by Laura Knight
I have not gone after Woodson records as diligently as I've gone after Knight records. However, since there was a connection I was picking up records all along the way whenever I came across them. Below are the results of this sideline, so to say.
Reading the entire St Bride's Fleet Street parish registries for the period of early Colonial history was one of the most instructive things I've ever done; I highly recommend doing that sort of thing; you find amazing things.
One of the more interesting things I found there was the baptism of Robert Woodson, son to Phillip Woodson and wife Sarah, bap 9 Sep 1638:
So, I went searching for Phillip Woodson. I found his bap record in St Ebbe, Oxfordshire, 24 Nov 1611, father, John Woodson, the latter being born around 1690.
It says: “The 24 of November Philip ye sonne of John Woodson chimneysweep.”
I searched for John Woodson, I found one baptized in Hurst, Berkshire, May 1634. His father was a John Woodson also. So it appears that there was a John Woodson in Berkshire and a Phillip Woodson in London who were of a similar age, and Berkshire is just outside of London.
This appears to be the ONLY Philip Woodson on record thus far. There could be others, but this is what is there and I think we need to take this into consideration. The Phillip Woodson of St Bride is most likely the son of “John, a chimneysweep”. So, it occurs to me that Philip, son of the chimneysweep, could make it to London to better himself, it is entirely possible that he had a brother named John who went off to Berkshire and could have been the father of John Woodson of Berkshire b. 1634. Perhaps the John Woodson, chimneysweeep, who was father to Phillip was the John Woodson who went to Virginia in 1619?
In fact, this source of the Woodson family founders would actually help to explain some of the puzzling records that do not fit the family myth. So, let's continue collecting records.
1619 – VA Charles City – Info - John Woodson - John Woodson and Sarah his wife arrive on the ship George, fellow passengers with Governor Sir George Yeardley and his wife Temperance Flowerdew, Lady Yeardley. Apparently, a family account, written in 1785 – 166 years later - by Charles Woodson (1712-1796) supplied alleged details and connected the later appearing Robert Woodson and John Woodson of Curles, with this early John Woodson who, in the family tale, has been granted a medical degree, and Sarah is given the identity of a woman who actually married a Churchill and never came to Virginia (Sarah Winston 1598 -1678). This story claims that “Dr”. John Woodson was killed in the Indian attack of 18 Apr 1644.
The family story says that John Woodson came from Devonshire. Following the arrival of John and Sara Woodson in VA, “Owing to the loss of records, we have nothing further until about 1679 when Robert and John Woodson, brothers, appear among the tithables of Curles, a plantation on the north side of James River, above Flowerdew Hundred. Presumably they were sons of John Woodson and Sarah his wife. According to a deposition, Robert Woodson was born in 1634, i.e. nine years after the Jamestown Muster of 1625.” (Dorman)
The story was a bit upset when, in later years, the inventory documents of a Sarah Johnson were discovered in the records. Sarah apparently left a nuncupative will recorded 17 Jan 1660/1 which made bequests to John Woodson, Robert Woodson, Deborah Woodson and Elizabeth Dunwell. John Woodson was the implied executor. I’ll include the text of the widow Johnson’s inventory at the appropriate time slot along with a few comments.
I hope the reader may well note the birth records of a John Woodson and Robert Woodson in 1634 May and 1638 Sep 9, respectively, in England. Taken together with additional records I have found, as will be shown below, there are earlier records of the two Woodsons in VA before 1679 – as headrights on land patents. That is to say, they were either “borrowed” or imported.
The family myth, with no evidence to contradict it, has prevailed for two centuries when, in point of fact, there is no real documentary evidence to support it; the myth of their origins became “common knowledge” among genealogical researchers. I believe that the records revealed in more recent years show that the truth was somewhat different.
We begin with a short discussion of the first appearance of Woodsons in Virginia.
1624 - Feb – Virginia Colony – Info – Census - * John Woodson and Sarah his wife are mentioned as living at Flowerdew Hundred, or as it was later called, Piersey’s Hundred, on the south side of James River, in what is now Prince George County. Again and again I read in accounts of this family that “Dr. John Woodson purchased six African slaves in 1620 and that these were registered in 1623 as part of his household.” The Muster record actually shows John Woodson and wife Sarah with "Corne, 4 bushells; Powder, 1 lb.; Lead, 3 lb.; Peece fixt, 1; Sword, 1". (Coldham) No slaves, no medical title, nothing that sets them apart from the ordinary settlers.
A discussion of the early censuses focused on identifying African Americans tells us the following:
The population of Europeans in the Virginia colony was 906. A muster, or census, listed twenty-one Africans, down from thirty-two in 1620. Twelve of the Africans were identified by name, suggesting they had been baptized. Some of the Africans probably had succumbed to summertime diseases which killed a majority of new residents during the colony's first few decades. For this reason, Virginia leaders periodically requested that ships carrying new servants arrive during the winter months, as opposed to August, when the White Lion had landed. Research suggests that some Africans may have been carrying a blood parasite that transmitted malaria, while their close contact with the European slave traders likely exposed them to other infectious diseases. They would have been susceptible to the various agues and fevers common to the Chesapeake Bay region, and probably suffered through the unfamiliar winter cold. And those Africans who did not die of disease may have died in the massacre of 1622.
Four of the eleven Africans living at Flowerdew Hundred—a plantation on the upper reaches of the James River that leading merchant Abraham Peirsey had purchased from Governor Yeardley—were identified by name: Anthony, William, John, and another Anthony.
Three Africans resided at Jamestown, but only one was listed by name: a woman named Angelo (sometimes Angela) belonging to William Peirce.
An African named Edward lived in the Neck O'Land, the mainland behind Jamestown, and was part of the household headed by Richard Kingsmill, guardian of the late Reverend Richard Bucke's children.
Peter, Antonio, Frances, and Margaret resided on the lower side of the James River at Edward Bennett's plantation near the former Indian town of Warraskoyack, while Anthony and Isabella were members of Captain William Tucker's household in Elizabeth City (formerly Kecoughtan). One African was listed among the dead at West and Shirley Hundred, in the corporation of Charles City. (
So it looks like the claim: “Dr. John Woodson purchased six African slaves in 1620 and that these were registered in 1623 as part of his household” is false. The claim arises simply because "6 negroes" were listed after the name of Sara Woodson in the "list of the living". Grivell Pooley, minister, was listed next and we can observe that if his status as a minister was included, why wasn't John Woodson's profession as a medico mentioned? In this particular list, John Woodson isn't even listed next to his wife, Sara, there are many other names between them! (Coldham 1987, p. 37) Equally interesting is the fact that there is actually a Francis Woodson listed among the living at "Warwick Squeak". (Coldham 1987, p. 42) The closest thing I've found to a record for a Francis Woodson in England was his burial as Francis Wodson in 1636 Oct 9. If it's the same guy, he returned to England!
Next consider the claim that John Woodson was a doctor. Look at how a real doctor was enumerated in the census where John Woodson only had "Corne, 4 bushells; Powder, 1 lb.; Lead, 3 lb.; Peece fixt, 1; Sword, 1":
1624 – Feb – VA James City – Admin – Muster - Doctor John Potts is enumerated along with “his men” and “servants”. A Randall Holt was listed as one of “Doctor Pott’s Men in the Maine.” He was apprenticed to Dr. Potts, the physician general to the colony. There is a theory that Holt was a relative of Dr. Potts as they both accompanied Sir Francis Wyatt to Virginia on the ship George, in 1621. Dr. Potts served as governor of Virginia from 5 Mar 1628 to 9 Mar 1629. (Dorman 1, p. 28, 31; Dorman 2, p. 311)
The important point I would like to make here is the difference between the documentary survival regarding Dr. Potts and that of the alleged “Doctor” John Woodson. Had Woodson actually been a doctor, it is unlikely that the person(s) making the muster list would have failed to note that fact; had he actually been the educated doctor that his descendant have claimed, his trajectory in the society of the colony would have been quite different. “Ancient Planters”, as they were termed, were entitled to land patents by virtue of their status as survivors. There is no record of the Woodson’s (John and Robert) acquiring land that would have been theirs by right as sons of an Ancient Planter; nor are the alleged sons, John and Robert Woodson noted as being sons of an Ancient Planter and having such rights when they finally do appear. That they didn’t suggests that their status was not what has been claimed.
Consider the following land patent for Dr. Pott which reinforces my point about "Dr." John Woodson:
1632 -Sep 1 – VA James City – Admin - John Pott, “Doctor in Phisick - Of Harrop within the Corp. of James Citty, 200 acs. upon Skiffes Cr. that parts the same from land of Mr. Thomas Nowell, Nly. towards land of Mr. Jacob Avery. Due for the adv. of 4 servants: John Milward, Randolph Holt, Ruth a maid servant & Thomas Popkin whoe came in the George 1621.” (Nugent I, p. 15)
Let me just insert here the birth records I found, described above, in their proper chronological slots, after the muster records of 1624 and 1625:
1634 – May – UK Berkshire Hurst – Bap - John Woodson – s/o John Woodson. (London Met Arch)
1638 – Sep 9 – UK London St Bride – Bap - Robert Woodson – s/o Phillip Woodson and wife Sarah. (London Met Arch)
1640 – Mar 3 – UK London St Bride – Bap – Sara Woodson – d/o Phillip Woodson and wife Sara. (London Met Arch)
Now, we return to Virginia. Supposedly, for 20 years, from 1624 to 1644, "Dr." John Woodson was plying his trade, not taking out any land patents that we know of, or otherwise doing anything to leave a footprint in the historical record. Then this:
1644 - Apr 18 – Virginia Colony – Info – 3rd Anglo Powhatan War - Forces under 99 year old Opechancanough, a leader of the Powhatan Confederacy, attacks the English along the Pamunkey and York rivers, 22 years after his first attack at Jamestown. His followers will kill almost 400 Virginia colonists.. It was the start of the 3rd and last Anglo-Powhatan War ending in 1646 with the capture and death of Opechancanough at the age 92.
Allegedly, “Dr” John Woodson was killed on his way home from seeing a patient. His wife was alleged to have held off the Indians with the help of her companion, Col. Thomas Ligon, cousin of Sir William Berkeley. Supposedly, Indians were attempting to descend through the chimney, never mind the fact that a fire was burning in it, and Sarah allegedly dispatched them with boiling water and a roasting “pit” or spit; very much like dispatching the Big Bad Wolf in the tale of the Three Little Pigs. There is no account of where her later mentioned daughter Deborah was hidden during the attack so one assumes she was born posthumously. No details are given of where they were living, and no record of land patent or court appearances, or anything at all, has ever been found to support this tale.
I would suggest that, if John and Sarah Woodson of Virginia didn't just die unknown and unremarked, they actually may have returned to England, to Berkshire, where their son John Woodson was born in 1634. And during this time, John Woodson had occasion to meet with his brother, Phillip, and Phillip's wife Sarah (very common name then and since), and talked about his brief adventure in Virginia. Perhaps his son, John, and Robert, the son of Phillip, heard these tales and determined to go to Virginia as soon as they could to make their fortune. And, it looks like that is just what happened.
1650 - Oct 26 – VA Charles City – Admin - Mr. Stephen Hamelin – Land patent for 1250 acs. Chas. City Co., Lyeing at the head of Weyonoke … and land of Mr. Cantrell. Due for trans. Of 25 pers: Names include Peter Mason, William Hurt, Robert Taylor, John Woodson. (Nugent I, p. 203) (See also 8 Dec. 1656 patent of Henry Chichley, Knt. Below.)
John Woodson would have been just 16 when he served as a headright for Stephen Hamelin though his actual appearance in the colonly might have been up to 3 years earlier. He appears to have quickly become a participant in the Headright scam that was going on in Virginia because at about the time he would be finishing up an indenture, he shows up again as a headright. (See Slatten on Headrights)
1656 - Dec 8 – VA Essex – Admin - Henry Chichley, Knt – Land patent for 2200 acs on N. side of Rappa. Riv., opposite to Port Tobacco, bounded on E. with Poytresses Cr. & land of Vincent Stanford, etc… Trans of 44 pers: Names include John Woodson (and sixteen of the same names that also appeared as headrights on the 26 Oct 1650 Hamelin Patent. And note that the lands are not even remotely connected, so it can’t be an assignment or renewal. (Nugent I, p. 334)
Now we come to that bothersome will that puts kinks in the works of the Woodson Myth:
1661 - Jan 17 – VA Henrico – Will – Sarah Johnson - Inventory of Sara Johnson, widow, with distribution of property. (Apparently the will was not preserved, and only this inventory of the estate which was very meager, but more than what some people had in those times.)
A true and just account of the estate of Sarah Johnson widdow deceased.... Imprimis two cowes One two yearlinge hifer
One Cowe calf One chest
One fether bed with its furniture
One Pott One pewter dish
One pewter... One wooden dish
One spitt A Taylos... Iron and shayres
One... wascott with a sarge peticote... with other clothes
*This disposed of a little before her death and by her order as followeth....
* To Deborah Woodson one Cowe the fether bed with its furniture & what tobackoes was left her, debts first satisfyed exceptinge onelye a debt from Robert Woodson & this to be towardes her maintenance.
* The other Cowe to John Woodson to be killed att his plasure beinge an ould Cowe, but as longe as he shall thinke fitt to lett her live what Cowe calves shall from the sd Cowe be raised to be for use of Deborah Woodson
* To Elizabeth Dunwell ye hifer & the Cowe calfe above mentione (with) ye ...waiscott and sarge peticott,
*To Robert Woodson what tobackoes he owed her, a spitt, pott and pewter dish
* The calf be given to Elizabeth Dunwell to remayn in ye handes of John Woodson till ye sd Elizabeth come of age. ffins.
This document is discussed in full in The Virginia Geneaologist Vol. 20, pp 3-8, where it is postulated that she is widow of Dr. John Woodson. This is an obvious, strained effort to support the family myth in the face of puzzling evidence. In point of fact, an entirely different interpretation can be inferred.
Consider the facts so far:
1) that there is a baptismal record at St Bride’s, London, for a Robert Woodson 1638 Sep 9 s/o Phillip Woodson and wife, Sarah.
2) Then, there is a second record there for the birth of a Sara Woodson 1640 Mar 3, d/o Phillip and Sara.
3) A bap record for the father, Phillip Woodson 1611 Nov 24, s/o John Woodson, chimneysweep, is found in St Ebbe, Oxfordshire.
4) There is also a bap record for a John Woodson 1634 s/o John Woodson in Hurst, Berkshire, UK.
5) In a patent dated 1650 Oct 26, we find a John Woodson as headright for Mr. Stephen Hamelin in Charles City Co.
6) In 1656 John Woodson is headright for Henry Chichley
7) There is the will of a Sara Johnson with some connection to Robert Woodson and John Woodson.
8) It will not be until 1670 Jun 26 that Robert Woodson patents land in Henrico Co.
Considering these facts, as opposed to the family myth of “Dr. John Woodson”, complicated by this inventory of a Sarah Johnson who leaves bequests and charges to Robert Woodson and John Woodson, obviously, a different explanation needs to be found.
One wonders about a “debt” from Robert Woodson that is called in for Deborah, but released for Elizabeth Dunwell? After reading literally hundreds of wills, the way the bequests are written suggests to me that the Deborah Woodson mentioned was the wife of Robert Woodson and the testator intended that his debt to her should be paid to her daughter, Deborah, for her personal use - this is a rather common construction in many wills. And it obviously isn't a debt in tobacco as that is mentioned specifically later. Immediately following this, a John Woodson is assigned a cow to be either utilized immediately, or if kept, its offspring to go – again - to the benefit of Deborah. So, how does John Woodson relate to Robert Woodson and Deborah Woodson and Sarah Johnson?
Next, the testator releases Robert Woodson from the tobacco he owes her and then gives him a spittoon and a pewter dish for himself. Then, she refers to what is obviously a daughter, underage, named Elizabeth Dunwell, and her calf to also be in the care of John Woodson.
The overall impression I get from the inventory is that Robert Woodson was married to Deborah, daughter of Sarah Dunwell Johnson. Sarah had been previously married to a Mr. Dunwell and he was likely the father of the two daughters, Deborah and Elizabeth. She is looking after the interests of her daughters via her son-in-law and his brother or cousin, quite common in those days.
Of course, Robert Woodson is supposed to have been married to Elizabeth Ferris, though I've found no records to support it. Nevertheless, Richard Ferris was in the area, was at Quaker meetings with a Robert Woodson, JR, at least. In fact, it could be inferred by his presence at the marriage of the latter that he was an interested party, i.e. a grandfather or uncle. However, it was rather common for men and women to have multiple spouses in those times; perhaps Deborah died and Robert then married Elizabeth Ferris?
One thing is certain, in order to be a daughter of "Dr. John Woodson" Deborah would have to be at least 17 years old and thus would probably not be spoken of in this way: "To Deborah Woodson one Cowe the fether bed with its furniture & what tobackoes was left her, debts first satisfyed exceptinge onelye a debt from Robert Woodson & this to be towardes her maintenance." That is a construction that can be addressed to a husband about his wife, or to a relative about an underage legatee. And of course, if Deborah is underage, she cannot be the daughter of "Dr." John Woodson.
Another reading of the evidence might suggest that this Sarah Dunwell Johnson was, in fact, a Woodson widow who then married a Dunwell followed by a Johnson. She may have been widowed in England, married again there, and came to the colonies with her second husband, Mr. Dunwell, bringing her Woodson sons and daughter; was widowed again, and married a Mr. Johnson. That is actually the simplest construction that better accounts for John Woodson hiring himself out as a headright at least twice, and a Woodson daughter who is young enough to need maintenance and therefore could not have been a child of "Dr." John Woodson.
In any event, none of this tends to support the “Dr.” John Woodson scenario as given in the family myth and the Woodson genealogy is rather confused during this period so just about anything could have been going on. One thing that seems certain is that John Woodson was not a doctor nor was he the father of John and Robert Woodson of Henrico.
Now we come to John Woodson's first land patent. He's apparently been busy currying favor, and favors are being returned to him in the way of headrights:
1670 - Jun 26 – VA Henrico – Admin - Mr. Robert Woodson – Land patent for 1192 Acs. … N. side James Riv., Adj. Thomas Ludwell, Esqr., Thomas Ligon, John Woodson, Col. Stegg & Mr. Ballard. Trans. Of 24 pers: Names include Ambrose Bennett, Thomas Hughes (Hewes). (Nugent II, p. 73)
This is the first land record I have found for any Woodson in Virginia. Also note that the tract is adjacent the land of Thomas Ligon whose antecedent figures in the Woodson family myth!
John Woodson is well and truly entrenched in the headright scam as we see from the next record, along with a whole lot of other people who should be very familiar to anyone studying the records of Colonial Virginia!
1677 - Dec 29 – VA Stafford – Admin - Lieut Col. Cadwallader Jones & Mr. David Jones – Land patent for 14,114 acs. Staff. Co. upon both sides of Accotynk & Pohick Rivers… Trans. Of 282 pers: The list includes William Peirce, James Peirce, William Mallory, John Woodson, Cadwallader Jones (twice), Jonathan Burris (Burasse), Nathaniel Dodson, Thomas Crawford (Craford), William Peterfeild, Richard King, John Bennett, Edward Cutts, Charles Clay, Richard Bishop, John Berry, Richard Baker, John Butler, Thomas Aldridge, Walter Atkinson, Abraham Cason, John Dawson, William Digby, John Davis, Rowland Farmer, John Howell, Robert Hancock, Charles King, William Lawrence, William Miles, John Farmer, John Hancock, Matthew Harrison, John Knight, William Moore, William Hill, Richard Lee, Samuel Hughes, John Newman, William Roberts, Richard Herbert, Francis Peirce, James Palin (Pallin), Alexander Kemp, Bartholomew Watson, John Chamberlaine, William Walker, William Baker, etc. etc (Nugent II, p. 191)
What a list! Nearly every family name on my selected list belongs to persons already having land, plantations, connections, etc.
Refer to the full records on this site for all the details! A short review should make the point: Capt. Peter Knight obtained a patent jointly with a Baker Cutt 1653 Oct 13. Then 1655 Oct 3 patent of John Hinman who used John Knight and John Farmer as headrights, and the 1652 Jul 16 patent of Peter Knight Merchant who used “John Knighthill, John Farmer” as headrights.
The appearance of John Woodson on this list is also extremely interesting. Recall the 1656 Dec 8 patent of Henry Chichley, Knt., where his headrights included John Woodson (and sixteen of the same names that also appeared - along with John Woodson - as headrights on the 26 Oct 1650 Hamelin Patent.
There is over 20 years between the older mentioned patents and this Jones patent, so it really looks like the sons of colonists lent themselves out as headrights, possibly for money or favors; often, the same names were used, in the same order, by different people, in different counties, at the same time. It is also possible that sons of planters, even wealthy ones, were apprenticed out as “servants” to learn a trade or profession. In 1690 Jun 2, John Woodson, son of Robert Woodson and Elizabeth Ferris, of Henrico is referred to as a wheelwright; that is, he built and repaired wooden wheels for carts, wagons, etc.
Things begin to get a bit muddled at this point:
1681 - Aug 1 – VA Henrico – Admin - Jane Tucker Pleasants – Formerly wife and executrix of Samuel Tucker, dec’d, for 15,000 lbs tobacco, to Martin Elam, two tracts in Bermuda Hundred, both given me by my husband Samuel Tucker in his will, vizt; that purchased by him of Gilbert Elam whereon we lived, 40 acres, and that purchased by him of Anthony Patram, Dec’d, and Rebecca, his wife, one of the heirs of Reginald Evans, dec’d, 23 acres. 29 Nov 1680 Wit: Edward Thomas, Math. (M) Mocke, Signed: Jane Pleasants Rec: 1 Aug 1681.
THEN: I, John Woodson, Jr. as marrying the orphan of Samuel Tucker, assign my right in above tract to Martin Elam 20 Aug 1681 Wit: Robert (O) Easly, Hugh Davis, Signed John Woodson, JR, Rec: 20 Aug 1681
THEN: I, John Woodson, JR. as marrying orphan of Samuel Tucker, dec’d vizt., Mary Tucker, have released to John Pleasants as guardian of said Mary, all claim to above land. 15 Dec 1680, Wit: Zacheus Ellis, Robt. (O) Easly, Signed John Woodson, Jr. Rec: 20 Aug 1681. (Weisiger 1996, pp. 12-13)
The above "John Woodson JR" is, as far as I can tell, actually the son of John Woodson SR. But then, there is the following:
1681 - Sep 28 – VA Henrico – Admin - Mr. Robert Woodson, Mr. John Woodson, Mr. Thomas East, Mr. Robert Clarke & Mr. William Porter – Land patent for 531 A., 1 R., 4 P., Henrico Co., S. side of the White Oake Sw., in Verina Par., Adj. Mr. Thomas Cocke; Madam Bland; … (Nugent II, p. 223)
The grant is to Robert Woodson and his son, John Woodson, not his brother. This will be clarified in the record 1694 Jan 1.
The next item is just to record the arrival of a Hughes to the area.
1682 - Apr 20 – VA New Kent – Admin - Robert Hughes – Land patent for 855 acs on N. side of the N. br. Of Chickahominy Riv… Trans. Of 18 pers. Incl: Rees Hughs JR, Elizabeth Hughes, James Hambleton, John Anderson. … (Nugent II, p. 229)
A Sarah Hambleton is said to have married Richard Ferris and their daughter married Robert Woodson. This might be a nephew or cousin of Sarah’s. Also Martha Hughes, possibly a granddaughte of this Robert Hughes, married George Walton who became a general in the Revolution. Their daughter, Martha, married Woodson Knight, the youngest son of John Knight and Elizabeth Woodson, thereby bringing the Hughes name into the Knight family.
In the next record, we see Robert Woodson buying out one of his partners in the 1681 land patent.
1683 - Feb 1 – VA Henrico – Admin - Robert Clark - of Varina Parish, Henrico Co., cooper, to Robert Woodson of same, planter, for 2600 lbs tobacco, 161 acres on south side of White Oak Swamp, in same parish, being part of a grant to Robert Woodson, John Woodson, Thomas East, the above Robert Clark, and William Porter, 28 Sept. 1681. Wit: Thomas Cocke, Jr. Nicholas Bulligton… Anne, wife of Robert Clark, relinquished her dower right. (Weisiger 1996, p. 24)
Now things get to be tricky:
1684 - Oct 1 – VA Henrico – Will - John Woodson, SR - To son Robert Woodson , servant boy Ellis and Indian girl Judea; 60 acres adjoining my cozen John Woodson, and 100 acres on north side of Bayleys Creek
* For the rest of the estate: wife to have her third, Robert to have his third, and rest of the estate to be divided as follows:
* Of the last 1/3 of my estate: ½ goes to my son’s 2 children Jane and Samuel, and the other ½ goest to my brother Robert Woodson’s four youngest children: Robert Woodson JR, Richard Woodson, Joseph Woodson and Benjamin Woodson.
* To my cozen John Woodson, the small parcel of land where his dwelling standeth.
* To my son John Woodson, 1 hogshead of tobacco and he to be my Executor and to have all my land unbequeathed. Dated 26 Aug 1684, Wit: John Mackmioll, George Steward, Thomas Charles. * Probated 1684 Oct 1. (Weisiger 1998, pp. 12-13)
This John Woodson's wife was said to be Mary Pleasants (m. 1654) followed by Sarah Brown, a widow. Sarah Brown Woodson's will is below. She had two daughters, but they were not mentioned in the above will probably because the 1/3 bequest to their mother would be expected to go to them.
"Cozen" meant not only cousin, but also nephew or uncle. John Sr apparently had two sons: John JR and Robert. His brother, Robert had "four youngest children" meaning that he probably had more, but they are not mentioned. One might assume that he had had five children including "cozen", John Woodson, and that would be a logical assumption because "cozen John Woodson" is mentioned in the next line.
We know from the 1681 Aug 1 record that John Woodson JR married Mary Tucker, orphan of Samuel Tucker and Jane and Samuel must be their children (Jane named after grandmother Jane Tucker Pleasants).
1687 - Mar 20 – VA Henrico – Admin - Richard Ferris - Sells land on White Oak Swamp to James Hambleton. Wit: Andrew Oswald, Edward Mosby, John Woodson. Bond from Ferris to Hambleton that Ferris’s wife will never claim her dower right in above land, witnessed by James Cocke and all. Clerke. (Weisiger 1996, p. 51)
Richard Ferris married Sarah Hambleton. James Hambleton was her brother. Richard and Sarah's daughter, Elizabeth, was married to Robert Woodson.
1687 - Oct 21 – VA Henrico – Admin - Mr. Robert Woodson, Mr. Richard Ferris (Ferres), Mr. Giles Carter, William Ferris & Roger Cummins – Land patent for 1780 acs.., Verina Par: N. side of James Riv., at the White Oak Swamp… Trans. Of 36 pers. (Nugent II, p. 314)
1687 - Oct 21 – VA Henrico – Admin - Mr. Robt. Woodson, Senr., Mr. John Woodson, Senr., William Lewis & Thomas Charles – Land patent for 470 acs…. Verina Par; on N. side of James Riv… on W. br. Of the Deep Run; by Richard Ferris’ line… Trans. Of 10 pers. Names include Rice Jones and Rebecca Davis. (Nugent II, p. 314)
1688 - Apr 23 – VA Henrico – Admin – John Woodson SR - Verina Parish, Land patent for 1850 acs… Trans. Of 37 pers:” including; Joseph Hughes, John Taylor (Tayler), Martha Tayler, Jane Coz , John Cook, Robert Jones, John Cole. (Foley 1983, p. 29)
1689 - Feb 1 – VA Henrico – Admin - John Woodson, SR. - of Henrico Co. Sells land for 2000 lbs tobacco, “paid by my father Robert Woodson, Sr., for use of my brother Robert Woodson”, land on south side of Chickahominy Swamp, bounded by the swamp, 160 acres. (Weisiger 1996, p. 107)
1689 - Mar- 30 – VA Henrico – Admin - John Woodson Sr - Sells 400 acres to William Randolph, Gent, being part of 1800 acres bounded by Chickahominy River, Boar Swamp. Wit: John Mackmiell, James Cocke and Judith, wife of John, relinquishes her dower right. Another sale, same day, next page, to Benjamin Hatcher, part of same parcel, Judith Woodson relinquishes her rights. (Weisiger 1996, p. 49)
1689 - Jun 1 – VA Henrico – Admin - Robert Woodson, Sr. - Of Henrico Co., for love & affection to my daughter Sarah, wife of Edward Moseby, 100 acres on south side of White Oak Swamp, purchased of Robert Clark, adjoining Thomas East, Sr. Wit: John Mackmiell, Tho. Charles. * Same day, next page: Robert Woodson, Sr. for 20 days carpenters work, to Edward Moseby, 50 acres, next to the 100 acres given by me this day to Sarah, wife of said Edward. Wit: John Mackmiell, Thomas Charles. (Weisiger 1996, p. 52)
1689 - Jun 1 – VA Henrico – Admin - Richard Ferris - Acknowledges receipt from James Hambleton of 900 lbs for 100 acres sold to him 1 Jun 1689. Wit: John Woodson, Sr. Rec 1 Oct 1698. (Weisiger 1996, p. 106)
1689 - Jun 1 – VA Henrico – Admin - Richard Ferris - Acknowledges receipt from James Hambleton of 900 lbs for 100 acres sold to him 1 Jun 1689. Wit: John Woodson, Sr. Rec 1 Oct 1698. (Weisiger 1996, p. 106)
1690 Apr 21 – VA Henrico – Admin - John Woodson, SR – Land patent for1324 acs in Verina Parish on S. side of Chickahomony… imp. Of 27 pers.Incl. Robert Martin, Alice Hill. (Nugent II, p. 343)
1690 - Jun 2 – VA Henrico – Admin - Robert Woodson, SR – Robert Woodson SR, Giles Carter, Richard Ferris, William Ferris and Roger Cummins (Comeings) jointly patented in Oct 1688 1780 acres on White Oak Swamp. Since then William Ferris relinquished his part and never paid. Roger Comeings died and never paid, and his widow also relinquished her part, so that whole tract fell to Woodson, Carter and Richard Ferris. Since then it has been divided between them. Giles Carter’s part is next to swamp where John Watson lives and next to land sold by Richard Ferris to James Hambleton, 552 acres. Richard Ferris’s land is next to Hambleton on north side of swamp, 600 acres. Robert Woodson has the rest. Wit: Samuel Knigg, William (W) Ferris, Philemon Childers. Signed by the three parties. (Weisiger 1996, p. 57)
1690 - Jun 2 – VA Henrico – Admin - John Woodson - of Henrico Co., for 1200 lbs tobacco, received from Edward Horner, sells to Philemon Childers of same county, land on south side of Chickahominy Swamp, next to Benjamin Hatcher, 250 acres. Wit: Samuel Knigg, Giles Carter, Judith, wife of John, relinquished her dower right. (Weisiger 1996, p. 57)
1690 - Jun 2 – VA Henrico – Admin - John Woodson, Sr. - of Henrico Co., for 3000 lbs tobacco, to Samuel Knibb and Jeremiah Brown, land on south side of Chickahominy Swamp bounded by land Wm Randolph purchased of John Woodson, 300 acres, part of a greater patent. Wit: Christopher Branch, John Field Signed: Jno. Woodson * John Woodson, Jr. Attorney for Judith, wife of John Woodson, Sr., relinquished her dower right. Her power of attorney witnessed by John Britain, John Mackmiell. (Weisiger 1996, p. 58)
1690 - Jun 2 – VA Henrico – Admin - John Woodson - Of Henrico Co., wheelwright, for divers good causes, to my loving brother, Robert Woodson, Jr. of same, 106 acres being 1/5 of a patent to Robert Woodson, Sr., John Woodson, Thomas East, William Porter and Robert Clark, on south side of White Oak Swamp. Wit: Giles Carter, Thomas Ease, Signed: Jno. Woodson. (Weisiger 1996, p. 58)
This John Woodson is the son of Robert Woodson and Elizabeth Ferris.
1690 - Jun 2 – VA Henrico – Admin - Robert Woodson, SR - Of Henrico Co., for a consideration, to John Pleasants, 150 acres; being part of 300 I bought of him; it being part of a patent taken up by Thomas East, William Porter, Henry Rowen and myself, on north side James River. Wit: Richard Ferris, Thomas Robinson (TR), Signed: Robert Woodson (W). (Weisiger 1996, p. 58)
1690 - Oct 23 – VA Henrico – Admin - Mr. John Woodson, JR – Land patent for 1385 acs. in Varina Par; No. side of James Riv., … Trans of 28 pers: List includes: John Evans, John Eves, Thomas Jones, John Jones, Humprey Jones, Susan Jones, Sarah Jones. (Nugent II, p. 350)
Review 1677 Dec 29 Stafford County patent of Cadwallader Jones and David Jones, which included John Woodson, John Bennett, Edward Cutts, Abraham Cason, Rowland Farmer, John Farmer and John Knight! Are we seeing some reciprocal borrowing of names?
1690 - Oct 23 – VA Henrico – Admin - John Woodson JR – Land patent for 732 acs. Upon brs. Of Chickahomeny Sw. at a place called Half Sink: upon Stoney Point… Imp. Of 15 pers. (No list.) (Nugent II, p. 350)
1691 - Apr 1 – VA Henrico – Admin - John Woodson, JR - Assigns to my cozen John Woodson, Sr. land on north side of James River, bounded by main run of Four Mile Creek and Cornelius Creek, 613 acres; part of a patent of 1385 acres, to said John Woodson, Sr. Wit: Thomas East, John Bullington. (Weisiger 1996, p. 62.)
This "John Woodson JR" must be the son of John Woodson and Mary Pleasants and the assignment is to John Woodson, his actual cousin, son of Robert Woodson and Elizabeth Ferris. So perhaps, at the time, since John Woodson, son of Robert and Elizabeth was the elder by just a few years, he was the "John Woodson SR" in residence in the county?
1691 - Apr 1 – VA Henrico – Admin - James Hill - Of Henrico County, sells for 22 lbs (money), to John Woodson, Sr. 50 acres, at place called “Curles”, bounded by said Woodson’s land where he now dwelleth, John Woodson, Jr., the river. Wit: John Field, William Cocke, Jr. Ann Hill; Ann, wife of James, relinquished her dower right. (Weisiger 1996, p. 62)
1691 - Apr 16 – VA Henrico – Admin - John Woodson and Mary (Tucker) Woodson - Send greeting: By Act of Assembly 16 April 1691 it was enacted that 50 acres in each county be laid out for a town or port; and a parcel in Bermuda Hundred Point belonging to said Mary, being the place nominated, and valued by a jury of freeholders of Charles City Co. as 12,000 lbs tobacco, and William Randolph and Francis Epes, Gent. Of Henrico Co., being appointed feoffees, we grant and to them as such land is bounded by Mr. John Worsham, the river and Mr. Francis Epes. Rec. 1 Oct 1691. (Weisiger 1996, pp. 65-66)
This is John Woodson, son of John SR and Mary Pleasants.
1692 - Apr 29 – VA Surry – Admin - Maj. Arthur Allen – Land patent for 1000 acs. … In Lawnes Cr… Imp of 20 persons. Names include John Woodson, Cadwallader Jones, William Peirce, James Pierce, (Nugent II, p. 374)
The same two Pierces that appeared with John Woodson in two previous, unrelated patents and Cadwallader Jones certainly had no reason to be "imported" so is obviously doing a favor.
1694 - Jan 1 – VA Henrico – Admin - Robert Woodson, SR - Of Henrico Co., for love & affection to my son Robert Woodson of same, 250 acres on south side of White Oak Swamp, between land of Richard Cocke and Mans Creek, being part of a patent to me, my son John Woodson, Thomas East, Robert Clark and William Porter. Wit: Richard Cocke, Jr., William Hatcher. (Weisiger 1996, p. 84)
1696 - Dec 1 – VA Henrico – Admin – Robert Woodson & Sarah Lewis - I Robert Woodson, Jr., acknowledge to have received of my brothr in law William Lewis, my full share of what is due my wife Sarah, one of the orphans of John Lewis, dec’d. (Weisiger 1998, p. 53)
John Lewis died in 1689 and left one third of his estate to his daughter, Sarah Lewis, in the care of her guardian, her brother, William Lewis.
Next, the will of John Woodson, JR:
1699 - Dec 1 – VA Henrico – Will - John Woodson, JR - To loving wife Mary, ½ plantation I love on, for life, various slaves, furniture, all of the English goods in my storehouse and other items
* To loving daughter Jane Woodson, my eldest and sole daughter, one negro girl Matt, livestock, and 1/5 part of my money, tobacco and merchandize
* To son Joseph Woodson (eldest son), 120 acres next to my brother John Pleasants, and 1/5 part of money, etc. also 100 acres at a place called Claytons in Henrico Col, a negro named Billy, and various items.
* To second son Samuel Tucker Woodson, the remaining part of the land where I live, 60 acres, 1/5 of the money, etc., a negro girl Betty, 150 acres on south side of Four Mile Creek, part of greater dividend of land granted to me by patent and all my land in Bermuda Hundred.
* To third son Benjamin Woodson, 200 acres of land on the River adjoining Giles Well, which I purchased of William Giles, my negro boy, Joe, items, and 1/5 of money, etc.
* To the child my wife goes with, 100 acres, formerly purchased of William Giles, my negro boy Peter, and 1/5 of money, etc.
* Daughter Jane is to get her portion at age 21 or marriage. Others to have theirs at 21.
* To cozen John Woodson SR, 600 acres of land adjoining Cornelius’s.
* To loving brother John Pleasants, 400 acres on south side of Four Mile Creek.
* Cozen John Woodson SR. to manage my affairs and make accounts with John Marsh & Co and act in that office as if I were present.
* My brother and well-beloved friends John Pleasants and John Woodson, SR. to be executors. Dated 1 Dec 1699 Wit: Matthew Payson, Edward Hughs, Nathan Jordan, Charles Evans, Recorded 1 May 1700. (Weisiger, 1998, pp. 63-64)
Again, this "John Woodson JR" is the son of John Woodson and Mary Pleasants and John Woodson SR is his actual cousin, son of Robert Woodson and Elizabeth Ferris.
1700 – Nov 8 – VA Henrico – Admin – Joseph Woodson & Jane Woodson – Quaker meeting records: At a Monthy meeting held at William Porters house… "Att this Meeting Joseph Woodson desired consent of Friends to take Jane Woodson as wife, she being nearly related to him. The answer is referred to the next monthly meeting because friends are not generally agreed." (U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935, Henrico Monthly Meeting, The Record Book, 1699-1757, p. 13)
1700 - Dec - VA Henrico – Admin – Joseph Woodson & Jane Woodson – Quaker Meeting Records: "Joseph Woodson hath leave of this meeting to publish his intentions of marriage when he thinks convenient Except four members of the Mens and Women’s meeting who are: John Crew, John Robinson, Jane Pleasant and Mary Howard, who think they are too near akin they being second cousins." (U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935, Henrico Monthly Meeting, The Record Book, 1699-1757, p. 14)
1701 – Jan – VA Henrico – Admin – Joseph Woodson & Jane Woodson – Quaker Meeting Records: "The persons appointed to inquire into the clearness and conversation of Joseph Woodson makes return to this meeting that they find nothing to the contrary but that he is clear as also of Jane Woodson’s clearness in relation to marriage or otherwise were therefore ___ to proceed in their aforesd. intentions who did at this meeting publish their intentions the second time." (U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935, Henrico Monthly Meeting, The Record Book, 1699-1757, p. 15)
1701 – Jan 27 – VA Henrico – Mar – Joseph Woodson & Jane Woodson – Quaker Meeting Records: Whereas Joseph Woodson son of Robert Woodson … and Jane Woodson daughter of John Woodson JR, dec. … etc. Witnesses: Robert Woodson SR, John Pleasants, William Porter JR, John Woodson, Edward Mosby, Benjamin Woodson, Edward Goode JR, Richard Ferris JR, Mary Woodson, Elizabeth Woodson, Margaret Goode, Sarah Mosby, Mary Woodson JR, Judith Woodson, Martha Pleasants, Sarah Woodson. (U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935, Henrico Monthly Meeting, The Record Book, 1699-1757, p. 17)
1701 - Apr 25 – VA Henrico – Admin - John Woodson SR - 1020 acs. … trans. Of 21 pers. Incl. Henry Peirce, John Johnson, Sarah Davis, Hellena Parker. (Foley 1983, p. 38)
The following will is that of the widow of John Woodson, his second wife, Sarah Brown Woodson who was a widow with two children when he married her.
1702 - Feb 4 – VA Henrico – Will - Sarah Woodson, widow - To Martha Batt, daughter of Thomas Batt, late of this county, dec’d., negro man Peter.
* To granddaughter Martha Batt, iron pott and oval table, now in possession of her father in law (step-father), John Farrar, etc.
* To grandson John Knibb, negro boy Jack & items
* To grandson Solomon Knibb, items
* To Seth Ward’s daughter, who was god daughter of Mary Ragsdale, dec’d., my silver bodkin
* To grandson John Farrar, one negro boy, Peter
* To grandson Thomas Knibb, feather bed, etc anlso negro boy, Jack. If he die, then to my daughter Temperance Farrar.
* To daughter Temperance Farrar, all my clothes, livestock, 3 lbs (money) and items.
* All the rest to my daughter Farrar, and she to be executrix. Dated 4 Feb. 1701/2, Wit: John Bolling, Arthur Mosely, F. Bondurant, Recorded 1 Oct. (Weisiger, 1998, p. 78)
This was Sarah Browne, widow of John Browne, who married John Woodson after the death of his wife, Mary Pleasants. Her daughter, Temperance Browne, was apparently married first to a Thomas Batt, and then, to a Farrar. This was John Farrar, grandson of William Farrar and Cecily Jordan Farrar (widow of Samuel Jordan, maiden name unknown). This John was nephew to Lt. Col. John Farrar. This latter John Farrar was very active in the militia (W. A. Crozier, "Virginia Colonial Militia", 1651-1776, p. 103), a coroner, a Burgess in 1680, 1683 and 1684; Justice of the Peace of Henrico County 1677-1685 and at the time of his death in 1685, sheriff of the county, 1683-1685. (The Farrar's Island Family by Alvahn Holmes, 1972, pp10, 137-139.) I can find almost nothing on the nephew who married Temperance Browne-Batt.
Another daughter appears to have been married to a Knibb. In 1690 Jun 2, John Woodson Sr sold land to Samuel Knibb and Jeremiah Brown who may have been a son of Sarah's and brother to Temperance. On the same day, he sold land to Philemon Childers, deed witnessed by "Samuel Knigg", and another patent was witnessed by "Knigg". Obviously, the scribe or transcriber was not paying attention and the name was “Knibb”.
These next patents are those of John Woodson, son of Robert Woodson and Elizabeth Ferris. He was married to Judith Tarleton.
1703 - Apr 24 – VA Henrico – Admin - Mr. John Woodson – Land patent for 2700 acs. N. side of James River… Beg. At mouth of Gennitoe Cr.… Trans. Of 24 pers: incl. John Jackson, John Matthews, Elizabeth Carter, James Jackson. (Foley 1983, p. 40)
1703 - Jul 30 – VA Henrico – Admin - John Woodson - Of Henrico Co., merchant, to Hugh Jones of same, planter, for 200 acrees conveyed to him by Jones, conveys 500 acres on north side James River, next to place called Half Cinque, being part of a tract granted to him by patent 25 Apr 1701 bounded by Chickahominy Swamp. Wit: Absolom (A) Smith, Stephen (X) Lewis. Signed: John Woodson * Judith, wife of John, relinquished her dower right by Charles Evans. Judith and John Woodson of Henrico Co, appoint Charles Evans of same, their attorney. Witnessed, signed as above. (Weisiger 1996, p. 127.)
1704 - May 31 – VA Henrico – Admin - John Woodson - Of Henrico Co., merchant, to Edward Hatcher, Sr. of same, Gent., make agreement: Woodson confirms to Hatcher land on Cornelius Creek on north side of James River, 150 acres, bounded by the creek; being part of a patent to Robert Burton and sold by him to William Hobson, and also Woodson hath given Hatcher 28 lbs 15 shillings in store goods. For this Hatcher gives Woodson a tract on south side James River at Neck of Land, 50 acres, bounded by William Hatcher, the river. Wit: John Archer, Charles Evans, signed etc. * wife Judith of John, and Mary of Edward, relinquished their dower rights. (Weisiger 1996, p. 131)
1704 - Oct 1 – VA Henrico – Admin - John Woodson - of Henrico Co., for 3 lbs (money) to Edward Curd of same, land on north side of James River, bounded by lands formerly James Blair’s, Cornelius Creek, Four Mile Creek and main road to falls of James River, 600 acres; being part of a grant to John Woodson, Jr. by patent 23 Oct 1690. Wit: Obadiah Smith, Stephen Lewis, Mary Lester. Signed and wife Judith relinquished dower rights. (Weisiger 1996, p. 135)
1704 - Oct 20 – VA Henrico – Admin - Mr. Robert Woodson – Land patent for 171 acs. Pd for 4 headrights. (Foley 1983, p. 41)
This may be Robert Woodson JR, son of Robert Woodson and Elizabeth Ferris.
1704 – VA New Kent – Admin - Rent Roll - John Anderson, Robert Anderson SR & JR, David Anderson, Richard Anderson, Nicholas Amos, Charles Fleming, Robert Hughes, Rees Hughes, Edward Walton, John Woodson (600 acs), Edward Walton, William Watkins. (des Cognets, pp. 163-171)
As you can see from the map below, New Kent county was next door to Henrico.
1704 – VA Henrico – Admin - Rent Roll - Richard Ferris SR, Henry Farmer, Edward Hughes, James Hambleton, William Pride SR, William Pinckett, John Woodson, Robert Woodson, Robert Woodson JR, Richard Woodson, Widdow Woodson, Henry Watkins SR. (des Cognets, pp. 216-221)
"Widow Woodson" was Jane Tucker Woodson whose husband, John Woodson, has just recently died. John Woodson SR is said to have died in 1707 but I haven't come across a will.
The next record is the will of Jane Tucker Woodson's mother, Jane Tucker Pleasants. Review the 1681 Aug 1 set of records above about the marriage of John Woodson JR to Mary Tucker, orphan of Samuel Tucker. The will below is that of Jane Tucker Pleasants, mother of Mary Tucker Woodson.
1709 - Jun 1 – VA Henrico – Will - Jane Pleasants of Curles -
* To daughter Mary Woodson, Items & Negro woman Maria
* To granddaughter Jane Woodson, items and negro Samson.
* To (gr-grandson) John Woodson, son of said Jane Woodson, 2 silver spoons.
* To (gr-granddaughter) Mary Woodson, daughter of said Jane, 1 silver spoon.
* To (son?) Joseph Woodson, negro girl Bridget, livestock, etc.
* To grandson Tucker Woodson, negro girl Nanny, at age 21.
* To grandson Benjamin Woodson, items at age 21.
Then a string of bequests to her Pleasants children, daughter Elizabeth Cock, son James Cock, daughter Dorothy Pleasants, grandson Thomas pleasants, granddaughter Anne Pleasants, granddaughter Jane Pleasants, granddaughter Dorothy Pleasants, Son Joseph’s daughter Elizabeth, grandson Joseph Pleasants, son Joseph’s daughter Jane, granddaughter Martha Pleasants, friend Mary Howard, William porter, the Elder, son John Pleasants, son John executor etc etc. (Weisiger, 1998, pp. 92-93)
Just a little over a year later, Jane Tucker Pleasants daughter, Mary Tucker Woodson died leaving her will:
1710 - Aug 1 – VA Henrico – Will - Mary Tucker Woodson - Relict of John Woodson:
* To son Joseph Woodson, negroes Aggy and Jenny, and items.
* To daughter Jane Woodson, negro girl Cockey.
* To son Tucker Woodson, negro man Sambo, and items.
* To son Benjamin Woodson, negro woman Marea, and items.
* To grandson John Woodson, son of my daughter Jane, 2 heifers.
* To granddaughter Mary Woodson, daughter of my daughter Jane, items.
* To grandson Joseph Woodson, son of my daughter Jane, items.
* To grandson Sandbourne Woodson, a negro girl Jenny, and if he die, she goes to the child my daughter (in-law) Mary, wife of my son Joseph, now goes with.
* All the rest to my own son Joseph Woodson, and he to be sole executor. Dated 24 Sept 1709, Wit Hannah Townsend, C. (Charles) Evans, Recorded 1 Aug 1710. (Weisiger 1998, pp. 95-96)
It was Mary Tucker Woodson's daughter, Jane, who married Joseph Woodson, son of Robert Woodson and Elizabeth Ferris.
Now we come to the Robert Woodson Jr and Rachel Watkins marriage. I'm not even going to recite all the nonsense and confusion there is in online family trees regarding this couple, I'll just lay it out in order. Keep in mind, of course, that this very same Robert Woodson JR has previously married the orphan of John Lewis, Sarah, so she clearly has died at this point.
1710 - Nov 2 - VA Henrico – Admin - Robert Woodson & Rachel Watkins – Quaker Meeting Records: Meeting held at William Pates: “At this Meeting Robt Woodson Ju. and Rachel Watkins propos. their Intention of Mariage and William Pates JR and Hernry Watkins JR are apointed to enquire into their Clearness from all women and give their report to the Next Mo. Meeting.” (Images of original records served by, p. 64)
1710 - Dec 9 – VA Henrico – Robert Woodson & Rachel Watkins – Quaker Meeting Records: Att a Mo. Meeting held at Wm Pates the 9th of the 12 mo 1710 “Att this Meeting Robt Woodson Ju and Rachel Watkins The Second Time propos their Intentons of Marriage and they that were ass. to enquire Into their Clearness have found nothing against Their sd Intentions. They have libert from This meeting To accomplish their Intentions where They Think fitt.” (Images of original records served by, p. 65)
For some reason, the marriage must not have taken place at the Quaker meetings. The next time Rachel is mentioned, in April of 1711, she is Rachel Woodson. As I said, obviously, Sarah Lewis, first wife of Robert Woodson, has died. These records completely clarify the order of his wives as well as the mothers of his children. Any born after 1710 belong to Rachel Watkins Woodson.
1713 - May 2 –VA Henrico – Admin - Tarleton Woodson – Land patent for 102 acres “S. side James Riv. … on W. side of Neca Land Sw. 10 Shill.” (Nugent III, p.129)
Tarleton is, naturally, son of John Woodson and Judith Tarleton.
1714 - Jun 16 – VA Henrico – Admin - John Woodson & Charles Fleming – Land patent for 1278 acres “on N. side of James Riv., called Elk Island, & land adjacent… Imp. Of 26 pers. Incl: John Harper, John Green, Nathaniel Cock, Thomas Bates, John Davis, George Thompson, William Southall, Peter Dixon, William Hilliard, Nicholas Taylor, John Thomas, Jane Constable, Elizabeth Lee, Thomas Rice, Mary Michell. ” (Nugent III, pp. 150-151)
This is probably John Woodson, son of Robert and Elizabeth Ferris. He married Judith Tarleton and their son, Tarleton Woodson, married Ursula Fleming. This patent may have been a sort of "bride price" deal, or, to put it another way, in-laws scratching each other's backs.
All of these names should be familiar to Colonial VA researchers. Note especially Peter Dixon in the Knight records, there is a 1709 May 28 entry for a John Knight who had a brother named Dixon who must have been given the mother's maiden name. This John left three sons: Charles Knight, John Knight and William Knight. As it happens, John Knight of Lunenburg who married Elizabeth Woodson, who left a will, named his first son Charles.
1714 - Dec 23 – VA Henrico – Admin - Robert Woodson, JR – Land patent for 1494 acs. on N. side of James Riv; on brs. Of Mill Cr. & Jenitoe Cr; adj. Mr. John Pleasants line; … 7 lbs 10 s. (Nugent III, p. 164)
Robert Woodson who was married to Elizabeth Woodson is deceased. His son, Robert Woodson is now married to Rachel Watkins. But what about Robert Woodson, son of John Woodson and Mary Pleasants? Whatever happened to him? In any event, there are several Robert Woodson's at this time and one would simply have to track the land descriptions or other clues to figure out who is who.
1715 - Aug 16 – VA Henrico – Admin - John Woodson – Land patent for 1696 acres “S. side of James Riv beg. At mouth of Giney-Towe Cr; … Imp. Of 32 pers.” Incl: James Gray, Robert Anderson, John Johnson, James Johnson. (Nugent III, pp. 170-171)
Another list of names of people who didn't need to be transported, imported, reported or supported. But the question is: which John Woodson is this? Just as there are several Robert Woodson's running around now, there are also several John Woodsons!
The following will might help sort out some of the previous land records if it is studied closely.
1715 - Dec 5 – VA Henrico – Will - John Woodson - To son Tarlton Woodson, tract called “Neck of Land” and 1000 acres at Dover on North side of James River, next to Charles Fleming, John Pleasants, and Bever Dam Creek.
* To son Jacob Woodson, land at Dover next to Samuel Birk to mouth of Janitoe Creek, next to his brother Tarlton.
* To son John Woodson, land next to his brother Jacob, the river, except 100 acres I gave Josiah Paine, son of George and Mary Paine, below Mill creek, son John to have part of tract with my corn mill and part of Sabot Island.
* To son Robert Woodson, land below his brother John’s land, down the river, including my sawmill and part of Sabot Island.
* To son Josiah Woodson, tract below his brother Robert, on the river, next to John Maxfield.
* To son Stephen Woodson, tract below his brother, Josiah, down the river, next to John Huckaby’s, and the rest of Sabot Island.
* To daughter Judith Woodson, the tract below her brother Stephen, on the river, next to land surveyed by William Womack.
* To daughter Elizabeth Woodson, tract below her sister Judith, down the river. 8
* To son Jacob Woodson, tract of land opposite Elk Island where Joshua Stephens now or late did dwell, 348 acres.
* To sons Josiah Woodson and Stephen Woodson, my land at Half Sink on Chickahominy Swamp, except 150 acres bounded by line of John Pirant and the swamp, divided equally.
* To sons Tarlton Woodson, John Woodson, Robert Woodson, and Jacob Woodson, each 1/4 of Elk Island
* Special bequests of slaves to each child.
* To son Tarlton Woodson, my plantation at Curls.
* Executors to sell my land called “Bear Forest” on Allens Creek.
* To son Talton Woodson, Peirces Swamp.
* Personal estate to be divided equally among my 8 children.
* Executors to deed 500 acres of land to John Maxfield for 5000 lbs tobacco, as already contracted, also 150 acres at Half Sink to Thomas Harwood for 3400 lbs tobacco.
* My son Tarlton to confirm to my brother, Benjamin Woodson, the land he lives on at Chickahominy Swamp.
* My son Tarlton to confirm to John Canon, son of William and Judith his wife, 100 acres on James River, and 100 acres to said William Cannon provided he pay my executors 10 lbs (money).
* He is to confirm to Charles Huddesy 100 acres for which I have received payment.
* Executors also to confirm to Edward Lester, land on Mill Creek, formerly bargained for; also to Henry Lester 200 acres on Mill Creek, provided he pay 20 lbs (money). Also to Robert Hughes, 300 acres part of 500 for which I have Charles Fleming’s bond, for remaining 200 to John Jones of Manakin Town; also 100 acres to be confirmed to William Thornell, lying between Robert Adams and Richard Woodson, 10 lbs (money).
* Sons Tarlton, John, Robert, and Jacob to be executors.
* Dated 25 Nov 1715, Wit: Arthur Markham, Edward East, Barth. Necome, Mathew Dod. Recorded 5 Dec 1715. (Weisiger, 1998, pp. 117-118)
It would be nice if all wills were as clear as this in naming relations.
1717 - Jul 15 – VA Henrico – Admin - Tarlton Woodson – Land patent for 2307 acres “Known by the name of Bear Forrest; … N. side of James Riv; on N. side of a br. Of Pamunkey (Riv.); & N. side of Bear Br; … 11 Lbs., 5 Shill., & Imp. Of 2 pers, Robert Reyalls & Thomas Jones.” (Nugent 3, p. 191)
1717 - Oct 7 – VA Henrico – Will - Francis Peirce - To well beloved friend and brother Benjamin Bullington, the plantation where he now dwells, for his and his wife’s life. * To my cousin Francis Peirce, son of William Peirce, all my land, that is my high land, whereon I now dwell. * I have sold the swamp to John Woodson, and he is not to be molested. * To cousin Elizabeth Peirce, daughter of William Peirce, a cow and calf, when of age or married. * All personal estate to Benjamin Bullington, and he to be executor. Wit: John Woodson, Tarlton Woodson, John Woodson, Jr. Rec 7 Oct 1717 (Weisiger 1998, p. 125)
1718 - Jul 7 – VA Henrico – Will - Samuel Tucker Woodson - Of Henrico Parish written 9 Dec 1717: To brother Joseph Woodson, land on Four Mile Creek, and 170 acres at Dover, if he pays the executors 5 lbs (money), if not, it goes to my brother Benjamin Woodson.
* To my sister Jane Woodson, 100 acres at Dover, being the lower part of my land, and to pay my executors 5 lbs (money).
* To my brother Benjamin Woodson, all my negroes, household goods, etc.
* To cousin Tarlton Woodson, all my land in Curles, and that I bought of my brother Joseph.
* Brother Benjamin to be executor.
* Wit: Thomas Wadley, Charles Homes, Martha Hatcher, and Tarlton Woodson. Rec: 7 Jul 1718 (Weisiger 1998, p. 127)
The sister, Jane Woodson, is the wife of Joseph Woodson, son of Robert Woodson and Elizabeth Ferris.
1724 - Oct 1 – VA Isle of Wight – Will - John Murray (Murry) - Mentions “daughter Elizabeth Woodson, grandson James Woodson.” (Chapman 1647-1800, p. 92)
So far, I haven't been able to connect this Elizabeth Murray to any Woodson, but I would suspect it to be one of the Quaker Woodsons because Isle of Wight had a good sized Quaker community as well.
1727 - Oct 2 – VA Henrico – Will - John Woodson - To brother Samuel Woodson, 221 acres for which I have Matthew Gage’s deed, not yet surrendered to me, and 93.5 acres, for which have Stephen Butler’s bond, bounded by upper side of Daniel Pero’s line, and on lower side by Matthew Gage’s.
* To sister Martha Woodson, silver spoon.
* To cozen Judith Woodson, 30 shillings.
* All the rest to loving father Joseph Woodson and he to be executor. Dated 3 Jan 1726 Wit: Thomas Atkinson, Jacob Michaux, Judith Woodson, Recorded 2 Oct 1727 (Weisiger 1998, p. 142)
This is apparently the son of Joseph Woodson and Jane Woodson, 2nd cousins. The only problem is, his sister is called "Mary" in the will of his grandmother. It could be an error of transcription.
1728 - VA Goochland - Info - Formed from Henrico shire. Goochland originally included all of the land from Tuckahoe Creek, on both sides of the James River, west as far as the Blue Ridge Mountains.
1728 - May 21 - VA Goochland – Admin – John Woodson - Court: A Commission from the Honble. William Gooch Esqr. his Majesties Lieut. Governor & Commander in Chief of this Dominon to Thomas Randolph, John Fleming, William Mayo, John Woodson, Daniel Stoner, Rene Laforce, Tarlton Fleming, Allin Howard, and Edward Scot, Gent. to be Justices of the Peace for this County is read as also the Dedimus for administering oaths, then Tarlton Fleming & Allin Howard Gent., Administer the Oaths appointed by Act of Parliament… unto Thomas Randolph and William Mayo Gent. who also Subscribed the Test. take the oathe of a Justice of the peace and of a Justice in Chancery and then administer the Said oaths unto John Woodson, Tarlton Fleming, and Allin Howard Gent. who also Subscribed the Tes. etc. (Blomquist 2007, p.1)
After getting things established, they determine to appoint a sheriff, take a list of tithables and these tasks are assigned out; then to build a Prison & Court House. After this, regular court business commences, deeds, suits, etc. I will not be including every thing in this set of records because most of it is irrelevant to my purposes. If you want to glut on mentions of the Woodson name, get the book!
Twenty five years after the last appearance of Knights in Surry, there is this:
1728 - Sep 18 – VA Goochland – Admin – William Knight - Court: Suits : Edward Moore vs John Taylor; Edward Moore vs John Stubblefield; Joseph Woodson vs John Micheaux; William Chamberlaine vs George Marchbanks.Ordered that a road be cleared from the Widow Johnsons by the race paths on the South side of William Knight’s… (Blomquist 2007, p. 27.) Note: From this we learn that there is, indeed, a William Knight living in Goochland though we have no idea how long he has been there nor are we certain as to which branch he belongs.
And then,
1730 - May 19 – VA Goochland – Admin – William Knight - Court: Samuel Gregory acknowledges a deed with the Livery of Seizin endorsed from himself to William Knight to be his Act and deed and it is thereupon admitted to Record.” (Blomquist 2007, p. 214, 215)
UPDATE: Thanks to Ken Spratlin, whose mother was a Knight (and he has a Genealogy Blog), I now have photographic images of the document in question and have extracted it and here it is:
1730 - May 19 – VA Goochland – Admin – William Knight – This indenture made this 19th day of May anno Domini one thousand seven hudred and thirty between Mr. Samuel Gregory of Charles City County of the one part and William Knight of the County of Goochland of the other part… twenty pounds of Virginia money paid by the said William Knight for a parcel of land containing one hundred and thirty acres in Goochland County on the North Side of the James River on the head of the Westernmost branch of Tuckaho and part of a part of land formerly taken up by Charles Evans and Joseph Woodson and was patented in the hand of said Charles Evans and bounded by Mr. Allen Howard… former dividing line between Joseph Woodson and Charles Evans… to the said William Knight to him and his heirs and assigns forever… Samuel Gregory warrants the sale… SIGNED: Samuel Gregory (Seal). Wit: Allen Howard, John Knight, Andrew Moorman (his mark).
Court: Samuel Gregory acknowledges a deed with the Livery of Seizin endorsed from himself to William Knight to be his Act and deed and it is thereupon admitted to Record. Wit: Allen Howard, John Knight, Andrew Moorman (his mark). ” (Image of document obtained from LDS Family History Library, in possession of this author.)
The document begins on one page and goes to a second one, so there are two images. These are very large, high-rez images which I am constraining as to size here, but you can download and read them easily.
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The fact is, the patent was granted first to Joseph Woodson and Charles Evans as partners, and was then divided. Evans apparently sold the land to Samuel Gregory who was now selling it to William Knight. I did not find the original Woodson patent on this one; have a look at the collected Woodson Records.
Consider the time element. The above tithable list that included Samuel Gregory was made in 1698, and the land transaction was 32 years later. The John Knight who acted as witness to this deed was born by at least 1709 or earlier and God only knows whose son he is.
There was a William Knight already settled in the area, apparently with land, already in 1728, so he could be an elder and John a younger. If the Samuel Gregory of the earlier Surry tithables list is the same Samuel Gregory later in Goochland, he would be an older man by this time. In the tithables list, Samuel G. shows up in 1697, after a John Gregory had been on the list since 1673 (and a Francis Gregory, later, prob. a brother). That would suggest that he was a young man in 1697, and later moved to Goochland/Henrico County. Thirty years later, he sold some land to William Knight, who could be the son of the John of the tithables list 1690-1700, who likely also moved to Henrico/Goochland. This John of Surry-to-Henrico, the speculative father of William of Goochland, probably had another son named John Knight in Goochland County.
In any event, by about 1733 or 1734, John Knight married Elizabeth Woodson and their first child, Jonathan, was born about 1735 as we can see from the later Lunenburg Tithables lists below.
Now we find something interesting: the land purchased by William Knight above in 1730, witnessed by John Knight, is now being sold by William and John jointly. It's hard to tell from this whether they were father and son, or brothers. Notice that William cannot write and signs with his mark, but John can write and signs his name, suggesting father and son; if they were brothers, it would seem that they would both be raised with a little education:
1743 – Jun 23 – VA Goochland – Admin – William & John Knight – This Indenture made the twenty third day of Jan Anno Dominy one thousand seven hundred and forty three (1743) between William and John Knight of the County of Goochland of the one part and James Cocke of the County of Henrico of the other part Witnesseth that the said William and John Knight for Divers good causes and considerations them thereunto moving but more espitially for the valuable consideration of fifty pounds currant money of Virginia to them in hand paid by the said James Cocke the receipt whereof they the said William and John Knight doth hereby acknowledge and themselves therewith fully satisfied contented and paid hath fully clearly and absolutely acquitted exonerated and discharged the said James Cocke by these presents hath bargained sold aliened enfoefd and confirmed … unto the sd James Cocke to him his heirs and assigns forever one tract or parsel of land containing one hundred and thirty acres more or less situated lying and being in the County of Goochland on the North side James River and on the head of the Western branch of Tuckahoe Creek and part of a tract of land formerly taken up by Charles Evans in his own name and bounded as followeth…. etc Allin Howards corner… Howard’s line which divided him from the said William and John Knight to a corner stone placed in the former dividing line between Joseph Woodson and Charles Eavans … crossing the easternmost branch of the Horsepen creek of Beaverdam etc. To have and to hold… William and John Knight doth further covenant and agree that they will warrant unto the said James Cocke etc… In witness thereunto the said William and John Knight hath hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above written. Signed: William V. Knight (his mark/seal); John Knight (seal) Wit: Joseph Lewis, Thomas Cocke, William Wadd (his mark); Abell A. Clarkston (his mark).
Memorandum that on the twenty third day of June 1743 land was delivered to James Cocke; Same signatures and witnesses.
At a Court held for Goochland County January 17 1743 deed was proved in Court. (Image of document from LDS Family History Library in possession of this author.)
Again, here are the images. You will notice that on the left page of the first image, there is a deed from Joseph Woodson to John Woodson JR. This must have been preparatory to moving since between then and 1746/48, John Knight and Elizabeth Woodson Knight moved to Lunenburg and patented land there.
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1728 - Jul 16 – VA Goochland – Admin - Joseph Woodson - Court: On the motion of Joseph Woodson leave is Granted him to keep an Ordinary. (Blomquist 2007, p. 13)
An "Ordinary" is a pub, more or less.
1728 - Aug 5 – VA Goochland – Will - Jacob Woodson - To two brothers Josiah Woodson and Stephen Woodson, all my land at Dover between Col. Nathaniel Harrison, John Fleming and John Woodson, bounding on a creek called Jennoto Cr. * Brothers are to make over to Samuel Burk 348 acres in Henrico bounded by James River, Bird Creek and line of Capt. Massey. * Brothers Josiah & Stephen to be executors. Dated 4 Jul 1726 Wit: Edward Stratton, Ann Stratton, Henry Cox, Recorded 5 Aug 1728 (Weisiger 1998, p. 146)
1728 - Sep 17 – VA Goochland/Henrico - Court – Suits : Edward Moore vs John Taylor; Edward Moore vs John Stubblefield; Joseph Woodson vs John Micheaux; William Chamberlaine vs George Marchbanks. (Blomquist 2007, pp. 23-25.) A Samuel Chamberlaine is participant in a suit mentioned on p. 40 also.
1728 - Sep 18 – VA Goochland – Admin – William Knight - Court: Suits : Edward Moore vs John Taylor; Edward Moore vs John Stubblefield; Joseph Woodson vs John Micheaux; William Chamberlaine vs George Marchbanks.Ordered that a road be cleared from the Widow Johnsons by the race paths on the South side of William Knight’s… (Blomquist 2007, p. 27.)
From this we learn that there is, indeed, a William Knight living in Goochland though we have no idea how long he has been there or to which branch he belongs. He might be the William Knight, son of John Knight of Northampton who had brothers Charles and John. Their father was John Knight and their uncle was Dixon Knight.
1728 - Oct 11 – VA Goochland – Admin - Edward Scott, John Scott, & Stephen Hughes – Land patent for 4,000 adx “on S. side of James Riv., on lower side of Muddy Cr., & brs. Of Deep Cr; adj. Mr. Bowler Cocke; Thomas Rayley/ & Mayo & Cocke’s lines; 20 Lbs. Money.” (Nugent III, p. 349)
1728 – Dec 17 – VA Goochland – Admin – Woodson & Horsley – Court: In the Action of Case between John Woodson Plt. and Robert Horsley Deft. the parties submit themselves to the Court for trial whereupon it is considered by the Court that the plt. do recover against the Deft. five hundred pounds of Tobo. with the Costs of this Suit and a Lawyers Fee. (Blomquist 2007, p. 47)
1729 - Feb 18 – VA Goochland – Admin – Elizabeth Jordan - Court: On the motion of Elizabeth Jordan. She is permitted to choose Thomas Randolph Gent. her Guardian who accepts the charge. John Woodson Gent. and Henry Wood Securities. (Blomquist 2007, p. 59)
1729 - Mar 19 – VA Goochland – Court - Suits: John Dickinson (Dickenson) vs. Stephen Hughes. (Blomquist 2007, p. 79) Robert Woodson vs. William Woodson for trespass (!) (Blomquist 2007, pp. 80-81.)
Robert Woodson JR is now SR:
1729 - Jun 17 – VA Goochland/Henrico – Will – Robert Woodson SR - Court: The last will & Testament of Robert Woodson Deceased is presented in Court by Thomas Randolph, William Womack and Sarah Woodson, his Executors & Executrix.
* To son Stephen Woodson, the land that came in my possession by marriage with his mother, also 50 acres that belonged to John Lewis. (Robert’s first wife: Sarah Lewis who only had one child before she died young. He then married Rachel Watkins and all subsequent children are hers.)
* To son Joseph Woodson, a parcel in Goochland Co on west side of Jennytoe Creek, up Rocky Branch and next to Joseph Parson’s line, also a negro and items.
* To son Robert Woodson, the residue of land in Goochland on Jennytoe Creek.
* To son Jonathan Woodson, land near White Oak Swamp, between Richard Cocke, Edward Mosby and Harrison, and his estate to be under the guardianship of my son Stephen until he is 18.
* To daughter Elizabeth, a negro and items.
* To daughter Judith, a negro and items.
* to daughter Agnes, a negro.
* The rest divided between children Joseph Woodson, Robert Woodson, Jonathan Woodson, and Judith Woodson; to be divided by son Stephen Woodson and Thomas Watkins. Son Stephen to be Executor.
* Dated 6 July 1729, Recorded Feb 1730. Wit: William Porter, Jr. Theodorick Carter, Giles Davis, Tarlton Woodson. (Weisiger, 1998, pp. 150-151) (Blomquist 2007, p. 107)
In 1688 Apr 2, the will of John Lewis, put his daughter under the guardianship of her brother, meaning that she was a child. In 1689 Dec 2, the accounts of the estate were settled and Sarah's portion was held by her brother until she came of age or married. Then, in 1696, probably about the time Sarah was 16 or 17, she was married to Robert Woodson, JR. This Robert Woodson was called "JR" to distinguish him from his "cozen" or uncle, Robert Woodson SR. At that time he wrote: "I Robert Woodson, JR., acknowledge to have received of my brother in law William Lewis, my full share of what is due my wife Sarah, one of the orphans of John Lewis, dec’d." So if Sarah was c. 16/17 years old at that time, she must have been born c. 1679, and thus only 9 years old at the time of her father's death. Notice that this will is written in such a way as to strongly suggest that Robert's son, Stephen, was the ONLY child he had with Sarah Lewis,. The rest of the children were those of Rachel Watkins, whom Robert married in 1710 as the Quaker records show. It was probably due to his marriage to Rachel that he was "received into communion" with the Quakers.
1732 - Apr 11 – VA Goochland – Admin - William Woodson, Benjamin Woodson, JR, Joseph Woodson, JR., John Woodson, JR., & Robert Woodson, JR. – Land patent for 1500 acs on brs. Of Deep Cr; on Watson’s Br; adj. Capt. Henry Anderson; Warham (Warram) Easly; John Phelps; & John Woodson. 7 Lbs. 10 Shill. (Nugent III, p. 416)
I haven't sorted all these Woodsons out. See the page on Woodsons From the Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, Henrico Monthly Meetings, as that may help.
1732 - Sep 28 – VA Goochland – Admin - John Woodson – Land patent for 710 acres “on a ridge bet. Jennytoe & Indian Grave Creeks; adj. Majr. Philip Lightfoot, William Cabell, Roger Powell, Joseph Parson, William Woodson & Benjamin Woodson … 600 acs. Part formerly ptd. In the Name of sd John Woodson & the residue ptd. in the Names of Josiah & Stephen Woodson.” (Nugent IV, p. 6)
1739 - Feb – VA Goochland – Admin – Frances Woodson - Court: Patrick Napier and Rene Napier, with Frances, wife of Benjamin Woodson, all of Goochland, were charged with the kidnapping of Martha Claiborne, an orphan minor of Thomas Claiborne. She was, at the time of the alleged abduction, living with her sister and brother-in-law, Joseph and Frances (Claiborne) Thompson. Frances Woodson was found not guilty. The two Napier's involved were Frances Woodson’s brothers. No animosity seems to have resulted. A couple of years later, Martha Claiborne married Patrick Napier, one of her accused abductors. (This record is not yet verified; handle with caution. If you know the source, send it to me please; it was too interesting to omit.)
1739 - Sep 22 – VA Goochland – Admin - John Woodson - Son of Richard Woodson late of Henrico Co., decd, land patent for 990 acs Goochland Co., on both sides of Dover Mill Cr. Of the N side of James Riv.; adj. Robert Payne, Joseph Johnson, Samuel Richardson, Robert Adams, Maj. John Woodson, William Randolph & Philip Webber… 498 acs. Being part of a larger Tract formerly gtd. Robert Woodson [Junr.] by Pat. 23 Dec 1714 & by divers Mesne Conveyances the Right & Title is become vested in sd. John Woodson. (Nugent IV, p. 207)
1740 - Mar 12 – VA Goochland – Admin - John Woodson, Gent – Land patent for 2,590 acs on both sides of Fleming’s Park Cr. Of the N side of James Riv. All round 200 acs. Ptd. To Robert Napier Junior, near the N side of a run of Treasurers R; adj. David Mims, Daniel Johnson, Henry Webb, Thomas Carter, Isham Randolph, Gent., John Bolling Gent., Tarlton Fleming, Bowler Cocke Gent., Ashford & Stephen Hughes, Thomas Massie dec’d., Leonard & Thomas Ballow, & William Cabbell Gent. (Nugent IV, p. 211)
1740 - Mar 12 – VA Goochland – Admin - Robert Woodson – Land patent for 400 acrs adj. Robert Rogers, Ebenezer Adams dec’d, James Christian, John Richardson & John Fleming. (Nugent IV, p. 217)
1746 - Jun 5 – VA Goochland – Admin - William Mayo - Land patent for 1800 acs both sides of Angola and Great Guinea cr. of Appamatox Riv., at John Brown’s corner, in John Pleasant’s line on Abraham Cook’s, crossing a run of Green cr., on Richard Woodson, N. side of Angolo cr. crossing the main Rd. near the E. side of Bear Br. of Willis R., to Joseph Dabbs line on Richard Henderson’s. (VA Gen Soc Artly. Vol. 28, No. 2, p. 118)
1748 - Apr 27 – VA Lunenburg – Admin - Governor’s Council meeting – Petitions for land granted: Robert Carter, John Stevenson and John Lee, 20,000 acs. in Lunenburg County on Mayo River, beginning below the Fork of the South fork, including both Branchs.; To George Carrington leave to include 1,950 acs. already patented to the said Carrington, and 170 acs. joining the same patented to John Floyd, joing the same patented to Orlando Hughes in one patent; to James Williams 3000 acs lying on both sides of Wolf Trap Creek in Lunenburg, including the Branches of Juniper Creek and on both sides of Nances Road including an entry of 400 acs that the said Williams purchased of Thomas Nance, the rights for which are in the hands of the surveyor.; To John Hall, George Walton and James Johnson, 8,000 acs. in the counties of Lunenburg and Albemarle on the branches of Falling River and James River; To David Bell, Joseph Bell, Walter King & Archibald Cary 60,000 acs in Lunenburg beg. at the mouth of Peters Creek; To Robert Walton and Tucker Woodson 5000 acs in Lunenburg beg. on Randolphs line…Petitions for land granted: To Jacob Warrick, 1,000 acs in Surry on the south side of Nottoway River including his own plantation and joyning the lines of John Stephens, Jesse Gillam Thomas Pennington, John Knight and John King. (Exec. Journals. VA, Vol. V, pp. 248-251)
1760 - Sep 26 – VA Goochland – Admin - John Woodson – Land patent for 400 acs on Wild boar a br. of Lickinghole Cr. Whereas by pat 28 Sep 1730 Gtd. Benjamin Woodson and whereas the sd Benjamin Woodson hath failed to pay Quitrents and to make Cultiv. and Improv. and John Woodson hath made humble suit and hath obtained a Grant for the same. (VA. Gen. Soc. Qrtly., Vol. 33, No. 1, p. 69)
1772 - Mar 12 – VA Lunenburg – Will - John Knight - I, John Knight, of Lunenburg County, being very sick and weak of body but of perfect mind and memory (thanks be given unto God), etc etc…
* ITEM. It is my will and desire that my whole estate be kept undivided or separated unto all my lawful debts are paid by cropping or in other ways to be managed by my executors hereafter named and, after that is fully accomplished it is my further desire that the estate be still kept together until the sum of two hundred pounds can be raised and laid out in the purchase of a tract of land for my son Joseph Knight and then to be divided in the form and manner hereafter mentioned.
* ITEM. I lend to my wife Elizabeth during her natural life all that tract of land whereon I now live, except one hundred and fifty acres hereafter bequeathed to my son Peter Knight. Also five negroes, vis: Jack, Deely, Agg, Izaac and Nutty, with all my household furniture, stock, etc., and after her decease, it is my further will and desire that the negroes should be disposed of as follows:
* ITEM. I bequeath unto my son William Knight, after the decease of his mother, one negro man Jack, to him and his heirs forever.
* I bequeath to my son Joseph Knight after the decease of his mother one negro man Isaac, also a negro man Pater, to be delivered to him at the dividing of the estate.
* I bequeath unto my daughter Rachel Knight, after the decease of her mother, a negro girl Nutty also two young negroes, Lewis and Millie.
* ITEM. I bequeath unto my son Peter Knight one moiety of two negroes Agg and Deely, to be equally divided between him and his brother John Knight, after the decease of their mother, also one hundred and fifty acres of land more or less, joining the tract whereon I now live, to be divided by a branch running from near Shelton’s Bridge, in a straight line to Miner’s land, to the north of that branch is what I bequeath to him and his heirs forever.
* ITEM. I bequeath to my son John Knight one moiety of two negroes above mentioned, after the decease of his mother.
* ITEM. I bequeath to my son Jonathan Knight one girl named Fanny to him and his heirs forever.
* ITEM. I bequeath to my son Charles Knight, Jane, Caesar and Bettie to him and to his heirs forever.
* ITEM. I bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Knight a negro woman named Uraby and her child.
* I bequeath to my daughter Judith Bagley one negro girl named Beck.
* ITEM. I bequeath to my daughter, Mary Lea, two negroes Phillis and Tabby, during her natural life and if she should die without issue, to be returned to the surviving part of my children to be equally divided between them; it is my further will and desire that if she should have an heir or heirs that the negroes go as she directs.
* ITEM. I bequeath to my son Woodson Knight two negroes Tom and Chloe also that tract of land before devised to his mother during her life, to him and to his heirs forever, being the same I now live on, with all my stock of every kind and household furniture, except three beds which I desire may be given to Charles, Joseph and Rachel, at the discretion of my beloved wife Elizabeth.
* ITEM. I bequeath to my daughter’s daughter, Lucy Cook, one negro girl named Tamer.
* It is my will and desire that if any of my children die before the dividing of the estate that his or her proportion be equally divided between the surviving parties. I also desire that every person within mentioned should take possession of their proportion of the estate as is by will devised, provided it does not consist of negroes upwards of ten years of age or that part allotted for the immediate use of my wife Elizabeth.
* I do hereby constitute and appoint Joseph Knight, Charles Knight and Peter knight executors to this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this seventh day of September one thousand seven hundred and seventy-one. John Knight, Senr. (Seal)
* Witnesses: Miller Woodson, Francis Amos (his mark), Thomas Jeffries. The will was granted probate in court 12 Mar 1772. Teste: Wm. Taylor, CLC, Copy Teste: John L. Yates, Clerk. (Will image online served by
At this point, the "Great Awakening" was taking hold all over Colonial America and slews of people were going Baptist.
1776 – VA Stafford – Info - Uriah Knight, Zachariah Knight and Elijah Knight - signatories on the “Ten Thousand Name Petition” for religious freedom for Baptists. Some other names in the same group: Richard Palmer, Moses Lunsford, William Moor, John Rose, Spilsby Stone, Charles Carter, James Jeffries, Edward Jeffries; Orange County: Thomas Coleman, John Harper and Timothy Carrington, James Abbott, George Moore, David Anderson, James Coleman, John Collins; Fluvanna County: William Giles, George Anderson JR, Rene Woodson, Benjamin Lee, John Pace, Thomas Devane, Sylvanus Bryant, Isaac Bryan, Thomas Farrer, George Anderson, Daniel Lightfoot SR, James Crocket, Joseph Barbee, William Porter, Samuel Porter, Thomas Coleman, James Gregory, Daniel Coleman, Julius Coleman, Christopher Ferris, William Gregory, John Gooch, John Phillips, Edward Hughes, John Anderson, William Vaughan, Marmaduke Lee, Henry Chambless, Peter Rice, Richard Rice. Bedford County: John Bell, John Anderson, Joseph Bunch, Charles Bunch, John Lee, George Anderson, Zachariah Bunch; Bartelot Anderson, William Vaughan, Matthew Anderson, John Vaughan, __ Taylor, ___ Farmer, Jeremiah Pate, John Coleman, Isham Farmer, John Childress, Nathaniel Eppes, Spencer Walton, James Farmer, James Bell, Richard Hancock, John Wimbish, Thomas Cason; Orange County: Matthew Carter, George Moore, William Tucker, John Tucker, Francis Tucker, William Cason, Thomas Cason, Benjamin Farris, Joseph Farris, William Stokes, John Carter, Charles Rice, Hughes Woodson, John Meador, Miller Woodson, Samuel Moore, John Evans, Chastain Moore, George Carter, Henry Bell, Joseph Carter, James Welsh, William Cason, William Woodson, Shadrach Woodson, Matthew Anderson, Jesse Woodson, (VA Gen. Soc. Qrtly. Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 35-42; Vol. 37., No. 1, pp. 143-157)
1778 - Sep 3 – VA Fluvanna – Will - Benjamin Woodson – (Son of John Woodson and Mary Tucker): IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN, I. Benjamin Woodson of Fluvanna County, being Sick of Body but of Perfect Sence and Sound Memory to make and ordaine this my Last Will & Testament in manner and form as followes:
* First - my desire is that all my just Debts be paid and then what the Lord has bestowing upon of this worlds wealth I give asd followeth:
* Item - I bequeath unto my son BENJAMIN WOODSON, Jr, the whold of my Estate that he the said Benja. Woodson has now in his possession to him and his Heirs forever.
* Item, I give unto my Son John Woodson the estate I before have given him now is his possesion to him & his heirs forever, he paying to William Fitzpatrick fifteen pounds current money & making Rene Napier a right to one hundred acres of land in Goochland County on Lickinghole Creek.
* Item - I give to my son Rene Woodson one Negroe Man named Mark now in his possession and all the estate I have before given him now in his possession to him & his heirs forever.
* Item - I give & bequeath unto my son Patrick Woodson the whole of my Estate now in his possession except Negro Frank and Janny, which I lend unto my wife Frances Woodson during her life and after her decease to return to my son Patrick Woodson.
* I lend to my Daughter Mary Perrin Fitzpatrick Negro Moll and Toby during her life and after her decease, Toby to return to Benjamin Fitzpatrick and Moll to Joseph Fitzpatrick to them and their Heirs forever.
* I lend to my Daughter Frances Anderson and my Son in Law George Anderson, one hundred acres of land and the Plantation whereon they now live during their Lives and after their decease to return to George Anderson, Junior to him & his Heirs forever. I also lend my said son in law & Daughter four Negroes - Lucy, Isbell, Sharod & Amey during their lives and after their decease to be equally divided amongst their children then living, except Benjamin Anderson.
* I give & bequeath unto my Grand Daughter Elizabeth Buth Woodson five head of cattle to her and her heirs forever.
* I give and bequeath to my grandson Benjamin Anderson one Negro man named Ellick which he has in his possession to him & his Heirs forever.
* I do appoint my sons Benjamin Woodson, Rene Woodson & Patrick Woodson Executors and my Wife Frances Woodson Executrix of this my last Will and Testament revoking all other will or wills by me made.
* IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Seal this 25th day of October 1777.
Benja X Woodson (SL)
Signed sealed & acknowledged in presence of us
George Clough, Senr., Archibald Sneed (Archbill), George Clough Jr.
* AT A COURT Held Thursday, 3 Sept. 1778, and by the oath of the witnesses, will was proved, and on the motion of Rene Woodson and Patrick Woodson, the Executors named, who took the necessary oathes, will was proved and ordered to be recorded. Teste: John Cobbs, C.C. (Will image online served by - June 1 – South Carolina – Mil - Benjamin Woodson - Served as a lieutenant in the militia under Col. Brandon before the fall of Charleston. (Moss 1983, p. 1013)
1779 - June 1 – South Carolina – Mil - James Woodson - Served two hundred eighty days as a captain in the militia. (Moss 1983, p. 1013)
1779 - June 1 – South Carolina – Mil - James Woodson JR - Served in the militia under Capt. Joseph Hughes and Col. Brandon. (Moss 1983, p. 1013)
1779 - June 1 – South Carolina – Mil - Robert Woodson - Served as a lieutenant in the militia under Col. Brandon before and after the fall of Charleston. (Moss 1983, p. 542)
1780 – SC Cheraw – Admin - James Woodson & James Knight - On the Grand Jury list. James Knight on the “List of Petit Jurymen and Jurymen in Civil Causes.” (Jury Lists, 1779, Acts #1127 [at SC Archives]; Page Number: 4; Family Number: 141)
1781 - Jun 18 – VA Prince Edward – Mar - Woodson Knight & Martha “Patty” Walton. (VA MG REC 1700-1850, p. 520)
Martha Walton was the daughter of General George Walton and Martha Hughes. She married Woodson Knight, youngest son of John Knight and Elizabeth Woodson. Woodson appears a number of time in the Tithes lists of Lunenburg County following the death of his father when he was 15 years old.
It was only after this marriage of Woodson and Patty that the names “Hughes” and “Walton” entered the Lunenburg Knights family. Their son, John Hughes Knight, b. 8 Sep 1792, was the first “John Hughes Knight”. John Hughes Knight JR was b. 29 Oct 1829. So, if you see a “John Hughes Knight” on a family tree before this date, or outside of this connection, you know you are seeing the tree of a clueless person who just copies and pastes nonsense. John Hughes Knight married Sarah Everett Carter.
Let me add here a word to the intelligent: there could be no “William Hughes Knight” born 1758 (son of Jonathan and Judith) over 20 years before the name entered the family; it’s a myth and you have been duped by #FakeGenealogy if you have that mess on your tree.