by Laura Knight
Below is a table wherein I juxtapose the records of the two Peter Knights, Capt. Peter of Northumberland in the left column, Peter Knight of Gloucester in the right column. Note: I will refer to Peter Knight of Northumberland County as "Capt" just to make the distinction between him and Peter Knight, Merchant of Gloucester.
I had originally thought to sharply restrict the records to only those that name or mention Peter Knight, but it soon became obvious that the only way to get a good picture of Capt. Peter is to include the other Knights assembled around him as well as some collateral connections. And then, I decided that the same was true of Peter Knight of Gloucester. They need to be seen in context and you will see why as you go through the records assembled here. Even though it seems that Peter Knight of Gloucester died without surviving male issue, it also seems clear that other Knights around him were related in some way and that he was probably related in some way to Capt. Peter. Of course, not all Knights were related, as the DNA lineages show, but I'm trying to capture as many as I can to see who can be included and who should be excluded. The pickings are pretty slim at times, as you will see.
As a side note, I recently corresponded with a gentleman who has documented descent from Capt. Peter Knight via his son James Knight. This man's Y-DNA results are close enough to those of my brother to be a certainty that my construction of the lineage back to Capt. Peter Knight via John Knight of Effingham and his brothers, through William Knight of Sussex, to John Knight of Sussex, to James, is correct.
Back to the explanation for how I've separated the records: The basic division was between Northumberland, Westmoreland, Lancaster, Stafford and Richmond, in the left column, and Isle of Wight, Upper and Lower Norfolk, Elizabeth City, James City, Charles City, Gloucester, Henrico, New Kent and Nansemond etc. on the right. I note county splits or name changes as we go along, and also insert some significant historical items that very much affected the colonists, and even record keeping.
Now, one of the interesting events was when Capt. Peter Knight's son, James, apparently decamped from the family enclave and moved south and east to Nansemond County! That put him in with the Isle of Wight, Surry and James City crowd. One wonders if he did this because he was aware of family connections between the two groups and simply preferred to be around them rather than to hang around his father's area? He clearly did not give up his connections or holdings in Northumberland entirely because his will was probated there.
In any event, I expanded the scope of the two columns considerably though there is still the same basic division. In some cases, I had to go back and insert earlier records so that later ones would make sense, or vice versa.
The records for Capt. Peter are abundant and extensive; you can almost write a life story from them; those for Peter of Gloucester, not so much. And notice that I say "almost". Maybe it's not quite that good because we can detect from the records that we do have, that there was a lot going on in the background about which we know nothing. What is maddening is trying to figure out the relationship between the two Peters because some kind of connection apparently existed, but it obviously was not that of father and son.
Both Peter Knights appear to have been associated with the Bennetts; Capt Peter was certainly a Puritan and Peter of Gloucester appears to have been of that persuasion as well but not as militant about it. I've already noted some biographical details about Edward Bennett HERE, so I'll leave that aside. Other of Edward Bennett's activities are intertwined with the history of a certain William Cloberry, Merchant, and William Claiborne, political radical; meanwhile Claiborne and Cloberry are significantly associated with Capt. Peter Knight, so it is important to know Claiborne's story - the tale of Ingle's Rebellion or "The Plundering Time". Most people do not know that Capt. Peter Knight was heavily involved in that Rebellion as a young man.
William Claiborne |
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From the above image of William Claiborne, one might suggest that Capt. Peter Knight dressed and wore his hair in a similar fashion. They were closely associated for a period of time. Both have been described as "fire-eating Puritans" and the story you will read below will definitely confirm that.
In the Capt. Peter Knight records below, in the left column, you will encounter a young Mr. Cloberry, undoubtedly a son of the merchant, and most likely being loaned to Capt. Peter to be used as a headright because he clearly wasn't a person in need of being "imported". So many people used as headrights fit this same category: sons of friends and relatives; this just exemplifies how interconnected this group of people was. The more I read the records, the more I saw evidence of the fact that being used as a headright was a sort of "rite of passage" for young men about to reach the age of majority, and very shortly after, the headright person would be seen patenting his own land with reciprocal headrights favors being used. Indeed, there were many people being imported into the colonies from England, but a rather large number of headrights appear to me to be the bought or borrowed kind having nothing at all to do with bringing in new people. In any event, it was the presence of Cloberry in a record of Capt. Peter Knight that piqued my interest; I began searching on that name and that eventually led me to Cloberry, Claiborne, Ingle, the Rebellion, and some previously unknown Capt. Peter Knight records in the Maryland Court archives. All of that will be included below.
There are undoubtedly many records missing for any number of reasons, or never made, again for various reasons. And I cannot possibly claim to have them all here; I keep finding new ones which is why these pages will be revised regularly. I also very much need to extract all of the Knights from the Emigrant books of Coldham so as to be able to compare them to headrights.
Finding the right Peter Knights from England to plug our two Peters in Virginia into may be Mission Impossible. Two things seem certain: 1) The two Peter Knights of Virginia appear to be from separate immediate families, and made their own distinct associations; 2) The two Peter Knights of Virginia appear to be related somehow because they had overlapping interests and associations. But then, we see that exact thing happening with the sons of Capt. Peter Knight; they separated their lives and domiciles, and the two may be founders of different Knight families further down the line.
I will carry the records here right down to the year that Capt. Peter Knight died, finish off that year, and continue with a second installment.
Below, I include several maps of the region, including two of Virginia counties at two periods of time, to help you locate the general scenes of the events. The photograph at the bottom of the map section is taken near the mouth of Knight Run creek. I keep printed copies of these maps, and others, stuck up above my desk so I can continually remind myself where people were.
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Virginia Counties 1691-1700 |
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Date | Capt. Peter Knight of Northumberland | Peter Knight, Merchant of Gloucester etc. |
1620 England | Birth of Capt. Peter Knight according to his testimony in court in Northumberland in 1655. Two English birth records have been found that match the year, but one of them is out of the running because the child apparently died. The other one: 1620 – Jul 2 – UK London St Bride – Bap – Peter Knight - s/o Peter Knight & Cicely (London Met Arch) We lose sight of this Peter when he was 9/10 years old and his father, Peter Knight, died. The St Bride's Peter had a brother named William who apparently survived. I think this is very likely Capt. Peter Knight. See HERE. |
1624 Feb | VA Accomack / Northampton– Admin – Muster - Benjamin Knight, aged 28, servant to Captain William Eppes, arrived on the ship Bona Nova from the Port of London, in 1620, listed in the Muster of Capt. William Eppes, inhabitants of the Eastern Shore, over the Bay. (Coldham) Mordecay Knight is found living in Hog Island as a servant of Capt. Ralph Hamor. His age and date of arrival are unknown. He said that he arrived in Virginia as a passenger on the ship William & John from the Port of London. (Coldham) Note: Don't be distracted by Mordecay Knight; he will die and leave a will that I've included in the general records, showing that his name was an alias. |
1629 Mar 14 | VA Accomack – Admin - Roger Saunders, Marriner, of Accomacke, - Land patent for 50 acs. upon the E. shoare of Chesepiacke Bay, abutting S. on ground of John Blore, dec’d., now in possession of sd. Robert, N. along the water side to land of Capt. Henry Fleete & W. upon the maine bay. Lease, as above. (Nugent I, pp.13-14) A second pantent to Roger Saunders, Gent, for 300 acs. at Accomacke “commonly called the Indian Fields” on 1631 Oct 6. (Nugent I, p. 15) |
1629 |
VA Jamestown – Info - In 1629, George Calvert, 1st Baron Baltimore, arrived in Virginia, having traveled south from Avalon, his failed colony on Newfoundland. Calvert was not welcomed by the Virginians, both because his Catholicism offended them as Protestants, and because it was no secret that Calvert desired a charter for a portion of the land that the Virginians considered their own. After a brief stay, Calvert returned to England to press for just such a charter; William Claiborne, in his capacity as Secretary of State of Virginia colony, was sent to England to argue the Virginians' case. In England, Calvert, a former high official in the government of King James I, asked the Privy Council for permission to build a colony, to be called Carolina, on land south of the Virginia settlements in area of the modern-day North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. Claiborne arrived soon afterwards and expressed the concerns of Virginia that its territorial integrity was being threatened. He was joined in his protests by a group of London merchants who planned to build a sugar colony in the same area. |
1631 May 16 | MD Kent Island – Info - London Merchants, Maurice Thomson, William Clobery, John de la Barre, Simon Turgis and David Moorehead sent Captain William Claybourne to claim the Isle of Kent in Virginia which they purchased but Lord Baltimore claimed it was within his patent. (Coldham 1987, p. 95) Note: Obviously, the merchants who were putting pressure on the Privy Council to deny Calvert's request for a land grant. |
1632 Mar 12 | VA Elizabeth City – Admin - James Knott - Planter, of Accomack; Land patent for 50 acs. Desiring to keep a howse of entertainment in the lower parte at the Mouth of Hampton Riv. within the precinctof Eliz. Citty whereby strangers & others may bee well accommodated with great ease to the inhabitants in those parts, etc. Abutting Sly. upon a Cr. parting the same from land of Capt. Francis West, nly upon the Gleab land 7 Wly upon sd. Riv. To have & to hold the sd. 50 acs. togeather with the howse commonly called the great howse & all other howses ediffices & buildings &c. 21 year Lease, as above. (Nugent I, p 18) Note: The Knotts have dealings with Capt. Peter Knight in Northumberland. |
1632 Apr 2 | UK London – Info - Captain John Mason reports that the Hollanders in about 1621 began to trade on the coast of America and have published a map showing the coastline as the New Netherlands and the river on which they are planted as Manhatan. They have given Dutch names to other places discovered by the English. (Coldham 1987, p. 101) | |
1632 Jun 20 | UK London – Info - While the VA settlement on Kent Island was progressing, the Privy Council had proposed to Sir George Calvert that he be granted a charter for lands north of the Virginia colony, in order to create pressure on the Dutch settlements further north along the Delaware and Hudson Rivers. Calvert accepted, though he died in 1632 before the charter could be formally signed by King Charles I, and the Royal Grant and Charter for the new colony of Maryland was instead granted to his son, Cecilius Calvert, on 20 June 1632. This turn of events was unfortunate for the Virginian, Claiborne and his London mercantile associates, since the Maryland charter included all lands on either side of the Chesapeake Bay north of the mouth of the Potomac River, a region which included Kent Island, mid-way on the Bay. The Virginia Assembly, still in support of Claiborne and now including representatives of the Kent Island settlers, issued a series of proclamations and protests both before and after when the news of the granting of the Maryland charter reached across the ocean, claiming the lands for Virginia and protesting the charter's legality. (Hist of VA online) |
1633 Mar 21 | VA Henrico – Admin - Leonard Moore - Planter of the Necke of Land in the upper part, land patent for 100 acs. On W. side of the 4 Mi. Cr. W. towards 3 Mi. Cr. & S. upon the maine river. (Foley 1983, p. 1) Note: Probably the same Leonard Moore born 1600 and baptized 23 Jul 1600, St Giles Cripplegate, London, father John Moore. John Moore likely brother of Thomas Moore, father of Cicely Moore of St Bride Parish, who married Peter Knight, Haberdasher, and was mother to a Peter Knight born 1620 in London and baptized at St Bride’s. The Moores and Spiers families will be associated with the family of Capt. Peter Knight right down to the present time. |
1633 Jul | MD Kent Island/VA Jamestown – Info - William Claiborne's first appeal to royal authority in the dispute over Kent Island, which complained both that the lands in the Maryland charter were not really unsettled, as the charter claimed, and that the charter gave so much power to Calvert that it undermined the rights of the settlers, was rejected by the Lords of Foreign Plantations in July 1633. | |
1633 Aug 13 | UK London – Admin - William Cloberry - of St. Andrew Holborn (Hubbard), examined in the High Court of Admiralty, made one voyage to Canada on behalf of the Canada Company as Master of the ship “Thomas”. (Coldham 1984, p. 38) | |
1633 Nov 7 | UK England London – Admin - Barnabas Cutts - of St. Andrew, Holborn, London, scissor merchant aged 42; examined in the High Court of Admiralty and stated he was employed as a tobacco broker and in 1631 sold Virginia tobacco on behalf of Reginald Parker, linen draper in Tower Street, to Gabriel Bonner, grocer against St. Sepulchre’s Church; and on behalf of Mr. Michael Herringe, merchant dwelling in Walbrook, to Mr. William Tickner, grocer in Red Cross Street. In 1632 he sold Virginia tobacco on behalf of Capt. John Preene to Tickner. (Coldham 1984, pp. 41-42) Note: A gentleman named “Baker” Cutts will be associated with Capt. Peter Knight, further on. A Baptism record for a Barnaby Cutts, 1635 Jul 29 at St Andrew, Holborn, London, can be noted, as well as a burial record for Barnaby Cutts, 1636 Sep 5, same parish. Several children are born to Barnaby and his wife, Katharine, none named “Baker”; one may assume that the name is a nickname for “Barnaby”. |
1634 | Virginia Colony – Info - The colony is divided into eight shires: Accomack will be in the left column. Lieutenants are added to the monthly court structure "to take care of the warr against Indians. | |
1634 Jun 11 | VA Accomack – Admin - James Knott - of Acchawmacke sells Wm. Mellinge of Acchawmacke an ox and 3 heifers, each described and “they beinge wylde in the woods at Acchawmacke with the Lady Dales cattell ever since they were calves”. Dated 11 June 1634, Wit: William Cotton, Daniel Knight. (Fleet, Accomack, p. 17) | |
1634 | Maryland Colony – Info - The main body of Calvert's settlers arrived in the Chesapeake and established a permanent settlement on Yaocomico lands at St. Mary's City. With the support of the Virginia establishment, William Claiborne made clear to Calvert that his allegiance was to Virginia and royal authority, and not to the proprietary authority in Maryland. | |
1635 Apr 23 | MD Kent Island/VA – Info - Maryland commissioner, Thomas Cornwallis, swept the Chesapeake for illegal traders and captured one of William Claiborne's pinnaces in the Pocomoke Sound. Claiborne tried to recover it by force, but was defeated in a skirmish; although he retained his settlement on Kent Island. These were the first naval battles in North American waters, on 23 April and 10 May 1635; three Virginians were killed. During these events, Governor John Harvey of Virginia, who had never been well liked by the Virginia colonists, had followed royal orders to support the Maryland settlement and, just before the naval battles in the Chesapeake, had removed Claiborne from office as Secretary of State. In response, Claiborne's supporters in the Virginia Assembly expelled Harvey from the colony. Note: Thomas Cornwallis was undoubtedly the grandson of John Knight of Southampton England. |
1635 Jun 26 | VA Warrasquioake/Isle of Wight – Admin - Richard Bennett – Land patent for 2000 acs. upon Nansamund Riv. … adj. to land granted to Georg Fawdon… Trans of 40 pers: Incl. Richard Bird, Gilbert Lee, Ambrose Bennett, Robert Moore, Richard Morris, Ralph Hughes (Hewes), Richard Glascock, Richard Bennett and “Thomas kild with a tree”. (Nugent I, p. 23) Note: The name "Ambrose Bennett" is not very common. As it happens, I found it in the Tenterden, Kent, parish register in association with a John Knight who was buried 1605 Jun 9. The entry just above, for May 29, stated that Ambrose Bennett's wife was buried on that day. This record is almost 20 years later and is surely an Ambrose Bennett JR. This entry strongly suggests a connection between Richard Bennett and the Bennetts of Tenterden, Kent and an association with Knights of Tenterden, Kent, of which there were many. VA Warrasquioake/Isle of Wight – Admin - Robert Bennett – Land patent for “700 acs… neare the mouth of Nansamund Riv., beg. at a pine marked with the letters of his name & bordering land marked by Robert Newman… Trans. of 14 pers”: List includes: James Leonard, Peter Rice, Richard Hayes, John Ford, John Lee, Edward Mayo. (Nugent I, p. 23) |
1635 Jul 1 | VA Warrasquioake/Isle of Wight – Admin - William Clarke – Land patent for 250 acs on S. side of Nansamund Riv., running S. W. along same, E. S. E. into the woods, beg. at a great poplar tree marked with 3 notches, butting upon land of Georg Fawder. 50 acs. for his per. adv. & 200 for trans. of 4 pers: Alexander Tucker, Frances Costerdine, Thomas Southern, Joseph Spring. (Nugent I, p. 24) Note: A Samuel Clarke, possibly related to this William, will become the sole heir of Peter Knight of Gloucester. |
1635 Jul 2 | VA Warrasquioake/Isle of Wight – Admin - Thomas Jordan – Land patent for “900 acs. Warrasquioake Co., … Near the head of Warrasquioake Riv., beg. On Wly. Side of an old Indian Towne at an oake marked with 3 nothces, being upon the N. W. side of the river, running W. N. W. into the woods a mile, soe coming down to river to a Crosse Cr. A small oake being there marked with twoe notches. Trans. Of 18 pers.” List of names not included. (Nugent I, p. 27) Note: A grandson of Capt. Peter Knight, son of James Knight, will marry a granddaughter of Thomas Jordan of Warrasquioake. |
1635 Jul 3 | VA Warrasquioake/Isle of Wight – Admin - John Moore – Land patent for 200 acs… “No. upon little Poquoson Cr., E. upon land of Thomas Boulding, W. upon land of Thomas Garnett & S. towards the head of the broad Cr. Trans. of 4 pers.” (no names given). (Nugent I, p. 24) Note: Again, probable relation of the mother of Capt. Peter Knight, Cicely Moore. |
1635 Jul 7 | VA Warrasquioake/Isle of Wight – Admin - John Upton – Land patent for 1650 acres "About 3 mi. up Pagan point Cr., bounding almost W. from the Cr. Into the woods a little Cr. Running in by the sd. Land out of the Pagan Pt. Cr. To a great poplar tree. Trans. Of 33 pers:" List includes: Richard Young, Savage Merrie, William Scott, Francis Savage, Nicholas Bushell, John Parker, Lewis Phillips, Morgan Roberts, William Davis, John Fitchett, Morgan Evans, Christopher Lewis, Elizabeth Larkin. (Nugent I, p. 30) | |
1635 Jul 28 | VA Elizabeth City – Admin - Christopher Stokes (Stoakes) – Land patent for “300 acs At the new Pocoson…trans. of 6 pers:” Miller Freeman, Samuel Watson, Richard Shatboule (or Stratboule), Henry Hickman, William Wattye (Waddy?), Henry Powell. (Nugent I, p. 29) Note: The Knights of Sussex, descended from James Knight, son of Capt. Peter, will intermarry with the Stokes family there. |
1635 Aug 26 | VA Charles City – Admin - Capt. Francis Eppes (Epes) – Land patent for “1700 acs. In the Co. of Chas., … E. upon Bayly his Cr., S into the maine land, W. upon Cason his Cr. Up Appamattuck Riv. & N. upon the maine river. 50 acs for his per. Adv. & 1650 acs. For trans. Of 3 sons: John Eppes, Francis Eppes, Thomas Eppes & 30 servts (list in Nugent) … Note; Surrendered & renewed by Sir George Harvey. Richard Kemp, Secr.” (Nugent I, p. 31) Note: Francis Eppes (Epes) - Of Ashford, Kent, baptized 14 May 1597, was in Virginia by April 1625 when he was elected from Shirley Hundred to sit in the Assembly at James City on 10 May. He was not in the census of 1623/4 or 1624/5, though he testified in a lawsuit on 9 Jan 1625/6. He was appointed commissioner for the Upper Parts in 8 Aug of the same year. There is no record of him in Virginia between 1628 and 1631/2 and he apparently had returned to England where his son, Thomas, was born in London. He was back in Virginia in 1632 and a member of the House of Burgesses. (Dorman, pp. 854-866) Francis Eppes was the great-grandfather of Elizabeth Eppes who married John Knight of Sussex County VA, as one of his wives; this John left a will probated in February 1762. See also the Canterbury, Kent, court sessions record for 1603 Jan 11 in the Chronological Records compilation for Knight-Eppes connections. |
1635 Dec 23 | UK London St Giles Cripplegate - Bap - Anne Hawley - d/o James Hawley, grocer. (London Metropolitan Arch, Saint Giles Cripplegate Parish register of Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812) Note: The wife of Capt. Peter Knight. He may have had a first wife before her, but no real evidence and no children from a first marriage mentioned. Somebody needs to read this parish register from front to back! |
1636 | VA Elizabeth City - Info - Elizabeth River Shire was established in 1634 as an Original Shire. It was renamed to Elizabeth City County about 1636. | |
1637 | Upper Norfolk County was established in 1637 from New Norfolk County. It was renamed to Nansemond County in 1646. Lower Norfolk County was established in 1637 from New Norfolk County. It was abolished in 1691. Records can be found in the City of Chesapeake. Isle of Wight County is the new name of former Warrosquyoake County which I will now drop; I have been combining them up to now. |
1637 May 19 | VA Upper New Norfolk – Admin – Thomas Hampton, Clerke – Land patent for 300 acs. Ely. upon Nansamund Riv., W. into the woods. S. upon land of Thomas Hampton & Nly. downward the sd. Rov. Trans. of 6 pers: John Bagworth, Edward Dudley, John Bass, Thomas Hampton, John Browne, Richard Egleston. (Nugent I, p. 57) Note: Other than Nathaniel Basse, this is the first Bass I've found in the land records. He is apparently not connected to Nathaniel. I'm including Basses just for the sake of making it plain who and where they were. |
1637 Aug 14 | VA Charles City – Admin - Christopher Stokes – Land patent for 400 acres, due for his own pers. Adv., the adv. Of his wife, Elizabeth Stokes & 4 children: Christopher Stokes, William Stokes, Henry Stokes & Elizabeth Stokes. (Nugent I, p. 76) Note: An Elizabeth Stokes (1740-1786) will marry John Knight of Surry/Sussex whose will was probated in 1791. He is the son of John Knight and Elizabeth Jordan mentioned above. |
1637 Sep 10 | VA Isle of Wight – Admin - Arthur Smith – Land patent for 1450 acs. “Being a neck running s. E. behind Pagan shore. Trans. of 29 pers: Richard Hughes…Wm. Jones, Alice Smith, Jonathan Barcroft, Jane his wife, Thomas Wilkinson, Thomas Carter, Cicely Cotton… (Nugent I, pp. 82-83) Note: Peter Knight of Gloucester will be admin for the will of Arthur Smith and there will be other interactions. |
1637 Dec | MD Kent Island – Info - An attorney for William Cloberry and Company, who were concerned that the revenues they were receiving from fur trading had not recouped their original investment, arrived on Kent Island. The attorney took possession of the island and bade William Claiborne return to England, where Cloberry and Company filed suit against him. The attorney then invited Maryland to take over the island by force, which it did in December 1637. By March 1638 the Maryland Assembly had declared that all of Claiborne's property within the colony now belonged to the proprietor. (Lord Baltimore) At the time of the Catholic takeover, in 1637, a number of men fled to Northumberland County including Maj. Andrew Monroe, John Sturman, Francis Gray, and Thomas Youell. They “fled by night to the house of Mr. John Mottrom at Chicacoan”. (Nathaniel Claiborne Hale, Virginia Venturer, 1951) Note: Capt. Peter Knight would be 17 yrs old at this point and it is possible that he has already set foot on Virginia soil with Cloberry and Co. On the other hand, he might also have been completing his education somewhere, possibly Holland, considering the fact that when he finally does appear, he's a full-throttle Puritan. Also, when he does appear, he's a "gent", educated, and had his own ship and probably knew how to sail it; a man of many parts, no doubt. |
1638 Feb 12 | MD St Mary’s – Admin – William Claiborne - Grand Jury of 24 freemen including Francis Gray, Thomas Baldridge, Nathaniel Pope, Robert Vaughan, etc. for an inquest into William Claiborne's attack upon Capt. Thomas Cornwallis (Cornwaleys) in his pinace which shot and killed Cornwallis' apprentice, William Ashmore. (Maryland State Archive: Vol. 5, 169) Note: All of these people will play roles in upcoming events involving Capt. Peter. |
1638 Mar 13 | Capt. Peter Knight, according to his own testimony given in 1655, would be 18 yrs old in 1638 and thus extremely unlikely to be patenting land in VA. We don't know if he was already in Northumberland County or on Kent Island at this point, but it is possible. It is equally possible that he was still in England, or possibly the Netherlands, where I have found other apparent Knight relations. | VA Isle of Wight - Admin - Peter Knight, Merchant - Land patent for 200 acs… S.W. into the woods upon land of Leift. John Upton. Sly., & upon the Batchelors plantation Nly. Due by assignment & exchange to & with sd. Leift. Upton to & with Mr. Thomas Hill for 200 acs. in any other place ungranted & by sd. Hill sold to sd Knight for a valuable consideration. (Nugent I, p.105) Note: This is Peter Knight, Merchant (plainly described as such on the deed. He is the elder Peter Knight and will sell this land to James Ennis in 1665. The nature of the deal he made with John Upton and Thomas Hill might be explained below in the tale of the Flower de Luce and Joseph Saunders. |
1638 Mar 15 | VA Upper New Norfolk – Admin - Epaphroditus Lawson – Land patent for 250 acs. N. side of Chuckatuck Riv., adj. His own land … Due for trans. Of 5 pers: Incl. Mary Peirce, Edmund Knight. (Nugent I, p. 106) Note: I’m really glad I had a reason to include this guy because he has such a cool name! I suspect that this Edmund Knight may be related to a John Knight further on who has a son named Edmund. Also, notice that Peter Knight, Merchant, in the following month, also patents land in Upper New Norfolk County. Were these Knights connected? |
1638 Apr 10 | VA Upper New Norfolk - Admin - Peter Knight, Merchant - Land patent for 14 acs., being an island in Nansamund Riv., … S. side the Riv. Opposite land of Oliver Sprye & adj. Land of Robert Newman and Randolph Crew. Sd. 14 acs. & 36 acs. not yet taken up, due for his own per. Adv. (Nugent I, p. 83) |
1638 Apr 23 | UK England Southampton – Admin - Peter Knight, Merchant - We find in the Chancery records that, in 1638, Peter Knight was known as a “merchant” and paid 60 shillings for a license to retail tobacco in the Twyford and Hursley, and Southampton areas. (Library of Virginia; Richmond, Virginia; Chancery Patent Rolls. 14 Charles I, Part 16; Public Record Office Class: C 66/2811; Survey Report 10943, ) Note: There is a Twyford in Berkshire and one in Hampshire; Hursley is in Hampshire. The two places in Hampshire are less than 5 miles distant from each other. These licenses are for sales in England. There was a family of Peter Knight’s in Kingsclere, Hampshire, and a Peter Knight was born to a Christopher Knight in East Tisted, Hampshire in 1597; that’s about 20 miles distant from Twyford and Hursley. It should be noted also that Thomas Cornwallis of MD was very likely the grandson of a John Knight of Southampton who was apparently a wealthy merchant as I have already mentioned. |
1638 May 8 | VA Isle of Wight – Admin – Ambrose Bennett – Land patent for 300 acs. Trans. of 6 pers: Morris Bennett, William Morris, Richard Jones, Anthony Cole, Henry Eaton, Humphry West. (Nugent I, p. 82) Note: Just keeping an eye on Ambrose here; his name is not that common, so when he shows up elsewhere, it stands out! |
1638 Jul 1 | MD St Mary’s – Admin – Thomas Cornwallis – Francis Gray and Robert Sedgrave were brought before Capt. Cornwallis, one of the Commissioners of Maryland, for writing a petition to Sir John Harvey, the governor of Virginia, complaining about their Catholic master who asked them to stop reading aloud, in his house, books that castigated Catholics, asking the governor to interfere in the affairs of MD. Apparently, Sedgrave and Gray were bothe radical Dissenters and later joined Ingle in the 1645 Rebellion. Timothy B. Riordan, chief archeologist of St. Mary’s City, remarks about this incident in The Plundering Time: Maryland and the English Civil War: “This case clearly demonstrates how far the Maryland authorities were willing to go in pacifying the Protestant faction. The court, comprising only Catholics, imposed a heavy fine on Lewis, a fellow Catholic, but did not punish Sedgrave or Gray at all....." “Francis Gray bears most of the responsibility in this case. He seems to have been the instigator of events. Gray was present in the house when the book was read, it was his idea that Sedgrave write the petition, and he was going to get the Protestant freemen to sign it. Lewis claimed that the petition was aimed against him personally, but the request for assistance is not specific and could have been used as an excuse for overthrowing the Proprietary government.....It may be that Cornwaleys’s prompt action is the only thing that kept the first Protestant rebellion from occurring in 1638.” (Riordan 2004, p. 158.)
1638 Jul 14 | MD Kent Island – Admin - William Cloberry - dispute with Cecil, Lord Baltimore: the disposition of the dispute in 1638 was: 14 July: “The King advises Cecil Lord Baltimore not to interfere with William Clobery, David Moorehead and other planters in Kent Island” (CSPC) (Coldham, p. 199) | |
1638 Nov 2 | VA Jamestown - Info - On 11 October 1638, the Flower de Luce of Weymouth, of which John White was Master, left newfoundland for Virginia, and, on 21 October following, arrived at Point Comfort [VA]. Later, on 2 November, the vessel reached James Town. On 11 April, 1639, the homeward voyage was started. However, the day before the ship set sail from Point Comfort, White and Samuel Leddoye, the purser, on behalf of the owners of the vessel, protested against Nicholas Stourfield, George Grace and Simon Hake, freighters of the said ship, at the terms of schedule made over to them. Grace and Hake returned to Weymouth in the Flower de Luce. Leddoye and White, protesting at their failure to load the ship in time, went to James Town where their complaint was lodged in the suits of the “Quarter Court.” (Public Record Office of the British High Court of Admiralty. Instance and Prize Courts: Examinations, May 1639 to May 1640 (Vol. 55)) From the depositions in this case we find the following involved by their dated depositions: 11 July 1639: Samuel Pearce of London, a merchant, aged 24. Same date: Thomas Davis of “Chuckatucke”, Virginia, a merchant, aged 26. … Joseph Sanders was cited as Chief Merchant of the venture and Peter Knight, his factor. Another source: Testimony of Joseph Saunders of London, merchant. His factor in Virginia, Peter Knight, advised him to come to account over the lading of the Flower de Luce with Thomas Burbage. […] Peter Knight, Joseph Saunders’ factor in Virginia, made satisfaction in tobacco which was shipped aboard the Flower de Luce for London. (Coldham 1984, p. 81) Note: The name Sanders/Saunders is spelled both ways; that was typical for the time. These records establish some of the associations of Peter Knight, as well as the fact that he acted on behalf of a consortium of merchants, including Thomas Davis of Chuckatuck, also associated with Jordans and Reynolds families. We also note the association with Thomas White. Finally, notice the ages of Pearce and Davis, 24 and 26 respectively; they were both described as "merchants". Can we think that this Peter Knight was of a similar age? Let's say 25 to 30? That opens up some search possibilities. |
1638 Nov 18 | VA Upper New Norfolk - Admin - Peter Knight, Merchant - Land patent for 400 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 18 Nov 1618 p. 543, On S.E. side of Nansamund Riv., & about 3 mi. up the E. side of a Cr., lying over against land of Richard Bennett & adj. Land of Robert Bennett, Due by assignment from Thomas Burbage. (Note error in date). (Nugent I, p. 85) Note: Two things of interest here: First of all, notice that this patent is "due by assignment from Thomas Burbage." In the previous Admiralty Court record, we read that Peter Knight, as factor for Joseph Saunders, cut a deal for Thomas Burbage to get his money in tobacco. Was this assignment of land part of that deal? Secondly, note that this land is next to Richard and Robert Bennett's land. Was there some particular reason Peter Knight wanted to be close to them? As previously noted, Edward Bennet spent time in Holland as part of a dissident church group. There was an Ambrose Bennett in Kent. There were Bennetts, Eppes, Carters, Knights, Merriwethers, Stokes, Sharpes, Fludds, Mays and Bakers found in the same locales in Kent. One gets the impression that a lot of things were going on in the background with these people. |
1639 Mar 8 | UK London St Bride – Bap – Barbery Coleman – d/o Anthony Coleman and wife, Ann. (London Met Arch) Note: I am placing this record in this column because of later associations with Knights that belong here by location. |
1640 Jan 11 | VA Accomack / Northampton – Admin - Thomas Knight - Court: Land Certificates: A certificate was granted to Thomas Knight for the following: Thomas Adderston, Richard Jones, Thomas Harrison, John Roberts, Percy Terry. (Parks 1982, p. 371) | |
1641 Jun 23 | VA Isle of Wight – Admin - Ambrose Bennett – Land patent for 1150 acs. … Upon the maine head of the Lower baye Cr. Called Cypress Swamp. Trans. Of 23 servants. List incl: Anthony Cole, David Cone. On the same day, Bennett patented 300 acs of Isle of Wight Co., “Beg. Nigh persimmond swamp, the head of a branch of Seawards Cr. Etc.” Adj. Capt. Nathaniell Bass. (Nugent I, p. 125) Note: Basse was apparently still in residence. Also, the name “Anthony Cole” is suspiciously similar to Anthony Coleman, father of Barbery, though, of course, there were Coles around also. |
1642 | Accomack/Northampton County – Accomac Shire was established in 1634 as one of the eight original shires of Virginia. The name comes from the native word Accawmack, which meant "on the other side". In 1642 the name was changed to Northampton, following a policy of eliminating "heathen names". Northampton was divided into two counties in 1663. The northern adopted the original name, while the south remained Northampton.
Charles River/York County - Charles River was established in 1634 as an Original Shire. It was renamed to York County in 1642. Upper Norfolk/Nansemond County was established in 1642 from Upper Norfolk County which had been established in 1637 from New Norfolk County. |
1642 Jan 17 | VA Gloucester - Admin – Hugh Gwynn – Land patent for 1700 acs.: “Near the mouth of the Pyankatanke R. Beginning at a sandy point on Chisopeiake Bay up Milford Haven Bay to the narroe bounded by a great bay called Stengra Bay being due E from said River mouth, parallel to Rappahannocke Bay & S’ly parallel to Chisopeike. 200 acs. marsh.” Trans of: … William Parker, Richard Bennett, Thomas Taylor, John Knight, twice, Nicholas Reynolds, etc. (Mason 1946, p. 35) Note: Who is this John Knight and is he related to Peter Knight of Gloucester? |
1642 Mar | VA Northampton – Admin – Thomas Knight - Accomack County Court: A certificate for taking up land in Northampton County was granted to Thomas Knight for the following persons: Thomas Adderston, Richard Jones, Thomas Harrison, John Roberts, Percy Terry. A cert. was granted to William Andrews for: Alexander Harrison, Thomas Gaskins, John Lee, etc. (VA Hist. Mag. Vol. XXVIII, p. 143) | |
1642 Apr 22 | VA Isle of Wight - Admin - James Hawley - Land patent for 300 acs. . … Upon the head of the Lower Baye Cr., adj. John Rowe. Due for the per. Adv. Of himself, Ann, his wife, & trans. Of 4 pers: Francis Ann & Alice, his children, John Foster & Richard Darling. Patent renewed Sept. 27, 1643. (Nugent I, p. 125) Note: As things turn out in a few months, it looks like Hawley got his family out of England just in time to avoid the war there. One suspects this was intentional. |
1642 May 16 | VA Isle of Wight – Admin – William Purdivatt – Land patent for 200 acs “Facing E. on Pagan Cr. Or New Towne Haven, near land of Capt. Basse called Cedar Island, now in possession of William Pateford, extending S. towards land of Hugh Wynn & William Taylor. (Nugent I, p. 142) Note: This is the only mention of Pateford in the entire volume; one wonders if it could have actually been “Pate”? Nevertheless, it suggests that Capt. Basse had parted with Cedar Island though I haven't yet found a record for such a transfer. |
1642 Aug 10 | VA Charles River – Admin – William Prior, Gent – Land patent for 1300 acs. on the North side of Charles River, on E. side near land of John Jones, etc. down Priors Creek, etc. Trans of 26 pers: incl. Richard Errington, Gregory Bass, Michael Sanders, William Thorneton, Thomas Kingswell, William James, William Johnson, Thomas Jervis, Robert Kingsbury. (Nugent I, p. 132) | |
1642 Aug 20 | VA Nansemond – Admin - Thomas Emerson – Land patent for 200 acs. Upon Western Br. Of Nansamund River… Trans. Of 4 pers: Edmund Knight, John Ellis, Nicholas Emerson, John Ellis (sic). (Nugent I, p. 130) Note: Edmund Knight yet again... |
1642 Aug 22 | UK England – Info- The First English Civil War started in 1642. The Parliamentarians saw the causes of the quarrel initially as a constitutional issue (simmering since earlier that year), but as the war progressed they became more radical and religiously focused. Thus, the elements of resistance in Parliament and the nation were at first confused, and, later, strong and direct and pretty much purely about religion. Democracy, moderate republicanism, and the desire for constitutional guarantees could hardly make head way against the various forces of royalism, for the most moderate men of either party were sufficiently in sympathy to admit compromise. But the backbone of resistance was the Puritan element in Parliament, and this waging of war at first on the political issue, soon brought the religious issue to the front. By the end of the year neither side had succeeded in gaining an advantage, although the King's advance on London was the closest Royalist forces came to threatening the city. Note: See Timothy Riordan's book "The Plundering Time" for excellent coverage with details, and how the English Civil War was brought to America by Richard Ingle, William Claiborne, and Capt. Peter Knight. |
1642 Sep 5 | MD Kent Island – Admin – Census - William Naufone, Francis Rabnett, Thomas Allen, Thomas Butler, John Bennett, Walter Weeks, Henry Morgan, Edward Comins, Thomas Pett, John Russell, Thomas Stent, Thomas Parker, Giles Basha, Thomas Hales, Thomas Keene (Keyne), William Cox, Francis Brooks, Henry Bellamy, William Lant, Ralph Pettiman, William Parry, Thomas Kidd, Robert Philpott, John Medcalfe, Nicholas Porter, John Gresham, George Crouch, John Marwood, Robert Hewett, William Jackson, Robert Lake, Richard Smith, John Pattner, Richard Spain, William Wieldee, William Smith, Richard Thompson, William Ashbrook, Edmond Parry, Nicholas Browne, Devor Godwin, John Hill, Thomas Dier, Mathew Rodan, Robert Short, Thomas Arnold, Nicholas Pothampton, Richard Pinner, Roger Baxter, Howell Morgan, John Smith, John Armsby, Richard Purlevant (Purdivatt?), Edward Thompson, John Abbott, Thomas Bradnock, Duck Denitz, John Philips, Philip Conner, Robert Vaughan, John Walker, Andrew Basha, John Lee, Richard Hoben, Walter Smith, Charles Steward, Henry East, John Pere, John Powell, Hughe Fowes, James Johnson, James Claughton, William Porter. All these above appeared by their Proxie Mr Giles Brent | |
1642 Sep 21 | VA James City – Admin - Anthony Coleman – Land patent for 82 ½ acs. In Pasbyhaies …. By order of Court, Dec. 3, 1639, “For the better strengthening and securing of James Cittie,” &c. Adj. Sir Francis Wyatt, Alexander Stoner, his own land & Mr. White’s. 21 yr. Lease from the feast of St. Michaell the Arch Angell 1649. Annuall Rent: 3 bbls. & a bushel of Ner. Indian corne sheld at the State Howse in James Citty.” Note: Renewed in the name of Thomas Ludwell, 11 July 1651. (Nugent I, p. 145) Note: Undoubtedly the same Anthony Coleman whose daughter was baptized at St Bride's in London above. |
1642 Oct 17 | VA Elizabeth City – Admin – Henry Coleman – Land patent for 104 acs…. Bounded W. upon Hampton River, S. by land of Mr. Henry Poole & N. by land of Mr. Robert Speed. Formerly lease land. For trans of 2 pers: Robert Peltriman & William Knight. (Nugent I, p. 137) Note: The relations between some Knights and Colemans will develop as we go along. The only question is: who are these Knights, probable progenitors of the Lunenburg Knights? |
1643 | Warwick County - established in 1643 from Warwick River County. | |
1643 Apr 17 | VA James City – Admin - Richard Kemp - Esq – “Secretarie & one of his Majesty’s Councell of State, 4,332 acs. … Lying at the head of Archers Hope Cr., upon the Pallisadoes, adj. Georg Lake’s land upon the horse path. N. W. by N. upon Powhatan Sw., and S. upon the Secretarys land. 1,200 acs by purchase from George Minifie, Merchant, which was not truly bounded as appears by survey made by William Wigg, Surveyor authorized by the Court & 940 by several former patents. 2,192 acs. For trans. Of 44 pers.: His own 2nd adv. …” Names include: Samuel Abbott, Richard Clarke, John Mead, William Edwards, Thomas Griffith, John Moore (More), William Lawrence, Thomas Sutton, Robert Bateman, Richard Norris, John Lewis, John Chamberlain, Leonard Hawley (Hawly), John Hall, Samuel Etherton (Ethirton), Gilbert Gerrard … “600 of said 1200 acs granted to Mr. Thomas Hill & the rent to be paid by him; 50 acs granted to Capt. Francis Pott, by order of June 13, 1642 & by him assigned to William Davis. (Nugent I, p. 143) Note: the collection of names. Many of these families will have onging relations with Knight families. |
1643 May 10 | VA Isle of Wight - Admin - Peter Knight (Peeter) - Land patent for 255 acs. … called Basses Choice…. Near Pagan Bay & Dawsons Cr. & land of Mr. Peter Hall. Trans. Of 6 pers: Peter Knight, Thomas Harris, James Foster, Edward Wells, William Nicholas, Thomas Cobb. (Nugent I, p. 166) Note: In the 1638 Apr 10 patent, the note is made that Peter Knight still has 36 acres due to him "for his own personal adv." That is undoubtedly the reason he is giving himself as a headright here; there's nothing mysterious about it, nor is it likely to be a son. It is curious that Peter Knight patented 255 acres of what was said to have been a 300 acre original patent to Basse. Did Basse retain 45 acres to live on himself while assigning the remainder to Peter for some remuneration? One thing is certain it was not patented in right of any marriage with an heir of Basse because it is certain that Nathaniel Basse had no children and Peter Knight Merchant has already patented land by trade/purchase; see his first patent above. Additionally, one needs to consider what IS known about Nathaniel Basse to create the context for this land patent. See HERE for discussion of the Basse family issue. |
1643 Aug 10 | VA York – Admin – Roland Burnham - Gent. - __ acs. upon the N side of Yorke R. SE on Burnhams Crk. and along the river NW upon John Bayles, NE on Thos. Wilkinson & Robert Norris (Norrice). For trans of: himself, Thomasin Knight, James Uteley, Martin Baker, Walter Wood, Thomas Wooldrige, John Mason, William Heward, William Peach. (Mason 1946, p. 14) | |
1643 Sep 21 | VA James City – Admin - Anthony Coleman – Land patent for 82 ½ acs. In Pasbyhaies …. By order of Court, Dec. 3, 1639, “For the better strengthening and securing of James Cittie,” &c. Adj. Sir Francis Wyatt, Alexander Stoner, his own land & Mr. White’s. 21 yr. Lease from the feast of St. Michaell the Arch Angell 1649. Annuall Rent: 3 bbls. & a bushel of Ner. Indian corne sheld at the State Howse in James Citty.” Note: Renewed in the name of Thomas Ludwell, 11 July 1651. (Nugent I, p. 145) | |
1643 Sep 28 | VA Isle of Wight – Admin - James Hawley – Land patent for 300 acs. … Upon the head of the lower bay cr., adj. John Row. By virtue of patent, dated 22 Apr. 1641. (Nugent I, p. 148) Repatented Apr. 10, 1647. (Nugent I, p. 167) | |
1644 Mar 1 | VA Elizabeth City – John Knight - witnesses a sales transaction of 1200 lbs tobacco sold by Daniel Tanner of Elizabeth City, carpenter, and Cornelius Lloyd (Loide), of Elizabeth River, merchant, to John Flower, of London. (Davis 2010, p. 23) | |
1644 Apr 18 | Virginia Colony – Info - Forces under 99 year old Opechancanough, a leader of the Powhatan Confederacy, attacks the English along the Pamunkey and York rivers, 22 years after his first attack at Jamestown. His followers will kill almost 400 Virginia colonists.. It was the start of the 3rd and last Anglo-Powhatan War ending in 1646 with the capture and death of Opechancanough at the age 92. Note: Allegedly, “Dr” John Woodson was killed in this attack on his way home from seeing a patient. See comments in the Woodson collection on this site. |
1644 Oct 16 |
VA York - Admin - Peter Knight - County records: A letter to Mr. Francis Willis sent by Mr. John Chew regarding an account of Capt Wormeley. Signed Peter Knight. (Fleet, III, p. 54) Note: As another record further on will show, this was Capt. Christopher Wormeley, son of Christopher Wormeley, Esq., a descendant of Sir John de Wormeley, of Hadfield, county York, England (1312). He was governor of the island of Tortuga from 1632 to 1635, during which last year it was taken by the Spaniards, a loss said to have been due to the carelessness of the governor. He appears to have come directly to Virginia as he was a justice of Charles River county in 1636. In 1639 and 1640, he was commander-in-chief of Charles River and Elizabeth City counties. In 1636-37, he was appointed a member of the council, and, being a supporter of Harvey, received a share of the governor's unpopularity. When Secretary Kemp fled to England in 1640, Wormeley seems to have accompanied him. He and Kemp were accused of cruelty and oppression in the colony and had considerable difficulty in making their return to Virginia, being twice prevented from doing so by orders from the house of lords, the second order being served on them when they were already on shipboard and about to depart. These charges seem to have had a foundation in fact. Wormeley actually confessed later to having tried a case against one Taylor unjustly, when a commissioner of Elizabeth City. Moral standards seem to have been somewhat lax in Virginia in 1640, for, although the council directed Wormeley to make reparation to Taylor, yet his sins do not seem to have debarred him from his office as councillor, and he was present at meetings of the council in 1642 and 1643. It seems probable that he died shortly after the latter date. ( |
1644 Dec | MD Kent Island – Info - William Claiborne and Richard Ingle- During the Summer of 1644, the Civil War in England dragged on with neither side gaining the advantage. Complicating trade for the English colonies in America, both Parliament and King Charles I issued “Commissions” or “Letters of Marque” to the captains of sailing vessels giving them permission to capture ships supporting the other side. Parliament controlled the port of London and the King controlled Bristol, Gravesend on the Thames and some southern ports. In the Fall and Winter of 1644 – 1645 matters came to a head for Maryland after Governor Leonard Calvert returned from England in September with a Commission to capture Parliament supporting ships on the Chesapeake. He met with the Virginia Council who, although Royalists, were opposed to this idea since they foresaw the danger to their tobacco trade. In October, Richard Ingle while loading cargo in London for his annual voyage received a Commission from the Lord High Admiralty authorizing him “to seize vessels trading to ports which were hostile to Parliament” i.e. Bristol, Gravesend, etc. When the Reformation arrived in Virginian waters in December 1644, the stage was set. Just before Christmas, 1644, the angry and resentful Capt. William Claiborne, first settler of the Isle of Kent (1631) and now a Virginia Council member, sailed two ships to Kent Island and landed an invasion party of 10. They were joined by 8 men from Chicacoan on the Northern Neck of Virginia which was inhabited by some of Claiborne’s disheartened settlers from Kent Island and also by Protestant fugitives from St Mary’s. Capt. Claiborne rallied some of the islanders and marched toward Giles Brent’s plantation. When they arrived at John Abbott’s house some asked to see Claiborne’s letter from the King authorizing him to seize the island’s government. They were not convinced by the “parchment” that he showed and abandoned the attack. Claiborne sailed back to Virginia. (William F. Milam, M.D., Riordan 2004, p. 167)Though Capt Peter Knight is not named specifically as being there at this time, it seems from the confusing court testimony, that he very well may have been, and a ringleader at that. He would be 24 years old at this point. |
1645 Jan 18 | MD St Mary’s – Admin – Giles Brent & Richard Ingle - Acting Governor Giles Brent ordered William Hardige with the assistance of Capt. Thomas Cornwallis to arrest Richard Ingle with the intent of shipping Ingle back to England for trial on his own ship, The Reformation. But Ingle escaped and on 20 January sailed to Kent Island in the northern Chesapeake Bay. (William F. Milam, M.D., Riordan 2004, p. 163) | |
1645 Feb 1 | MD St Mary’s – Admin – Giles Brent & Richard Ingle - Governor Brent held four different Inquests against Ingle and each of them replied "Ignoramus" (insufficient evidence). (William F. Milam, M.D., Maryland State Archive: Vol. 4, p. 238) Since Ingle was the chief trader for carrying the Maryland planters’ tobacco crop to England and since many planters also supported Parliament, they were not interested in convicting Ingle for slanderous remarks. With the intercession of Capt. Thomas Cornwaleys, on 8 February an accord was reached whereby Ingle agreed to appear in court within one year to answer charges and to deposit one barrel of gun powder and 400 pounds of lead shot in exchange for a certificate for free and unmolested trade in Maryland. Ingle and the Reformation returned to St Mary’s in late February to finish unloading supplies and to take on the planters’ tobacco. After a peaceful stop in Accomac, Virginia, in late March where Capt. Cornwaleys joined the ship, the Reformation sailed for London in April 1644. (William F. Milam, M.D., Riordan 2004, p. 166) |
1645 Feb 11 | MD St Mary’s – Info – Ingle’s Rebellion - The Maryland Assembly met on 11 Feb 1645 at Nathaniel Pope’s home / ordinary in St Mary’s. Thomas Sturman, a freeman from St Michael's Hundred, pointedly asked the Governor if his “Commission” for seizing London (Parliament supporting) ships applied to Maryland waters as it did to Virginia? Calvert replied that it did not extend to Maryland. Like the Virginia Assembly, the Maryland Assembly declared itself for free trade. (William F. Milam, M.D., Riordan 2004, p. 169) | |
1645 Oct 1 | VA Isle of Wight – Will - Arthur Smith - Of Warrisqueake. Leg. – sons Arthur and Richard etc… Overseers, Peter Hull, Peter Knight and George Hardy. D. Oct 1, 1645. R. Feb. 9, 1693. (p. 35) Note: The exact wording from the will is: "I doe hereby nominate and appoint my Lo. friends Peter Hull, Mr. Peter Knight & Mr. George Hardy requesting them to be aiding and assisting unto my sd. exs or in ye p'formance of this my last will and testamt. as my trust is in them. And I do hereby give and bequeath unto every one of them twenty shillings apece to make them Rings in Remembrance of me." (VA Will Abstracts, IoW, McGhan) This is undoubtedly Peter Knight, Merchant. Arthur Smith came to Virginia in 1622 at age 25 in the company of Farrar Flinton. His friends, Peter Knight, George Hardy, and Peter Hull must have been of a similar age, i.e. born around 1595-7 or thereabouts. Note especially that Capt. Peter Knight of Northumberland used a William Flinton as a headright 1657 Mar 30 which could be considered evidence of some connection between the two Peters. |
1646 | Nansemond County was established from Upper Norfolk County. | |
1646 Feb 14 | MD St Mary’s – Info – Ingle’s Rebellion - Richard Ingle sailed the Reformation, accompanied by one ship from Chicacoan, up the St George’s River to St Inigoes Creek. Ingle first seized the Dutch trading vessel, Der Spiegel (Looking Glass) even though it hailed from Rotterdam and its records showed that it had not traded in England. They captured former acting Governor Giles Brent who was on board and took him prisoner on the Reformation. ... The next morning Ingle sent 7 men – including Thomas Sturman – to take the Cross House, the mansion of his good friend, Thomas Cornwallis. At the time it was the largest and wealthiest home in Maryland which Ingle feared could be used by the Catholics as a garrison. Although Ingle promised Cornwallis' servant otherwise, it was pillaged, plundered and left in ruin within 24 hours. Sturman commanded a garrison there for a while and later in the rebellion a number of prisoners were held at his house in St. Michaels. Note: Obviously, Cornwallis and Ingle would never be friends again after this. Ingle ordered all of the Catholics' plundered tobacco and silver plate placed on board the Reformation and the Looking Glass. But their household goods, livestock and tools went to the Protestant rebels. In addition, Ingle collected all the debts in pounds of tobacco owed to Calvert, Lewgar, Cornwaleys, Fenwick and Copley for himself. Ingle desperately wanted to capture the Catholic Priests so that he could take them to London in order to prove that Maryland was hostile to the Protestant controlled Parliament and to justify his actions and his anticipated reward. Father Thomas Copley was subdued at his Portobacco house and later Father Andrew White was found. Three other, lower ranking Jesuits “disappeared” and were never heard from again – the only casualties of the conflict. In mid March, unable to capture Governor Calvert, Richard Ingle sailed to the Isle of Kent where they continued to plunder - in particular, Giles Brent’s plantation – while Brent remained a prisoner on the Reformation. Brent was a prominent Catholic and a member of Maryland’s Council; had been acting Governor while Leonard Calvert was in England in 1644; and had been commander of the Isle of Kent. Capt. Peter Knight, Edward Cummins and Thomas Bradnox were leaders in this operation. By the end of March, the Reformation and Looking Glass were full with tobacco and plundered loot. By early April, they had set sail for England with his carefully chosen prisoners, all Catholics: Giles Brent, John Lewgar, Father Thomas Copley and Father Andrew White who would be taken to testify in London’s High Court of the Admiralty as the Letter of Marque required. They reached London in early June 1645. Meanwhile, Capt. Peter Knight was left in charge of Kent Island and was there, allegedly, for 8 months. ( Riordan 2004, p. 170-176 and Maryland Archives) |
1646 Mar | MD Kent Island – Info - Peter Knight - at Kent Island | |
1646 April |
MD Kent Island – Info - Peter Knight - at Kent Island From the Margaret Brent Lawsuit against Peter Knight of 1648; I am placing the depositions at the time of occurrence of the events described within. Declaration of Margaret Brent: Hee the sd Peter Knight sometime in the yeare 1646, unlawfully entred into the sd Kent Mill, & all the profitts thereof, from tht time, unto the time tht the Gov Mr Leonard Calvert tooke the Ile of Kent, converted to his owne use the sd profitts, being dew to her the sd Margarett Brent, & amounting to the value, as the sd Mill hath beene heretofore sett to 3000 lb Tob. wth cask. Likewise tht some time in the sd yeare the sd Peter Knight, bearing himselfe as the Capt of a rebellious crew, to defend the sd Ile agst the Govt made his garryson of her howse of Kent ffort. And during the sd time, converted all the profitts of the sd land to his owne use, or theirs by himselfe & then killed divers of her cattle wth gun shott & otherwise & made the rest wild, to the dammage of her the sd Margarett Brent above, fyred divers howses to Kent ffort belonging to the dammage of 6000 lb Tob. Likewise a wain (wayne) & wheeles to the valew of 600 lb Tob. used, tooke away & dispersed her plowteem to the value of 1000 lb Tob. & being after forced to fly by the Govt By himselfe or his agents tooke away all the iron worke of the sd Kent Mill, 3000 lb tob could be taken away wthout fyring her, thereby decaying the Mill, to the value of 10000 lb Tob. & att the same time departing from the sd Kent ffort howse, ruined the howse in taking hinges & locks from the doores & in taking away doores & defacing the sd howse to the valew of 2000 lb Tob. & cask. ffor all wch severall dammages & losses susteyned by the sd Peter Knight, shee the sd Margarett Brent bringeth her suite. The Deposition of Thomas Bradnox aged 40 yeares & upwards taken before the Governor & Councell as afore. This Dept sayth tht sometime in the yeare 1646, about or not long after Christmas, att Mr. Brents howse uppon the Ile of Kent, whereof Capt William Claiborne (Cleyborne) had then possesd himselfe, & his Cozen Tompson. That one Christopher Willin a Man then belonging to Capt Claiborne, told this Dept tht Capt Claiborne had Commisn from Sr Willm Berkeley, to take the Ile of Kent, & such estate, as had formerly belonged to Capt Claiborne therein, into the Sd Claiborne’s possesn And further tht the sd Claiborne had Commisn sent him in tht prnt yeare, (if hee would have accepted of it) to bee Governor of Virginia. And That Sodenly after Capt Claiborne (then being uppon the Iland) drew the Inhabts of the sd Iland, together wth about 20 persons, whom hee had brought out of Virginia wth him, into armes & mustered them by Leift South (Sowth), & Peter Knight, in a feild, called Kent feild & then proposed to them, to goe downe in warlike manner to assault, & take the Govr of Mary-Land, & the ffort att St Maries: Telling them, att the first, tht hee would goe wth them. Whereuppon the sd Company assented to goe wth him, perswaded by him, That hee had lawfull Authority thereunto. But after the embarkemt of some of the provisions for this voyage were putt aboard, some of the Inhabts before they would embarke themselves, desyred to bee made acquainted by him, wth the Authority tht should iustify them in the Sd Act. wch hee denying to shew the sd Inhabts drew off from the designe. After wch againe the sd Capt Claiborne urged the Inhabts to goe uppon the foresd designe, wth his Cozen Tompson, who he sayd should leade them. & tht hee himselfe would carry them downe wth such Pinnaces as were there under his deposition for tht use, wch were three & would land them att Poynt Looke Out & would goe ouer to Chicacoan & send or fetch more helpe unto them. Wth the Inhabts againe refusing to doe about a day after the sd Claiborne leaving the Iland embarked for Virginia. & ffurther hee sayth not. Thomas T Bradnox (Maryland State Archive, Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650,Vol 4, p. 459)The Deposition of Richard Cotsford taken 28th Septembr 1648. This Dept sayth That sometime about July or August Ano 1646. this Dept then residing uppon the Ile of Kent. Mr Peter Knight entred uppon Kent Mill & tooke the profitts thereof, from that time, untill his the sd Knights departure from the sd Ile when the Govr Mr Calvert tooke the same. Also that the sd Peter Knight assumed uppon himselfe to bee Captaine of the Rebells in the sd Ile, to defend it agst the sd Govr And to tht effect kept a Garryson att Kent howse. During wch time of garryson, they the sd Rebells fyred a Tob. howse & one other howse, a hog stey att Kent howse. And Mr Knight caused to bee killd a Red Cow. Likewise immediately after the flight of the sd Peter Knight & his Crew, from Kent howse, hee the sd Dept fownd att Kent howse, hid in a ditch Great cattle feate - Seaven oxe feate - whereby the Sd Dept hec thinks assumes himselfe tht the sd Knight or his Souldiers killd 2 Oxen. allthough hee knowes not wch of them killed them; because the feete were of cattle lately killed. Likewise this Dept sayth tht hee heard Mr Browne of Kent say, tht Knight & his Gange, had killed a calfe in his plantacon: & tht alimost dayly they were gunning of it, after cattle. Likewise tht when the Sd Knight first entred on Kent Mill, shee was in good repayre. but tht immediately after his departure from Kent howse, hee this Dept being sent thither by the Govr to looke after cattle. Saw tht there were all her iron works gone, wch could bee taken away, wthout pulling downe the frame. Whereby hee did verily beleive, (allthoughe hee saw them not to doe it) tht the Knight, or his poepie had taken away all the sd iron worke. wch hee beleives tht rather allso; Because during tht the Mill was whole this Dept heard the sd Knight say. If hee had the Irons of the sd Mill for (amount of money) steareling. & more the Dept remembers not of tht speach. But shortly after the sd irons were taken away. Likewise that wth some of Mr Brents or Mrs Brents chaines & yokes (as one Pett told this Dept) Knight caused a peice of Ordnance to be drawne in the Iland after Tompson's relinquismt of the Iland to Knight. Likewise tht the waine & wheeles belonging to Mr Brent or Mrs Brent were burn'd wth the foresd Tob. howse. And tht att the same time, that howse was burn'd, they had putt fyre to the Barne: whereby the wall-plate was burn'd in two. And likewise tht he this dept comming to Kent howse as aforesd immediately after the sd Knights departure, fownd the howse, wth noe dore but one left on the hinges: all the locks taken away & the sd howse very much defaced. ffurther this Dept sayth not. Signed Richard Cotsford, Jurat. Coram Giles Brent. (Maryland State Archive, Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650, Vol 4 p. 455) The Deposition of William Jones (Joanes) of the Ile of Kent aged 34 yeares or thereabouts taken this 25” of Septembr 1648. Sworne & examined, Sayth: That sometime in Aprill Ano Dni 1646, hee did see one hogshead of English Corne rowled downe to the water side, to bee putt aboard Mr Knights Sloope, riding before Kent howse. And tht hee saw the Inke, the Gripe, & the Spindle, & a Gudgeon, wth some bowles, belonging to the Mill, lying in Kent howse, some certaine dayes before Mr Knight went away from Kent. But what became of them, or whither hee caused them to bee carryed away hee knoweth not & further this Dept sayth not. Willm Joanes, Jurat Coram Robt Vaughan. (Maryland State Archive, Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650, Vol 4 p. 455) The Deposition of Nicholas Browne aged 40 yeares or thereabouts Sworne & examined sayth That somtime in the yeare 1646 Mr Peter Knight being att this depts howse. The sd dept hearing a Gun goe of, sayd unto Peter Knight That it was the Rogues killing his hogs. Peter Knight relating againe, tht it was his men killing a Beast. The wch Beast the Dept maketh oath tht it was Capt Brents, or att least did suck uppon one of his Cowes to his knowledge. & further he deposeth not Signed Nicolas Browne, Jurat Coram Phillip Conner. (Maryland State Archive, Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650, Vol 4 p. 454) Note: So, now we know what Capt. Peter Knight, the fire-breathing Puritan, was up to for the next several months. |
1646 May | MD Kent Island – Info - Peter Knight - at Kent Island | |
1646 June 13 | UK London – Info – Ingle’s Rebellion - The first law suit began on 13 June when Captain Ingle sued the Looking Glass in Admiralty Court "for trading with a port hostile to Parliament" i. e. St. Mary's in the Province of Maryland. In July Thomas Cornwallis sued Richard Ingle in Admiralty Court and in August in Chancery Court under common law. Giles Brent and Father Thomas Copley sued Ingle in Admiralty Court in August as well. In November of 1645 Richard Ingle countersued Cornwallis and others under Common Law. Unfortunately for Ingle, the courts did not agree with him and he did not receive any "prize" money for taking the Looking Glass or benefit from his plunder. Furthermore, he came under suspicion of stealing and embezzling goods from the Looking Glass. Richard Ingle never returned to trade on the Chesapeake Bay. (William F. Milam, M.D., Riordan 2004, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181)
1646 July | MD Kent Island – Info - Peter Knight - at Kent Island | |
1646 Jul 24 | MD Kent Island – Info - Peter Knight - at Kent Island | VA York – Admin - Peter Knight - Court: Peter Knight states that Capt. Christopher Wormeley dec’d owed him 825 lb tobo. Capt Ralph Wormeley the exor ordered to pay. Also that Knight pay 42 shillings Sterling he owes the est of Christopher Wormeley. (Fleet, III, p. 51) |
1646 Aug | MD Kent Island – Info - Peter Knight - at Kent Island MD Colony – Info - Gov. Leonard Calvert returned to Maryland and regained control over both St. Mary's and Kent Island with support from Governor Berkeley of Virginia. |
1646 Sep | MD Kent Island – Info - Peter Knight - at Kent Island | |
1646 Sep 22 | MD Kent Island – Info - Peter Knight - at Kent Island | VA Isle of Wight - Admin - Peter Knight - Witness to Sales contract between Captain John Upton and John Oliver, Planter; the land “was lately in the possession and Occupation of John Smith”, witnessed by Peter Knight. (Brayton Vol. 5) One day earlier: Sales contract between Upton and Thomas Greenwood, also witnessed by Peter Knight. (Nugent I, p. 9) |
1646 Oct | MD Kent Island – Info - Peter Knight - at Kent Island Note: It seems that this may be the month in which Calvert's forces drove out the plunderers on Kent Island and, accordingly, Capt. Peter Knight and his men escaped capture and returned to Northumberland VA. (See the court testimony for details.) |
1646 | VA Northumberland – Birth/BAP - Anne Knight – Anne Knight. Parents unknown but father could be Peter Knight. This Anne later married William Coppedge in 1666 at Wicomico Parish Church in Northumberland County. They were the parents of Charles Coppedge and at least 4 other children. She died in 1688 and was buried in Wicomico Episcopal Church Cemetery where her gravestone can be found. Charles Coppedge married a Lucy or Sarah Lunsford about 1735. (Find a Grave: Wicomico Parish Church) Note: I note this as a baptism though there is no record of such at the mentioned church. Was this Anne a daughter of Capt. Peter Knight by a first wife? If so, as Puritans, they would not be leaving records around in Anglican churches. The wife/mother is clearly not Anne Hawley who was born in 1635 and would have been only 11 years old at this time. The wife is certainly not a Basse, either. And, of course, since there were several other Knights present at the time, any of them could have been the father. However, John Coppedge, apparently another son of this couple, ensured that Knight records, including Capt. Peter Knight's will, were re-filed after a fire burned the records in Northumberland County so it seems to me that there must be some connection. Of course, Coppedge may simply have been acting as County Clerk and just doing his job. |
1647 Jan 16 | MD St Mary’s – Admin / Info – Ingle’s Rebellion - Because there were rumors of a plot to retake St. Mary's by rebels gathered at Chicacoan on the Northern Neck of Virginia - perhaps when Governor Calvert would be distracted by subduing Kent Island - the Maryland Council issued a Proclamation 0f Embargo on 16 January 1646 / 47; The rumorers said that a certain Captain Wyatt was on the Chesapeake Bay with several ships planning to attack; that rebels from Chicacoan had returned to Maryland by night and stolen cattle taking the meat back to Virginia; and that William Claiborne and twenty men were on Kent Island attempting to rally them to attach St. Mary's - the latter rumor was in fact true. (William F. Milam, M.D., Riordan 2004, p. 184) | |
1647 Jan 18 | MD St Mary’s – Admin / Info – Ingle’s Rebellion - The Province's Attorney, John Lewger, presented charges to the Council of Maryland against Thomas Sturman, John Sturman, ffrancis Gray, John Hamton, Robert Smith, Thomas Youlle (Yewell) saying, in part: ...that since they were lately pardoned bye two several pardons one after another of the Crimes of Rebellion & Sedition, they the said delinquents.....secretly fled out of the Province by night & made resort and assembled themselves together at the house of one John Mottram... (Riordan 2004, p. 185) |
1647 Jan 25 | VA York – Admin - John Knight - Court session: John Knight to be pd 1390 lb tobo from the est. of Robert Jackson dec’d due by bill and the confession of the relict and admrx. (Fleet, III, p. 68) | |
1647 Jan 26 | VA York – Admin - Samuel Clarke - Court: That Nicholas Clarke is bound for paymt of 1500 lb tobo for John Coleman to Augustine Warner…Committee of administration on estate of Walter Pitchfork to John Hartwell “in the behalf of Samuel Clarke orphan”. (Fleet III, p. 69) Note: Samuel Clarke will have a suprising role to play in the life of Peter Knight, Merchant, further on. |
1647 Dec 21 | MD St Mary’s – Admin – Thomas Knight - Robt Taylor aged 17 yeares or thereabouts att the request of William Lewis sayth uppon his oath, That hee was then att Mr Lewis howse att the beginning of the troubles here, when some of Ingles company being att the foresd Mr Lewis howse a taking away his Corne, Mr Gerrard came instantly unto them wth fowre of his men to witt John Wortley, Thomas Knight, James Walker, & Nathaniel Jones (Joanes), & forwarned them to take away any Corne there, & alledged that Corne belonged unto him, & thereuppon the sd Mr Gerrard measured the Come in the sd Willm Lewis howse, & carryed it away unto his owne howse, but what quanty this Dept knoweth not. & further hee sayth not. James Walker aged 29 yeares or thereabouts att the request of Leift Willm Lewis, sayth uppon his oath, That he was wth Mr Thomas Gerrard when hee measured, & carryed away the Corne from the sd Mr Lewis howse but what quanty he knoweth not. And further sayth not. (Maryland State Archive: Vol. 4, p. 357) | |
1648 | VA Northumberland – Info - In 1648 a group of merchants in London applied to Parliament for revocation of the Maryland charter from the Calverts. This was rejected, but Claiborne received a final opportunity to reclaim Kent Island when he was appointed by the Puritan-controlled Parliament to a commission which was charged with suppressing Anglican disquiet in Virginia; Virginia in this case defined as "all the plantations in the Bay of the Chesapeake." (The settlers of Chicacoan who fled there from Maryland, were recalcitrant and did not recognize either the governments of Virginia in Jamestown, or Maryland.) Claiborne and fellow commissioner Richard Bennett secured the peaceful submission of Virginia to Parliamentary rule, and the new Virginia Assembly appointed Claiborne as Secretary of the colony. It also proposed to Parliament new acts which would give Virginia more autonomy from England. Claiborne and Bennett then turned their attention to Maryland and, arguing again that the Catholic Calverts could not be trusted and that the charter gave the Calverts too much power, demanded that the colony submit to the Commonwealth. Governor Stone briefly refused but gave in to Claiborne and the Commission, and submitted Maryland to Parliamentary rule. At this time, the entire Northern Neck of Virginia was transformed into Northumberland County. |
1648 Jan 20 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight - Court record book missing but index survives saying that the following cases were heard/recorded by 20 Jan 1648, thus probably were spread out over the prev. year, or perhaps longer. p. 7: Rowland Haddaway agt Peter Knight; p. 20: Peter Knight agreemt wth: Henry Hughett; p. 28: Francis Gray Agt. Knight; Peter Knight agt. Nicholas Polhampton; Peter Knight agt. Joane Philpott; Knight agt. George Knott; p. 29: Peter Knight agt. Abbotts Estate; p. 32: Peter Knight agt. Thomas Keene; Peter Knight agt. John Lerrett; p. 33: George Colclough agt Knight, Gaskin & others; Mr. Lee agt Peter Knight; p. 39: John Trussell agt. Peter Knight. (Sparacio, NC D&W, 1650-1655, pp. 2 - 8) Note: This is our first record of Capt. Peter Knight in Virginia, and he sure is very busy! He is 28 years old now, and he has been in Northumberland county for awhile as we have seen from the saga of William Claiborne and all the doings back and forth between Maryland and Virginia in respect of Kent Island, activities in which Capt. Peter Knight was an active participant. Some of these suits may have been in relation to that activity as many of the names were associated with the Kent Island affair. |
1648 Jan 24 | VA York – Admin - William Knight - Court: That William Knight stands indebted to the est of Edward Chiswell (Chissell) decd 800 lb tobo. Which debt Tho Broughton undertook to answer “for at the request of Thomas Wilson master of the good ship Desire”. Order that Broughton pay Rich Duning the assignee of Luke Davis admr. out of the estate of Chissell. [Note: This name is Chiswell, phonetic spelling being used in the entry. B.F.] (Fleet, III, p. 86) Note: A William Knight is in debt, and the Master of the ship Desire, Thomas Wilson, orders that it be paid by Thomas Broughton. How does this William relate to either Wilson or Broughton? How does he relate to other Knights? |
1648 Jul 3 | VA James City – Admin – Thomas Hart - Son of Henry Hart, deceased, land patent for 100 acs. at Smiths Fort, James City Col, for trans. Of 4 pers. Incl Robert Knight Judith Greene, William Pierce, Phillip Clave. (Nugent I, p. 176) | |
1648 Jul 10 | VA James City – Admin - William Edwards & Rice Davis – Land patent for 1080 acs. …Trans. Of 22 pers incl. Francis Hall, John Mathews, David Hussey … Robert Knight (Night), David Husey (sic). (Nugent I, p. 176) Note: Looks to me like Robert Knight has been used twice a few days apart, with just a little adjustment to the spelling of the name. Note also the David Hussey and Husey double! I mean, what are the odds?! |
1648 Jul 11 | MD Somerset County – Admin - Margarett Brent – Court: Mrs Margarett Brent, demandeth of Peter Knight mercht 5000 lb of casked Tob: for dammages done her, by him, in her goods & cattle uppon the Ile of Kent during the hated Rebellion there. Attachmt to the Sheriffe ret. Octobr Court. (Maryland State Archive, Provincial Court, 1637-1650, Vol 4, p. 399 1648) | |
1648 Jul 24 | VA York – Admin - John Knight – Court session: John Knight and Robert Ellson to have notice given them before Joane Jackson the relict and admrx of Robert Jackson dec’d have her quietus, they having unsettled debts agst the estate. (p. 380) Thomas Hudson confessed judgt to John Knight for 400 lb tobo. (p. 381) (Fleet, III, p101) | |
1648 Aug 10 | VA Northumberland – Admin - John Cloberry - is witness to a sale of a cow and calf between Walter Daniel (Danell) and John Bennett. (Sparacio, 1650-1652, p. 9) Note: I include this record since Cloberry is used as headright by Peter Knight 2 years later. William Claiborne ultimately ran afoul of Cloberry the Merchant in respect of Kent Island. It appears that Capt. Peter Knight may have been involved with the Cloberry's for some time also and that may be how he connected to Claiborne. |
1648 Sep 9 | VA James City – Admin - Mrs. Jane Perkins (Pirkins) – Patent for 27 acs. … Adj. Land of Anthony Coleman & near John Fitchett. This land was given to Alexander Stoner by Capt. William Peirce in open court and forfeited by sd. Stoner unto John Knight, who assigned to William Edwards, who assigned it to Edward Prince, who assigned it to Robert Miles, who assigned it to the sd. Mrs. Perkins. (Nugent I, p. 177) | |
1648 Oct 4 |
MD Somerset County – Admin – Margarett Brent - Mrs Margarett Brent complayneth agst Mr Peter Knight Mercht for tht shee being possessed by deeds sufficient in the Law, bearing date sometime in the yeare 1644: & registerd uppon the Records of the County of Kent, from her brother Mr Giles Brent of a stock of neat-cattle, certaine draft Oxen wth waines plowgeers &c wth other things therein expresd. As likewise of Kent Mill & Kent ffort, wth all the Land, howsing & appurtenances thereunto belonging. (See above for her declaration about the year 1646). Uppon the demand of Mrs Margarett Brent plt. vers Peter Knight mercht deft, for 5000 lb Tob & cask. The deft being called, & not appearing: The pltf requyreth tht shee may bee noe longer deferred, since the suite hath beene respited allready att 2 severall Courts. And this being the last day of the Court, the pltf was admitted to prove her claime who produced these testimonies: [Testimonies presented above at the time they described.] Uppon the testimonies the Jury returned their Verdict & ffownd for the pltf according to these particulars. Viz Tob. howse & hogstye wch was fyred 2000 lb Tob. & cask. A Cow killed 600 lb Tob. & cask. ffor the profitt of the Mill for 8 months 2000 lb Tob & cask; a wayne & wheeles fyred wth the Tob. howse 500 lb Tob. & cask. The rest of the particulars expressd in the Evidence, they went not uppon: These here expressed, amounting to 100 lb Tob more, then the accont enterd. Where 5000 uppon the Court adiudged tht the plf should recover 5000 lb Tob. & cask according to her demand. Exequcon to the Sheriffe ad satisfaciendu. (Maryland State Archive, Provincial Court, 1637-1650, Vol 4, p. 458-459) Note: Whether Margarett Brent ever got her 5000 pounds of tobacco from Capt Peter Knight is not recorded as far as I have been able to determine; I suspect that she did not. |
1648 Dec 21 | VA York – Admin - Richard Lee, Gent – Land patent for 1250 acs….On the N. side of Yorke River… being land formerly possessed by John Bayles & George Knight & for want of an heir devolved to his Majesty…. (Nugent I, p. 178) Note: See the 1643 Aug 10 Patent to Roland Burnham, Gent who transported himself and Thomasin Knight; that land was adjacent the land of John Bayles also. |
1649 Oct | VA Northumberland - Admin - Peter Knight, Gent - Land patent for 500 acs. … On the S. of great Wicocomocoe, being a neck of land bounded Ely. Upon the great bay, Wly. on the Cr. that parts same from the Indian Town of Cattalowmen, N. & N.E. upon the mouth of sd. river. Trans. Of 10 pers. (list not included) (Nugent I, p. 184) Note: This is the FIRST land record I've found for Capt. Peter Knight and it would make sense if it is actually the first one; Capt. Peter apparently was in Northumberland County for some time, had his own ship, etc, and only after the latter was formed as a legal jurisdiction would he be required to file for a patent probably on land he already possessed. It seems that none of the events of the rebellion had much effect on Peter and his growing prosperity. Notice that he is classed "Gent" on his first patent. See the maps above to locate this land; the creek was probably the one that is now known as "Knight Run". |
1650 May 13 | VA Northumberland – Admin - William Knight - is witness to a bill of sale of a yellow heifer from John Bennett to Thomas Kingwell. (Sparacio, 1650-1652, p. 9) Note: William Knight will be used as headright by Capt. Peter Knight in this same year. Notice the Bennett connection. Also remember that Peter Knight of St Bride's parish had a younger brother, William Knight. |
1650 May 24 | VA Northumberland – Admin - Peter Knight, William Knight - Court: According to sufficient proofe made to this Court, there is due to Mr. Peter Knight One hundred & Fifty acres of Land for the transportation of these persons into this Colony, Viz his own transportation, William Knight, John Cloberry (Claborry). (Haynie, p. 11) Note: Because this is the only Knight Capt. Peter ever claimed as a headright, it is almost certain that this William Knight is related to Peter. We also see a close relationship to the Cloberrys. Again, recall that Peter Knight of St Bride's had a brother, William Knight, and I never found a burial record for him, so I assume he lived and they grew up together. Are we now seeing the same brothers in Virginia? |
1650 May | VA Northumberland – Admin – Capt. William Knight - Court: Whereas it appears to this Court that Capt. William. Knight hath abused William Cooke by strikinge the said Cooke and rasinge him to fight in the presents of the Court, the Court hath therefore ordered that the said Capt. Knight shall by the last day of November next satisfie and pay the quantity of Three hundred pounds of tobacco to Publique Use or else Execucon. (Sparacio, 1650-1652, p. 12-13) Note: Obviously, the William Knight used as headright by Capt. Peter Knight was an adult, possibly a brother, and not a son. Peter is now only 30 years old. This William already had the title of "Capt." Was he a mariner? We know from the Claiborne saga that Capt. Peter had his own ship and possibly his possible brother did also, or took it over. We also notice that this William Knight was something of a hot-head here. ("Execucon" meant that they would go and confiscate his goods to make good what he was ordered to pay.) |
1650 Jun 18 | VA Lower Norfolk – Admin – Edmund Bowman - Certificate for 200 acres for transportation of himself, Richard Knight, Thomas Scarbrocke, Edward Powell. (Fleet, III, p. 448) | |
1650 Sep 25 | VA James City – Admin - Edward Knight – Land patent for 140 acs. …Lying at the head of Chiskroes Cr. On the e. side of Chickahominy Riv., bounded N. upon land of Mr. Robert Holt, S. upon Mr. Samuel Abbott, W. upon the head of the Cr. & E. upon Mr. Robert Witherall. Being part of 560 acs. Granted to Mr. Richard Bell, who by will bequeathed same to his sonn in Law Thomas Morecock, and due sd. Knight by purchase from Morecock. (Nugent I, p. 202) Same day and page: Edward Knight - Land patent for 400 acs. … Lyeing neare the Southermost br. Of Warreny Cr. On the E. side of Chickohamony Riv., beg. At the extreame of Joseph knight, his father, running N. thence E. to Richahock Path. Trans. Of 8 pers. (Nugent I, p. 202) Same day and page: Joseph Knight, 1600 acs. …Lyeing between the branches of Jones Cr., Morgans Cr. & Warrany on E. side of Chickohominy Riv., beg. Close by Richahock Path. Trans. Of 32 pers. (No list.) (Nugent I, p. 202) |
1651 | Lancaster County established from Northumberland and part of York counties. | Gloucester County was formed from part of York County |
1651 Feb 17 | VA Northumberland/Westmoreland – Admin - Thomas Youlle - and Ann Youlle his wife assign land to Rice Maddock wit: Isaac Knight, The mark of Robert Wyard, Abraham Moone. (Fleet, Westmoreland, p. 653) | |
1651 Feb 20 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight, William Knight - Court – pages missing and index shows: p. 57: John Trussell Agt. Mr. Peter Knight Thomas Wilsford Agt. William Knight. (Sparacio 1650-1652, p. 26) Note: Here we see Capt. Peter Knight and William Knight engaged in lawsuits at the same time! |
1651 Mar 25 |
VA Northumberland – Admin – Thomas Thornbrough - Land patent for 700 acs. …”Abutting Sly. Upon a branch issueing out of Nomeny Riv.” Trans. Of 14 pers. Incl. Richard Knott, William Knight, Jane Davis. (Nugent I, p. 212) Note: This is not a son of Capt. William Knight or Capt. Peter Knight because the headright would likely be at least 18 yrs old and Capt Peter is only 31 and his brother, 5 years younger (assuming the pair are the ones from St Bride's). Considering the fact that a Richard Knott is also included, who is likely the son of George Knott of Northumberland, who was a business associate of Capt. Peter's, it seems more likely to be a "borrowing" of associated persons for headright purposes by Thornbrough and Capt. William volunteered. We can't exclude that it is another relative coming from England or son of another Knight in the locality; it appears there were a number of them there about which we know nothing. |
1651 Apr 28 | VA Northampton – Admin – Edmund Scarborough - Land Certificates granted for 3600 acres for: Rowland Evans, Jenkin Llewellyn (Lleullen), Edward Evans, Lewis Rowland, John Jones… Jester Yeoman… John Martin, John Surry, Francis W. Knight, Thomas West, Alice Price… (Parks 1982, p. 375) | |
1651 Oct 18 | VA Gloucester – Admin - Col. Richard Lee, Esq – Land patent for 500 acres, Gloucester Co., Upon the head branches of Poropotank Swamp & upon the S. & N. side of Mattapony Path… Trans. Of 10 pers: Incl: Matthew Peacock Robert Kemp, John Gray, William Mathews. (Nugent I, p. 219) | |
1652 | VA Surry formed from the portion of James City County south of the James River. | |
1652 Jan 17 | VA Lower Norfolk – Admin - Peter Knight - Court: Judgt. ack by Peter Knight, merchant, for paymt of 1200 lb tobo with 4 yeares forbearance (interest) to Thomas Bridge, gent. (Fleet III, p. 441) Note: It is probably around this time that Peter Knight sold Basses Choice to Mr. John Bland, merchant of London. See the 1675 Dec 4 entry where we are given retroactive details. John Bland was living and purchasing land in 1647. His widow was granted patent on his land in 1652 May 9, where he was noted as being lately deceased. |
1652 Jan 20 | VA Northumberland – Will – Thomas Keene - witnessed by Henry Rainer, John Knight. (Fleet, pp. 91-92) Note: How does this John Knight relate to Peter? VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight - Rec. of George Knott in pt. Of a greater sume the sume of Foure thousand five hundred forty nine pounds of tobco. Reced. By me. Peter Knight. (Sparacio, 1652-1656, p. 79) Note: This record in Northumberland is just 2 days following the record of the other Peter Knight in Lower Norfolk. In this record, our Peter receives a large payment; in the latter record, Peter Knight receives a judgement against him for debt. |
1652 Jan 30 | VA Northumberland – Admin - Thomas Knight - sells to John Rosier a cow and calf and two guns. Witnessed by John Powell and Thomas Philpott. (Sparacio, 1650-1652, p. 61) Note: We'll encounter Thomas Knight several more times. I have no idea how he may relate to Capt. Peter but I feel that there certainly was some connection. |
1652 Apr 13 | VA Northumberland – Admin - Peter Knight - signs oath to Commonwealth of England. (Fleet, p. 560) Note: A lot of colonists of the Royalist persuasion avoided signing this oath of allegience, but this act would go along with what we have already noted that Capt. Peter Knight was a "fire-breathing Puritan" and against Catholics AND the Anglican Church. One thing is certain, finding any records of Knights in Anglican parishes is like searching for hen's teeth. See the list of those who did sign the Oath of Allegience in Northumberland County. |
1652 Apr 30 | VA Northumberland – Admin - Thomas Knight - discharges Thomas Baker from all debts. Signed Thomas Knight Wit. John Rosier. Rec 20 July 1655 (Fleet, Westmoreland, p. 660) Note: This may be the same Thomas Knight of Accomack/Northampton who, in 1640 and 1642, obtained a land cert. for Thomas Adderston, Richard Jones, Thomas Harrison, John Roberts, Percy Terry. See also the 1652 Nov 25 record of Thomas Knight and Thomas Baker. He later appears in Westmoreland county associated again with Thomas Baker and also John Jenkins and Ellen Mills. There is another Thomas Knight, associated with a Simon Dudson, who appears in the 1663 Feb 11 record of Capt. Peter Knight, but this is clearly a younger man, possibly the son of this Thomas Knight. If so, it would suggest that this Thomas Knight was born by at least 1615. |
1652 Jun 20 | VA Northumberland - Admin – Peter Knight – Court: Mr Knight’s acquit to George Knott (Nott) – “R’d the 20 June 1652 of George Knott in part of a greater sum the sume of 4549 lbs Tobacco By me Peter Knight”. Recorded 20th Jan. 1652/3 (Fleet I, p. 99)
1652 Jul 16 | VA Gloucester - Admin - Peter Knight - Land patent for 1,000 acs. … On S. side of Poropotank Cr., on N. side of York Riv., & bounded from the head of gutt issueing out of sd. Cr. Dividing this from land formerly surveyed by Mr. Richard Lee &c. Trans. Of 20 pers: William Vert (or Uert), Robert Young, Godfrid Nixon (Niren or Nixen), William Evans, Lawrence Evans, Humphrey Hawoods, John Fulcher, John Knighthill, John Farmer, William Chamberlain or Chamberlayn (Chamberlin), Mathew Bradford, John Lastly, James Foster, Ursela Smith, William Wright (Right), John Smith, Thomas Jervis, Stephen Collin, Thomas Powell, Elizabeth Monke, (or Mouke.) (Nugent I, pp. 258-9) Resurvey 1668 Apr 3 showing 574 acs. instead of 1000 acs. as by patent of 1652. Adjoining Mr. Francis Ironmonger, Francis Morgan & corner of Purton Dividend. (Mason 1946, p. 44) Note: Of particular interest here are the headrights used: John "Knighthill", John Farmer, William Chamberlain (Chamberlayne/Chamberlin). Farmers and Chamberlayne's are later noted to be very closely associated with Knights of Goochland and Lunenberg Counties. Also, take careful note of the list of headrights of a Mr. John Hinman in the 1655 slot below. We will also see Farmers and Knights showing up together in patents of Capt. Peter Knight. |
1652 Jul 26 | VA Isle of Wight – Admin - Christopher Lewis – Land patent for 750 acs. …Trans. Of 15 pers incl John Knight. (Nugent I, p. 261) Note: Christopher Lewis was listed as headright by John Upton 1735 Jul 7 for 1650 acs Warresquioake Co. (Nugent I, p. 25) The Upton name is connected to Knights, Hawleys and their other connections in several patents; they freely borrowed one another’s kith and kin for headrights. |
1652 Aug 25 | VA Gloucester - Admin - Mr. Peter Knight - Land patent for 700 acs. …Upon Easternmost side of Poropotank Cr. towards the head of same, beg. at a branch dividing this & land of Mr. Blunt &c. Trans. Of 14 pers: John Ball, Alexander and Richard Weston, John Henton, Thomas Cobb, Thomas Taberer, Richard Lathberry, James Clarke, Samuel Clarke, Margery Chamber, Thomas Miller, Katherine Huse, Arthur Carpenter, John Simpson (Simson). (Nugent I, p. 277) Note: The use of Thomas Taberer and Samuel Clarke will develop in interesting ways further on; keep them in mind. Recall also "orphan Samuel Clarke" 1647 Jan 26 York County. Ballpark estimate says that the orphan was 13 years old then and 18 now, thus born c. 1634. Notice also Katherine Huse. In 1648 Jul 10, William Edwards & Rice Davis patented 1080 acs using David Hussey, Robert Knight (Night) and David Husey (sic) as headrights. In Standen, we find the following: Hussey, Giles (d. 1668), Rappahannock county; son of James Hussey, Esq., of Blanford, Dorset, and brother of Thomas Hussey, of the same place, who was living in 1668. Hayden, 298. |
1652 Sep 17 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Isaac Knight - Court: Regarding the foregoing. Signed “per me Isaac Knight (Isaack) thirty yeares old…” Sworn before Thomas Speke. (Fleet I, p. 78 ) Note: Two years younger than Capt. Peter Knight. Related? How? |
1652 Sep 20 |
VA Northumberland – Admin – Capt William Knight - Court: Mr. Richard Turney agt Thomas Wilsford: “The Court doth order that the 330 lb. Of tobacco attached in the hands of Tho Wilsford being the estate of Capt William Knight and due unto Mr Richard Turney from the said Knight shall be paid unto the said Mr Turney by the 20th of Novem next with charges of Court.” (Fleet, p. 6) Note: This is the only notification we get that William Knight, probably the brother of Capt. Peter Knight, has died since his appearance in court 1651 Feb 20, being sued by the above-mentioned Thomas Wilsford. I'm still looking for any additional records that might give clarification. |
1652 Oct 6 | VA Lancaster – Admin - Salter Knight - At a Court holden for Lancaster at ye house of Mr. James Bagnall on ye 6th of October 1652… Certificate of Land granted to Wm Clapham (SR) for two persons vizt. Salter Knight, Thomas Orange . (Parks 1982) Note: in 1651, Lancaster County was established from Northumberland and York counties. I'm including this record here because it may indicate a link between Capt. Peter Knight and the Peter Knight born in St Bride's Parish in 1620. Recall that the father of Peter Knight was a Peter Knight, Haberdasher, who died in 1629. There was another family of Knights there of some interest: Arthur Knight, Haberdasher whose family is followed HERE. This Salter Knight is undoubtedly the son of Arthur Knight, who married Ursula Salter, and one of a set of twins born 1637 Mar 12 thus he is 15 years old here. |
1652 Oct 16 | VA Lower Norfolk – Admin – Thomas Knight - Court: Thomas Knight confesses he owes Wm Basnett 3 bbl Indian corn. He is ordered to pay. Signed Hen. Woodhouse. (Fleet, III, p. 434) | |
1652 Nov 20 | VA Northumberland – Will – Thomas Keene - This will was proved by the Oathes of Henry Paine & John Knight & execucon thereof was committed to Mary Keene, Widdow & principall legatee & is recorded. (Sparacio, 1650-1652) | |
1652 Nov 25 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Thomas Knight - Nathaniel Jones his Deposition Novem. the 22th 1652: Nathaniel Jones aged 24 yeares of thereabouts sworne & examined saith that he heard Thomas Baker & Thomas Knight both say unto him in the time that Thomas Baker & Thomas Knight did live upon the Plantacon wch was John Hiller’s that then this Depont. Heard Tho. Baker being in discourse concerning the Boare of Mr. John Ha(__) deceased. Tho. Baker replyed saying my dogg and I killd. The Boare and this Depont. Saith that Thomas Knight confessed the same being at that time both copartners in Estates and also this Depont. Saith Thomas Th(__) said Baker & Knight said they did bury the same within the plantacon. And further this Depont. Saith not. The marke of Nathaniel Jones. Taken before Mr. Nathaniel Pope & Major Thomas Baldridge, recorded the 25th Novem 1652. (Sparacio, 1650-1652, p 68) | |
1652 Nov 25 | VA Northumbeland/Westmoreland – Admin / Info – Court: Whereas divers of the Inhabitants of this County doe imploy Indians with guns and power and shott very frequently and usually to the great danger of a Massacre, The Court doth think fitt to declare....that if any person....deliver either gun powder or shott to any Indian....shall be proceeded {against} with all according to Act of Assembly in that case provided. And that....persons that have any guns out amongst the Indians shall get them in with all convenient speede.... (WCOB 2 (1652 - 1665), 15) | |
1652 Nov 26 | VA Isle of Wight – Admin - Henry Watts - Land patent for 457 acs.; states that it borders the “land of Peter Knight” and mentions Pagan Cr. (Nugent I, p. 275) Note: “Basses Choice” patent mentions Pagan Creek also, but we know from the 1652 Jan 17 entry that Peter has sold this land. He did, however, have another tract in the same general location and that must be the land mentioned here. |
1653 | VA Westmoreland separated out of Northumberland County. | |
1653 Jan 17 | VA Lower Norfolk - Admin - Peter Knight - Court: Judgt ack by Peter Knight mercht for paymt of 1200 lb tobo with 4 years forbearance (interest) to Tho Bridge gent. (Fleet, III, p. 441) Note: This Peter Knight is in court dealing with debt again and again. |
1653 Jan 20 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Thomas Knight - Court: Francis Gray agt Thomas Knight – referred to next court. … Mr. Hallowes agt Thomas Knight – Knight owing Hallowes 1440 lb of tobo “and the said Knight hath been arrested and doth not appear by himself nor attorney the Court orders that if the said Knight do not appear the next Court and Answere the suite then ordr shall pass agt Mr Rosier, Knight’s security.” (Fleet, pp. 10, 18, 19) Note: Remember Francis Gray of "Ingle's Rebellion" fame? And Peter had a suit against him much earlier also probably related to those events. |
1653 Jan 30 | VA Northumberland – Admin – George Knott (Nott), his patent – Grant. Sir William Berkeley to George Nott, senr., 200 acres in Northumberland “on the west side of the head of Youocomocoo River abutting South East upon the head of the said river Southwest upon an Indian Bridge and a Vallye Northwest and North east upon the main woods”. 50 acres being due to Nott by assignment of George Berry and the other 150 acres granted for the transportation of 3 persons into this colony. Dated 22nd December 1650. (p. 111 Fleet) Know all men by the prsts. That I George Nott doe assigne & make over all my right & title of this Pattent unto Mr. Peter Knight his heires & assignes for ever; And further I the said George Nott doe binde me my heires & assignes to warrant ye within specified Land unto ye said Knight his heires and assignes from all men whatsoever. Witness my hand ye 30th of Janu: 1652 Geo. Nott, his marke. Witness Nathaniel Hickman, Richard Holden, his marke. 20 Septem 1653 this Assignmt. Was acknowledged in Court by ye said Nott & is recorded with ye Pattent. (Sparacio, 1652-1656, p. 95)Note: Previously, George Knott has been seen to be indebted to Capt. Peter Knight; possibly this land transfer was in payment of debt. |
1653 Feb 26 | VA Northumberland – Admin - Peter Knight - of Wicocomoco, land patent for 500 acs. Northumberland Co., on S. side of great Wicocomoco Riv., ... Beg. At branch of sd. Riv. Dividing this & land of Thomas Scoggin, extending E.S.E. to another branch of sd. Riv. To a point near or against the Island &c. Trans. Of 10 pers: William Fluellin, James Donnell, Marmaduke Atkins, William. Saines, Silvester Jones, William Jenkins (Jenking), Mary Wilkey, James Traverse, Mary Sealing, John Allinton. (Nugent I, p. 248) |
1653 Jul 1 | VA James City – Admin - Joseph Knight – Land patent for 2000 acs. On the E. side of Chickahominy Riv. …formerly granted to said Knight 25 Sep 1650; 400 granted to Edward Knight by patent of same date, and assigned by him unto Joseph Knight. (Nugent I, p. 229) | |
1653 Oct 13 | VA Northumberland – Admin - Peter Knight – Patent for 1,000 acs. … Upon N.W. side & on the head of Wicocomico Riv., 200 acs. Part thereof S.E. on the head of sd. River, N.E. on land of one Palin (Pallen), dec’d. 450 acs. S.E. on the main branch of the head of Yeocomico Riv. & N.E. on sd. 200 acs., & 350 acs. S.E. upon this land & N.E. upon land of John Shakley. 200 acs. Formerly granted unto George Knott & assigned to sd. Knight & 800 acs for trans of 16 pers: Charles Roe, John Roe, Edward Morris, Mary Morris, William Stephens, Nicholas Allen, Francis Leake, John Skiddiner, Jane Stoe (or Aloe), Alice Howell, George Shaw, Ann Shaw, Marjory Green, Ralph Millett, Abraham Stronge, Robert Barnett. (Nugent I, p. 252) VA Northumberland – Admin – John Earle - Land patent for 1,000 acs. … on the N. W. side of Yeocomoco Riv & a branch of the same towards land of George Knott. Trans. Of 20 pers: includes John Knight, Mary Knight. (Nugent I, p. 246) Note: John Earle had land in Northumberland before 1649. See Horsly patents (Nugent I, p. 185 and 266), also Earle patent (Nugent I, p 266), both granted in Nov. 1652. VA Northumberland – Admin - Thomas Keene - Land patent for 527 acs…. Abutting N.W. upon the several lands of Ralph Horsly & Edward Coppedge… trans of 11 pers…. John Earle & his wife, Thomas Keene, Mary Keene, William Keene. (Nugent I, p. 251) Note: Keene used John Earle and his wife in his patent application. Keene prev. appears as a headright for Col. William Claiborne (Nugent I, p. 244) and a Thomas Keane is listed as headright 1635 by a Thomas Harris for land in Henrico Co. (Nugent I, p. 33) Also recall that a William Coppedge will be married to an Anne Knight in 1666. This Edward must surely be the father of William. VA Northumberland – Admin - Peter Knight - & Baker Cutts (Cutt) - Land patent for 1850 acs…. Bounding Sly. Upon Capt. [Giles] Brent’s land, Ely. Upon Potomeck Riv. & Nly. Upon Chapawansick Cr. Trans. Of 37 pers: William Clayre, John Sysone, (or Sipsone), James Westbrooke, William Valence, Elinor Ramsey (Ramzee), John Fairbanks, Francis Mott, Richard Spurnell, Rice Morris (Morrice), Robert Knott, Elizabeth Lawrence, Elizabeth Morris (Morrice), James Barber, John Drap, Toby Ingram, Wilmott Jones, Adam Daniell, Thomas Charnold, Mary Davis, Michael Pope (Poope), John Fuller, John Robinson, John Spratt (Spreatt), Susan Pungly, Rice Thompson, Christopher Bennett, Emanuel Willey (Wille), Elizabeth his wife, & 6 children; William Murdure, Georg Ayres (Airea or Acrea), 3 Negros: Robtert, Sampson & Thomas & one Indian: Thomas. The three last names due. (Nugent I, p. 282) Note: It's pretty clear that about half of them were friends or relatives of friends who already had patented land in VA, or friends from England where associations with Knights can be tracked. It must have galled Giles Brent for Capt. Peter Knight to patent land next door to his own considering the events of "The Plundering Time". |
1653 Nov 7 | VA Northumberland - Admin - Isaac Knight - witnesses sale of two brown cows and a calf from John Stanley to Thomas Orlye witnessed by Ralph Horsley (his marke) also. (Sparacio, 1650-1655, p. 102) Note: See the 1651 Feb 17 record where Isaac Knight is a witness to a land transfer between Thomas Youlle and Rice Maddocke. |
1653 Nov 21 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight – Court: Peter Knight agt Edmond Perry, his estate – Perry owing Knight 274 lb tobacco. The Court orders payment from his estate. (Fleet, p. 36) VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight - Court: This page mutilated – Peter Knight agt Mr Turney – Richard Turney having arrested Knight and not appearing against him is ordered to pay him 50 lb. Tobacco, and to pay Court charges. (Fleet, p. 38) Note: Recall the record 1652 Sep 20 where Richard Turney was suing Thomas Wilsford for the tobacco belonging to the estate of Capt. William Knight. Here we see that Turney has gone after Capt. Peter Knight though we don't know what for since the record is incomplete and damaged. Is this a hint that Turney was after Capt. Peter because of Capt. William? Was Capt. Peter heir to William's estate or executor? VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight - Court: Peter Knight agt John Fawcett (ffaucett) - Faucett having arrested Knight and not appearing against him, is ordered to pay him 50 lb tobacco and to pay Court charges. (Fleet, p. 39) |
1653 Dec 8 | VA Lancaster – Admin – Thomas Roots - assigns 300 acres to Margaret Grimes, widow of Edward Grimes, for life. Wit: James Williamson, Peter Knight. (Fleet Abstracts I, p. 221) Note: See the 1652 Oct 6 record referring to Salter Knight above. This record here would tend to suggest that Capt. Peter Knight had a presence in Lancaster county and thus adds a little weight to the idea that he was somehow related to the Arthur Knight family referred to in that entry. |
1654 Jan 30 | VA Northumberland – Admin – John Knight - Court: John Stanley: his sale of Cattle to John Knight. Mr. John Stanley of the Co. of Northumberland, Planter, sells certain cattle to John Knight of the same place, planter. Dated 7th Nov. 1653. Signed John Stanley his marke. Witness Ralph Horsley his marke. Recorded 30th January 1654. Knight assigns foregoing cattle to Thomas Orley. Dated 31st December 1653. Signed John Knight. Witnesses Thomas Broughton, George Courtnell his marke. Recorded 30th January 1654. (Fleet, p. 120) Note: On 1654 Nov 7, Isaac Knight witnessed a sale of cattle from John Stanley to Thomas Orley also witnessed by Ralph Horsley. In 1652, Isaac deposed that he was 30 years old, i.e. 2 years younger than Capt. Peter. It seems to me that this tenuous connection between John Knight of Northumberland, and Isaac Knight, might suggest that they are related. At the same time, John Knight appears to be related to Capt. Peter, but exactly how, is uncertain. |
1654 Jun 1 | VA James City – Admin - Majr. Francis Morrison – Land patent for 24 acs. Commonly knowne by the name of the Glasse House, James City Co., …The sd. Land being formerly by Sr. John Harvey, Knt. by bill of sale assigned to Anthony Coleman, & by Edward Knight & Joseph Knight the heires of sd. Coleman, assigned to John Senior etc… (Nugent I, p. 240) Note: Morrison will renew his patent on 6 Sept. 1655 with the additional information: “”Formerly by Sir John Harvey by bill of sale made over unto Anthony Coleman, & by Edward Knight his heir & Joseph Knight, Att. Of William Coleman, joynt heir to sd. Anthony Coleman, assigned to John Senior” etc. (Nugent I, p. 313) When we check on William Coleman, the first reference is a patent to a "Henry" Coleman dated 10 Mar 1635 for 100 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., “for the per. Adv. Of his wife Katherine Coleman & 50 acs. For trans of 1 servt: Jaques Dela Rey. This patent has a note that there was a Marginal reference and general index give this name as William Coleman. (Nugent I, p. 42) Note: There are several other entries for a Henry Coleman without such marginal notes or variances between the index and the entry; it seems, therefore, that this latter entry should be that of William Coleman, heir of Anthony Coleman, and there was also a Henry Coleman who was likely related, but not a son of Anthony; possibly his brother. How could Edward Knight be an heir of Anthony Coleman? Obviously by marrying his daughter whose birth record I've included above 1639 Mar 8. At this time, she would have been just 15 years old. This is probably the origin of the branch of Knights I call the "Coleman-Woodson Knights". John Knight of Lunenburg who married Elizabeth Woodson apparently descended from this union. The will of an Anthony Knight was probated in Henrico VA 1700 May 1; he had no apparent issue, but he certainly may have had brothers and his presence there is a clue. A grandson of John Knight of Lunenburg, (who married Elizabeth Woodson), via his son Charles, was named Coleman Knight (1760-1840). This Coleman married a Nancy Knight in 1787, daughter of a Peter Knight who married Rachel Abbott, the marriage being recorded in Amelia VA. The Peter Knight who married Rachel Abbott was the grandson of Leonard Knight and Ann Short, Leonard being the son of Capt. Peter Knight of Northumberland. The question is: how to get from Edward Knight, who obviously married Barbery Coleman, son of Joseph Knight, to John Knight of Lunenburg? |
1654 Aug 30 | UK London - Admin - Nathaniel Basse - Lord Mayors Court of London: Major Edward Basse, citizen and merchant of London aged 60, and Dame Mary Poole (signs Pole) wife of Sir John Poole of Bromley, Middlesex, age 62, depose that Hester Hobson of Bromley, widow, Abigail Thorpe of Chelsea Hampton, Oxon, widow, and Sarah wife of Thomas Hastler, citizen and barber surgeon of London, are sisters and are daughters of Humphrey Basse of London, Merchant, and Mary his wife, both long since deceased. The sisters are co-heirs of Luke Basse who died a bachelor and was brother of Nathaniel Basse lately deceased without issue in Virginia. Thomas Hastler is appointed attorney. (Coldham 1987, p. 274) Note: Apparently, Capt. Nathaniel Basse died in VA, without issue, not long before this affidavit was made. That is pretty unequivocal and is a legal record that trumps any alleged "Basse Bible" that only appeared several generations later. There were no Basse children so one could not have married a Peter Knight. If you don't believe me, just try to run down the lines of those alleged children and see how far you get with the records. I tried; that dog don't hunt. |
1654 Oct 2 | VA Northumberland – Admin - Peter Knight – Patent for 1200 acs. on the S. of great Wicocomoco Riv… On the head of the Swd. Branch of sd. River, E.S.E upon land of Thomas Coggen &c Trans. Of 24 pers: Robert Burrell his wife & 3 children out of Holland; James Hawley (Haly), Ann his wife; Fra. Ann & Alice, their children; John Foster, Ruth Darling, James Hill, James Lloyd, Deborah Come, James Jones, John Jerrell, William Bradly, William Slinton, John Waddington. (Nugent I, p. 295) Note: See HERE for discussion of this patent. |
1654 Oct 20 | VA Northumberland – Admin – William Knight - Mr. Turney his acquit to Thomas Wilsford: “20 Octo 1653 Recd of Tho Wilsford 330 lb of tobo in full for order of Court dated 20th Sept 1653 wch tobacco was attached in his hand for the debt of Mr. William Knight. Signed Richard Turney, Witness John Sampson. Recorded 31 Jan 1654. (Fleet, p. 121) Note: So, finally, Turney got his tobacco. I have not found the mentioned record of 1653 Dec 20, but see the 1653 Nov 21 record above. |
1654 Nov 7 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight - Mr Knight, his gift to Thomas Pritchett (Prichett): “I Peter Knight in consideration of my love unto Thomas Pritchett Junr” gives a heifer. Dated 7th November 1654. Signed Peter Knight. Witnesses William Spicer his marke, George Marsh. Rec. 20 Nov. 1654. (Fleet, p. 126) Note: See HERE for discussion of this record. |
1654 Nov 17 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight - Mr Knight, his gift to Thomas Waddy: “I Peter Knight in consideration of my love unto Thomas Waddy” gives a calf. Dated 17 Nov. 1654. Signed Peter Knight. Witnesses: Robert Yeo, Daniel Foxcroft (ffoxcroft). Recorded 20 Nov. 1654. (Fleet, p. 126) Note: See HERE for discussion of this record. |
1654 Nov 20 | VA Northumberland - Admin – Peter Knight - Mr. Knight agt William Jones: Mr. Peter Knight to have attachment agt. Estate of William Jones for 1500 lbs tobacco due to Mr. Edward Bland in the hands of Hugh Lee. (Fleet, p. 56) Note: Here we see a connection between Capt. Peter and Edward Bland, Merchant. Recall that in 1636 May 20, William Carter patented 700 acs using Edward Bland as one of his headrights. In 1647 Mar 10, Edward Bland patented 1300 acs with 26 headrights including his family members: Edward, James, Elizabeth. Edward, the 1647 patentee, was the son of John Bland who, apparently, purchased Basse's Choice from Peter Knight of Gloucester. So again we see some overlapping relationships; not too difficult with a limited population. More intriguingly, in the 1626 Apr 27 will of Leonard Knight, merchant of London, he bequeathes land "in the parish of Sutton at Hone and Wellington in the County of Kent lately came to my possession after the death of Richard Bland." This Leonard Knight married Constance Benbowe as his second wife and was the son of Richard Knight, Merchant, who wrote his 1585 will in Bruges, Flanders, and apparently died not long after. Richard Knight was apparently the son of a John Knight who owned the manor of Stratton St Margaret in Wiltshire in partnership with Richard Bridges, partitioned the property, and Knight sold it to Adam Bland (Blande/Blandy) on 1601 Jan 1. This John Knight, in turn, was the son of John Knight of Newbury, son of William Knight of Reading. Recall also that Edward Bennett was an elder of the church at Amsterdam, as well as the owner of several merchant vessels that operated out of Holland, and that Capt. Peter Knight claimed Robert Burrell, wife & 3 children "out of Holland" as headrights 1654 Oct 2, just prior to this action. Going even further back, we find that the Canterbury Martyrs were the last Protestants burnt at the stake during the reign of Mary I. Among them were: John Bland, William Coker, Henry Laurence, Richard Wright, John Webb, George Roper, Stephen Kempe, Nicholas White, and on 15 November 1558, Katherine Knight of Tynley, Kent. |
1654 Nov 21 | VA Northampton – Admin - William Thorne – Land patent for 387 acs. … Trans of 8 pers. Incl Richard Knight, Dorothy Jordan, William Jordan. (Nugent I, p. 296) | |
1655 Mar 11 | VA Northampton – Admin - John Evans – Land patent for 400 acs. ..Trans. of 8 pers. Incl John Knight. (Nugent 1, p. 330) | |
1655 Apr 2 | VA Westmoreland – Admin – Nicholas Meriwether - sells James Hare 200 acres out of a patent of 1350 acres… Wit: Abraham Moone, John Knight, his marke. Rec. 20 Jul 1655. (Fleet, Westmoreland, p. 659) Note: Unlike most of the other Knights encountered thus far, this one is illiterate. |
1655 Jun 4 | VA Northumberland – Admin - John Johnson – Land patent for 85 acs. on N. side of great Wicocomoco Riv., bet. Mr. James Hawley & William Betts… (Nugent I, p. 309) |
1655 Jul 20 | VA Westmoreland – Admin – Thomas Knight - Thomas Baker to “my welbeloved friend” John Jenkins in the County of Westmorland, to act in differences betw him (Baker) and Thomas Knight, “or betweene me and Ellen Mills now otherwise called Ellin Pussill within the abovesaid County”. Signed the marke of Thomas Baker. Wit: Richard Browne, Gervase Bell his marke. Rec 20 July 1655. (Fleet, Westmoreland, p. 661) | |
1655 Aug 20 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight - Mr. Knight agt Laurence Damorell: The Court orders that Laurence Damorell shall by the next Court deliver up to Mr Peter Knight his bond concerning the acknowledgement of a Patent Land which Mr Knight hath acknowledged in Court. (Fleet, p. 60) VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight - Mr. Knight agt John Hopper: “Whereas Peter Knight was summoned to this Court to declare himself upon oath at which time John Hopper interrupted the sd Mr Knight and taxed him with swearing falsely.” The Court orders Hopper to pay Knight 300 lbs. Tobacco by Nov. 10th.(Fleet, p. 61) VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight - Knight, his Depo: “Peter Knight aged 35 yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined saith That the general report of Alice Atkinson that hee ever heard was shee was an whore and one that never would live with her husband but that shee rather always was desirous of absence from her husband then for to live with him and further this Depont sayeth not Peter Knight 20 August 1655 Jurat in Cur” (Sparacio NCV D&W Abs. 1650-1655, p. 121) Note: The expression "35 years or thereabouts" was typical for legal documents; it actually meant, 35 years for sure most of the time. |
1655 Oct 3 | VA Northampton – Admin - John Hinman - Land patent for 800 acs. … Trans. Of 16 pers. Incl John Knight, Elizabeth Johnson, Robert Wright, Miles Gray, Jane Williams, Richard Gardner, John Dye, Richard Gayney, Thomas Thorogood (Thorowgood), Alexander Bromley, John Farmer, Thomas Collier, Robert Rose, Mary Poole, Joane Williams, Joane Hodges. (Nugent I, p. 322) Note: My, what a collection of names! On 16 Jul 1652, Peter Knight Merchant patented land in Gloucester Co. using John Knighthill, John Farmer and William "Right" as headrights. Since these three names occur together here, again, one strongly suspects that the "hill" was added to the name "Knight" as an attempt to disguise or distance the patentee from the list of names. That - and there are many such instances - suggest that the participants in this type of activity knew that they were doing something not quite kosher. See also the 1677 Dec 29 patent of Lieut. Col. Cadwallader Jones. |
1655 Nov 20 | VA Northumberland – Admin – John Johnson - Court: John Johnson agt Mr Morris Admr of Thomas Coggin: Peter Knight petitions the Court in Behalf of John Johnson for 590 lb. Tobo., due from Coggin. Johnson having made oath before Mr. James Hawley. (Fleet, p.66). Mr Peter Knight, his motion – Regarding an action of debt betw. Knight and Col. John Mottrom, deceased. (Fleet, p. 67) Note: John Johnson first patented land in 1624 Jan 12, James City. We saw him, or his namesake, above, patenting land between James Hawley and William Betts. The name is so common that I pity any Johnsons having to track these people, but now and then, there is a moment of clarity. |
1656 | VA Old Rappahannock was established in 1656 from part of Lancaster County. | |
1656 Jan 13 | VA Surry – Admin - Capt. George Jordan - Court: It was ordered to audit and settle and deliver all accounts depending between Capt. George Jordan and Mr. Richard Hill, deceased… a bill in the hands of Mr. John Dibdall, also Mr. Jennings, etc. Test: Peter Knight, John Flood, Benjamin Sidway. Rec.: 6 Feb 1656. (Timberlake Davis) | |
1656 Jun 4 | VA Gloucester - Admin - Col. Richard Lee - Land patent for…5 acs. towards head of Poropotanke Cr. Whereon the store of sd. Col. Lee stands, & is part of a devdt. Granted Peter Knight, merchant, 25 Aug. 1652 which is deserted. Trans. Of 1 servant: Morris Plummor. (Nugent I, p. 330) Note: The patent of Peter Knight's mentioned here was the one where Thomas Taberer and Samuel Clarke were used as headrights. That was a 700 ac tract and this patent only deals with 5 acs of it. Why was it referred to as "deserted"? |
1656 Sep 20 | VA Northumberland – Mar - James Hawley & Jane Horsley - Widow of Ralph Horsley with the consent of Joseph Horsley, son of Ralph Horsley. (Northumberland Co. Court Orders 1652-57:73) Note: See HERE for discussion of this record. |
1656 Oct 9 | Northumberland VA - Mr. Peter Knight (Peeter) - Land patent for 925 acs. in Petowmack Riv. Adj. Chappawansicke Cr. Moiety of patent for 1850 acs. (As above) Renewal. Retaken up by new rights & trans. Of 19 pers: John Waddington, Andrew Cockerin, Wm. Ballingall, Edwd. Meeres, Wm. Mundy, Rich. Wall & 1 servt. name Thomas, James Hawley (Hawly), Ann his wife, 3 children, Jno. Foster, Ruth Darlinge, James Hill, James Loyd, Jno Seaman, Wm. Seaman, Gilbert Seaman. (Nugent I, p. 340) Note: Note; The patent was likely applied for 3 years prior to granting, i.e. 1653. Note above that James Hawley has married Widow Horsley whose husband was a witness in 7 Nov 1653. Peter Knight was in a generous mood in 1654, with gifts of cows, which is probably when he married Anne Hawley. Thus, mother Anne must have died after that event, and before Sept 1656. See HERE for discussion of this record. |
1657 | VA Gloucester – Admin - Peter Knight - appointed Justice of the Peace. (Mason 1946, p. 121) | |
1657 Jan 15 | VA James City – Admin - Thomas Younge – Land patent for 250 acs. … On N. side of James Riv… on land formerly Mr. James & now in possession of John Knight, E. on Pagan Cr…. Renewed 18 Mar. 1662 (Nugent I, p. 364) Note: It might be worthwhile trying to chase down this Mr. James. |
1657 Mar 13 | VA Northumberland - Admin - James Hawley (Hawly) – Land patent for 1000 acs. …On S. side of Petomeck… Trans of 20 pers. Incl Mr. George Colclough, Mrs. Ursula Colclough. Renewed 24 May 1664. (Nugent I, p. 362) Note: We found George Colclough engaged in a lawsuit against Capt. Peter Knight in 1648 Jan 20. Mr. Colclough (Coltclough?) has already patented his own land in Northumberland Co. in 1655 (Nugent I, p. 309) and this land is mentioned in the patent of John Hughlett (Hulet) (Nugent I, p. 322) whose headrights include John Evans. The patent of John Evans, 1655 Mar 11, includes John Knight as headright. (Nugent I, p. 330) A patent of Peter Knight, Merchant, 16 July 1652, also includes numerous Evanses. |
1657 Mar 20 | VA James City – Admin - John Knight – Land patent for 300 acs…. On N. side of James Riv. & S. E. side of Chichohominy, beg. On the head of a path leading to Capt. Bennett Freeman & Edward Harrison, N. to Thomas Young, to Delonies marked trees, thence to Sir William Berkeley’s &c. Trans. Of 6 pers. (No list.) (Nugent I, p. 364) | |
1657 Mar 30 | VA Northumberland – Admin - Mr. Peter Knight- Land patent for 500 acs. … On S. side of great Wiccocomico Riv., N.N.E. upon another seate belonging to him, formerly Mr. Flints, & S.E. upon a lyne dividing this from land of Gervase Dodson. Trans. Of 10 pers: Robert Burwell, & his wife, 3 children, William Bradby, Deborah Conne, James Jones, John Gerrell, William Flinton. (Nugent I, p. 343) Note: In the 1654 Oct 2 patent, Peter used Robert "Burrell", his wife and 3 children "out of Holland". Here, they have become "Burwell". Who knows which name is correct? He also used William Bradly and here is using William Bradby; Deborah Come in the previous patent, Deborah Conne in this one; James Jones same in both. All of the name mess-ups could be due to the errors of the scribes of the time, or the transcribers of our day, or both; but the bottom line is that Peter Knight was re-using many of the same people over and over again for his land patents, and many of them were relatives, friends, or children of friends and relatives. |
1657 Apr 20 | VA Gloucester – Admin - William Newman - Land patent for 400 acs. one mile below Oliver Green beginning by a swamp that runs by Mr. Cooke land. Renewed in Mr. Peter Knight’s name 1662. Trans of: Robert Davis, William Jenkins, John Foster, Daniel ___, James Fisher, Thomas Jones, Adam Church, John Turbis. (Mason 1946, p. 55) Note: William Newman was 35 years old when the 1624 Jamestown Muster was taken (b. 1589). He was located at Wariscoyack, James City, and had arrived in 1622 aboard the ship “Furtherance”. He had a house, 6 pounds of powder, two guns, and corslet armor. He apparently left a wife and children in England, and they later joined him. Son: Robert, Daus: Martha Newman Morris, Jane Newman Presley, and Hannah Newman. Further on we will learn that Peter Knight acquired this land by assignment from an Elias Cobson, to whom it was sold by Newman. |
1657 Jun 3 | VA Northumberland – Admin - Peter Knight – Land patent for 1500 acs. ... Renewal of 2 patents for 500 acs. Each. 700 acs. N.N.E. upon a creek deviding this & land of Mr. Nicholas Morris (Morrice), W.N.W. upon Scoggins Cr., etc & 800 acs. N.N.E. upon said land, W.E. upon land of Thomas Read & David Kiffin, etc. 500 acs. For trans. Of 10 pers. (no list) Same county, date & page Peter Knight - Land patent for 1200 acs. Northumberland Co. Renewal of patent for 700 acs. Granted him 2 Oct. 1654 & 500 acs granted unto Thomas Scoggin, who deserted same, and now due for trans. Of 10 pers.” The name Rich. Shortland appears under this record but otherwise, no list of names. (Nugent I, p. 346) |
1657 Dec 21 | VA York– Admin - Peter Knight, Merchant - Court, Justices: Nathaniel Bacon, Esq., Col Christopher Calthorpe, Lt. Col. William Barbor, J. Croshaw, J. Ham, E Peters & Wm. Hay: Upon petition of Peter Knight, M’chant Att.’y of John Bennett, & Bennett is to give bond with security, William Carre being formerly possest by order to deliver such cattle as formerly belonged to John Walker to the sd. Bennett he the sd. Carr being satisfied therefrom; 200 lbs. Tob. & the cattle to be app. By Thomas Pinkethman & John Russell. (Duvall Series 2, Vol. 5, p. 8) | |
1658 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Mr. Peter Knight & Mr. John Haynie, elected Burgesses from the County Levy. (William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine, Vol. 4, No. 3., (Jan., 1896), pp. 179-180.) | |
1658 Mar 7 | VA Northumberland – Admin - Mr. Peter Knight – Land patent for 925 acs. in Patomeck river… adj. Capawansicke Cr., Being the moiety of a patent granted to sd. Knight & Capt. Baker Cutts, 13 Oct. 1653, renewed by order of court & for trans. Of 19 pers. (List not given) Renewed 15 Mar 1663. (Nugent I, p. 389) | |
1658 Jun 4 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Edward Palmer- Patent for 400 acs. in Petomeck freshes, lyeing up a creek between land of Capt. Brent called Pusctoway Neck & land of Henry Vincent… Trans. Of 8 pers: Mary Palmer, Roger Shackleforth, Thomas Hall, Thomas Kibble, Guy Knight, Jane Annis, Richard Palmer. (Nugent I, p. 368) Note: This is one of only three mentions of a "Guy Knight" I have in all my records. The other two fall into Gloucester County, suggesting some possible relationship with the Peter Knight resident there. But here, he definitely shows up first with the Palmers, and Capt. Peter has some dealings with the Palmers further on. I think that the name "Guy" must be something like a nickname because I haven't found it anywhere else. As a given name, it was a French/English take on the Italian name, Guido. |
1658 Sep 1 | VA New Kent – Admin - Georg Chapman – Land patent for 1500 acs. ... N. side of Mattepany Riv…Trans of 30 pers. Incl John Knight, Robert Wright, Thomas Winn, Richard Perry, Roger Stephens, Robert Wilson, Thomas Edgecombe (Edgcome). (Nugent I, p. 370) | |
1658 Oct 7 | VA Westmoreland – Admin – Mr. Richard Wright - Land patent for 2200 acs. on S.W. side of Patomeck Riv… granted unto Col. John Mottrom 13 Aug 1650 & due sd. Wright as marrieinge Ann the daughter of sd. Mottrom… 737 acs for trans of 15 per. Incl. John Knight (Nugent I, p. 375) Note: Recall that John Mottrom's house was where the rebels met during the Claiborne - Ingle Rebellion. |
1658 Oct 22 |
VA Northumberland – Admin – John Knight & James Hawley - Court: The difference depending between Mr. Charles Ashton, Plt., and Mr. James Hawley & John Knight, Defendants, being tried by a Jury whose names are subscribed, vizt. Mr. William Thomas, Thomas Brewer, Henry Toppin, Richard Spann, Mr. Nicholas Jernow, Simon Richardson, Anthony Linton, Justinian Tennis, John Motley, Abraham Joyce, William Coleman (Colman), John Bailes. We of the Jury being empannelled to try the Cause between Mr. Charles Ashton, Plaint: & Mr. James Hawley & John Knight, Defendants, do award as followeth: vizt., That the Plaintiff shall forthwith: have a sufficient able Servant delivered him by the Defendants, Mr. Hawley to allow for two thirds thereof & John Knight the other third: And each party to beare his own charges, the sd. Servant to have one complete year to serve. Wm: Thomas (Sparacio) Note: A John Knight shows up several times in association with Capt. Peter Knight and with James Hawley which suggests that he was related to Peter somehow and somewhat older, more of an age with Hawley it seems to me. He is elsewhere described as “planter” and “of Northumberland County”. Here, it appears that Hawley and John Knight are engaged in some kind of business together. Further note the presence of William Coleman on the Northumberland County jury. William Coleman was the heir of Anthony Coleman whose daughter, Barbery, apparently married Edward Knight, son of Joseph Knight. Edward was co-heir with third brother, William Knight, to Anthony Coleman. Then, note the fact that the 1648 Sep 9 patent to a Mrs. Jane Perkins states that it is next door to the land of Anthony Coleman, and that the land Mrs. Perkins is patenting came to her via Capt. William Peirce to Alexander Stoner to John Knight to William Edwards to Edward Prince to Robert Miles to the sd. Mrs. Perkins. What interests me here is that this land, next to Anthony Coleman who was connected to Joseph and Edward Knight, was at least temporarily held by a John Knight. |
1658 Dec 20 | VA Lancaster – Admin - Peter Knight, Merchant - witnesses a deed between William Short (Shirt) of Lancaster, and William Thatcher. (Fleet, Lancaster, p. 130) Note: Here we are surely dealing with Capt. Peter Knight, now being called "Merchant" because that was what he was at this point. Recall that Lancaster Co was earlier part of Northumberland county. I believe that here we are seeing an appearance of William Short, the future father-in-law of Capt. Peter's son, Leonard Knight. Leonard, of course, according to his own later testimony, is not yet born. |
1659 | VA Gloucester – Admin - Peter Knight - Member of House of Burgesses. Also members: Richard Lee, Lt. Col. John Walker, Thomas Walker. (Mason 1946, p. 120) Note: In this record, and another, above, we see Peter Knight in association with John Walker. The John Knight of Sussex Va who left a will in 1791, and who was married 1st to Elizabeth Stokes, named a son "Walker" in honor of his wife's Walker connections. There are quite a few Walkers and Stokes in the St Bride parish registry also where Capt. Peter Knight was baptized. |
1659 Apr 6 | VA James City – Admin - William Smith – Land patent for 400 acs. … On E. side of Chickahominy Riv., S. Ely. On Maj Holts land, Nly. On Mathewe Williams, E. & Nly. on William Knights land… by patent dated 8 Aug. 1654… (Nugent I, p. 389) Note: We learn further on that this William is the son of Joseph Knight who was also father of Edward Knight who intemarried with the Colemans, and there was another son, Joseph Knight JR. |
1660 Feb 15 | VA Northumberland – Admin – James Hawley & Elizabeth Knight - Knowe all men by these presents that I James Hawley for & in consideration of my love & affection I doe give unto my Grand Child Elizabeth Knight one Cowe Calf cropped on both ears a staple underneath the left ear & over keeled under the right ear & a slit, the sd. Elizabeth Knight to enjoy the sd. Cowe Calf with her increase to her & Her heirs forever; Witness my hand this 15th day of February 1660. Test Edward Hawley, his mark Wit: James Hawley. 26th February 1660. This Deed of Gift was acknowledged in Court by Abraham Bryam. Attorney of the sd. James Hawley and is recorded. “Knowe all men by these presents that I James Hawley doe make my loving Friend, Abraham Byram, my true & lawfull Attorney to acknowledge this Bill of Sale in Court; Witness my hand this 5th of February 1660.” Witness Richard Robards X James Hawley. 20th Febr: 1660. This Letter of Attor: was recorded. (Northumberland County, Virginia Record Book 1658, p.56) Note: This record may announce the birth of Capt. Peter's daughter, Elizabeth, though she may have been born somewhat earlier. Obviously, Capt. Peter is now married to the daughter of James Hawley, Anne. Note also that and Edward Hawley and a James Hawley are witnesses; they are apparently sons of James Hawley the elder. |
1660 Apr 4 | UK England – The Restoration - In the Declaration of Breda, Charles II made known the conditions of his acceptance of the Crown of England. Monck organised the Convention Parliament, which met for the first time on 25 April 1660. On 8 May 1660, it declared that King Charles II had reigned as the lawful monarch since the execution of Charles I in January 1649. Charles returned from exile on 23 May 1660. On 29 May 1660, the populace in London acclaimed him as king. His coronation took place at Westminster Abbey on 23 April 1661. | |
1660 Dec 13 | VA Northampton – Admin – Robert Berace - (Burras/Burriss?) Certificate granted for 800 acres, trans. of following (selected): John Knight, Elizabeth Reynolds, Robert Wright, Elizabeth Johnson, Jane Williams, Margret Barton, Miles Gray. (VA Hist. Soc. Mag. Vol. XXVIII, p. 151) (Parks 1982, p. 379) | |
1661 Jan 10 | VA Lancaster – Admin – Peter Knight - “Mr. Meredith (Merideth), I desire you for to pay unto Henry Herde for my use the sum of four hundred pounds of tobacco and taking his receipt … Jan 10 1661 Your lo Friend, Peter Knight”. Recorded 11 mar 1662/3 (Fleet, Lancaster, p. 142) | |
1661 Apr 29 | VA Lancaster – Admin – Peter Knight – “Received April 29 1661 of John Meredith 800 lb tobo for the amount of Mr. Peter Knight of Wiccocomoco in part of a judgmt of 2000 lb. tobo I say these received Henry Corbyn”. Recorded 1 June 1661 (Fleet, Lancaster, p. 135) | |
1661 Jul 10 | VA Lancaster – Admin – John Jones - gives Power of Attorney to Mr. Peter Knight to acknowledge a land sale. Wit: James Hawley, Edward Hawley. (Fleet, Lancaster, p. 137) Note: Here I think we are seeing the sons of James Hawley the elder acting together as witnesses. VA Northumberland - Admin – Simon Richardson - (Symon) Land patent for 384 acs. Beg. on Herring Cr. dividing this & land of Major George Coltclough (Colclough), extending along Patomeck Riv. N.W. by W. to a pond dividing this & land of John Bales &c. 300 acs granted to John Hailes & Thomas Sheppard 16 Sep 1651, by them assigned unto Clement Carbill & Samuel Nicholls, by Nicholls assigned unto John Haney, who assigned to John Raven & Thomas Rowe; sd. Raven assigned his part to sd. Rowe, who assigned to Symon Richardson & Richard Island; Island assigned unto George Markes & Thomas Swan, who assigned to sd. Richardson. 84 acs for trans. of 2 pers: Peter Richards (?) Susan Hardrop. (by Sir Wm. Berkeley). (Nugent I, p. 403) Note: Simon Richardson was apparently another associate of Capt. Peter Knight.
1661 Aug 18 | VA Northumberland – Admin – John Hughlett & Thomas Salisbury - Land patent for 400 acs. …Upon the head of great Wiccomico Riv… Trans of 8 pers. Incl. Edward Sanders, Robert Wright, Joseph Hary, Myles Cray, Nicholas Smith, John Knight, William Henrill (?), Francis Acton. (Nugent I, p. 395) Note: We've seen some of these names together before. Is this John Knight the son of the John Knight who has been present in Northumberland up to now? What about Edward Sanders and Robert Wright? Were they sons of friends? Recall that Joseph Sanders/Saunders of London was the "Chief Merchant" of consortium back in 1639 and his factor in VA was Peter Knight. John Hughlett will appear again in 1679 in unpleasant circumstances. |
1661 Nov 26 | VA Northumberland – Admin - Peter Knight – Land patent for 2700 acs…. 1200 acs on S. side great Wiccocomico Riv., ESE upon land of Thomas Scoggin: 1500 acs. On S. Side of sd. Riv., 700 acs. Of which being N.N.E. upon a Cr. Dividing same & land of Mr. Nicholas Morris (Morrice) & W.N.W. upon Scoggins Cr. 800 acs. N.N.E. upon sd. Land & S.E. upon land of Thomas Read & David Kiffin, part of which next to land of sd. Read formerly called Palmers land. Renewal of patent dated 3 June 1657. (Nugent I, p. 395) Note: Recall the 1658 Jun 4 Patent to Edward Palmer for 400 acs? In that patent, Guy Knight first appeared. Apparently, Palmer sold his land to Read. |
1662 Jan 26 | VA Northumberland – Admin – James Hill & Thomas Davis - A sale of 150 acres of land by James Hill to Thomas Davis & Daniell Bixby witnessed by Leonard Howson and John Knight. Jone Hill, the wife, gives her consent to the sale, witnessed by Leonard Howson and Peter Knight. (Sparacio, 1662-1666, p. 2) Note: One of the rare bits of evidence showing Peter Knight and John Knight of Northumberland acting together. Leonard Howson and Peter Knight were associated a number of times in the surviving records. Also note that James Hill was a headright of Capt. Peter's 1654 Oct 2 and 1656 Oct 9, the "Hawley Headright" patents. In 1691 Apr 1, a James Hill, probably a son of this James Hill, will buy 50 acs from John Woodson at Curles. Also, see transaction 1656 Jan 13 of Surry County involving George Jordan, Richard Hill (dec.) and Peter Knight. In 1652, a Thomas Hill of Kent Island took the Oath of Allegience to Cromwell along with Edward Coppedge and many others. In 1638 Mar 13 Peter Knight, merchant, purchased land from Thomas Hill and John Upton. In 1635 Jun 24 Adam Thoroughgood patented 5350 acs in Elizabeth City county using Henry Hill and John Hill as headrights in a "who's who" list of headrights. |
1662 Feb 10 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight – Court: The sale of the Hill land is acknowledged and Jone Hill, the wife, makes Peter Knight her attorney to acknowledge the sale in court. (Sparacio, 1662-1666, p. 2) VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight - Court: Peter Knight is given commission to swear witnesses, James Hawley and Edward Hawley, who lived out of the county, in the matter of the will of Robert Boggus of Great Wicocomoco. (Sparacio, 1662-1666, p. 6) Note: These are the sons of James Hawley, father-in-law of Capt. Peter. VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight - Bee it knowne unto all men by these presents yt. I Peter Knight of Greate Wicocomoco doe for mee my heires sell for a valuable consideracon unto Richard Feilding of Bristoll, Merchant, One thousand acres of Land lying & being on ye South side of Great Wicocomoco River at head of the said River which land was granted to mee by Pattent and bounding as followeth: Northerly upon the River & Easterly upon the Swampe that Mr. King liveth on; and Westerly upon the Greate Swampe & Southerly into the Woods a double length to the marked tree, the said Richard Feilding to have & to hold the abovesd. Land unto him & his assignes for ever & further I the sd. Knight doe warrant the abovesd. Thousand acres of Land unto the sd. Feilding his heires or assignes from every persons & further I the sd. Knight doe bind mee my heires to acknowledge ye said Land in the County Court unto the sd. Feilding his heires or assignes as Witnes my hand & seale the Fowerteenth day of Decembr. 1662. Witness Abra(___) Peter Knight (ye seale). This Writeing was acknowledge in Northumberland County Court by the within menconed Peter Knight & recorded On margin: Mrs. Knight’s consent to this Sale is recorded in folio 99 (Sparacio, 1662-1666, p. 7) |
1662 Mar 23 | VA Westmoreland – Info - At the Grand Assembly sitting at Jamestown, Capt. Giles Brent charged Wahanganoche, King of the Potomac Indians, with high treason for the murder of several Englismen, quarrels over boundaries, thievery, etc. The charges were dismissed by Gov. Francis Moryson and a committee was appointed to inquire into the differences between the English and the Indians. The committee decreed that Capt. Giles Brent, Col. Gerrard Fowke, Mr. John Lord, and Capt. George Mason, had done the King of Potomacs many injustices, injuries and affronts, and they were ordered to pay him various tributes and compensations and give bond for their own good behavior. The same gentlemen were also declared “incapable of holding any office civil or military in this countrey”. At the same court hearing, King Wahanganoche acknowledged to the committee his sale of land to Henry Meese and Peter Ashton. Col. John Catlett of Rappahannock County wrote a letter on 1 Apr 1664 to his cousin in Kent, England, Mr. Thomas Catlett, describing the King of the Patomac Indians as “one of an emperious spirit and very subtitle” and said that everyone was astonished that he was cleared and sent home with a reward. “But no sooner dismiss’d than Almighty God the Impartial Judge Sumoned ye notorious villaine to his great tribulan, to answer for those many murders committed by him upon the English and others of his own nation, for hee was arrested by death in his way home.” Thus, in the area that was soon to become Stafford County, all the Potomac Indians seem to have vanished. Note: One wonders if “arrested by death” was natural, or was assisted? After reading Riordan's The Plundering Time, I have to agree that Giles Brent had no business whatsoever in any position of authority over anybody or any thing! He was a pompous ass. |
1662 Oct 8 | VA Northumberland – Admin - Peter Knight - to take depositions of James and Edward Hawley who live out of the County. (Fleet, p. 560) | |
1662 Nov 23 | VA Northumberland – Admin - Peter Knight – Land patent for 2700 acs. …1200 acs on S. side of great Wicocomoco Riv., adj land of Thomas Scoggin; 1500 acs. On S. side sd. River, ESE upon a branch dividing this & land of Nicholas Morris (Morrice), adj. Land of Tho. ___ & David Kiffin. … part of which land next Thomas Read being formerly called Palmer ___ (mutilated.) (Nugent I, p. 419) Note: See patents 1657 Jun 3 and 1661 Nov 26 to fill in details. |
1663 Feb 9 | VA Westmoreland – Admin – John Lord & William Horton - Land patent for 2500 acs. Westmoreland Co. … Trans of 50 pers: Incl: Margaret Basse, Francis Carter, Thomas Hawley, William Upton, William Hawley. (Nugent I, p. 484) Note: This is the second mention of a Basse ofther than Nathaniel, that I've found in the records and in a roundabout way, it is connected to Knights via the names on the headrights list: Hawley, Upton and Carter. Uptons and Carters were connected to Peter Knight of Isle of Wight/Gloucester. It could also be said that Basses are connected to him. Hawleys to Capt. Peter Knight of Northumberland. The next Basse encountered in the records in this same year, is a William Basse as headright for John Harvey (Nugent I, p. 427). That list includes Evanses, Pooles, Davises, and Blunts. Considering the fact that Nathaniel Basse's sister, Mary, was married to Sir John Poole of Bromley, I would say that these names are suggestive of a connection to that family, but are certainly not children of Nathaniel Basse. They might be nieces and nephews. What is significant is that they don't show up until |
1663 Mar 12 | VA Northumberland - Peter Knight - These are to Certify that M. Peter Knight made his right appeare to 250 acres of land for the transportation of five persons into this Contry (viz) Richard Roberts, William Allcocke, Richard Phillips, Elizabeth Ward and Mary Passas. (Haynie, p. 250) Note: I am placing this record slightly out of chronological sequence, before the next batch which are all of a piece, a court case, and three persons named as headrights in this record, Richard Roberts, Richard Phillips, and Mary Passas, play a part in the drama. The headrights were no doubt submitted 2 to 3 years prior to being granted. |
1663 Feb 11 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight - Record Book: Articles of Agreement made betweene Summar Adams ye one pty & Peter Knight on ye other pty; as foll: yt. Ye sd Summar Adams live with ye sd Pet. Knight from ye day of ye date hereof until ye finishing of ye crop; the sd. Summar to be (___) & to take charge of ye sd. Knights lands & for (__) hands & for sd. Doe his utmost indeavor to m(__) Knights hand, ye names here menconed Rich (___), John Clark, Eliz. Michaell, ye sd. Summar (__) after ye sd. Knights hogs & cattle & helps (__) consideracon thereof ye sd. Knight is allow sd. Summar a share & halfe of tobacco & fower hundred pounds of tobacco & cask, ye sd. Summar is to have dyett washinge & then ye sd Summar is to stay 2 or 3 yeares together (__) ye sd. Knights Plantacon, & for to take & make a crop (__ sd. Knights hands whether more or less. Witnesse p(__) ye 11th Febr. 1663. The sd. Summar to have but one share Corne. Wit: Richard Robts, Richard Philips (his mke) sign Summar Adams, Peter Knight. Note: The above Articles of Agreement are followed by seven affidavits that apparently belong to a time subsequent to the agreement by at least a year, but have no dates attached. It looks as though they were all filed together and then later copied together. The story is told by the deponents as follows: Symon Dudson aged 30 yeares sworne & exd. Sayth (__) into Mr. Knights Tob. House aboat Xmas. Last saw ye Tob (__) about ye house dryed wth. A North West wind. Some pt. Of ye bulk (__) some uncovered & ye doors were opend. & ye Tob. Tumbled about (as yor. Depont. Conceaves) wth. Hogs (__) & aboat a month after yor. Depont. Saw ye bulk & it was very hot & much damnifyed by lyinge soe long in bulk & farther yor. Depont. Sayet not. Thomas Knight aged 28 yeares sworne & exd. Sayth ye very same wth. Symon Dudson and farther sayth no. Juratur Curia Tho. Knight John Palmer aged 32 yeares sworne & exd. Sayth beinge about Xmas. Last at Mr. Knights House, Mr. Knight did desire yor. depont. & John Hudnall to goe to ye tob. House to take notice of ye Tob. how it did lye & therewth. shewed us of it & then yor. depont. did see a bulk of tob. (ye wind blowing very hard) at Northwest unto beard & dry as powder, Summar Adams being then at Nominy & for a matter of 30 foot of ye tob. house yor. Depont. saw ye tob. lying abroad upon ye grownd. trodden under feet in ye durt alonge ye stalkes & likewise throwne upon sticks in severall places of ye House drying in such a condicon as yor. depont never saw tob. lye & further yor. Depont. Sayeth not. Sign John Palmer John Hudnall aged 20 yeares sworne & exd. Sayth ye very same wth. John Palmer & further sayth not. Juratur Curia John Hudnall Richard Roberts Aged 21 yeares sworne & exd. Sayth yt. his Mas. Mr. Knights tob. lay about ye tob. house & rotten & spoyled for want of strippinge leafe an old door occasioned by ye negligence of Summar Adams, his then Overseer, & he ye sd. Summar when he saw ye tob. spoyled, bade yor. depont. & Richard Philips & Mary Pallas to burne ye tob. yt. our Mas. might not see it. & when ye tob. was packt. Summar Adams handled yor tob. yt. was rotten burnt in ye House & burnt in ye Field thru his ye sd Summars neglect, his lyinge & sleeping upon trees, sd. Depont. askinge ye sd Adams why he put such tob. Into hhds. [hogsheads, caskes] yt. his Mas. never used to put such tob. Into hdds. He sd. he did not care, he would doe wt. he pleased & yor. depont told him his Mas. would heare of it ye next yeare & get (__) by it, he told me he cared not, he would not be here thn. Sd. Depont. told him he should be here & have much anger, he sd. what need you care, you will be free before ye will heare of it. Further he would have consented to broke open one of Mr. Throgmortons hhds. Of tob. If I would doe it when my Mas. was abroad & have taken out his good Tob. & put in rotten tob. In ye roome [place] thereof & further sayth not. Juratur Curia Rich. Roberts Alice English maketh Oath yt. Summar Adams beinge Overseer to Mr. Pet. Knight ye deponts. Mas., did suffer a quantity of corne being gathered to ly in great heapes about ye tob. house door in ye rain & by such his negligence in not securing ye sd. corne from ye extremity of ye weather, ye same was utterly spoyled & devoured by ye hogs & further this depont. sayth yt ye sd. Summar Adams being spoken to by Mr. Knight to make up ye tob. House dore where ye English wheat lay to secure ye same from ye hogs, ye sd. Adams replyed, God Damne ye hogs, they have spoyled most of it already, let them eat ye rest too if they will & further this Depont. sayeth yt. her Mas. did often speake to ye sd. Summar Adams to cause ye fence to be repaired to secure ye corne in ye field before it was gathered, wch. notwithstandinge he carelessly omitted, whereby much of it was damnifyed & spoyled. Juratur Curia Alice English (her mke) Mary Pallas aged 19 yeares sworne & exd. Sayth yt. Summar Adams bid yor Depont. goe to ye 60 foote tob. house to helpe ye two fellowes to strip ye tob. (it beinge a cold night) & he bid us take ye bad tob. & burned it & we did soe & continued strippinge 3 of us from midnight till wth. in one howre of day, & he bid us get good logs yt. would burne cleare yt. ye tob. wch. was bad might be burned out of our Mas. sight yt. he might not see it, & we did soe; continuing strippinge yt. hole night ye time menconed by ye light of ye tob. yt was burnt.. & further ye Depont. sayth yt. her Mas. cominge into ye tob. House took a bundle of tob. out of ye sd. Summars hand of his owne strippinge halfe rotten & stank & my Mas. asked him why he put in such tob. he sd it was good enough for Merchts. & he ye sd. Summar suffered ye tob. to ly about ye tob. house above a foot thick rotten & spoyled & my Mas. asking why, why he abused the tob. soe he answered it was good enough for Merchts. ytt Dr. Saunders put of 6 hhds. of worse Tob. then yet to Philip Gibbs; & my Mas. answered he valewed his credit more then so & further ye Depont. Mas. brought 3 barls of corne of John Palmer & when it was brought to ye Landinge, Mr. Knight spoke to him to get it up & secure it or else ye hogs would eat it & he sd. let thm eat it & be hangd. for (__) things must live, & further sayth not. Juratur Curia Mary Pallas |
1663 Mar 15 | VA Northumberland – Admin - Peter Knight JR – Land patent for 925 acs. in Potomack Riv., adj to Chapawansick Cr. (Nugent I, p. 460) Renewal of his patent dated 8 Mar. 1658 (Nugent I, p. 460, orig. pat. p. 389) Note: The patent in question is the half of a larger patent that he took out with Baker Cutts. Notice the “JR”. Why, on this occasion only (as far as we know from what records we have), did Peter Knight – or the recorder - find it necessary to distinguish two Peter Knights? If this Peter is the Peter Knight born in St Bride's parish in 1620, then we know his father is dead. The weight of evidence is against Peter Knight of Gloucester being his father though they seem to be related in some way. It seems that, in those times, the use of Junior to strictly refer to the son of a father by the same name was not yet codified; it could often refer to two men of the same name, one older and one younger, who were not, in fact, related; that appears to be the usage here. There are no other surviving land records of the other Peter Knight in chronological relationship to this one that would incline the scribe to make this notation; however, both Peter Knights had recently served as burgesses in their respective counties, making them more widely known and that might be the reason the distinction was made. |
1663 Apr 20 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Anne Knight & Peter Knight - Bee it knowne unto all men by these presents that I Anne Knight for consent to the Sale of Land that my Husband, Peter Knight sold unto Richard Feilding & doe renounce all my right & title of the said Land & doe make my loving Friend, Thomas Lane (Laine), my true & lawfull Attorney to acknowledge the sd: land in Court & what my sd: Attorney shall doe therein shall stand in as full force & virtue as if I were then present; As Witness my hand the 20th of April 1663. /s/ An Knight, Teste: James Hawley, Richard Robards (Roberts?), 20th April 1663. This Writing was acknowledged in Northumberland County Court by Thomas Laine, Attorney: of Anne Knight & recorded. (Sparacio 1662 – 1666, p. 12 ) | |
1663 Jun 26 | VA Rappahannock – Admin – Thomas Hobson – Land patent for 500 acs. N. side of Rappa. River… Trans of 10 pers: incl: William Harvey, Mary Wells, Thomas Gray, Jane Williams, John Hawley, Sarah Pead, William Walker, Francis Farlow, William Young, James Crawford (Crafford). (Nugent I, p. 469) Note: Thomas Hobson shows up a few more times in connections to Knights and Hawleys. Recall that one of Nathaniel Basse's sisters, Hester, was married to a Hobson according to the 1654 Aug 30 affidavit. Perhaps this is their son. |
1663 Sep 25 | VA Elizabeth City – Admin – Mr. John Harvey – Land patent for 600 acs. in a small creeke called Carrawtucks, falling into the river of Kecoughtanke, which river falls into Carolina River. Trans. of 12 pers: James Harvey (Harvy), Humphrey Evans, Ann Wombwell, Joseph Poole, Seph. Farrell, Thomas Elmes, Thomas Poole, William Basse, John Davis, Richard Blunt, Samuel Jenkins (Jnkins), Arthur Brown, Charles Sawe___. Same day and page: 250 acs on the River of Carolina, beg. by Roger Williams land, running down same to the miles end of sd. Williams &c. Trans. of 5 pers: Vergis Smith, Stephen Johnsey, George Moore, Jane Parnell, Thomas Poole. (Nugent I, p. 427) Note: In the 1654 Aug 30 affidavit of the sisters of Nathaniel Basse, we leark that one of them, Dame Mary Poole, was married to Sir John Poole of Bromley, Middlesex. Finding a Basse with Pooles suggests a relationship; grandchildren? |
1663 Sep | VA Gloucester - Info - In the celebrated uprising of indentured servants, known as “the Servants’ Plot of 1663”, it was on one of Peter Knight’s plantations in Gloucester County that a rendezvous of the-conspirators was discovered. For the reason that he employed labor on a somewhat extensive scale, he was doubtless marked for an early victim; but happily an insurrection which might have ended in wholesale murder was checked in its incipient stage, and no fatal results are recorded. (Lucian Lamar Knight) Note that Lucian is laboring under the error that two Peter Knights were one person and designates "one of Peter Knight's plantations." It was only in Sept of 1663 that the “Indentured Servants Plot” of Gloucester County was instigated. Nine men — John Gunter, William Bell, Richard Darbishire, John Hayte, Thomas Jones, William Ball, William Poultney, William Bendell, and Thomas Collins — met in the woods and planned an operation whereby they would collect arms and ammunition and, with perhaps as many as thirty recruits, later march on the governor's mansion at Green Spring. There they would demand that Sir William Berkeley release them from their indentures. A servant named Birkenhead betrayed them, however, and a number were arrested and four hanged. After rewarding Birkenhead with his freedom and 5,000 pounds of tobacco, the General Assembly declared that the day of their planned insurrection be celebrated annually. (Encyclopedia Virginia, online) Note: What we derive from the above is that the Peter Knight of Gloucester, whose plantation was the site of the meeting of the conspirators, is certainly a different person from the Peter Knight of Northumberland County the tale of whose negligent overseer, Summar Adams, has been recounted above left. However, the latter provides, perhaps, a glimpse of building resentments everywhere that were instrumental in both situations and culminated in the Sep plot. I would also like to add that it does not seem that Peter Knight was "targeted" as Lucian suggests in the extract above; it was more likely because his plantation was casually managed that it was chosen as the meeting place.
1663 Nov 24 | VA Gloucester – Admin - William Armefield - Land patent “On Mr. Pate’s swamp adjoining John Green’s corner, Mr. Peter Knight, Thomas Curles. Sold to Mr. John Pate who assigned to Armefield.” (Mason 1946, p. 1) Note: The first name is not on this record but can be learned from the Dudley patent of 1665 Oct 28. |
1663 Dec 10 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight - Record book:Samuel Mathewes Esqr. Grants to James Hawley Five Hundred Acres. James Hawley assignes the title to William Leech witnessed by Leonard Howson and Peter Knight. Peter Knight then acts as attorney for Hawley to acknowledge the sale to Leech on 17 Aug 1663, recorded on the above date. (Sparacio, 1662-1666, p. 36) | |
1664 | VA Stafford County formed from part of Westmoreland County which was formerly part of Northumberland County. Early residents include Augustine Washington, father of George Washington, and George Mason. Recall that George Mason, along with Giles Brent, John Lord, and Gerrard Fowke were "declared incapable of holding any office civil or military in this country" by the Jamestown committee on 1662 Mar 23. |
1664 Jun 3 | VA Gloucester – Admin – William Ironmonger – Land patent for 350 acs. at the head of a branch of Ware R. and Beech Swamp adjoining Col. John Walker. For Trans of: Henry Peasley, twice, Jeremy Persons, John Hall, Martha Robertson, Thomas Knight, John Lincoln. (Mason 1946, p. 41) | |
1664 Sep 29 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight - At a Court held for James City: – Whereas Alice English, servt. To Mr. Richaard Cole, came to Capt Rogers to complain of the abuses yt he had made from her Master & was by him committed unto Mr. Knight (the Sherr.) his custody till the next Court & she appearing to make good her complaint notwithstanding many summons Mr. Cole appeared not & by reason of the sickness of the sd Alice & her child Mr. Knight was exposed to very great charge & trouble, this Court hath ordered yt the sd Mr. Rich. Cole pay unto ye sd Mr. Peter Knight in consideration of his troubles & charge one hundred pounds of tob & cask a month wth costs else execution & the sd servt to remain in Mr. Knight’s Custody till further order. OB 1652-65, 202.(Haynie, p. 337) Note: Recall that Alice English was one of Capt. Peter Knight's servants during the Summar Adams affair above, and gave a deposition. Apparently, Capt. Peter sold her contract to Cole, who abused her, and she went running to Capt. Peter. |
1665 Jan | VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight - Whereas by reason of ye misdemeanor of Mr. Richard Cole… and there beinge in Mr. Knight's hands a woman servt of ye sd Cole, It is ordered yt ye sd servant be appraised by fower sufficient men & forthwith sold by Mr. Pet. Knight & yt he give an account thereof ye next Court. (Haynie, p. 343) Note: Obviously referring to Alice English. |
1665 Jan 31 | VA Isle of Wight - Admin - James Ennis & His Sonne James - Land patent for 200 acs. Low. Par. Of Is. Of Wight Co., upon the mayne br. Of Pagan Cr., adj. Land of Capt. John Upton now in John Wheatelye’s possession, & the Batchellors plantation, now in possession of Peter Garland; 2 Apr 1670, Granted to Mr. Peter Knight 13 Mar 1638, who sold to sd. Ennis last day of Jan. 1665. (Nugent II, p. 72) Note: Though the specific transaction here occurs later, I've placed this here since it retroactively records the sale of Peter Knight's land. The patent in question refers to the 200 ac tract that was acquired by "assignment & exchange" with John Upton and Thomas Hill. This was his first recorded patent. |
1665 Sep 6 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight - Court: Whereas Elizabeth Michell, servt to Mr. Peter Knight, hath brought a Bastard Child in ye time of her service, It is ordered yt ye sd. Elizabeth serve her sd Master according to Act. (Haynie, p. 369) VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight - Court: Whereas Summar Adams hath got a woman Servant of Mr. Peter Knight wth. childe, it is ordered by this Cort. yt. ye sd. Adams give security for ye keeping of ye sd. childe & yt hee bee fined according to Act for his default. (Sparacio, 1652-1665, p. 5) VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight – Court: Mr. Peter Knight against Summar Adams. This Cause was tried by a Jury … “Wee who are impannelled on a Jury doe awared for ye Plantiffe nine hundred pounds of tobacco with costs of suite. Judgemt. is granted by this Cort. to a p.formance of this verdict forthwith. als. exe.” (Sparacio, 1652-1665, p. 6) At the same court session, Mr. Peter Knight was awarded 600 lbs of tobacco for killing two wolves as well as 1188 lbs of tobacco for his work as a justice and acting as coroner. (Sparacio, op cit p. 7) Note: So we know from this record that Capt. Peter has been acting as a Justice and Coroner. |
1665 Sep 14 | VA James City – Admin - William Knight – Land patent for 809 acs. 16 chs. 5 dec. pt. … Beg. On N. side of the old Rockahoc path to James Citty… a deviding line between sd. Knight & his brother Joseph Knight… Part of 2000 acs granted unto Mr. Joseph Knight, dec’d., 1 July 1653, who gave by will to his son William. (Nugent I, p. 540) Same day and page: Joseph Knight – Land patent for 809 acs. 16 ch. 5 dec. pt. … dividing this & land of his brother William Knight… Part of 2000 acs. Granted to Joseph Knight, dec’d., 1 July 1653 & given by will to his son, the sd. Joseph. (Nugent I, p. 540) Note: These transactions are 15 years after the 1650 Sep 25 records for father, Joseph Knight, transferring 400 acs to his son, Edward Knight. Apparently, the father, Joseph, has died and the land is being apportioned out to the heirs. Edward must have been the eldest, probably age 21 in 1650. We strongly suspect he married the heiress of Anthony Coleman by 1654. Recall the 1659 Apr 6 patent to a William Smith that mentions "William Knight's land." Probably this same William here.
1665 Sep 25 | VA Rappahannock – Admin – Nicholas Copeland & William West - Land patent for 1589 acs. On N. side of Rappa. Co… Abuts. Land ot Thomas Hobson. Trans of 32 pers: Incl: John Kemp, James Cone and Lawrence Hawley (Law. Hawlee). (Nugent I, p. 523) Note: Relate this record to that of 1663 Jun 26 where Thomas Hobson patented 500 acs using John Hawley as headright. Here, Copeland and West patent land next door to Hobson, using a number of names already well known in the colony as well as new names. The Cones will continue to be associated with Knights, with several intermarriages in SC, GA and FL, in later generations. |
1665 Oct 13 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight – Governor William Berkeley, Knt., appoints Peter Knight Justice (along with 9 other men, including Leonard Howson) (Sparacio, 1662-1666, p. 108) Note: We already know that Capt. Peter has been acting as a Justice of the Court so obviously, all such records of appointment did not survive. |
1665 Oct 20 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Col. Garrard Fowke - Land patent for … 925 acs. In Potomack Riv. adj. land of Capt. Giles Brent… Being the moiety of a patent granted to Peter Knight & said Capt. Cutts 13 Oct. 1653. Granted to Mrs. Eliz. Cutts 26 Feb. 1656 & by Capt. Jackson, who marryed sd. Elizabeth, sould to Capt. Thomas Fowke & now become due to sd. Col. Gerrard as heire to sd. Thomas, dec’d. (Nugent I, p. 533) Note: Giles Brent was a "Col." in Maryland, and even governor for a period; in VA, he is only a Captain. It must have galled him when Capt. Peter patented land next to his own considering the events of the "Plundering Time". He was probably very glad to have his friend, Garrad Fowke, move in next door considering that both of them had been declared unfit to hold any public office! |
1665 Oct 28 | VA Gloucester – Admin - Richard Dudley - Deed to Richard Dudley, “On Poropotank adjoining John Green, Peter Knight, Spenser, to Parradise Path, down Chiscaike path to Mr. John Pates corner. 400 acs. granted to Wm. Armefield 1663 sold to John Pate who assigned to Dudley. 544 acs. residue.” For trans of: Edward Holland, Richard Perkins, John Dance, John Holmes, James Griffin, James White, William Evans, Margaret Milburne, Francis Hilyard, Mary Wilson, Francis Sale. (Mason 1946, p. 27) Note: A Dudley later marries a Lunenburg Knight daughter. |
1665 Nov 20 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight - Court: Whereas Summar Adams hath got a woman Servt of Mr. Peter Knight wth Child, It is ordered by this Court yt ye sd Adams give security for ye keeping of ye sd Child & yt he be fined according to Act for his default. Haynie, p. 375) | |
1666 Jan 20 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight – Court: It is ordered yt. Mr. Peter Knight make present payment of nineteene hundred forty & foure pounds of tobacco unto Mr. Henry Meese, there appeareinge soe much due from ye sd. Knight for ye Publique als exe., always provided yt. what ye sd. Knight shall make appeare payd shall bee deducted, anything in this Order to ye contrary notwithstanding. (Sparacio, 1652-1665, p. 10) | |
1666 Jun 7 | VA Northumberland – Admin - James Hawley – Land patent for 700 acs… On S. side of Potomack & head br. Of Machoatick Rive… Trans of 14 pers: Thomas Dutton, Humprey Watkins, Edward Taylor, Ambrose Taylor, Francis Phillips, Nicholas Price, William Herbert, Thomas Morgan, Arthur Sands, George Loe, Samuel Porter, Giles Walker, John Tomkins, Richard Seaborne. Marginal Note: “In this patt. There was errors & is amended & recorded in folio 152”. (Nugent II, p. 36) Note: Compare the names of headrights on this patent to the names on the next patent of James Hawley, Jun 26. Either he was using the same people for patents in two different counties a few weeks apart, and using variations of their names or the spelling of the two recorders was varied, or he used them and then his son, of the same name, used them. |
1666 Jun 26 | VA Westmoreland – Admin - James Hawley – Land patent for 700 acs. … nere head of Nomeni Riv., Beg. At Herring Poynt & adj. his own land. Trans. Of 14 pers: Thomas Dutton, Humphrey Watkins, Edward Taylor, Ambrose Taylor, Francis Phillips, Nicholas Peirce, William Herbett, Thomas Morgan, Arthur Land, George Loe, Samuel Porter, Giles Walker, John Tompkin, Richard Baborne (Seaborne?). (Nugent II, p 40) | |
1666 Aug 20 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight – Court: Upon ye Peticon of Mrs. Anne Clay, ye Attorney of Mr. Francis Clay, her Husband, wherein she deposeth yt: Elizabeth Man, late Wife to George Knott, deced., obtained order of ye Cort. for her Thirds of one hundred acres of Lande now in ye tenure & possession of ye sd. Mr. Fran. Clay, solde unto Mr. Peter Knight by ye said George Knot without ye consent of ye said Elizabeth, then his Wife, & by ye said Mr. Peter Knight solde with warranty unto Mr. John Temple, late Husband unto ye said Mrs. Anne Clay & by ye Last Will & Testament of ye said Mr. Temple, devised unto ye said Mrs. Anne Clay & by her said Peticon did pray for an Order of this cort against ye said Mr. Peter Knight for what damages her said Husband, Mr. Francis Clay, shall susteyne by ye Order aforesaid granted Elizabeth Man aforesaid, ye Cort. doe therefore order yt. Mr. Peter Knight shall make good ye said damages unlesse ye said Mr. Peter Knight shall shew good reason to ye contrary at ye next Cort. (Sparacio, 1666-1678, p. 24-25) Note: See the 1653 Jan 30 where George Knott gave Peter Knight a warranty on the land; and Oct 13 patent to Peter Knight where it was combined with additional land to make 1,000 acs. |
1666 Aug 27 | VA Gloucester – Admin - Mr. Guy Knight – Land patent for 400 acs. on Milford Haven knowne by the name of the Eagles Nest (Egles)… Beg. On land of Abram English… Trans. Of 8 pers: Sam Bridges, John Begg, Will Martin, Will Groves, Thomas Stint, Hugh Row, Thomas Monke, John Stores. (Nugent I, p. 564; Mason 1946, p. 44) Note: Guy Knight first appears 1658 Jun 4, in Northumberland County as a headright for Edward Palmer, an associate of Capt. Peter Knight. He was in a group that included Palmers. Note that Peter Knight, Merchant of Gloucester, claimed Elizabeth Monke as headright in 1652, and here we have a Thomas Monke, which may suggest a relationship. I haven't been able to locate Milford Haven AKA Eagle's Nest but I suspect that it is something like the name describes: a ford and a mill. |
1666 Oct 10 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight – Court: Mrs. Anne Clay, Exr. of Mr. John Temple, her former Husband, solde by ye said Mr. Knight unto ye said Jno. Temple, Mr. Knight should shew good reason to the Cort; to ye contrary, wherof having fayled; It is therefore ordered yt ye said order bee confirmed & yt ye sd. Mr. Peter Knight make good ye said damages unto ye said Mrs. Anne Clay wth. costs. (Sparacio, 1666-1678, p. 29) | |
1667 Jan 3 | VA New Kent – Admin - Mr. Jonathan Newell & Mr. Ambrose Clear – Land patent for 2500 acres for transportation of 50 persons including Ralph Spier, Edmond Bell, Nicholas Cobb, William Causon (Cason?), Nicholas Payne, Walter Morgan, Edward Love, William Watkins, Dorothy Hughes, etc. (Nugent II, pp. 26-27) | |
1667 Feb 20 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight – Court: Whereas Thomas Steed was arrested to this Cort. at ye suite of Mr. Peter Knight & ye said Knight hath made default in filinge his Declaracon according to Law, It is ordered yt. ye sd. Mr. Knight bee nonsuited & pay 50 lbs. of tobacco damage unto ye sd. Steed wth. costs. (Sparacio, 1666-1678, p. 37) | |
1667 Apr 8 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight – Court: Whereas Mr. Peter Knight did exhibite an Accot. against Thomas Steed for eight hundred ninety & five pounds of tobacco due unto ye sd. Mr. Knight for Levyes & Fees in ye yeare 1664, It is ordered yt. ye Sherriffe make distresse for ye sd. summe on ye Estate of ye sd. Steed. (Sparacio, 1666-1678, p. 38) | |
1667 Apr 10 | VA Gloucester – Admin - Thomas Wisdome – Land patent for 127 acs. on the N Side of Thomas Deacons Mill Swamp & adj. Thomas Miller and Thomas Vicars. Trans: John Reese, Judith Knight, Mary Godfry. (Mason 1946, p. 81) Note: The 1677 Isle of Wight will of John Vicars leaves a bequest to goddaughter Mary Knight, witnessed by Joseph Bridger. |
1667 May 21 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight - Court: This day Mr. Peter Knight was sworne High Sherriffe of this County by Order of ye Honorble, ye Governour (Sir William Berkeley) & William Carvile, Under Sherriffe. Capt. Edmund Lyster doth ingage yt. Mr. Pet. Knight shall well & truly execute ye place of High Sherriffe. (signed) Edm. Lyster (Sparacio, 1666-1678, pp. 45-46) | |
1668 Feb 17 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight - Court: Whereas Mr. John Saffin exhibited a Complaynt into this Cort. agt. Mr. Peter Knight, High Sherriffe of this County, yt. hee hath been remise in ye discharge of his Place in suffering Thomas Barrett (Barrat), who was under prosecution for debt, to have greater liberty then ye Law in that case allowes. It is ordered yt. Mr. Peter Knight forthwith pay ye debt for wch. ye sd. Barrat lay under execucon yt. he sayze [seize] on so much of ye Estate of ye sd. Barrat as will satisfy ye same, & deliver it to ye sd. Saffin. (Sparacio, 1666-1678, p. 61) | |
1668 Mar 2 | VA Gloucester - Admin - Mr. Peter Knight - Land patent for 400 acs. a mile below Olliver Green, by a Great Sw., by Mr. Cookes land, &c. Granted to Wm. Newman 20 Apr. 165_, part of which he sold to Elias Cobson, who assigned to sd. Knight. (Nugent II, p. 86) | |
1668 Apr | VA Gloucester - Admin - Mr. Peter Knight - Land patent for 574 acs. Gloster Co., E. side of Poropatanck Cr., Beg. At Tottapotamoyes Cr., adj. Mr. Francis Ironmonger’s Plantation, along Mr. Francis Morgan’s line to tancks Poropotanck (Cr.), to cor. Of Purtpn dividend, &c. The sd. Land patented by sd. Knight 16 July, 1652 for 1000 acs., & on resurvey found to be 574 acs. (Nugent II, p. 37) Note: This Peter Knight sure had bad luck; always in debt, and now finds out that he thought he had 1000 acres but only has 574. |
1668 Nov 5 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight – Court: Samuel Auckland (Ortland), servt to Mr. Peter Knight, adjudged by this Court to be 18 yeares of age & ordered to serve his sd Master according to Act. OB 1666-78, 23. (Haynie, 459) Note: Was this Samuel claiming to be underage and thus illegally indentured? VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight – Court: Peter Knight ordered by court to collect County Levies, Public Short Charges and Parish Charges. (Fleet, p. 560) |
1669 Apr 6 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight – Court: Whereas Mr. Robert Jones complained to this Cort. yt. ye Indians of Wecocomaco did in ye night breake open his House & did him further damage, ye Cort. doe order yt. Mr. Peter Knight & Capt. Edmund Lyster, summon ye Indians before them & punish ye delinquents according to ye nature of their crimes. (Sparacio, 1666-1678, p. 86). Note: Recall the events of 1662 Mar 23 involving Capt. Giles Brent vis a vis the King of the Potomac Indians? That was under Gov. Francis Morrison (Moryson); the current governor is Berkeley who apparently has a less lenient attitude. |
1669 Jun 10 | VA Surry – Admin – William Knight - Tithables list, selected: Robert Cartwright, William Knight (2), Arthur Jordan, Capt. Flood, Thomas Clarke, Jeremiah Ellis, Thomas Green, Doctor Nathaniel Knight, Lt. Col. George Jordan, Charles Gregory, William Marriott, Timothy Walker, Mr. Meriwether & Bro., Capt Corker, Luke Mizell & Son, Col. Thomas Swann, Thomas Gray, John Gray, Francis Gray, William Rose, Widdow Phillips, Daniel Regan, Thomas Andrews, John Clements, Matthew Marriott, Widow Hart, Henry Baker, Matthew Swann, John Phillips, Anthony Evans, John Clarke, John Gregory, John Greene, Robert Reynolds, Henry Gray, George Watkins, William Butler, Robert Giles, Thomas Clay, William Newsome, John Kindred, William Jordan, William Hare, Thomas Taylor, Lawrence Baker, Henry Clarke, Nicholas Crawford, James Murrey, Henry Hollingsworth. (VA Gen. Soc. Qrtly. Vol. 22 No. 1) Note: The list from the previous year only included Dr. Nathaniel Knight. In this year, we see a William Knight, with 2 tithables show up. Note also the Walker and the Kindred. These names connect to the John Knight who married Isabell Carter and left a will in 1769 in Edgecombe County, NC. |
1669 Nov 25 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight - Court: Order dated 25 Jan 1665, it was ordered that Mr. Peter Knight should pay unto Mr. Henry Meese ye summe of 1944 pounds of tobacco and caske with costs…. Unlesse ye next Cort Mr. Knight shewe reason to ye contrary & whereas Mr. Isaac Allerton, ye assignee of ye sd Meese did make appeare to this Cort that there remaynes due unto him by Assignemt. of ye sd Meese 644 pounds of tobacco & caske; Judgmt. is granted ye sd. Mr. Allerton agt. ye sd. Mr. Knight for ye present paymt of ye sd summe with costs. (Sparacio, NCVOB 1669-1673, p. 1 ) | |
1670 Jun 10 | VA Surry – Admin - Tithables list - It appears that William Knight, who was here last year, has left. Dr. Nathaniel Knight is still present. | |
1670 Jun 26 | VA Henrico – Admin - Mr. Robert Woodson – Land patent for 1192 Acs. … N. side James Riv., Adj. Thomas Ludwell, Esqr., Thomas Ligon, John Woodson, Col. Stegg & Mr. Ballard. Trans. Of 24 pers: Names include Ambrose Bennett, Thomas Hughes (Hewes). (Nugent II, p. 73) Note: While I am generally excluding Woodson records here, I include this one because of the presence of Ambrose Bennett and the long association between Bennetts and Knights, even back in England. |
1670 Jul 20 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight - Court: Mr. Peter Knight & Capt. Edmund Lyster are appointed to view ye bounds of ye Land betweene Mr. Robert Jones & ye Indians, & see what damages either have reced. by ye other; & give their report thereof to ye next Cort. (Sparacio NCOBA 1669-1673, p. 20) VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight - Court: The Accots. Between Mr. Phillip Ludwell & Mr. Peter Knight was by ye Cort referred to ye auditeing of Mr. Robert Jones & Mr. Leonard Howson, who upon ye examinacon of ye sd. Accots doe finde yt there is due upon balance of ye sd. Accots. from ye sd. Knight to ye sd Ludwell, One hundred twenty & eight pounds of tobacco & caske for wch Judgmt. is granted ye sd Ludwell agt. ye sd. Knight with costs. (Sparacio NCOBA 1669-1673, p. 20) VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight - Court: An attachmt. is granted Mr. Peter Knight against ye Estate of Thomas Steed for nine hundred & fifty pounds of tobacco & caske returneable to ye next Cort. (Sparacio NCOBA 1669-1673 p. 21) |
1671 Jan 25 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight - Court: Whereas there appears due unto Mr. Peter Knight from Mr. John Cossens (Cossins, Cousins?) ye sume of eight hundred ninety & five pounds of Tobaccoe & caske for Levyes in ye yeare 1664. Judgmt. is granted ye sd Mr. Peter Knight agt. ye sd Mr. Cossens for ye sd. Sume wth costs. (Sparacio NCOBA 1669-1673, p. 30) | |
1671 Feb 21 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight - Order Book 1666-78: Certificate is granted Mr. Peter Knight for 200 acres of Land for ye Importation of 4 persons (viz) John Stephens, George Browne, Samuel Auckland (Oakland), Elin Price. (Haynie, p. 531) Note: The Samuel Auckland here is apparently the same one who was adjuged to be 18 years old in 1668 Nov 5, around 3 years earlier; that's the usual delay between importation and granting of headrights. |
1672 Mar 13 | MD Somerset County – Admin – Peter Knight - Att A Court helld the 13th: day of March in the XXXXth: year of the Dominion of y Rt: honble: Caecilius &c Anno Domini 1671 before his Lordshipps Justices thereunto assigned and Authorised: Mr. William Stevens, Mr. John Winder, Mr. Henry Smith, Mr. George Johnson, Mr. James Jones, Capt: William Colebourne: […] Benjamin Cotman plt: vers in an Accon (action) of Detaine John Avery Deft: The plt: & deft: appeare in Cort: The plt: by his Attorney William Tompson desires that their Declaracon may be read, vizt, John Avery late of this County (Somerset) was Attached to answer Benjamin Cottman in an accon of deteaine &c. And whereupon the said Benjamin Cottman by William Tompson his Attorney saith That he the said John Avery by violence keepeth and Detaineth A man Servant from him the said Benj. Cottman whose name is William Gosse being assigned over from Edward Saunders the assignee of Peter Knight the assignee of Thomas Chetwood (Chettwood) the assignee of Simon Richardson, The said Simon Richardson and William Gosse having drawne Articles of Agreement betweene them (which is produced by the plt: here in Cort: bearing Date the 20th: November Anno Domini one Thousand Six hundred and Seaventy which Articles of Agreement wittnesseth That the said William Gosse bound himselfe to the said Richardson from the Day of the Date of the said writing untill Christmas next Come twelve month to serve the said Richardson or his assignes in such service as the said Richardson or his assignes Shoulld imploy him in, The plaintiffe saith that John Avery having the said servant; he the said plt: Benjamin Cottman demanded the said servant of him the said Avery But he the said John Avery Denied to Deliver him and Still Doth the plt: saith by his Attorney Attorney he is Dampnified and hath Damage to the vallue of three Thousand pounds of tobacco And thereupon brings his Sute &c. ~ Articles of Agreemt: betweene Simon Richardson of the one part And William Gosse (Goose) of the other party wittnes that the afore- named William Gosse Doth firmly binde himselfe to serve to and with the said Symon Richardson or his assignes from the Day of the Date hereof till Christmas next Come twelve month in Such service and imployment as the said Richardson or his assignes Shall imploy him and in Consideracon of this service I the said Richardson doe binde my Selfe and my assignes to find him meat drinke washing and mending his Clothes Duering the said time and at the end of the said time to paye or Cause to be paid unto the said William one Thousand pounds of tobacco and his County Levys wittnes our hands and Seales: Novembr: 1670 William Gosse, Symon Richardson; Wittnes: John Richardson, George Hardiss These ffoll assignemts: were to y articles of agreemt: I Doe assigne over all my right and Interest of this Condicon within mentioned unto Thomas Chetwood (Chetwode) as wittnes my hand this 27th: day of ffebr: 1670/71 Symon Richardson teste: Miles Goreham, John Richardson John Richardson sworne in Cort: saith he did see Simon 13th: March 1671 Richardson putt to his hand to the abovesaid assignemt: as also to the Articles of Agreemt: And William Gosse only to y Articles of Agreemt I Peter Knight Doe assigne over all my right and title of the within mentioned Condicon unto Capta: Edward Sanders or his assignes as wittnes my hand this 29th: of December 1671 Peter Knight, witness:Samuell Auckland, James Lucker I Edward Sanders Doe assigne over all my right title & Interest of the within mentioned Condicon unto my Sonne in Law Benjamin Cottman and his assignes as wittnes my hand this 29th: December 1671, Testatur pr Edward Sanders Wit: Andrew Pettigrew, Joell Fitseugh (ffitseugh) The Deft: pleades and saith that no bussnes Shoulld be brought Into this province as wittnes but by the Seale attested The deft: produceth A letter of Attorney wch: he desires may be read saying that he had the sd: Gosse of Allexander Moliston: Know All men by these presents that I Allexander Moulston of the whore kill (Horekill) upon Delaware bay gent: Doe for Divers Consideracons me thereunto moveing Doe Constitute and appointe John Avery of Somersett County in the Province of Maryland my true and Lawfull Attorney for me and in my name to take into his Custody one Servant belonging to the said Moleston And the said Avery to order him as he Shall thinke fitt, And what my said Attorney Shall doe Shall be in as full force and vertue as if I my Selfe were personally present as wittnes my hand and Seale this 27th: day of September 1671, Testes: Sander Moleston, Wit: Robert Cattlin, William Walston The Deft: Desires that The Deposicon of William Rainbow may be read: The Deposicon of William Rainbow aged forty years or thereabouts saith That he the said Rainbow bought in March last A Servant of Symon Richardson of Little Wiccocomoco in Virginia whose name was William Gosse for all Service due to him and afterwards by the knowledge and Consent of Simon Richardson hired the said Gosse for one Compleate year for six hundred pounds of tobacco Simon Richardson drawing the Condicon writt one thousand pounds of tobacco & Caske Contrary to our agreemt: and After wee Came to ye horekills he hired himselfe to one Alexander Mordsdon there an (Johnsiter?) before whome I delivered him in his Condicon made to me as wittnes my hand, William Rainbow; sworne before me the 27th: Janr: 1671, Henry Smith The Cort: upon mature Deliberacon doe fine that William Gosse doth belong to Benjamin Cottman And ordrs: that John Avery deliver the said servant Wm: Gosse to his master Benjamin Cottman (Maryland State Archive, Somerset County Judicial Records, 1671-1675, Volume 87, pp. 96-98) |
1671 Sep 20 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight - Court: Whereas it appears to this Cort yt Mr. Peter Knight stands indebted unto William Shoares, who married ye Relicte of George Knott, ye summe of six hundred pounds of tobacco & caske, Judgmt. Is granted ye sd. Wm. Shoares agt ye sd Mr. Knight for ye sd summe wth costs. (Sparacio NCOBA 1669-1673 p. 45) | |
1672 Apr 17 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight - Court: Whereas it appears to this Cort yt Mr. Peter Knight stands indebted unto Mr. Edward Lappage (Lappidge?) ye summe of five hundred & eleaven pounds of tobacco & caske by Bill dated ye 20th May 1668; Judgmet is therefore granted ye sd. Mr. Lappage agt. ye sd. Mr. Knight for ye sd summe wth. Costs also exe. Unlesse ye next Cort ye sd. Mr. Knight shew reason to ye contrary. (Sparacio NCOBA 1669-1673, p. 62) | |
1672 Aug 10 | VA Isle of Wight – Admin - William Knight - Dying intestate, administration requested by Frances Knight... Rec. Nov. 13, 1672. Security, Captain Arthur Smith, Mr. George Moore. (Chapman 1975, p.69) Note: Compare this to the 1645 Oct 1 death of Arthur Smith the elder whose overseer was Peter Knight. This suggests a connection between this William Knight and Peter Knight of Gloucester. Was this his son? Was this the William Knight who appeared briefly in Surry County, next door to Isle of Wight? |
1672 Oct 1 | UK London / VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight - Deposition taken in London in the case of Samuel Auckland and Peter Knight of Virginia. Samuel Auckland of Bexley, Kent, yeoman, age 50, deposes that his son Samuel Auckland, now living in Virginia with Mr. Peter Knight, was born in January 1648 and baptized on 28 January 1648/9, according to an entry in the Bexley Parish Register. (Coldham 1980, p. 3) Note: This is the Samuel Oakland imported by Peter Knight in a patent dated 1671 Feb 21 and most likely the Samuel “Ortland” mentioned in the court 1668 Nov 5, 3 years before the mentioned patent was granted. The only explanation I can think of for that 1668 entry would be that Auckland didn’t want to serve and was claiming to be under age. That may be why an inquiry was sent to England to determine his actual age. Notice also that Auckland acted as a witness in the affidavit produced in the MD court (above) regarding the case of William Goss, which Goss lost. The plot thickens further on; something was going on in the background and we do not have all the records.
1672 Dec 15 | VA Gloucester – Admin - Mr. Richard Dudley - Land patent for 944 acs. On brs. Of Porpotancke Cr… along Mr. Peter Knight, to Spence’s line… trans. Of 11 pers. incl Nicholas Moore, John Basse. (Nugent II, p. 122) Note: I've included this because it is another of the earliest mentions of any Basse family members other than Nathaniel Basse who died without issue. The Basses were definitely associated with the Hawleys, Knights, Carters, Moores, etc. |
1673 Feb 20 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight - Court: Peter Knight acts as atty for Col. Cudbert Potter to recover 1277 pounds of tobacco (Sparacio NCOBA 1669-1673, p. 78) | |
1673 Mar 18 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight - Court : Whereas it appears to the Court yt Samuel Auckland (Ockland, Oakland) servt to Capt Peter Knight, did beat & abuse his master, It is ordered yt ye said Ockland make his sd master satisfaction for his said default according to Law. (Haynie, p. 617, OB 1666-78) Note: This is the first time that Peter Knight of Northumberland is referred to as “Capt.” in the surviving Northumberland records though clearly his various roles in the colony would have entitled him to the rank much earlier. What is shocking is the fact that Capt. Peter was, apparently, beaten by his servant. He is, at this point, 53 years old, has seen many adventures as a "fire breathing Puritan", and now this indignity! |
1673 Mar 19 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight - Court: Capt. Peter Knight being arrested to this Cort. at ye suite of Mr. John Saffin & ye said Saffin fayling to fyle his Declaracon, a non suite is granted ye sd. Knight agt. ye sd. Saffin according to Law wth. costs. (Sparacio, 1666-1678, p. 81) | |
1673 Oct 23 | VA Gloucester – Admin - Guy Knight – Land patent for 423 acs., on Milford Haven & the W. branch. nere head of a br. parting this & land of Abraham English, dec’d, … to Thomas Putnam’s land & John Shaple’s land &c. Trans: George Anderson. (Nugent II, p. 133; Mason 1946, p. 44) | |
1673 Oct 27 | VA Accomack – Admin - William Kendall & Mary Kendall - Sonn & dau. to William Kendall, 6000 acs. … land first sold by David Williamson to William Kendall, found to be deserted by sd. Williamson, & on petition of sd. Kendall, granted by order to sd. Wm & Mary 18 Apr. 1670. Trans. Of 120 pers: The list includes a handful of names of persons known to already have patents or to be well-connected; even includes the interesting name: “Corn. Wallis”. Also includes John Knight, Henry Hawley and Mary Ligon. (Nugent II, pp. 134-135) Note: An Elizabeth Kendall, almost certainly descended from this William, married Peter Knight (1758-1840), the son of Peter Knight (1735-1811) and Rachel Abbott. This latter Peter was the gr. grandson of Capt. Peter Knight through his son Leonard. What is up with the name "Corn. Wallis"? I would really like to see the original document that this abstract was taken from. |
1673 Nov 11 | MD Somerset County – Admin - Isaac Hudson vs. Richard Stevens – Court; Justices present: Mr. William Stevens, Mr David Browne, Mr. James Jones, Mr. Nicholas Rice, Mr. George Johnson, Mr. James Dashiell, . Mr. John Winder, Mr. Edward Smith; Isaac Hudson, plt vers Richard Stevens; The plt: & deft: appeares in Cort: & Joynes issue: The plt: sues for his freedome by peticon wch: is read vizt To the worspfl: Commrs: for Sommersett County The humble peticon of Isaac Hudson Humbly sheweth That yor: petr: was transported into Virga: into the County of Northumberland in the parrish of ffairefeilds and there at a Court in 1665, helld for the said County the first of May was by the Commrs: of the said Cort: according to the Lawe of Virginia, adjudged to serve ye full terme of eight yeares as by order of the said Cort: will be made more plainer appeare which eight yeares is fully Compleated and served by yor: peticionr: to my last master Richard Stevens the first of May last past 1673; but now Soe it is that my last Master Richard Stevens denyeth me my freedome Contrary to Law and Justice to the greate Damage and Dettriment of your peticioner, yor: petr: therefore prayes that order of Cort: be granted to your peticioner for his freedome and satisfaccon for his time which he hath Served over and above this Just time which is five months and A halfe As alsoe his Corne and Clothes as alsoe all such nessessarries as the Law of this our good province doth affoard to servants in such Cases doth allowe to servants at the time of theire ffreedome and yor: peticionr: as in duty bound Shall pray The plt: produceth this ffollowing order wch: is read “At A Cort: helld the first of May in the 17th: yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord Charles y 2d: by the grace of God of greate Brittaine ffrance and Ireland King &c Anno Domini 1665: Coll: Peter Ashton, Capta: William Nutt, Mr. Peter Knight, Mr Isaac Allerton, Mr. William Presley, Justices: Isaac Hudson servant to Mr. Thomas Hopkins is Judged by this Cort: to be sixteene yeares of age and to Serve his said master According to Act (vizt) until he be twenty ffoure yeares of age. Overa Copia Test Thomas Hobson Cler Cur pr Sichae.” This Cort: upon Serious Deliberacon Doe order the said Isaac Hudson to be ffree and that his Late master Richard Stevens pay him Corne and Clothes According to Act of Assembly As alsoe to pay the said Isaac Hudson Three hundred pounds of tobacco ffor Over plus of service to Richard Stevens. (Maryland State Archive, Somerset County Judicial Records, 1671-1675, Volume 87, pp. 273-274) Note: This tells us that Capt. Peter Knight was a justice of the court during the “Summar Adams Affair ” and adds more background to the rebellion of the indentured servants. Obviously, the system was being abused by some. |
1674 Apr 8 | VA Rappahannock – Admin – Mr. Richard Whitehead - Land patent for 2000 acs … on W. side Portobago Path; trans of ___ pers: incl: Maj. Robert Bristowe twice, Phillip White, Thomas Wright, John Hawley (Jno. Halley), William Bell, John Paramore, John Wilkinson, Marmaduke More, Richard Knight., Robert Goffe, Ann Walker, etc. (Nugent II, p. 146) Note: Is this Richard a son of John Knight of Northumberland? Recall that John Knight was associated with James Hawley in a court case so it would be likely for their sons to hire themselves out as headrights together, or go as apprentices/servants together. And that's not to say that a good number on the list were not new imports! Regarding the Robert Goffe, on maps presented at the beginning of this page, note the little island called "Goff's Bar". There is a family of Knights in England with strong Gough/Goffe/Goff connections and that family includes a Richard Knight, grocer (d. 1615), Christopher (d. 1626), Leonard (d. 1626) and Anne Knight Gough, his children. Leonard's children are Richard, Susan and Sarah. This Leonard inherited land at Sutton at Hone, Kent, from a Richard Bland. At Sutton at Hone, there was a John Knight (d. 1610) who had children: Thomas Knight, John Knight, Henry Knight, Gabriel Knight, Anne, Frances, Elizabeth and wife Ursula. Possibly, this John Knight (d. 1610) was brother to Richard Knight (d. 1615); was there a third brother with issue, perhaps named Peter? |
VA Gloucester – Admin - Samuel Clarke (Clerke) - Land patent for 700 acs…. E. side Poropotanck Cr. & maine Sw; p. 511. Granted Mr. Peter Knight, dec’d., 25. Aug. 1652 & due sd. Clerke as heire & next of Kinne. (Nugent II, p. 147) Note: Obviously, this announces the Death of Peter Knight Merchant. Notice that James Clarke and Samuel Clarke were listed as headrights for this very same patent in 1652, 22 years previously; they were probably brothers and Samuel must have married the daughter or widow of Peter Knight SR in order to be his "next of kin". I can think of no other way that claim could be made. It also puts a period to any notion that this Peter Knight had a son - or at least one who survived. Apr 9 - VA Gloucester – Admin - Capt. Richard Dudley - Land patent for 980 acs. … upon brs. of Poroptanck Cr… adj. Mr. Pate; land of John Greene, dec’d., Mr. Peter Knight, dec’d, now Samuell Clarke’s… (Nugent II, p. 147) |
1675 Dec 4 | VA Isle of Wight - Admin - Major Thomas Taberer - Land patent for 400 acs. 23 Apr. 1681 Up. Par. Of Is. Of W. Co., & commonly called Bassetts Choice (Basses Choice), neer mouth of Pagan Cr…. 150 acs. Granted Mr. Peter Knight in 1640 who sold to Mr. John Bland, merchant of London, & by Mr. Giles Bland, his sonn & Atty., conveyed to sd. Taberer 4 Dec. 1675, together with confirmation of the sale & a relinquishment of dower by Mrs. Sarah Bland, wife & Genl. Atty. of sd. John, 6 Oct 1679;… (Nugent I, p. 217; See also: Nugent I, p. 277) Note: I have placed this record here because it records the date of the original sale of Basses Choice to Thomas Taberer. Note that he will renew his patent in 1681. John Bland was living and purchasing land in 1647. His widow was granted patent on his land in 1652, where he was noted as being deceased; He could have died as much as 3 years before this time, i.e. 1649. So Peter Knight must have sold this land prior to 1652. Thomas Taberer was a headright of Peter Knight in the same patent, 1652 Aug 25 for land in Gloucester County, where James Clarke and Samuel Clarke appeared, Samuel Clarke then being named as Peter Knight's "heir and next of kin" over 20 years later and acquiring the entire tract of 700 acs. Apparently, at about the same time he patented land in Gloucester, Peter disposed of his Isle of Wight land. All of these points heavily shift the weight of evidence to Peter Knight, Merchant of Gloucester being the pantentee of Basses Choice, if there were any lingering doubts, and that there was no father-son relationship between the two Peters. Thomas Taberer was most likely the son of John Taberer (d. 1654), Isle of Wight county; son of William Taberer, of the county of Derby. (W. M., VII, 221) See also Va. Mag. of Hist. and Biog., III, pp. 53-56: This was probably the Justice "Tabener", at whose house William Edmundson staid in 1672, and whose wife was very loving to the Quakers. Mr. Thomas writes his name "Taberner", but it was really Taberer. His wife was a legatee under the will of Richard Bennett. So was Elizabeth Outland, whom Edmundson visited in 1675 at Chuckatuck, where he held "many precious meetings." This information makes one wonder if Peter Knight of Gloucester VA might possibly have had Quaker symptthies? Or, if he moved away from Isle of Wight because so many Quakers were moving in? In any event, that is the last of the records relating to Peter Knight, Merchant of Gloucester (and nearby) county, VA. It is now only 1675 and Capt. Peter Knight of Northumberland County will live another 30 years. |
From here this column will also track Capt. Peter Knight's son, James Knight, and his apparent associates except when he specifically acts in Northumberland county. James moved to Nansemond as a young man, before Capt. Peter died. Records for Nansemond county are even more rare than others; Nansemond County Records were destroyed by fires in 1734, 1779, and 1866. Also note, Nansemond was right next to Isle of Wight County which blended over into Surry/Sussex county which had formerly been James City County. | ||
1676 Apr 19 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight & Anne Knight - Peter Knight “of Wicco Gent.” sells John Farnefold of Chiccacone parish in Northumberland County, Gent, 300 acres on S Side Wiccomoco Riv adj land of Mr Richard Nutt. To be acknowledged by wife, Anne Knight. Wit: Thomas Hobson, Richard Kenner. On 20 Nov 1679 John Farnefold assigns this land to “my son in Law Richard Nutt Junr”. (Fleet, NC, p. 560) Note: The last we heard about Peter’s wife, Anne, was in the 1663 Apr 20 entry. As far as the records I have found, this will be the last time we hear anything about her at all. She has certainly lived long enough to be the mother of all four of Peter's known children and he mentions no wife in his will so she must have been dead, and he apparently did not remarry. We don't know when she died; it was between this entry and 1702 when his will was written, a span of 26 years.
1676 May | VA Jamestown - Info – Nathaniel Bacon - Governor Sir William Berkeley expels Nathaniel Bacon from the Council and brands him a rebel. Bacon is the leader of militiamen in the upper reaches of the James River valley and is preparing, against the governor's instructions, to attack Indians (friendly or not). | |
1676 Jul 30 | VA Jamestown – Info - Bacon’s Rebellion - On about this day, Nathaniel Bacon issues the first of a series of declarations of grievance and complaint against Governor Sir William Berkeley, together with justifications of his rebellious actions, which he signs as "General, by the consent of the people." The immediate cause of the rebellion was Governor William Berkeley's refusal to retaliate for a series of Native American attacks on frontier settlements. Historian Peter Thompson argues that Bacon's motivation was a personal vendetta between him and Berkeley. However, Bacon's followers used the rebellion as an effort to gain government recognition of the shared interests among all social classes of the colony in protecting the "commonalty" and advancing its welfare. A thousand Virginians of all classes and races rose up in arms against Berkeley, attacking Indians, chasing Berkeley from Jamestown, Virginia, and ultimately torching the capital. The rebellion was first suppressed by a few armed merchant ships from London whose captains sided with Berkeley and the loyalists. Bacon died from dysentery on October 26, 1676. Bacon's wealthy landowning followers returned their loyalty to the Virginia Government after Bacon's death. Governor Berkeley returned to power. He seized the property of several rebels for the colony and executed 23 men by hanging, including the former governor of the Albemarle Sound colony, William Drummond, and the Collector of Customs, Giles Bland. Also executed were Col. Thomas Hansford, a wealthy planter of Gloucester County, and men by the names of Jones, Johnson, Barlow, Carver, Wilford, Young, Page, Harris, Hall, Drummond, Crewe, Cookson, and Darby (according to the list Berkeley made). Government forces from England arrived soon after and spent several years defeating pockets of resistance and reforming the colonial government to be once more under direct royal control. While the farmers did not succeed in their initial goal of driving the Indians from Virginia, the rebellion did result in Berkeley being recalled to England. After an investigative committee returned its report to King Charles II, Berkeley was relieved of the governorship. "The fear of civil war among whites frightened Virginia's ruling elite, who took steps to consolidate power and improve their image: for example, restoration of property qualifications for voting, reducing taxes and adoption of a more aggressive American Indian policy." Charles II was reported to have commented, "That old fool has put to death more people in that naked country than I did here for the murder of my father." A somewhat similar uprising in Maryland involving John Coode and Josias Fendall took place shortly afterwards. The alliance between indentured servants and Africans (most enslaved until death or freed), united by their bond-servitude, disturbed the ruling class, who responded by hardening the racial caste of slavery in an attempt to divide the two races from subsequent united uprisings with the passage of the Virginia Slave Codes of 1705. Berkeley was replaced as governor by Herbert Jeffreys. (VA Hist Online) |
1677 Feb 21 | VA Henrico – Will – Col. William Farrar - In an inventory of the possessions of Col. William Farrar made for probate of his will, the following is included: “One English wench 12 months to serve by reason of her short time of service & her Corne & Clothes due at ye expirac’on there of … one man servt by name Thomas Davis, twenty months to serve; a boy servt named George Crooker, 5 years to serve, a man servt named John Knight, 5 years to serve. (Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Vol. 29, No. 3, p. 168) Note: Son of William Farrar, Esq, “ancient planter of Virginia” and Cecily Jordan, widow of Samuel Jordan. |
1677 Sep 13 | VA Isle of Wight – Will - John Vicars - bequest to goddaughter Mary Knight. Wit: Joseph Bridger. (Chapman 1975, p. 16) | |
1677 Dec 29 | VA Stafford – Admin – Lieut. Col. Cadwallader Jones & Mr. David Jones - Land patent for 14,114 acs. Staff. Co. upon both sides of Accotynk & Pohick Rivers…. Trans. Of 282 pers: The list includes: William Peirce, James Peirce, William Mallory, John Woodson, Cadwallader Jones (twice), Jonathan Burris (Burasse), Nathaniel Dodson, Thomas Crawford (Craford), William Peterfeild, Richard King, John Bennett, Edward Cutts, Charles Clay, Richard Bishop, John Berry, Richard Baker, John Butler, Thomas Aldridge, Walter Atkinson, Abraham Cason, John Dawson, William Digby, John Davis, Rowland Farmer, John Howell, Robert Hancock, Charles King, William Lawrence, William Miles, John Farmer, John Hancock, Matthew Harrison, John Knight, William Moore, William Hill, Richard Lee, Samuel Hughes, John Newman, William Roberts, Richard Herbert, Francis Peirce, James Palin (Pallin), Alexander Kemp, Bartholomew Watson, John Chamberlaine, William Walker, William Baker, etc. etc. (Nugent II, p. 191) Note: Nearly every family name on my selected list belongs to persons already having land, plantations, connections, etc. The juxtaposition of these names is extremely interesting. Recall that Capt. Peter Knight obtained a patent jointly with a Baker Cutts 1653 Oct 13. There is a 1655 Oct 3 patent of John Hinman who used John Knight and John Farmer as headrights, and a 1652 Jul 16 patent of Peter Knight Merchant of Gloucester who used “John Knighthill, John Farmer” as headrights; here we see John Knight and John Farmer together again 20 years later! As I have noted repeately, it seems to me that the sons and daughters of colonists were being lent out or rented out or apprenticed out, and were thereby used as names for headrights. Then, if you follow the names and connection trails, you see the favor returned shortly after, and the young men on a headright list will take out their own patents with a few borrowed friends and family members to help them acquire land; it was a racket, of sorts, though certainly there was constant importation of new people, though I suspect a lot less than people think if they are going by headrights lists. There are also undoubtedly many fake names on some of these lists. The appearance of John Woodson on this list with John Knight is also extremely interesting. As I've noted elsewhere, there is a Berkshire birth record for a John Woodson in 1634 following which, by 22 years, there is a 1656 Dec 8 patent of Henry Chichley, Knt., where his headrights included John Woodson (and sixteen of the same names that also appeared - along with John Woodson - as headrights on a 26 Oct 1650 Hamelin Patent). There is over 20 years between the older mentioned patents and this Jones patent entered here, so again, it really looks like the sons of colonists lent themselves out as headrights, possibly for money or favors; often, there were attempts to alter or disguise names and often, the same names were used, in the same order, by different people, in different counties, at the same time. It is also possible that sons of planters, even wealthy ones, were apprenticed out as “servants” to learn a trade or profession. In 1690 Jun 2, John Woodson of Henrico is referred to as a wheelwright; that is, he built and repaired wooden wheels for carts, wagons, etc. |
1678 Aug 21 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight - Court: “Whereas a Trumpet (Trumpitt) belonging to Capt Peter Knight was prest by Capt Youlle (Yowell) when the soldiers went agt Goodrich and spoyled”, he to be allowed 650 lb tobo from the Levy. (Fleet, NC p. 560) Note: The only military action that I can find taking place prior to this court claim is Bacon's Rebellion which fired up and then fizzled in 1676 (July - October). This may have been part of the later "mop up" activity. It appears that Capt. Peter and friends were on the government side. Perhaps Peter had learned that rebellions are nasty things from his experiences in Maryland in the 1640s. But really, I'm having a hard time imagining how Youlle smashed Capt. Peter's trumpet not to mention imagining Capt. Peter playing it. |
1678 Sep 28 | 1678 - Sep 28 – VA Nansemond – Admin - Doctor John Spier – Land patent for 600 acs. Escheat land of Thomas Hunson; inquisition under John Lear, Dept’y Esch’r., &c. (Nugent II, p. 190) Note: Keep the Spiers in mind as they will be very closely associated with Knights further on. |
1678 Oct 16 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight - Court: Peter Knight appointed Justice of the Court. He is again appointed 20 Nov 1678 and 18 Aug 1681. (Fleet, NC, p. 560) Note: We also know from the 1673 Nov 11 record that Capt. Peter Knight was a justice of the court in 1665 and other times; so many missing records! |
1679 May 21 | VA Northumberland – Peter Knight & George Knight – Court: Capt. Knight's Bond for his Son in Law's to appeare: Capt. Peter Knight doth in Court oblige himselfe in the penall sum of five thousand pounds of tobacco and caske that his Son in Law, Mr. George Knight, shall appeare the next Court to answer the suites of Mr. Charles Morgan, Attorney of Mr. Edward Feilding, and Mr. John Hughlett, Senior. (NC 1677-1679 Order Book, p. 36) Note: It appears that we are here being notified that Capt. Peter's daughter was married to a George Knight who was a miller. Recall that in the 1661 Aug 18 entry, a John Hughlett and Thomas Salisbury patented land using John Knight as headright. Also, in 1662 Feb 10 entry, Capt. Peter sold land to a Richard Feilding of Bristol, Merchant. Apparently a lot more was going on in real life than the records permit us to know. We know that Elizabeth Knight, daughter of Capt. Peter, was born at least by 1660, and would be 19 at this time. Was she the wife of George Knight? Or was it his daughter, Mary Knight? We have no clues whatsoever as to when Mary was born so can't even speculate there. She could have been born before Elizabeth, or after; if after, she would probably be too young to be married. As for George Knight, he may have been a cousin, or not directly related at all. He is said to be a miller, so he's not just a fresh young man. I have found no likely prospect to be this person in the records, though there is a family of Knights of Cowden, Kent, that looks promising as an upline connection; they had a lot of Georges! I also wonder if "Guy" was a nickname for George? Is it possible that this is our lost Guy Knight? After all, he was introduced as a headright to Northumberland county in 1658, 20 years earlier which would give him a birth estimate of at least 1640. Since I think that Capt. Peter married about 1654, his daughter Mary, could have been born 1655 or so. She would have been of marriageable age in 1671 when Guy/George was 31. Plus, consider the land patented by Guy: Milford Haven and George here is said to be a miller. In any event, the following records show that the plot thickens rapidly. |
1679 Aug 20 | VA Northumberland – George Knight – Court: Mr. Richard Pemberton against George Knight ye Miller: referred to the next Court; George Knight ye Miller against Richard Pemberton: referred to ye next Court. (NC 1677-1679 Order Book, p. 44) Note: So now we have Richard Pemberton against George, in addition to Edward Feilding and John Hughlett! What the heck was going on? |
1679 Oct 1 | VA New Kent – Admin - Mr. Mathew Kemp – Land patent for 640 acs. N.E. side Mattapony Riv. Granted Mrs. Elizabeth Kemp for a greater quantity & now resurveyed by Coll. John Lewis & due for trans of 13 pers. incl: William Colson (Coalson), Jonathan Knight (Jona. Knt.)… (Nugent II, p. 202-3) Note: Considering the fact that John Knight of Lunenburg, who left a will naming all his children, had one son named John and another named Jonathan, one cannot help but wonder if this was his father? New Kent County is right next door to Henrico where the Woodsons were, and John Knight was said to have married Elizabeth Woodson. Estimated year of birth for Jonathan would be at least 1661. One thing is certain, at this point, no one really knows who was the father of John Knight of Lunenburg. |
1679 Oct 15 | VA Northumberland – George Knight – Court: Thomas Hickman agt George Knight: Whereas Thomas Hickman was summoned to this Court to give in his Evidence on the behalfe of Mr. George Knight the Miller against Richard Pemberton, it is ordered that George Knight, the Miller, pay Thomas Hickman for his attendance according to Law; George Knight agt Ridhard Pemberton Whereas George Knight complaineth to this Court that Richard Pemberton beate and abused his Wife, it is ordered that Richard Pemberton pay George Knight the sum of tenn pounds of tobacco damages with costs of suite als Execution (NC 1677-1679 Order Book, p. 46) Note: Well, obviously, if George Knight was the son-in-law of Capt. Peter, the wife in question here who was "beate and abused" by Pemberton, was a daughter of Capt. Peter and one might expect that old fire breathing Puritan Rebel was highly incensed. One can hardly imagine why a man would assault another man's wife but I've seen other similar records; those Puritans were a feisty, pugilistic bunch. One wonders, of course, if "beate and abused" was a euphemism for "raped"? But you would think that would be worth more than 10 lbs of tobacco! Perhaps the family did not want it bruited abroad that the young woman had been raped and made the charge as such deliberately to conceal that fact? In any event, within the next couple of months, it appears that things may have come to a head in some way. |
1680 | VA Stafford – Admin - List of public officers - Col. George Mason, Mr. James Ashton, Capt. Robert Massey, Mr. Mathew Thompson, Maj. Andrew Gilson, Mr. Malachi Peale, Dr. William Banks, Mr. Anthony Buckner, Mr. Edward Thomason, Mr. Martin Scarlett, Mr. Vincent Young. (King 1961, p. 175) Note: There were two individuals I know of in Stafford County, of the next generation after this bunch, who were named Scarlet: Scarlett Fletcher and Scarlett Anderson I think that finding this Mr. Martin Scarlett may explain those unusual names. Martin Scarlett was a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses in Williamsburg from 1680 to 1695, and was also a justice of Stafford County. In the late 1600s Scarlett acquired Burbage’s Neck, which came to be called Deep Hole Plantation (part of the Burbage Grant of 1653). Recall that Peter Knight of Gloucester patented land 1638 Nov 18 that was "due by assignment from Thomas Burbage". We also read in the Admiralty Court records that Peter Knight of Gloucester, as the factor of Joseph Saunders, apparently cut a deal for Burbage. So, there is that connection on one side. On the other side, Elizabeth Harper, gr. granddaughter of Martin Scarlett via Robert Harper of PA, married John Knight, son of William Knight and Jane Butler Knight of Stafford County. This William was a grandson of Capt. Peter via Leonard who moved first to Lancaster, then to Stafford. There also appears to have been a Scarlet Anderson, possible brother of Rachel Anderson who married John Knight of Effingham, GA. The Andersons do not appear to be related to the Scarletts as far as I can tell. Nevertheless, the association is suggestive of connexions. |
1680 Jan 21 | VA Northumberland – George Knight – Court: Richard Cox's Comm of Admn of Knight's Estate: Upon the Petition of Richard Cox a Commission of Administration is granted him of the Estate of Mr. George Knight, deceased, he giveing caution according to Law; Bond Richard Cox, Mr. Thomas Matthew and Richard Flint (Flynte) doe oblige themselves in the penall sum of tenn thousand pounds of tobacco and caske that Richard Cox will duly administer of the Estate of Mr. George Knight, deced., and exhibite an Inventory thereof to the Court; Appraysers Ordered that William [ ? Beuffaw], Thomas Adams and William Dawson apprayse the Estate of Mr. George Knight, deced., they being first sworne according to Law. (NC 1677-1679 Order Book, p. 54) Note: Now we learn that the husband of Capt. Peter's daughter has died not long after the incident of her being "beate and abused" was brought to our attention. Did he die because he fought a duel or engaged in some violence with the man who abused his wife? This is beginning to sound like a major tragedy in this young woman's life. In any event, the estate must have been worth a bit to have such a high bond posted by the administrators. Regarding the Richard Flint (Flynte) named as overseer of the estate, refer to the comments on the 1657 Mar 30 record. |
1680 Jul 10 | VA James City – Admin - Thomas Warberton, SR – Land patent for 430 acs…. beg. At the mouth of a small slash of Pagan Cr. Sw; including 40 acs. Purchased of John Knight, dec’d; Formerly granted & now new surveyed, &c. (Nugent II, p. 211) Note: Warburtons will be found in Bertie/Edgecombe NC later, in association with Charletons, Mizells and Knights. |
1681 Sep 14 | VA Lancaster – Mar - John Palmer and Anne Knight - Knight, a svt. to Maj. Edw Dale swore that Palmer had fathered her illeg. child. (Headley 2001, p. 272) Note: Just because they were "servants" does not mean that they were poor people pulled in off the streets of London. In this case, we note the most interesting juxtaposition of the names Palmer and Knight, knowing already that Knights and Palmers were connected via interactions in Northumberland county. Sons and daughters were regularly apprenticed out as "servants" - this had been going on in England for a very long time - and even Capt. Peter Knight's daughter, Mary, apparently learned the trade of weaving as we will see further on. It's not likely she learned it from her father. Recall also that John Palmer was one of the "servants" at Capt. Peter Knight's place during the Summar Adams affair and gave testimony. In the testimony of Mary Pallas, we learn that Capt. Peter bought 3 barrels of "corne" from a John Palmer, who was apparently a neighbor planter and probably father of John Palmer the "servant". Edward Palmer was a headright of Adam Thoroughgood 1635 Jun 24 and patented his own land 1658 Jun 4 in Northumberland County. We also note that in 1653, William Claiborne claimed "both Kent and Palmer Islands" so Palmers may have been there prior to Northumberland VA. Again, it was Edward Palmer who used "Guy Knight" as a headright in 1658. One wonders if "Guy" is not a transcription error and is really "George" using the abbreviation of the time: Geo? Finally, there were quite a few Knight-Palmer connections in England. |
1682 Apr 20 | VA Lower Norfolk – Admin - Mr. Evan Jones – Land patent for 600 acs. called Hoskins’ Island… Trans. of 12 pers. incl. Jon. Farmer, Richard Farmer, Thomas Thorogood. (Nugent II, p. 233) Same day, county and page: John Legatt – Land patent for 400 acs. in Knott’s Island… trans. of 8 pers: incl. Richard Gardner, Joan Williams, Miles Gray, Robert Wright, Elizabeth Johnson, Jon Knight, Jon. MacMurray (Mackmarry), Richard Davy. Note: Now, the usual scribal convention of the time would abbreviate "John" with "Jno." and "Jonathan" with "Jon." or "Jona." I can't decide if the latter is what is meant in the three cases above, or the scribe was simply dyslexic. Was "Jonathan" suddenly a popular name? The "Jonathan" was clear in the 1679 Oct 1 patent of Mathew Kemp, where he "imported" Jonathan Knight. It was the same county, so might suggest that Jonathan Knight and his various friends are making the rounds of those in need of headrights. If so, it might be an important clue because the Farmers show up in Lunenburg along with the John Knight there who had sons named John and Jonathan. And we've already tracked a few of the Farmer family and often in relation to Knights and Woodsons! The earliest appearance was with Peter Knight of Gloucester 1652 Jul 16; then, John Hinman 1655 Oct 3; then Cadwallader Jones 1677 Dec 29; Thomas Farmer shows up as tithable in Surry 1678, 1679; and now this. All very suggestive. |
1682 Nov 20 |
VA Nansemond - Admin - Col. John Lear - Land patent for 900 acs. in Up. Par. Of Nanzemond; at Plumpton Park alias Orapeak. … Trans. Of 18 pers: Andrew Beech (?), 4 times; Thomas Andrews, John Griffin, John Freeman, Thomas Harding, Adam Rable, Luke Neale, Tomsin Tarner (or Tanner), Mary Price, Samuel Clarke, Walter Noak, John Wharton, Phillip Powell, Michael Thomas, James Knight. (Nugent II, p. 246) Note: Who is this James Knight? Who is this Samuel Clarke? This is the first appearance of a James Knight in the records as far as I have found and the only other James Knight I know of, in the colonies at the time, is the son of Capt. Peter Knight of Northumberland Co. As I have noted again and again, based on what I have observed in the records, young men, sons of planters, would "lend" themselves as headrights perhaps for money or favors, possibly binding themselves as "servants" to other planters, and thereby lay the foundations for their own land patents and establishments. This appears to have been done within networks of family associations and relations and appears to have become something of a rite of passage; not long after he appears as a headright, the young man of a known VA family would patent his own land often with return favor headrights. Capt. Peter's son, Leonard, gave a deposition at one point declaring his age so we know he was born in 1666. Capt. Peter's father-in-law gave his granddaughter, Elizabeth, a gift of a cow in 1660, probably at her baptism. James was the eldest son, so I would estimate his birth at about 1662. That would make him 20 years old at this time and thus ready to strike out on his own. That is what I think we are seeing here, and also what we are seeing with so many other "headrights" as used during this period in the colony. The same is probably true for Samuel Clarke; he is very likely the son of the Samuel Clarke who was the heir and next of kin of Peter Knight of Gloucester, probably by virtue of marrying Peter's daughter. That the two of them "palled around together" in this way again suggests links between the two Peter Knights. Col. John Lear's will was probated at a court for Nansemond 12 Dec 1695. The extract is in Weisiger, 1998, p. 194. |
1683 Sep 20 | VA New Kent – Admin - Sarah Allen – Land patent for 700 acs., New Kent Co., S. side of York River… 500 acs. For trans of 10 pers. Incl: Thomas Knight, Francis Cole… (Nugent II, p. 268) | |
1684 Mar 5 | VA Old Rappahannock – Will - John Motlin - Sons: William, Henry and John; Elizabeth Richardson; David Stern and James Trent executors; son-in-law John Spicer; Knight Richardson; Richard Mathews; Nathaniel Allen; Elizabeth Knight; Wit: Nathaniel Allen, Martin Middleton, Knight Richardson. (Crozier 1909, p. 217) Note: Obviously, there are Knight family connections here though we don’t know the details. It would be nice to have a copy of this will and I will look into trying to get it. Meanwhile, we can note that Capt Peter Knight was associated with the Richardsons in the case of William Goss vs Benjamin Cotman heard in the MD court 1671 Mar 13. Recall that William Gosse was passed from "owner to owner": "William Gosse being assigned over from Edward Saunders the assignee of Peter Knight the assignee of Thomas Chetwood (Chettwood) the assignee of Simon Richardson." Further back still, in 1658 Oct 22, Simon Richardson was a member of the jury that tried the case of John Knight and James Hawley in the matter of a servant. |
1684 Oct 21 | VA Lower Norfolk – Admin - Cason Moore – Land patent for 50 acs, Lynhaven Parish, neare the Cyprus Sw., and adj. His land called Bear Quarter… (Nugent II, p. 284) Note: The Casons have apparently intermarried with the Moores and both are strongly associated with the Knights of Edgecombe NC. |
1685 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight – County records: Peter Knight & Christopher Neale elected Burgesses from the County Levy. (William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine, Vol. 4, No. 3. (Jan., 1896), pp. 179-180.) | |
1685 Jul 16 | VA Northumberland – Admin - Peter Knight - Deposition: William Basouth alias Woodamore was servant to Mr. Peter Knight. (Fleet, Northumbria Collectanea, p. 643) | |
1686 Apr 27 |
VA Nansemond - Admin - Michael Thomas & James Knight - Land patent for 450 acs.. Up. Par. Of Nansamond Co: at mouth of a br. Of Orapeake Sw…. Trans of 9 pers: Thomas Conroe, Cock Cromwell, William Mandor. (Nugent II, p. 297) Note: This appears to be close to the land patented by Col. Lear in 1682. As I have already proposed, this is most likely James, son of Peter Knight; the time fit is too coincidental for it to be otherwise considering the time of the marriage of Capt. Peter to Anne Hawley; James would be probably exactly 21 at the time this patent was filed, and out to make his mark and get his own land. Nansemond County Records were destroyed by fires in 1734, 1779, and 1866, so finding anything at all is a matter of luck. Also, Nansemond was right next to Isle of Wight County which blended over into Surry/Sussex county which had formerly been James City County. |
1686 Nov 20 | VA Henrico – Admin - Thomas Wells - of Bristol Parish, Henrico Co., to Robert Clark and Anne his wife and Samuel Clark, for love & affection to my said sister Anne and Samuel her son, 100 acres, part of the plantation where I dwell, called “Northampton” in Bristol Parish, bounded by Halfway Swamp, Edward Stratton, Sr., Richard Holms, The Clarks to enjoy it for life, and then to their son Samuel. Wit: Thomas Chamberlayne, Richard (RH) Holmes, John (JO) Wood, Rran. Edwin. Signed: Thomas (mark) Wells Rec: 1 Dec 1686. (Weisiger 1996, p. 36) | |
1687 Apr 20 |
VA Lower Norfolk – Admin – Peter Cartwright – Land for 358 acs. on E. side of the S. br. Of Eliz. Rive…Trans. Of 7 pers. incl: Peter Knight, Edward Hawley (Hayly), John James. (Nugent II, p. 309) Note: If these young men were following the usual practice of accumulating funds and favors to obtain their own land, then this Peter Knight was most likely a son of Capt. Peter Knight, and this Edward Hawley, his cousin, both grandsons of James Hawley; it's just too coincidental to find such names together. Based on the date of his appearance as a headright, he is younger than James Knight who has already made his move into Nansemond County, right next door to Lower Norfolk County. A ball-park estimate for the date of this Peter’s birth would be 1667-9, following the birth of Leonard, who gave an affidavit as to his age. The question is: what happened to this Peter? He is not mentioned in the will (1702) of Capt. Peter Knight. If he was a son, he must have either pre-deceased Capt. Peter or been so estranged that his name was damnatio memoriae. That is not likely; if Capt. Peter Knight wished to protect his estate from claims by a disinherited son, he would need to make provisions for that in his will, and there are none. Thus, if this is his son - highly likely - then the most probable thing is that he died not long after this record was made because he never shows up again. There were also no grandchildren mentioned in the will, so if he was a son of Capt. Peter, he likely did not have children either. A son of Capt. Peter Knight who died as a young man would explain the mystery (to me) of why he apparently did not have a son named Peter mentioned in his will when, all things considered, (he was a Peter named after a Peter, after all), he most certainly should have had a son named Peter. In any event, that Capt. Peter Knight most likely had sons named James, Leonard and Peter, and that Leonard had a son named Christopher, as will be seen further on, makes it more and more likely that Peter Knight is related to the Peter Knight named in the 1604 Mar 24 Ladd will as well as the Leonard Knight, merchant of London, son of Richard, who left a will 1626 Apr 27. How those latter two may have been connected needs to be worked out. |
1690 Jun 10 | VA Surry – Admin – Tithables - Selected: John Roberts, Richard Parker, Robert Nicholson, Richard Greene, Thomas Evans, Jeremiah Ellis SR, Edward Ellis, David Phillips, Thomas Cotton, James Watkins, John Sharpe, Edward Greene, Richard Bullock, Henry Hollingsworth, John Knight (with Thomas Busby and Nathaniel Hales or Halet), Robert Cartwright, William Knott, George Jordan, Hugh Bagley, Abraham Evans, John Morgan, Richard Washington, Roger Williams SR & JR, George Hughes, John Greene, Richard Rose, Thomas Ironmonger, John Ironmonger, Samuel Alsobrook, Nicholas Meriwether, Walter Flood, Thomas Flood, William Gray, William Rose, David Andrews, Jonas Bennett, Sion Hill, Robert Hill, Edward Grantham, Nathaniel Roberts, Richard Jordan SR & JR, Lawrence Mizell, Francis Clements, John Watkins, Arthur Jordan, River Jordan, Robert Andrews, Thomas Waller, Francis Regan, Thomas Andrews JR, William Johnson, Luke Mizell, James Jordan, Edward Cutt (with William Edwards and Richard Wheelhouse), William Meade, Thomas Warren, George Williams, James Ellis, John Clements & son, Thomas Morris, John Phillips; ** Blackwater: Robert Hart, John Coker, William Coker, James Cooke, Francis Gregory, John Gray, Robert Savage, Charles Savage, Richard Andrews, James Griffin, John Griffin, Abraham Moore, Joseph Ford; ** Lawnes Creek: Edward Taylor, John Collins, John Clarke, Robert Lancaster, Henry Hart, Thomas Hart, William Hancock, John Hancock, John Kindred, Widow Munch for Robert Hunicutt & David Rice, John Greene, John Clarke, John Phillips, William Newsom SR & JR. (VA Gen. Soc. Qrtly. Vol. 24, No. 1) Note: A John Knight appears in Surry. We don't know where he came from or who he belongs to. He has two tithables with him, Thomas Busby and Nathaniel Hales or Halet, and neither of those names ring any bells. Back in 1642, before the Claiborne-Ingle Rebellion, there was a Thomas Hales in the census of Kent Island, MD. See above, left column. Interesting collection of names. And, as you can see, names that are associated with different branches from here on are all mixed together in Surry! |
1690 | VA Accomack – Admin - Mr. Samuel Taylor – Land patent for 600 acs., by Jengoteague Island… Imp. Of 12 pers. Incl: Richard Sanders, William Jones, Edward Knight. (Nugent II, p. 354) | |
1691 | VA Norfolk County was established from Lower Norfolk Couty. VA Princess Anne County was established from Lower Norfolk County. VA King & Queen County was established from New Kent County |
1692 | VA Richmond – Info – County formed from Old Rappahannock County which was divided; the other part became Essex County. VA Essex – Info - Essex County was established in 1692 from the old Rappahannock County, Virginia. "Old Rappahannock" County was formed 1656 from part of Lancaster County, Virginia and became extinct in 1692 when it was divided to form Essex County and Richmond County, Virginia. Lancaster was formed from Northumberland County. |
1692 Mar 15 | MD Somerset County – Admin – Peter Knight - Court convenes. Commissioners present: Francis Jenckins; James Dashiels; James Round; Samuel Hopkins, Capt. John King. Note: An Elizabeth Lawrence was a headright of Capt. Peter's in his 1653 Oct 13 Cutts patent along with a Michael Pope. A William Lawrence was headright to Col. Cadwallader Jones in his 1677 Dec 29 patent along with Woodson, Cutts, Farmer, John Knight. The juxtaposition of these names is just too coincidental. Obviously, this 20 yr old Elizabeth Lawrence cannot be the same, but she could be a daughter of William Lawrence who might be a brother of Elizabeth Lawrence. 183 ~ Case against Jone Needham for fornication and bearing a bastard; Peter Dent Clerk of Presentments; Needham acknowledges guilt; is assessed 20 days work; says John Poore is the father; Court orders Poore to appear at next Court; Needham to serve extra year with her master Stephen Horsey, who will pay fine. |
1693 Mar 16 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Thomas Knight - Court: Dennis Doyle and Elizabeth Claveron; Claveron, a svt. to Thomas Knight, had an illeg. child and swore Doyle was the father. (Headley 2003, p. 115) | |
1693 Jun 10 | VA Surry – Admin – Tithables - Selected: William Newsome, William Hancock, Charles Williams, John Collins, Edward Taylor, Richard Pearce, John Greene, Henry Hart, Robert Savage, Joseph Richardson, Charles Bass, Charles Savage, Timothy Walker, Abraham Moore, William Barton, Anthony Evans. Robert Hart, Robert Lancaster SR & JR, Mathew Swann, David Rice, John Kindred, John Gray, Robert Reynolds, James Bennett, Henry Baker, Thomas Hart, Martin Johnson, William Bennett, John Gray, Richard Taylor, Robert Crawford, Edward Greene, Peter Bagley, Thomas Cotton & John Knight, Jeremiah Ellis SR. George Jordan, John Sharpe, Judith Watkins, William Knott, Richard Washington, George Ford, Lawrence Flaming, John Greene, River Jordan, Thomas Flood, Walter Flood, Arthur Jordan, Richard Jordan SR & JR, Sion Hill, William Gray, Samuel Alsobrooke, David Andrews, Roger William JR, William Rose, Thomas Waller, Francis Regan, Francis Clements. (VA Gen. Soc. Qrtly. Vol. 23, No. 4) Note: Here, John Knight shows up as a tithable with Thomas Cotton. Thomas Cotton was the son of Walter Cotton and Elizabeth. He was probably brother of John Cotton of Isle of Wight County who married Martha Godwin (will of William Godwin). John and Martha Cotton were the parents of Patience Cotton who married John Spier, the nephew of Dr. James Spier, (son of Dr. John Spier) whose wife, Ann, was a midwife. Ann attended Patience Cotton Spier during childbirth, not long after which, Patience died. Martha Godwin Cotton then accused Ann Spier of murder of her daughter, Patience. Ann was indicted, tried, and found innocent. (Court Records of NC, Oct 1726: Speir et Uxor v Cotton et Uxor.) James Spier was the son of John and Patience. He married Elizabeth Coker and they were the parents of Terece Spier who married Robert Knight, (will 1761) son of John Knight and Isabell Carter. This latter John Knight left a will (1769) in Edgecombe NC. His son, John Knight, married an Ann possibly Bell. He, tool, left a will (1783) in Nash County, NC. Robert and Terece were the parents of Spier Knight who is later found in Georgia in association with John Knight and his wife Rachel. However, going by the wills, there does not seem to be a John Knight within this family that could be the John Knight of GA. None of that answers the question as to which John Knight this is and where did he come from? (Pace grammar.) |
1693 Jul 4 | MD St Mary’s – Will – John Barecroft – Witnessed by Christopher Knight. (Carr, Image No: sc5094-2509) | |
1694 Apr 20 | Lower Norfolk/Princess Anne VA – Capt. Hugh Campbell, 300 acs., … in Linhaven Par; towards the North River Landing… Imp. Of 6 pers. Incl: John Knight, John Clarke, Elizabeth Peirce. (Nugent II, p. 391) | |
1694 Jun 10 | VA Surry – Admin – Tithables - Selected: John Knight is still listed with Thomas Cotton. | |
1695 Apr 21 | VA Isle of Wight – Admin - Capt. Hugh Campbell – Land patent for 1311 acs…. Escheated from Giles Linscott dec’d., by inquisition under John Lear, Esqr., Esch’r., &c…. Same county, date and page: 300 acs. “Heretofore recorded Nansemond County”; on E. side of the NW br. Of Nansemond Riv. Granted John Landman, 9 Apr. 1648, deserted, & now granted by order &c. Imp. Of 6 pers: Charles, James & Richard Hawley and 3 negroes. (Nugent II, p. 398) Note: Compare with 1694 Apr 20: what do we make of this? We have a Clarke, a John Knight, and 3 Hawleys all being used as headrights by Hugh Campbell in 3 patents in 3 counties though a year apart. Meanwhile, we have a John Knight with Thomas Cotton in Surry county. The John Knight associated with the Hawleys must be also associated in some way with Capt. Peter Knight, possibly a son of the John Knight of Northumberland who was associated with James Hawley and Capt. Peter who we strongly suspect is somehow related. |
1695 Jun 10 | VA Surry – Admin – Tithables - Selected: Upper Sunken Marsh: Richard Greene, Walter Cotton, John Johnson, Richard Jones, Richard Parker, George Jordan, Francis West, River Jordan, Richard Washington, Andrew Williams, Thomas Cotton, William Knott, John Knight, David Phillips, John Sharpe, James Jordan, Peter Bagley, Henry Hollingsworth; Note: We see that John Knight and Thomas Cotton are listed separately this year. |
1696 Feb 6 |
VA Isle of Wight – Will - James Benn - bequest to sons James Benn, Arthur Benn, George Benn; daus. Mary, Sarah, Jeane and Anne; wife Jane; Mary Knight; relationship not specified in abstract. (Chapman, pp. 36, 37) Note: The will of Arthur Smith JR, d. 2 Dec 1696 mentions his grandson Arthur Benn, so, it appears that a daughter of Arthur Smith married James Benn and was the mother of the grandson, Arthur Benn. Also, in 1677, John Vicars of Isle of Wight left a bequest to his goddaughter Mary Knight. (Chapman). Looking back further, we find Arthur Smith SR, who died 1 Oct 1645 (supra), naming Peter Hull, Peter Knight, and George Hardy as overseers. These Isle of Wight, Smith/Benn/Vicars connections suggest some kind of connnection with Knights that are related to Peter Knight of Gloucester, though we are pretty certain that he had no surviving male heir. So, who is this Mary Knight? |
1696 Jun 10 | VA Surry – Admin – Tithables - Selected: Sunken Marsh: Richard Greene, Thomas Cotton, John Miles, Peter Bagley, Edward Greene, Jeremiah Ellis SR & JR, James Ellis, Edward Ellis, Richard Bullock, John Morgan, John Abbott, John Knight, River Jordan, George Jordan, John Battle, Abraham Evans, John Roberts, Robert Nicholson, Richard Washington, William Knott, John Johnson, James Jordan, John Sharpe, Robert Cartwright, Walter Cotton, Henry Hollingsworth; | |
1697 Oct 14 | VA Northumberland – Admin – John Cook - of Lancaster; Land patent for 50 acs in Northumberland Co. adj. Mr. Bassey (Bassye), by Wiccomoco R., James Hill, Capt. Peter Knight's line. (Gray 1987, p. 20) Note: Who is this Mr. Bassey? I can't find any records for him in Nugent. One person suggested to me that it might be a variation of Basse, however, scribal spelling was based on sound and convention and Basse was not pronounced Bas-ee, though it was spelled with an E at the end because of French descent spelling convention. Adding a Y to this name strongly suggests it was pronounced Bas-ee, or Bassey, and I have so corrected it. |
1697 Oct 28 | VA Nansemond - Admin - Robert Coleman – Land patent for 450 acs. near Wickham Swamp.. Adj. Thomas & John Milner; & Lawrance’s land. Trans. Of 9 pers. Incl: John Knight. (Nugent III, p. 15) Note: Do we have a new John Knight, or the same one used by Hugh Campbell above? The other names I excluded are unfamiliar and offer no clues. |
1698 Apr 5 | VA Westmoreland – Will – Terrell Knight - 150 acres of land to son Richard Knight; wife Ellenor and the child unborn, stock, tobacco, houselhold goods: wife and friend James Taylor Exs. (Fothergill 2003, p. 27) Note: One suspects that the name, Terrell, was the maiden name of the mother or one of the grandmothers but I haven't found any supporting documentation. |
1698 Apr 26 | VA Northampton – Admin - John Knight – Land patent for 100 acs., ...Escheated from Stephen Harlow, by inquisition under John Custis, Esch’t., &c. (Nugent III, p. 18) | |
1698 Jun 10 | VA Surry – Admin – Tithables - Selected: John Knight and the usual suspects are still in Surry. (VA Gen. Soc. Qrtly. Vol. 24, No. 2) | |
1699 Jun 10 | VA Surry – Admin – Tithables - Selected: John Knight has disappeared and now there is a George Knight! Did John leave, passing his land to a relative? If so, where did he go? To North Carolina? Looking at the longer list, I don't see any other significant changes. (VA Gen. Soc. Qrtly. Vol. 24, No. 2) | |
1699 Aug 23 | VA Henrico – Admin - Thomas Chamberlayne - Of Henrico sells Martha Jones daughter of Philip Jones of Henrico, a mare named Peggy Wit: Anthony Knight, Charles Roberts. (Weisiger 1996, p. 111) Note: One suspects that this is the son of Edward Knight and Barbery Coleman, daughter of Anthony Coleman. Recall that Richard Kennon used a Henry Knight as headright into Henrico 1690 Apr 1. Was Henry related to this Anthony? |
1700 May 1 | VA Henrico – Will - Anthony Knight - To Maj. Thomas Chamberlayne, my ____ George, to age 30. Note: What was ___ George? Was it a son who needed a guardian or someone to manage his money until he was 30? Or was it an indentured servant who was to serve until he was 30? It seems most likely to be the former since he does not bequeath his land to anyone but leaves it to the occupation of John Oliver for 6 years. Is that when George will turn 30? If so, that would give George an est year of birth of 1676. Who is the 400 pounds of tobacco paid as yearly rent on his plantation to go to? This is a curious problem and the document needs to be re-examined to see if more cannot be gotten out of it. Could it relate to the George Knight who showed up in Surry County? Also note the 1686 Nov 20 entry of a land transfer from Thomas Wells to Robert Clark whose son was named Samuel Clark. Recall that this was the name of the "heir and next of kin" to Peter Knight of Gloucester who probably married Knight's daughter. Notice that Thomas Chamberlayne was witness to that transfer. |
1700 Jun 10 | VA Surry – Admin – Tithables - Selected: Surprise! John Knight is now back in Surry and there is no George Knight. Does this have anything to do with the mention of a George in the will of Anthony Knight of Henrico? Could John Knight and George Knight be cousins? (VA Gen. Soc. Qrtly. Vol. 24, No. 2) | |
1701 Apr 1 | VA Accomack – Admin – Lewis Knight – Court: Lewis Knight and his wife Esther presented and acknowledged a deed for land they sold to Stephen Warrington. (McKey 2012, p. 114) | |
1701 Jun 10 | VA Surry – Admin – Tithables - Selected: John Knight and the usual suspects present. See previous lists. | |
1701 Sep 29 | VA Northampton – Will - John Knight SR - planter:- Sons John Knight and Dixon Knight; wife Elizabeth; Wit. John Nelson, Hannah Capell, Nathaniel Capell. (Crozier 1909, p. 145) Note: Wife is likely to be Elizabeth Dixon. |
1701 Oct 15 | VA Northumberland – Will – Mary Hornsby - Court: Motion of Mary Hornsby Relict and Widdow of John Hornsby, a Probate of the Will of her dec’d husband John Hornsby, proved by Leonard Knight and Elizabeth Knight. (Duvall 1979, p. 85) Note: Leonard’s wife’s name is Anne, though it is not impossible that he had a first wife named Elizabeth. However, this could also be Leonard and Elizabeth the children of Capt. Peter Knight acting together. One wonders if there was more than a friendly relationship between them and the Hornsbys to cause them to be asked to witness a will? There will be a further Hornsby connection. |
1701 Oct 24 | VA Nansemond – Admin - James Spier (Speir) – Land patent for 100 acres “Up. Par. Of Nansemond Co; on SE side of Beaverdam Swl, adj. Randall Crew…” Sold to Spier by George Spivey 21 May 1700. (Nugent III, p. 54) |
1702 Jun 10 | VA Surry – Admin – Tithables - Selected: John Knight and the usual suspects present. See previous lists. | |
1702 Nov 12 | VA Stafford – Admin – Henry Hawley - Court: Payment made to Henry Hawley for killing wolves. (p. 52 Sparacio, SCDWA) Note: Just making note of the fact that some Hawleys are still in Stafford county which was formerly part of Northumberland county. |
1703 Jun 10 | VA Surry – Admin – Tithables - Selected: A change: John Knight is now listing Valentine Williamson as one of his tithables. (VA Gen. Soc. Qrtly. Vol. 24, No. 2) Note: The Williamsons intermarried with the Carters who had already intermarried with the Moores. Moore Carter married Jane Kindred and we see Kindreds in this list. Moses Knight, son of John Knight and Isabel Carter married Charity Carter and named a son "Kindred." This item tends to suggest that we are seeing here John Knight later of Edgecombe who married Isabell Carter. |
1703 Dec 16 | VA Stafford - Admin – Thomas Knight - Court: Auction of the Estate of Francis Hund – Thomas Knight came and did confess Judgment to the Estate of Francis Hund for sum Forty five pounds Tobacco for goods purchased of said Estate… (Sparacio, SCWDA, p. 73) | |
1704 Jun 5 | VA Richmond – Admin – Thomas Knight – Land patent to Thomas Knight of Northumberland Co. 1250 acs. in Richmond Co. Wrnt. 19 Oct. Last. Surv. by Edwin Conway. On Rappahanock R., adj. Mr. John Waugh, on Rocky Penn Run. (Gray 1987, p. 26) | |
1704 Jun 6 | VA Richmond – Admin – Thomas Knight – Land patent to Hancock Lee of Northumberland Co. 1353 Acs. in Richmond Co. Wrnt. 20 Oct. Last. Surv. by Edwin Conway. Adj. Mr. Thomas Knight, Horse Penn Run of Rappahanock R. (Gray 1987, p. 26) Note: Hancock Lee was the great friend of Thomas Knight and his wife, Mary Linsfield Sharpe Knight of Northumberland County. Apparently, Thomas Knight and Hancock decided to move together. Either that, or they were simply re-patenting previously held lands under a new “county” government. |
1704 Jun 24 | VA Richmond – Admin – Isaac Knight - From a List of Ships that have been Cleared in Rappahanock River from 25th March to 24th June 1704: Mayflower of Virginia, Isaac Knight, Master, Owners: John Foster, Isaac Knight, Elisha James, Hugh Hayward. (des Cognets, p. 309) |
1704 | VA Accomack – Admin - Rent Roll - No Knights (des Cognets, pp. 123-129) There was no rent roll list for Northumberland County. Note: See HERE for Rent Rolls by County. |
VA Henrico – Admin - Rent Roll - No Knights (des Cognets, pp. 216-221) VA Surry – Admin - Rent Roll - No Knights! (des Cognets, pp. 210-214) Note: See HERE for Rent Rolls by County. |
1704 | VA Northampton - Admin - Rent Roll– John Knight, 200 acres. (p. 230, des Cognets; see entry for 1696 Apr 26) Note: See HERE for Rent Rolls by County. |
VA Gloucester – Admin - Rent Roll - in Petso Parish – Henry Knight, 240 acres. (Des Cognets, p. 143) Note: See HERE for Rent Rolls by County. |
1704 | VA Nansemond - Admin - Rent Roll - James Knight, 600 acres. (des Cognets, pp. 198-204) Note: See HERE for Rent Rolls by County. |
1705 Apr 25 | VA Northumberland – Admin - Thomas Read - died seized of 1000 acs. Edmund Bassey (Baysey) of Northumberland Co. possessed 157 acs of Read’s land. Certificate by Thomas Hobson, Clk of said Co. Surv. by George Cooper. Near Thomas Knight, adj. Thomas Walters, Capt. Peter Knight’s Main Sw., Mr. Taylor (Tayler). (Gray 1987, p. 31) | |
1705 May 2 |
VA Essex – Admin – Augustine Smith – Land patent for 1050 acres “about 2 ½ mi. from S. side the river… Beg. 100 perches from path to Portobacco [Port Tobacco] from Mattapony Indian Towne or Chicahominy… Granted Thomas Gilson, 20 Oct 1670, deserted & now granted by order, &c. Trans. Of 21 pers”. List includes: Elizabeth Lee and William Davis. Same date, same grantee, same page: 2359 acs Bet. Rappa. River & the head or run of Mattapony Riv; E. on path from Portobacco Indian Town to Chicahominy Indian Town… Transs. Of 48 pers.” The list includes Thomas Jordan, Mary Scott, William Knight, James Johnson, William Moore, Margaret Johnson. (Nugent III, p. 97) |
1705 Jul | VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight - Death of Capt. Peter Knight at the age of 84 or 85. Will dated 28 Nov 1702. Peter Knight of Wiccocomoco Parish in the County of Northumberland, Gent., 28 November 1702: Note: See HERE for discussion.
1705 Jul 18 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Peter Knight & James Knight - Court: Motion of James Knight, Exor., a Probate to him of the Last Will of his dec’d father Mr. Peter Knight, proved by Patrick Maley and Robert Marsh. (Duvall, p. 102) | |
1705 Jul 27 | VA Northumberland – Admin – Thomas Knight - Thomas Read died seized of 1000 Acs. Thomas Knight of Northumberland Co. possessed 80 A. of Read’s land. Endorsement by Thomas Hobson Clk of said Co. Surv. By Edwin Conway. Grant to Knight for 140 A. (80 A. & 60 A. surplus) in Northumberland Co. on Capt. Howsons Sw., adj. Kiffin’s or Downing’s line. (Gray 1987, p. 32) | |
1705 Aug 16 | VA Lancaster – Admin – Leonard Knight - Court: Leonard Knight and Anne his wife Ack. a Deed of Indenture of Land to William Short of Lancaster County. This transcript says: “Wittnesseth that ye sd. William Short and Elisabeth his Wife in consideracon of other lands by the sd. Leonard Knight and Ann his Wife conveyed to ye sd. William Short and Elisabeth his wife… acknowledge themselves fully satisfied. And clearly acquitted & dischargeth the sd. Leonard Knight and Ann his Wife a certain tract of land containing Two hundred and fifteene acres being in Fleets Bay in the Pish: of Christ Church in the County of Lancaster…. Near unto Robert Huffs House… line of Abraham Corrells. etc” (Duvall, p. 102; The full transcript can be found in Sparacio’s Lancaster County Virginia Deed Book Abstracts 1701-1706) Note: The use of the word “dischargeth” suggests that the Shorts held a mortgage or lien on a tract of land in Lancaster county. That, in turn, might suggest that Leonard and Anne had obligated themselves for this tract somewhat earlier. That means, we don’t know when they married, or even if they already had children. We do know that Capt. Peter Knight, Leonard’s father, mentioned no grandchildren in his will but did mention "heirs" of his two sons. What is rather telling is that Leonard trades off his inheritance from his father almost before Capt Peter was cold in the grave. |
1705 Nov 2 |
VA Essex – Admin – Daniel Mackgirt & James Gibbins - Land patent for 3700 acres …”bet. Rappa. & Matapony Rivers; S. on a gr. Tract granted to Maj. Robert Beverly, dec’d., & N. on land of Thomas Pannell, dec’d; … E. side of Chickahominie Path sometimes called Portobago Path [Port Tobacco] ... Imp. Of 74 pers”. The list incl: Margaret Butler, John Morgan John Hughes, Elizabeth Dudley, John Knight, Elizabeth Morgan, Anne Jefferys, Richard Johnson, Jane Roberts, Sarah Roberts, John Davis, Richard Scott, James Johnson, Jacob Martin, Robert Gibbins, Justin Cox, John Holliday, Robert Whitehead, Matthew Lloyd, Thomas Martin. . (Nugent III, p. 100) Same county and date: Daniel Mackgirt & Francis Shackleford – Land patent for 1316 acres “bet. Rappa. & Mattapony Rivers… Imp. Of 27 pers: Frances Knight … John Hambleton.” (Nugent III, p. 104) Note: We don't know if "Frances" means a male or female since the spelling was so fluid in those times. Back on 1651 Apr 28, Edmund Scarborough patented land using Francis W. Knight as headright. We can also recall that William Knight of Isle of Wight died intestate and administration was granted to Frances Knight 1672 Aug 10. Both of those records are well in the past from this one, but you never know. What is interesting is the association with John Hambleton, not a common name. |
1705 Nov 20 | VA Northumberland – Admin – James Knight & Peter Knight - James Knight of Northumberland County, planter, sells to Edmond Bassey (Bazie) Junr, 60 acres. Part of patent formerly granted to Capt. Peter Knight 1 Nov 1661. Adj land of Leonard Knight which land is now land of William Short, Mr. Mayes plantation, etc. Wit: Edmond Basie Senr, Isaac Baysie, Dennis Coure. Re. rec by John Coppedge (Copage) for Edmond Baysie 16 Jul 1712. (Fleet, Norhumbria Collectanea, p. 560) |
Majorly revised and expanded 2019 Feb 6. More additions coming!
Additions and more commentary added 2019 Feb 10, thanks to Mike Marshall.
Many more records added 2019 Feb 27.
Woodsons removed as a separate page for their records has been put up.