58 Cognitive biases that screw up everything we do

You think that you can think with the way you think? Or that you are in charge in there? Think again!

58 Cognitive biases that screw up everything we do

We like to think we’re rational human beings.

In fact, we are prone to hundreds of proven biases that cause us to think and act irrationally, and even thinking we’re rational despite evidence of irrationality in others is known as blind spot bias.

The study of how often human beings do irrational things was enough for psychologists Daniel Kahneman to win the Nobel Prize in Economics, and it opened the rapidly expanding field of behavioral economics. Similar insights are also reshaping everything from marketing to criminology

Hoping to clue you – and ourselves – into the biases that frame our decisions, we’ve collected a long list of the most notable ones.

Read the list here.