Death squads, pedophiles and psychopaths: Inside the British establishment

What goes around, comes around. The USA has a big karmic debt coming due.

Death squads, pedophiles and psychopaths: Inside the British establishment


ISIS Toyotas with British diplomatic plates?

On August 2nd, the UK’s Express reported that British special forces were dressing up as ISIS jihadis and conducting operations in Iraq and Syria. Idiotically describing the tactic as “unorthodox”, the Express journalists said that “more than 120 members of the elite regiment are currently in the war-torn country“. Such a strategy can seem justified to those with only an official understanding of the Middle East conflict – where ISIS are the ‘baddies’ and Western operatives are the ‘goodies’ – and a hopelessly naive belief in the benevolence of the British military. But when viewed in the context of actual British military history in ‘conflict zones’ over the course of the 20th century, this story takes on a much more sinister form.

Continue reading here.

The Syrian War: What You’re Not Being Told

The US-supported Syrian rebels did the Sarin attacks. That makes the US government guilty as well of war crimes.

Iran has not attacked ANY country since 1898… so why does the US want to take it down???

It’s true: the odds don’t matter anymore. It’s now or never.

Allowing those who are in control of our world to stay in control is even more dangerous than taking action NOW. Watch and share.

Pallin’ around with terrorists: Hezbollah declared ‘terrorist group’ for fighting al-Qaeda-in-Syria

Pallin’ around with terrorists: Hezbollah declared ‘terrorist group’ for fighting al-Qaeda-in-Syria

wait a minute – wasn’t al-Qaeda supposed to be the worst terrorist group in the world? Isn’t the West leading a “global war on terror” whose main target is al-Qaeda? Shouldn’t the West be thanking Hezbollah, and showering it with rewards, for turning against global terrorist enemy number one?

Apparently not.

Al-Qaeda is now the West’s darling in Syria. So anybody who resists al-Qaeda – as Hezbollah recently decided to do – is a “terrorist.”

The irony doesn’t get any thicker than that.