On Spring Branch adj. Anthony Williams, James Sumner on Ahotsky. Wit: Charles Jones, William Mears. Feb. Court 1723 – Same date and participants: Spier pd 25 pds for 300 acs. On Ahotskey Ridge. (Mary Bell, p. 9 )
1723 - Mar 5 – NC Pasquotank – Will - Daniel Richardson - Legatee: Mrs. Ann Knight, wife of Lewis Alexander Knight. (Grimes 1910, p. 313)
1723 – May 23 – NC Bertie – Court – John Cotten - Superior Ct held at Edenton 1723:John Cotten, Esq., had sued John Grey, of Bertie precinct, gentleman. On appeal from a precinct ct. held at the house of James Howard at “Ahotsky,” on 14 May, 1723. (J. W. Moore V 1, p. 49)
1723 - May – VA Jamestown – Info - As part of a long act devoted to "the better government of Negros, Mulattos, and Indians, bond or free," the General Assembly declares "That no free negro, mullatto, or indian whatsoever, hereafter have any vote at the election of burgesses, or any other election whatsoever." The law also restricts a master's ability to free his slaves. (Ency. of VA online)
Note: This is interesting for the implication that for the first almost 100 years of Colonial America, Negros and Indians could vote in local elections. It was only as an elite formed and tightened their grip on power that equal treatment under the law was gradually taken away.
1723 - Apr 26 – NC Bertie – Admin - John Cotten - & wife Martha sell to John Spier: 221 pds. 10 sh. for 300 acs. NW Horsky (Ahorskey) surveyed by Thomas Diall. Patent dated June 8, 1719. Adj. John Cotten JR, Col. Maule. Wit: William Martin, Thomas Jordan, Thomas Jenkins. May Court 1723. John Sutton D. C/C. (Bell 1997, p. 3)
Note: Patience Cotten, daughter of John and Martha Godwin Cotten, married John Spier (1656-1740) and their granddaughter, Terece Spier, married Robert Knight, son of John Knight (1705-1770) and Isabell Carter.
1723 – Aug 8 – NC Bertie – Admin – John Cotten – Land sale to Richard Holland: land on the south side of the Roanoke River and Broad Meadow adjoining John Green; part of a patent granted Cotten. wit; William Whitfield, John Scott. (Bertie County Deed B193, proven in November Court 1726)
1723 – Sep 5 – VA Surry – Admin – Phillip Jones – Land patent for 180 acs on N. side of Nottoway Riv , S side of Sappony Creek, adj. Robert Jones; by the Rockey branch, 20 Shill. (Nugent III, p. 253)
1723 – Sep 5 – VA Surry – Admin – Robert Webb JR – Land patent for 295 acs on S. side of Nottoway Riv., 30 Shill. (Nugent III, p. 253)
1723 – Sep 5 – VA Surry – Admin – William Phillips – Land patent for 150 acs S. side of the Black Water Swamp; adj Joseph Wall, James Wall & Richard Hill; 15 Shill. (Nugent III, p. 253)
1723 – Sep 5 – VA Surry – Admin – John Roberts – Land patent for 235 acs N. side of Nottoway Rive, 25 Shill. (Nugent III, p. 254)
1723 - Sep 5 – VA Surry – Admin - Silvanus Stokes (Stoakes) – Land patent for 380 acs. Surry Co; S. side of Nottoway River, & on both sides of Racoon Sw;. 40 Shill. (Nugent III, p. 254)
Note: Sylvanus Stokes (1710-1766) and Cecilia Walker Stokes, were the parents of Elizabeth Stokes who married John Knight (d. 1791 Sussex VA) One should be aware that there were two men named Sylvanus Stokes during this period, one of them in Surry/Sussex, and another in Henrico/Goochland.
1723 - Sep 5 – VA Surry – Admin – Nicholas Calliham - Land patent for 350 acs, S side of Nottoway Riv. Cor of John Anderson’s land. (Nugent III, p. 254)
1723 – 5 Sep – VA Surry – Admin – James Lee – Land patent for 190 acs S side of the Three Creeks, 20 Shill. (Nugent III, p. 255)
1723 – Sep 5 – VA Surry – Admin – John Jones JR – Land patent for 95 acs N. side of Nottoway River, S side of Sappony Cr… land of Nathaniel Maloon, 10 Shill. (Nugent III, p. 255)
1723 – 5 Sep – VA Surry – Admin – James Anderson – Land patent for 100 acs S. side of the main Blackwater Sw; N side of the Pidgeon Sw, 10 Shill. (Nugent III, p. 256)
1723 - Oct 6 – VA Gloucester – Admin - Samuel Clark - witness to a deed between Augustine Smith of Spotsylvania County and Augustine Smith of Petsworth Parish, Gloucester County. Another witness is Rebeka Cohone (Cone?). (Crozier 1905, p. 91)
Note: It is now almost 50 years since a Samuel Clarke was “heir and next of kin” to Peter Knight of Gloucester so this must be a son.
1723 - Dec 25 Dec – VA Spotsylvania – Admin - Leonard Knight (Night) - purchased 140 acres of land in Spts. from Francis Thornton of Essex Co. and Anthony Thornton of Stafford Co., Gent., for 530 lbs of tobacco yearly for 99 years. Rec. April 7, 1724. (Crozier)
1724 – VA Stafford –Admin - Leonard Knight - Overwharton Parish List of Tenders of Tobacco includes: James Fletcher, William Fletcher, Moses Fletcher, Aaron Fletcher, Leonard Knight, Christopher Knight, Isaac Knight, Ephraim Knight. (King 1961, pp. 157-165)
Note: Leonard’s son, Ephraim, whose birthdate we know, would be just 18 at this time and it appears that Leonard was listing additional sons, Christopher and Isaac who would likely need to be over 16 at least to be listed. They are listed in this order, so perhaps it indicates age, oldest to youngest? As noted, no grandchildren were mentioned in the will of Capt. Peter Knight, but that is no proof that there were none and this record appears to indicate that there were earlier sons and that they must have been born before Capt. Peter died. This branch of Knights intermarried with the Fletchers of Stafford County so I have included them also.
1724 - Jul 9 – VA Henrico – Admin - Francis Epes, Gent – Land patent for 1000 acres “N. side of Appamattocks Riv; Beg. at Col. Francis Epes & Company, in Wintopock Survey; to N. side of Capt. Henry Anderson’s road; to head of a br. of Buckshorn Cr; to N. side of Wintopock main Cr. 5 Lbs. Money.” (Nugent III, p. 263)
1724 - Jul 9 – VA Henrico – Admin - John Pride – Land patent for 400 acres “on the main br. Of Swift Cr., above the Beaver Ponds; crossing Geneto Br. … 40 shill.” (Nugent III, p. 263)
1724 - Jul 9 – VA Hanover – Admin - John Anderson – Land patent for 208 acs. “Beg. Aat Col. Byrd’s & Capt. Dangerfield’s cor; to S. side of the middle fork of Crumpt Cr; cor. Of Henry Bow; 25 Shill.” (Nugent III, p. 266)
1724 - Jul 18 – VA Stafford – Admin – Leonard Knight - Rent roll returned by James Carter includes: David Anderson, land rented from Hancock Lee, James Bland, John Bland, Widow Bland, Gerard Fowkes, James Fletcher (King 1961, pp. 146-157.)
Note: Much of the K section missing, so no Knights but they can be assumed to be at least Leonard Knight and his sons as noted in the “List of Tobacco Tenders” above from the same year.
1724 - Oct 1 – VA Isle of Wight – Will - John Murray (Murry) - Mentions “daughter Elizabeth Woodson, grandson James Woodson.” (Chapman 1647-1800, p. 92)
1724 - Dec 23 – VA Caroline - Admin - Robert Farish - Land patent granted to Robert Farish, John Pigg & John May for 2000 acres “in a fork of Mattapony Riv., about 2 mi. above the Doeg Town… Imp. Of 40 persons” incl: Margarett Gallaway, James Gallaway, John Eye, Ore Hinson, John Knight. (Nugent III, p. 167)
Note: Recall that the 1714 Jun 16 patent granted to Samuel Parker for 200 acres “near head of Bennett’s Cr. Included, as headrights, John Eye, Oril Hinson, James Gullaway, John Knight. That is a full 10 years previous.
1725 - Mar 24 – VA Isle of Wight – Admin - William Lee – Land patent for 340 acs. on N. side of Maherin Riv; adj Hugh Lee & James Grecian’s line 35 shill. (Nugent III, p. 307)
1725 - Mar 24 – VA Surry – Admin - Richard King – Land patent for 190 acs S. side of Nottoway Riv; on S. side of Hunting Quarter Sw; on N. side of Lee’s Branch, adj. William Lee; & Richard Woodroofe’s line &c.. 20 shill. (Nugent III, p. 307)
1725 - Mar 24 – VA Isle of Wight – Admin - Charles Bass JR – Land patent for 135 acres “S. side of Nottoway Rive., & S. side the Three Creeks; on William Seward’s land; 15 Shill. (Nugent III, p. 305)
1725 - Mar 24 – VA Isle of Wight – Admin - James Bass – Land patent for 290 acs. “S. side of Nottoway Rive; on S. side the Three Creeks; adj. Charles Bass, JR; & George Wyche’s line… 30 Shill.” (Nugent III, p. 305)
1725 - Mar 24 – VA Henrico – Admin - John Spiers (Spears) – Land patent for 400 acs. (Foley 1983, p. 68)
1725 - Mar – NC Albemarle – Admin – James Spier - Precinct Court of Bertie: A forged 3 pound bill allegedly passed by James Spier (or Speers) was exhibited to a Court of Oyer and Terminer held at Edenton. Also implicated were Edward Howard and John Williams of Bertie Precinct. Bail provided by Williams, James Castellaw and Francis Pugh. All released for lack of evidence. (Kenneth Scott (1957) Counterfeiting in Colonial North Carolina; The North Carolina Historical Review, Vol. 34, No. 4 (October, 1957), pp. 467-482; )
1725 – May 10 – NC Bertie – Admin – John Cotten - John and Judith Cotten to James Brockden; 50 acres on the south side of the Morratuck River adjoining John Green and William Green, Wit. John Kelly. (Bertie County Deed A 402, proven in May Ct. 1725)
1725 – Jul 27 – NC Bertie – Court – John Cotten - At a Generall Court of Oyer and Terminer and Gaol Delivery held at the Courthouse in Edenton, the Grand Jury presented a Bill of Indictment against John Cotten for marrying “a Molatto Man to a White woman”. John Cotten didn’t show up for the first hearing so he was summoned for the next court where he did appear and it was decided it had been so long since this marriage happened that there was no remedy so the case was dismissed. (Colonial Records of NC online)
1725 - Aug 17 – VA Henrico – Admin - William Bass – Land patent for 350 acres “S. side of James River; on S side of Proctor’s Cr; adj James Akin, Junr; on N. side of Crooked Br; & Capt John Worsham’s line… 35 Shill.” (Nugent III, p. 291)
1726 - Aug 12 – VA Spotsylvania – Admin - Larkin Chew, SR - Of St. Geo. Par., Spts. Co., to James and Uriah Garton of the same par. and Co. 30 pounds ster., 500 a. in St. Geo Par., …adjoining Col. John Robinson and Joseph Brock… Wit: G. Home, Thomas Smith, John Grayson, junr. (Crozier 1905, p. 97)
Note: The Gartons intermarry with the Leonard Knight Line of Capt. Peter Knight.
1726 - Sep – VA Northumberland – Will – Francis Knight - … I Francis Knight of the County of Northumberland and parish of Great Wiccocomoco… to my loving wife all my whole Estate, Goods, cattle and Lands During her widowhood and after her death or marriage unto my son John Knight and his heirs forever. … to Thomas Walker, his clothes. Exs: Wife and Charles _aver or aven. Wit: Aaron Taylor, John Hornsby, George Walker. Died Feb 15 1726.
Note: The son, John, may not have been adult as he was not named executor and everything was left to the wife until she remarried or died. Also notice the witness, John Hornsby and refer to previous entries re: Hornsbys. There is a strong suggestion of relationship to Capt. Peter Knight’s branch.
1726 – Oct – NC Bertie – Court – Patience Cotton Spier – In the General Court Records of North Carolina is found a portion of the records pertaining to what must have been a scandalous case. Apparently, John Cotton and his wife, Martha Godwin Cotton, had a daughter who married Capt. John Spier, nephew of Dr. James Spier and his wife, Ann Doughtie Spier, the latter being a midwife. Apparently, Patience was attended by Ann Spier during childbirth and died some little time after (not uncommon in those days due to unsanitary practices), and the parents of Patience accused Ann Doughtie Spier of murder. They were serious about it and had Ann Spier indicted. Ann Spier was imprisoned, arraigned, tried and acquitted. We only know about this because of the preservation of the counter-suit filed against the Cotten’s by the Spiers after the acquittal. It’s a bit tricky to read and the transcriber has inserted some clarifications in parentheses. But, it gives fascinating insight into things going on at that time in the background that the usual record collections do not provide.
October 1726 : Speir et Uxor v Cotton et Uxor. (Dr James Spier & his wife Ann Doughtie Spier vs John Bertie Cotton & wife Martha, parents of Patience Cotton Spier.)
Dr James Spier (JP), and Ann (Doughtie) Spier, his Wife of Bertie precinct (brought a) complain(t) against John (“Berite”) Cotton (Jr) of the sayd precinct, planter, and Martha (Godwin) Cotton, his Wife (who is) in (the) Custody of the Marchall etc, (because of/awaiting) of a plea Videlicet (viz, namely MARTHA GODWIN COTTON was accused of the following):
Whereas the aforesayd Anne the Wife of the afforesayd James now is a true and faithfull leige Subject etc. .. . hitherto from the time of her Nativity hath always been deem'd and reputed without any Suspition of theft, Murder, and from any other kind of hurtfull Crime unaccused and unsuspected hitherto hath been. Nevertheless the sayd Defendants (Martha & John Bertie Cotton) not being ignorant of the premisses, but of their meer wicked malice afoethought malitiously contriving and intending the sayd Ann of her good name and fame to deprive, and her the sayd Ann, to bring (her) into perill of her life, the sayd Defendant Martha, the Wife of the sayd John Cotton, on or about the nineteenth day of February One thousand seven hundred and twenty five (19 Feb 1725) at Bertie precinct in this Colony of North Carolina these following false Malitious and Scandalous Words the sayd Martha (said) of the sayd Ann in presence and in (the) hearing of many of his Majestys faithfull Subjects, openly and publickly, did Say, and with a Loud Voyce, did publish Videlicet (the following):
"Your Wife (meaning Ann one of the Plaintiffs, the Wife of James Spier, the other plaintiff) did murder my Daughter" who was (by) then dead (meaning Patience, the late Wife of John Spier Gentleman (who was also a J P), i.e. the daughter of the Defendants (Martha & John Bertie Cotton)).
And the sayd John Cotten then and there sayd "wee will Stand to it" (Meaning they the sayd Defendants would prove the Murder aforesayd).
And further, they the aforesayd John and Martha of their meer wicked malice aforesayd afterwards Videlicet (said the following) at a General Court Of Oyer and Terminer and Gaole (Jail) Delivery held at the Court house in Edenton (the capital of North Carolina from 1722 to 1743) begun on Tuesday the twenty Sixth day of July One thousand seven hundred and twenty Six, and continued by several Adjourements to the third day of August (the) following (3 Aug 1726), before Christopher Gale Esqr. Chief Justice and his Assistants: the sayd Ann, one of the plaintiffs' falsely Devilishly and malitiously caused and procured to be indicited in these Words Videlicet To the court etc. (That is, Martha & Bertie had Ann indicted for the murder of their daughter Patience (Cotton) Spier.)
The Jurors for Our sovereign Lord the King, on their Oath, do present (Martha & John Bertie Cotton presented the following to the jurors in court):
That Ann Spier, the Wife of James Speir of Bertie precinct not having the fear of God before her Eyes, but being moved by the instigation of the Devil and her own wicked heart of Malice aforethought Videlicet (the following) in Bertie precinct aforesayd on or about the twelfth day of November One thousand seven hundred and twenty five (12 Nov 1725) by force and Armes, feloniously and voluntarily, with her hand, did tear out, and destroy the body, and womb, of Patience Speir, Wife of John Speir of the Sayd precinct. So that thereof She (Patience did) languish't for Some time Videlicet (like that) untill the last day of the sayd Month (30 Nov 1725), and then and thereof dyed;
And So the Jurors ... dosay. (were to determine) ... that Ann the sayd Patience did kill and murder.
(So, it was done and) By reason of this Indictment (the Cottons brought against) the sayd Ann. ...on the thirtieth day of July (30 Jul 1726) . . (Ann) was taken and imprison'd and arraign'd (and then) was tried and acquitted by means of all. (Unanimous verdict).
Ann was not only brought into perill of her life (by this accusation & trial), but (the accusations) also (did) much hurt in her Credit and good name. and (so) Ann and James are (now) suing (the Cottons) for damages.
Note: Based on the few clues, it seems that Patience Cotton Spier may have been in a dire situation delivering a child either breach, transverse, or too large, and Ann Doughtie Spier did what she could to remove the infant and save the life of the mother. However, without proper sanitary procedures, such an intervention can cause an infection and the patient may die from puerperal fever. Apparently, after this trial was over, it didn’t seem to affect the relations between John Cotten and Capt. John Spier; John Cotton remembered him in his will (see below) and apparently, after the death of John Cotten, John Spier married his daughter Martha Cotten Benton, widow of Francis Benton. It is uncertain whether James Spier, son of Capt. John Spier, was the son of Patience or sister Martha. In any event, James was the father of Terece Spier who married Robert Knight, son of John Knight of Nansemond/Bertie, who married Isabell Carter.
1726 – SC Berkeley – Admin – Mary Knight - listed at St. Andrew’s Parish. (Census substitutes, op. cit)
1727 – VA Northumberland – Bap – Benjamin Knight – s/o Joseph Knight & Joan. (Wright 2013, p. 203)
1727 - Oct 2 – VA Henrico – Will - John Woodson - To brother Samuel Woodson, 221 acres for which I have Matthew Gage’s deed, not yet surrendered to me, and 93.5 acres, for which have Stephen Butler’s bond, bounded by upper side of Daniel Pero’s line, and on lower side by Matthew Gage’s.
* To sister Martha Woodson, silver spoon.
* To cozen Judith Woodson, 30 shillings.
* All the rest to loving father Joseph Woodson and he to be executor. Dated 3 Jan 1726 Wit: Thomas Atkinson, Jacob Michaux, Judith Woodson, Recorded 2 Oct 1727 (Weisiger 1998, p. 142)
Note: This is the son of Joseph Woodson and Jane Woodson, 2nd cousins.
1728 - VA Goochland - Info - Formed from Henrico shire. Goochland originally included all of the land from Tuckahoe Creek, on both sides of the James River, west as far as the Blue Ridge Mountains.
1728 - May 21 - VA Goochland – Admin – John Woodson - Court: A Commission from the Honble. William Gooch Esqr. his Majesties Lieut. Governor & Commander in Chief of this Dominon to Thomas Randolph, John Fleming, William Mayo, John Woodson, Daniel Stoner, Rene Laforce, Tarlton Fleming, Allin Howard, and Edward Scot, Gent. to be Justices of the Peace for this County is read as also the Dedimus for administering oaths, then Tarlton Fleming & Allin Howard Gent., Administer the Oaths appointed by Act of Parliament… unto Thomas Randolph and William Mayo Gent. who also Subscribed the Test. take the oathe of a Justice of the peace and of a Justice in Chancery and then administer the Said oaths unto John Woodson, Tarlton Fleming, and Allin Howard Gent. who also Subscribed the Tes. etc. (Blomquist 2007, p.1)
Note: After getting things established, they determine to appoint a sheriff, take a list of tithables and these tasks are assigned out; then to build a Prison & Court House. After this, regular court business commences, deeds, suits, etc. I will not be including every thing in this set of records because most of it is irrelevant to my purposes. If you want to glut on mentions of the Woodson name, get the book!
What I did NOT find in this book, or anywhere else for that matter, is any record that reads as follows:
"John Knight served as a witness to an indenture between Samuel Gregory of Charles City County and William Knight of Goochland County in 1727. In this transaction, Gregory sold Knight 130 acs in Goochland County for 20 pds - land formerly owned, in part, by Joseph Woodson. Joseph had a sister Elizabeth Woodson, who married John Knight about two years later. In June 1742, William and John Knight sold the same 130 acs for 50 pds."
I've read the above in just about every account of John Knight of Lunenburg I've ever seen online, but I have never once seen the actual record. If anyone ever has, please send me a copy, a photograph, preferably, with source and provenance! It should be mentioned that Goochland County did not exist in 1727 so no indenture would have said “Goochland”. There was a William Knight and a Samuel Gregory in Goochland as will be seen further on, and there was a Samuel Gregory in Surry County in 1698 Tithables list, but I haven’t found a Samuel Gregory in Charles City County so far.
1728 – May – NC Bertie – Will – John Cotten - In the name of God Amen. I, John Cotten, of Bartie Precinct, in North Carolina, Gent., being sick in body but of perfect Sence & Sound memory, blessed by God, doe mak and ordaine this to be my last will and Testament, in manner and forme folowing, Viz: first,
** Item. I gaive to my son John Cotten, three hundred and twenty acors of land, be it more or less, whar he now lives, on the west sid of Ahorskey Marsh, to him and his heairs for ever.
** Item. I give to my son William Cotten one hundred and fifty acors land be it more or less, lying in the oserow (?) Meadows whar he now lives, beginning at a marked hickory at my uppermost line, so runing down a line of marked trees to the lower most line, to him and his heairs for ever.
** Item. I give to my son Samuel Cotten, a Neack of land whar he now lives, be the saime mor or less, and parte of a survay that I bought of Charles Stevenson, being a hund. acors mor or less to him and his heairs for ever.
** Item. I give to my son Thomas Cotten, all the remainder of my land bought of Charles Stevenson, it is northerdly of William Cotten and containes three hund and forty acors being a neck called the Green pond neck to him and his heairs for ever.
** Item. I give to my sons Arthur Cotten and James Cotten my lowermost survay land on fishing creek to be eaqualey devided betwixt ym, to them and their heairs for ever.
** Item. I give to my son Joseph Cotten, to hundred acors land and to be taken oute of my uper survay on fishing creek, to him and his heairs for ever.
** Item. I give to my son Alexander Cotten, one hundred acors land out of my uper survay of fishing creek to him and his heairs for ever and the other three hundred acors to be equaley devided betwen my sons John Cotten, William Cotten, and Samll. Cotten, to them and their heirs for ever.
** Item. I give to my son Arthur Cotten, one Neagerow man naimed Meingo, butt except the labour and sarvice of the sd. Neagerow to be preformed and don for my loveing wife Martha Cotten deuring her widowhood, and my sd son Arthur Cotten to be and goe for himself when he shall arrive at the age of 18 years.
** Item. I give to my son James Cotten, one Neagerow boye naimed Peter to him and his heairs for ever and that my son James Cotten may goe and for himself when he shall arrive att the age of eighteen years.
** Item. I give to my son Thomas Cotten one Neagroe gerlle naimed Rose to him and his heairs for ever but except the labour and sarverce of the sd Neagrow geirll to be for and with my loving wife Martha Cotten deuring her widowhood, and that my son Thos. Cotten be free and goe for him self when the sd Thos. arrive at the age of eighteen years.
** Item. I give to my son Joseph Cotten one Neagerow boy named Toney to him and his heirs for ever.
** Item. I give unto my daughter Priscilla Cotten (Presseler) one Neagerow woman named Mooll to her and her heairs for ever, butt except the youse and labour of the sd Neagrerow to be for my loving wife Martha Cotten dewering her widowhood.
** Item. I give to my son Alexander Cotten one Neagerow man named Guge, butt except the sd Neagerows labour and survice to be for my loveing wife Martha Cotten during hur widowhood.
** Item. I give to my son William Cotten one new feather bead and a woosted sett ruge and one large fine blanket and a sheate, to pewter bassons, and to pewter dishes, three cows and calves, to yearlings, and one three year ould heifer, and eight soues with their in creese, and one baye Gelding horse, and one large barow or spayed sow, and a pateran of fine druged for a sute of close, coate, bretches and jacket and triming answreable and fifty bushalls of oyster shells. And all that parsell of plank that wase sawed for the meill work to euqualie devided betwene my sd son William Cotten and my son Samll. Cotten.
** Item. I give to my son Samuel Cotten, a p’terne of fine druged to make him a sute of close and trimings answrable which cloth and triming is to be answare and euqualey devided betwix my sons William and Samll. Cotten.
** Item. To my son Samuel Cotten, I give one feather bead known by the naime of the Trundle bead and a blew wostde sett rugg and one blanket and sheate and one square fraimed warnut table, and three cows and calves, and an in broke hors of to years ould, to puter bassons, and to puter dishes, and fifty bushells of oyster shells and to each of my sons Samll. and Wm Cotten, a large steare, to purches ym nails to buld them a howse, each &.
** Item. I give to my son Alexander Cotten, eight sowes with their increase and three cows, one heifer yearling, and one to year ould steare and one three year ould steare.
** Item. I give to my son John Cotten all the stock of both hogs and cattle that is now in his possession of my marke and fifty bushels of oyster shells.
** Item. I give to my daughter Susannah Cotten, the feather bead whar on she lyes with all its furniture.
** Item. I give to my son Thomas Cotten, one sute of new courteins of a blew couller, one large fine bead tick, one wosted sett rugg, and one large fine blankett.
** I give and bequeath to my loveing wife Martha Cotten, my bead whar on I lye with all its furniture, courtens, rugg, blankets, sheates, pelowes, and one large new fine blanket and quelt, besides and bead stead corde and matt. and,
** Item I give to my son Alexander Cotten as much dewroys which is now by me as will make him a suite of clothes.
** Item. I give to my sons Alexander and Samuel Cotten as much striped holan, as will make each of ym a jeacket and bretches and trimeing to sons Alexander and Samll. Cotten as much striped holan, as will make each of ym a jeacket and bretches and trimeing to it.
** And I give and bequeath to my loveing wife my riding horse, calling his name Blaise, and a sid sadle.
** Item. I give to my son in law, John Thomas, one puter dish.
** Item. I give to my son in law, Capt. John Spiers (Spears), one puter dish.
** Item. I give to my daughter Mary Holland, one puter dish,and the use of the above neagreroes is left to my sd wife for hur own and my sd fower youngest childrens maintaneance during her widowhood.
** Item. I give to my son Joseph Cotten, three wethers and a ramm, to yewes and a lam.
** Item. I give to my daughter, Martha Benton, late widow of Francis Benton, deceased, three ewes with their increase.
** Item. I give to my sons William and Samuel Cotten, 20 pounds of feathers to be equaly devided inlargen their beds.
** My will is furder that my mill stones, spindle, jaks, and peecks to be sold for silver money and that to be equaley devided betweixt my fower small children, Arthur, Priscilla (Pesseller), James, and Thomas Cotten and all the remd of my estate both within and with oute dores I leave to my and fower small children above named to be equaley devided.
** Item. I give to my daughter, Susanah, as much fine silk stufe as will mak hur a sute of clothes
** and my will is that my mair that runes in Tormenteing nack, the first coult she brings may be for my son, Arthur Cotten, and if the sd mair lives to bring aney more coultes may be for my son, James and Thos. Cotten and,
** Lastly, I doe apoint my loveing wife to be exetrs. of this my last will and testment, butt nomonate and appoint my loveing friend, Thomas Bryant, and William Bennett to be over Sears, and have power, in case my wife should again marey and hur covetor prove unhappy to hur and my fower small children, to remove and secure them and their estate att their desc.
** In witness war of asigne this to be my Last will and testement.
** John Cotten. (Seal)
** Test. Thomas Bryant, Jurat; Thomas Strange; her mark, Mary M Parkers. Jurat.
** Bertie Sc May Court 1728, The above will was exhibited by Martha Cotten, Widow and sole executrix of John Cotten, deced. and was proved by the Oaths of Capt. Thomas Bryant, and Mary Parker, in open court in due form of law, who were evidences thereto. And then the sd. Martha took the Exrs: oath in Open Court. Test. Rt. Forster, Cler, Cur. Office of the sec. of state.–
** Division of estate among (1) William Cotten, (2) Samuel Cotten, (3) Alexander Cotten, (4) John Cotten as gdn. of Susanah Cotten, (5) the widow Martha Benton with the residue undivided for the four small children. Record signed by Simon Jeffreys, John Dew, James Moor and R. Brasswell.
** 1 Nov, 1729 - On reading at this Board the petition of Samuel Pugh Gent & late Sherrif of Seventeen Shillings Current Money and four Hundred fourty five pounds of Tobacco or the current price thereof out of his Majesties Revenue of two Shillings p Hogshead it being for one half of the costs and Charges expended by the petitioner in Defending a Suit brought against him for Seizing Six Hogsheads of Tobacco on one John Cotton deceased pursuant to an Act of Assembly the one halfe of the said Seizure having long since paid by the petitioner to his Majestys use. Ex’d p Wil Roberson Cls Con. (Va Historical Mag 35, p. 273)
** Nov. 25, 1731 JOHN COTTEN Division of estate at the home of Martha Green by James Moor, Titus Moor, John Jones, Senr. and Samuel Williams (1) A Negro was put in the hands of Thomas Bryant and William Bennett for the use of Priscilla Cotten. (2) Clothing was allotted to Thomas Cotten. (3) A Negro was allotted to Martha Cotten. (4) A Negro was allotted to James Cotten. (5) A Negro was allotted to Thomas Cotten. Millstones, etc. were divided among the four small children (6) Arthur Cotten, Priscilla Cotten, James Cotten, and Thomas Cotten. Of the residue of the estate, one-fifth was allotted to Martha Green and the other four-fifths divided among the four children.
** Tuesday 9th of May 1732 - At a court held at the Court House on Timber Branch: And Thomas Jones Attny for William Green that intermarryed with Martha Cotten Relict Widow of the sd. John Cotten Prays an appeal from the above Judgement.
** June 5, 1732 - JOHN COTTEN Completion of division of estate at the home of Mrs Martha Green. The farm animals were put into the hands of Capt Thomas Bryant and William Bennett for the use of the four small children. Signed by James Moor, Samuel Williams and John Jones. (Gammon, Records of Estates Bertie Co, NC Vol 11728-1744; also see Grimes and S.S. archives of NC)
Note: The creative spellings of the above will were just too interesting to correct so I’ve left them as they were.
1728 - Jul 16 – VA Goochland – Court - Thomas Moore & John Walker - Court: In the action of Debt between Thomas Moore Plg. and John Walker Deft. for four pounds Sixteen Shillings & eight pence Currant money... bill dated 1724 Feb 18 … Jury: George Paine, William Womack, James Cocke, William Cabbell, Noel Burton, John Webb, Jacob Micheaus, Leonard Ballow, Peter Baise, Richard Oglesby, Thomas Ballow, Thomas Edwards… “Wee find for the Plaintif nine Shillings Currt. money George Paine foreman.” (Blomquist 2007, p. 9)
1728 - Jul 16 – VA Goochland – Admin – John Pride - Court: John Pride acknowledges a deed with the livery of seizing endorsed from himself to Thomas Watkins to be his act and deed and is thereupon admitted to record. (Blomquist 2007, p. 10)
1728 - Jul 16 – VA Goochland – Admin - Joseph Woodson - Court: On the motion of Joseph Woodson leave is Granted him to keep an Ordinary. (Blomquist 2007, p. 13)
1728 - Aug 5 – VA Goochland – Will - Jacob Woodson - To two brothers Josiah Woodson and Stephen Woodson, all my land at Dover between Col. Nathaniel Harrison, John Fleming and John Woodson, bounding on a creek called Jennoto Cr. * Brothers are to make over to Samuel Burk 348 acres in Henrico bounded by James River, Bird Creek and line of Capt. Massey. * Brothers Josiah & Stephen to be executors. Dated 4 Jul 1726 Wit: Edward Stratton, Ann Stratton, Henry Cox, Recorded 5 Aug 1728 (Weisiger 1998, p. 146)
1728 - Sep 17 – VA Goochland/Henrico - Court – Suits : Edward Moore vs John Taylor; Edward Moore vs John Stubblefield; Joseph Woodson vs John Micheaux; William Chamberlaine vs George Marchbanks. (Blomquist 2007, pp. 23-25.) A Samuel Chamberlaine is participant in a suit mentioned on p. 40 also.
1728 - Sep 18 – VA Goochland – Admin – William Knight - Court: Suits : Edward Moore vs John Taylor; Edward Moore vs John Stubblefield; Joseph Woodson vs John Micheaux; William Chamberlaine vs George Marchbanks.Ordered that a road be cleared from the Widow Johnsons by the race paths on the South side of William Knight’s… (Blomquist 2007, p. 27.) Note: From this we learn that there is, indeed, a William Knight living in Goochland though we have no idea how long he has been there or to which branch he belongs.
1728 - Oct 11 – VA Goochland – Admin - Edward Scott, John Scott, & Stephen Hughes – Land patent for 4,000 adx “on S. side of James Riv., on lower side of Muddy Cr., & brs. Of Deep Cr; adj. Mr. Bowler Cocke; Thomas Rayley/ & Mayo & Cocke’s lines; 20 Lbs. Money.” (Nugent III, p. 349)
1728 – Dec 17 – VA Goochland – Admin – Woodson & Horsley – Court: In the Action of Case between John Woodson Plt. and Robert Horsley Deft. the parties submit themselves to the Court for trial whereupon it is considered by the Court that the plt. do recover against the Deft. five hundred pounds of Tobo. with the Costs of this Suit and a Lawyers Fee. (Blomquist 2007, p. 47)
1729 - Feb 13 – VA King George – Admin - Hancock Lee - Of Northumberland Co. 595 acs in King George Co. adj. his own land, Mr. Knight. (Gray 1987, p. 101)
Note: Who is this “Mr. Knight” adjacent to the land of Hancock Lee? The Hancock Lee who died in 1709 patented land in Richmond County adjacent land of his friend, Thomas Knight. They already had adjacent lands in Northumberland. In any event, Hancock Lee died in 1709 leaving daughter Anna Armistead, son John Lee and son Richard Lee born posthumously. Witnesses to his will were Thomas Knight and Mary Sharpe Knight. Six months later, Thomas Knight was dead and left his whole estate to his wife and her three Sharpe grandchildren. He apparently had no issue of his own. Then, in 1712, an Isaac Lee appears in Richmond patenting land adj. Hancock Lee ded’d, and Thomas Knight dec’d. In 1719, Thomas Lee Esq of Westmoreland County patented land in Northumberland “adj. Lee’s land” and “Bishop’s Neck old plantation where Mrs. Knight lived” and Mr. Charles Lee. In 1724, the Stafford County Rent Roll shows David Anderson renting land from Hancock Lee. And now, in 1729, we have probably the same Hancock Lee “of Northumberland County” patenting land in King George County. So again, who is this “Mr. Knight” in King George County?
1729 - Feb 18 – VA Goochland – Admin – Elizabeth Jordan - Court: On the motion of Elizabeth Jordan. She is permitted to choose Thomas Randolph Gent. her Guardian who accepts the charge. John Woodson Gent. and Henry Wood Securities. (Blomquist 2007, p. 59)
1729 - Mar 18 – VA Goochland – Court - Suits: Christopher Clark vs Bolling and a second suit vs Gallemore for debt. Robert Hughes vs John Cone. (Blomquist 2007, p. 68) Christopher Clark vs. Francis Martin for debt, (p. 71). James Westbrook and Frances his wife Executrix of Edward Bass decease vs John Clark. (Blomquist 2007, p. 73.)
1729 - Mar 19 – VA Goochland – Court - Suits: John Dickinson (Dickenson) vs. Stephen Hughes. (Blomquist 2007, p. 79) Robert Woodson vs. William Woodson for trespass (!) (Blomquist 2007, pp. 80-81.
1729 - Jun 17 – VA Goochland/Henrico – Will – Robert Woodson SR - Court: The last will & Testament of Robert Woodson Deceased is presented in Court by Thomas Randolph, William Womack and Sarah Woodson, his Executors & Executris.. Blomquist 2007, p. 107)
* To son Stephen Woodson, the land that came in my possession by marriage with his mother, also 50 acres that belonged to John Lewis. (Robert’s first wife: Sarah Lewis who only had one child before she died young. He then married Rachel Watkins and all subsequent children are hers.)
* To son Joseph Woodson, a parcel in Goochland Co on west side of Jennytoe Creek, up Rocky Branch and next to Joseph Parson’s line, also a negro and items.
* To son Robert Woodson, the residue of land in Goochland on Jennytoe Creek.
* To son Jonathan Woodson, land near White Oak Swamp, between Richard Cocke, Edward Mosby and Harrison, and his estate to be under the guardianship of my son Stephen until he is 18.
* To daughter Elizabeth, a negro and items.
* To daughter Judith, a negro and items.
* to daughter Agnes, a negro.
* The rest divided between children Joseph Woodson, Robert Woodson, Jonathan Woodson, and Judith Woodson; to be divided by son Stephen Woodson and Thomas Watkins. Son Stephen to be Executor.
* Dated 6 July 1729, Recorded Feb 1730. Wit: William Porter, Jr. Theodorick Carter, Giles Davis, Tarlton Woodson. (Weisiger, 1998, pp. 150-151)
Note: Recall that in 1688 Apr 2, the will of John Lewis, put his daughter under the guardianship of her brother, meaning that she was a child. In 1689 Dec 2, the accounts of the estate were settled and Sarah's portion was held by her brother until she came of age or married. Then, in 1696, probably about the time Sarah was 16 or 17, she was married to Robert Woodson, JR. This Robert Woodson was called "JR" to distinguish him from his "cozen" or uncle, Robert Woodson SR. At that time he wrote: "I Robert Woodson, JR., acknowledge to have received of my brother in law William Lewis, my full share of what is due my wife Sarah, one of the orphans of John Lewis, dec’d." So if Sarah was c. 16/17 years old at that time, she must have been born c. 1679, and thus only 9 years old at the time of her father's death. This will is written in such a way as to strongly suggest that Robert's son, Stephen, was the ONLY child he had with Sarah Lewis. The rest of the children were those of Rachel Watkins, whom Robert married in 1710 as the Quaker records show. It was probably due to his marriage to Rachel that he was "received into communion" with the Quakers.
1729 - Sep 27 – VA Prince George – Admin - William Bass - Of Henrico Co. land patent for 1497 acs. “on S. side of Appomattox River; beg. at corner gum on the river dividing sd Bass & George Robertson, Clerke; 7 Lbs. 10 Shill.” (Nugent III, p. 359)
1729 - Sep 27 – VA Prince George – Admin - John Anderson - Of Henrico Co, land patent for 925 acs. on both sides of Knight’s Cr; adj. Mr. Edward Booker’s land, 4 Lbs 15 Shill. (Nugent III, p. 359)
1729 - Oct 1 – VA Goochland – Court – Robert Hughes & John Cone - In the Action on the Case between Robert Hughes, Plt. and John Cone Defendt. the Autors formerly appointed… report: “Pursuant to an order of Goochland Court Wee have proceeded to examine state and settle the account between Robert Hughes Plt. and John Cone Defendant and Wee find that there is due to Robert Hughes three pounds sixteen shillings and ten pence Currt. money and three barrels three bushels Indian corn to be paid in kind by January next to the said Hughes by the said Cone. Pr. us George Payne, William Cabbell.” (Blomquist 2007, p. 148)