You’re a vegetarian. Have you lost your mind?

Interestingly, the study doesn’t say that vegetarianism causes mental health problems. But in all but two studies done in the past, vegetarianism has been linked with higher rates of depression, anxiety, and particularly eating disorders (bingeing, restricting, and purging behaviors) which may suggest that mental disorders cause vegetarianism which then makes the mental disorders worse.

You’re a vegetarian. Have you lost your mind?

Entirely vegan diets are unknown among traditional human cultures. Back in the early part of the 19th century, dentist and explorer Weston Price went looking for vegans, but found only cannibals*. Since vegan diets in nature provide no vitamin B12 and very little in the way of usable long chain omega3 fatty acids, it is not surprising that humans have continued to eat animals and animal-derived products. Nowadays one can obtain algae-derived DHA (the major long chain omega3 fatty acid present in the brain) and supplement B12. That wasn’t possible until a few years ago, and there’s little evidence that supplementation with DHA alone is helpful for the brain.

We have been encouraged to eat more plants and less animals. Various writers have suggested it is healthier for our bodies and our planet. I have no objections to a mostly plant-based diet as long as attention is paid to protein requirements and micronutrition. However, since little things in animal products (some essential like B12, some that can be created in our bodies but perhaps not in the amounts we need, such as creatine) seem to be very important for the brain, it’s interesting to look at the literature on vegetarian diets and mental health. Here is the latest (and the best) observational study: Vegetarian diet and mental disorders: results from a representative community survey. …

And when the researchers went down the line of depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, somatoform disorders (things like body dysmorphic disorder, health anxiety and hypochondriasis), and eating disorders, the mostly vegetarian were more likely to be afflicted, and the strict vegetarian even more likely.** The full blown eating disorder diagnoses were rare enough, however, that the researchers didn’t compute the odds ratios, as they felt the dataset was not robust enough to be fair. Compared to the general population, the vegetarians were more likely to have mental disorders, and compared to the sex and education and population and age matched controls, the risk of mental disorders in vegetarians really shot up, with odds ratios hovering around 2 fold increased risk, some as high as 3 fold.

Physician, Heal Thyself: Disease And Modern Diet

The latest SOTT Talk radio, with special guest Dr. Dwight Lundell.

Physician, Heal Thyself: Disease And Modern Diet

Over a century ago, a ‘scientific breakthrough’ ushered in radical dietary changes that saw the US, and eventually most of the world, put on a low-fat diet. The discovery that high cholesterol levels were associated with coronary heart disease led to saturated fats, particularly animal fats, being singled out for elimination from meals. In theory, they told us, people will get less heart attacks and become healthier.

But what actually happened?

Rates of coronary heart disease rose to today’s staggering levels. Some 75 million Americans currently suffer from heart disease, 20 million have diabetes and 57 million have pre-diabetes. Today, nearly half of all Americans can expect to get cancer at least once.

This week we’re going to be talking with Dr. Dwight Lundell, who spent 25 years performing over 5,000 heart surgeries before realizing that the theory he believed in and promoted was not just wrong, it significantly contributed to the explosion of disease.

Everything You Know About Longevity Is Wrong

Some real surprises here that overturn the “accepted wisdom”.

Everything You Know About Longevity Is Wrong

According to Longevity Project authors, much of what we’ve been taught about longevity is wrong. Here are seven popular beliefs about longevity that may in fact be misconceptions:

1. Optimism and Positive Thinking Extends Life

2. Worrying is Terrible for You

3. Married People Automatically Live Longer

4. Making Yourself Exercise Vigorously Beats Slower Paced Hobbies

5. Religious People Live Longer

6. Workaholics Die Younger

7. Pet Owners Live Longer

The Iron Elephant: What You Should Know about the Dangers of Excess Body Iron

The Iron Elephant: What You Should Know about the Dangers of Excess Body Iron


The take-home lesson from this is that there has been some genetic modification of some sort, so there is a downside to the Paleo diet for many people. This book is hugely interesting especially in view of all the conditions that iron overload can cause or assist in manifesting. No wonder doctors and Big Pharma doesn’t want to go there. People not knowing about it are sick and need drugs, not the simple expedient of giving blood regularly. Avoiding iron-rich foods isn’t really feasible; the best thing is to just get your levels checked intelligently (that is, you’ll probably need to know more than the doctor since most doctors know ZIP about this matter) and then donate blood regularly.

Paleo food: Staying Healthy in a GMO world

A serious topic, but we have a bit of fun with it.

SOTT Talk Radio

Remember how we were told to eat all our veggies when we were younger because they were good for us? Is that really true? This week we’re going to take a look at the myth of the ‘balanced diet’ as promoted by the USDA and other state agencies. Mass cultivation of grains and vegetables has had devastating consequences for the planet’s biosphere, not least the one billion-plus people who go hungry daily, a top soil exhausted of the basic nutrients for growing crops, and a mechanized global food industry that poisons the environment at every stage of production.

GMOs are promoted by Big Agribusiness as the answer to global food shortages, but independent studies indicate that genetically modified food is not fit for human or animal consumption. GMOs are already prevalent in the food supply so is it too late to stop Monsanto’s world takeover? And is there really a food shortage to begin with? If Goldman Sachs and other market predators can pocket $400 million in 2012 alone from betting against the price of food, then commodity prices are clearly distorted. So what is the real outlook for  food supply and demand?

People who seek healthy options appear to be hemmed in on all sides, but perhaps if we look to the past, we can find a way out? Our ancestors survived Ice Ages on paleo diets that were high in meat and saturated fats, and distinctly low on carbs. Tens of thousands of people experimenting with ‘going paleo’ have reported excellent health results – results that the Big Agribusiness and Big Pharma-sponsored scientific establishment said should not have happened.

But they did, and now, on the eve of global civilization’s collapse – due in large part to its addiction to increasingly refined carbs – word is getting around that saturated fat is where it’s at.

Agriculture’s legacy? Brains shrinking, health failing

12 Year Old Vegan Has the Degenerating Bones of 80 Year Old

A 12 year old girl raised on a strict vegan diet was admitted to the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Glasgow, Scotland, suffering from a severe form of rickets.  The girl had already experienced multiple fractures and been diagnosed with a degenerated spine comparable to that of an unhealthy 80-year-old woman.

Fox News reports the hospital doctors are under pressure to report the couple to police and social workers. Dr. Faisal Ahmed, a pediatrician treating the child, declined to discuss specifics, but allowed the dangers of forcing children to follow a strict vegan diet need to be publicized.

If raised strictly vegan, the child would almost certainly have severe deficiencies of Vitamins A and D, both of which are essential bone nutrients that can only be obtained from animal products.  In all likelihood, she would also be lacking needed calcium, zinc, B-12 as well as other B vitamins, Vitamin K, the EPA and DHA fatty acids and the sulfur containing amino acids methionine and cysteine.

Not a surprise. Vegetables and fruits are silent killers. Man evolved to eat MEAT.

Are we becoming more stupid? Human brain has been ‘shrinking for the last 20,000 years’

It’s not something we’d like to admit, but it seems the human race may actually be becoming increasingly dumb. Man’s brain has been gradually shrinking over the last 20,000 years, according to a new report. This decrease in size follows two million years during which the human cranium steadily grew in size, and it’s happened all over the world, to both sexes and every race.

‘Over the past 20,000 years, the average volume of the human male brain has decreased from 1,500 cubic centimetres to 1,350 cubic centimetres, losing a chunk the size of a tennis ball,’ Kathleen McAuliffe writes in Discover magazine. ‘The female brain has shrunk by about the same proportion.’

She was reporting on comments made by Dr John Hawks, an anthropologist from the University of Wisconsin, who argues that the fact the size of the human brain is decreasing doesn’t necessarily mean our intelligence is in decline as well. Some paleontologists agree with this diagnosis, that our brains may have become smaller in size, but increasingly efficient. But others believe that man has indeed become steadily more stupid as he has evolved.

And it coincides, almost perfectly with the implementation of agriculture.