The Astounding Conspiracy Theories of Wall Street Genius Mark Gorton

Definitely a must read and share… however, about 50% or more of the US population will NOT think that his ideas are astounding conspiracy theories…

The Astounding Conspiracy Theories of Wall Street Genius Mark Gorton

The Astounding Conspiracy Theories of Wall Street Genius Mark Gorton

Mark Gorton is a prominent financier and a respected entrepreneur. He founded the music sharing site Limewire, and he runs Tower Research, a famed high-frequency trading firm. Gorton also believes that the “ruthless” secret cabal that assassinated JFK and planned 9/11 could be coming to kill his family.

Mark Gorton does not have a reputation as a crackpot. Quite the opposite. He’s been favorably profiled in the New York Times for his business acumen and charitable deeds. His experience as the head of Limewire—which disrupted the music industry and then lost a $100 million lawsuit as a result—was closely followed by the press. And when Michael Lewis’s blockbuster new book about high frequency trading was published recently, prominent media outlets turned to Gorton to learn what HFT firms are really like. The Huffington Post even dubbed him “the new face of Wall Street.” He is a very respected and very wealthy man.

This week, we were forwarded documents that Gorton was sending out to employees at Tower Research. These documents—embedded at the bottom of this post—are essays by Mark Gorton, laying out his theories on the secret high-level murderous criminal “Cabal” that is responsible for, among other things, the JFK and RFK assassinations, the presidential careers of the Bushes, Clinton, and Obama, the Oklahoma City bombing, the 9/11 plot, and the murder of countless witnesses, politicians, and journalists who sought to expose them, including Sen. Paul Wellstone and even Hunter S. Thompson. Everything, according to Gorton, has been an inside job.

September 11 – The New Pearl Harbor

David Ray Griffin says: “People who have been promoting 9/11 truth for many of these years will see that their labors have been well-rewarded: There is now a high-quality, carefully-documented film that dramatically shows the official story about 9/11 to be a fabrication through and through.”

Why there were no ‘actors’ at the Boston Marathon bombings

Terrific article and the long stream of comments are interesting on their own!

Why there were no ‘actors’ at the Boston Marathon bombings

The idea that many ‘terrorist’ attacks are in fact carried out by government intelligence agencies is not a new concept (we here at have spent the last ten years attempting to highlight the evidence for government complicity in ‘Islamic terrorism’ for one example). What is new is the idea that these government-inspired or perpetrated terrorist attacks are somehow doubly “fake” in the sense that some or all of the details of the attack didn’t actually happen in any real sense. The idea is that, not only was the attack fake in the sense that government, not ‘Muslim terrorists’ or ‘homegrown terrorists’, were responsible, but that the apparent victims were fake also, their roles, where necessary, being portrayed by ‘actors’, presumably working for the government. The claim that ‘crisis actors’ were used in place of real victims has been made about the December 2012 Sandy Hook shootings, the more recent Boston marathon bombings and even the May 22nd knife attack on a British soldier in London.

To clarify, the idea of ‘actors’ as it is being used in this context is not the same as ‘media plants’. Media plants are people placed at the scene of a government false-flag terror attack who pose as ‘eyewitnesses’ to establish an official narrative for the media and public. ‘Actors’, on the other hand, are people who are supposedly part of the false-flag attack itself and who pose as victims of the attack but who are not really injured at all.

‘It’s all a hoax!’ Boston Bombings and “Crazy Conspiracy Theories”

‘It’s all a hoax!’ Boston Bombings and “Crazy Conspiracy Theories”

Crisis actors faking injury at the Boston Bombings? No schoolchildren murdered at Sandy Hook? Holographic planes flew into the World Trade Center? “Where’s all the blood?!” Conspiracy theorists come in for a lot of ridicule, often unfairly, but the alarmingly high number of hits and airtime some recent choice conspiracy theories have received has even us backing away slowly and wondering just what is going on.

On this week’s show, we talked about the idea of “government actors” and “fakery” at “terror attacks”, including the recent killing of a British soldier in Woolwich, London, which some claim was staged and no one really died “because there was not enough blood”, echoing the claims made about Jeff Bauman at the Boston Marathon finish line.

Are such ideas deliberately promoted to sow disinformation and discredit, by association, anyone attempting to analyse the hard data?