27 huge red flags for the U.S. economy

Your dollars will soon be worth nothing. Better be hauling them out of the banks and getting stuff that might help you through a collapse.

27 huge red flags for the U.S. economy

If you believe that the U.S. economy is heading in the right direction, you really need to read this article. As we look toward the second half of 2014, there are economic red flags all over the place. Industrial production is down. Home sales are way down. Retail stores are closing at the fastest pace since the collapse of Lehman Brothers. U.S. household debt is up substantially, and in 20 percent of all U.S. families everyone is unemployed.

In so many ways, what we are witnessing right now is so similar to what we experienced during the build up to the last great financial crisis. We are making so many of the very same mistakes that we made the last time, and yet our “leaders” seem completely oblivious to what is happening. But the warning signs are very clear. All you have to do is open your eyes and look at them. The following are 27 huge red flags for the U.S. economy…

#1 Despite endless assurances from the Obama administration that we are in an “economic recovery”, the number one concern for U.S. voters is “Unemployment/Jobs” according to a recent Gallup survey.

(read the rest of the list here)

SOTT Talk Radio: The ‘Wetiko Virus’ and Collective Psychosis: Interview With Paul Levy

The SOTT Talk Radio team and I interviewed Paul Levy two weeks ago. We had quite the interesting discussion!

SOTT Talk Radio: The ‘Wetiko Virus’ and Collective Psychosis: Interview With Paul Levy

Born in 1956, Paul Levy graduated with degrees in art and economics and has had a lifelong intense interest in the work of C. G. Jung. As a result of an intense personal trauma in 1981, he began a process of spiritual awakening that led him on a ‘shamanic descent’ and a quest to understand the fundamental nature of reality.

Paul is the author of: The Madness of George Bush: A Reflection of Our Collective Psychosis and Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil.

In his books Paul explores and explains that we ‘disown’ our innermost, darkest thoughts and feelings and project them outwards onto others and the world, a process he compares to the Native American Indian concept of “wetiko”. Paul has stated that “there is a contagious psychospiritual disease of the soul, a parasite of the mind, that is currently being acted out en masse on the world stage via a collective psychosis of titanic proportions. This mind-virus covertly operates through the unconscious blind spots in the human psyche, rendering people oblivious to their own madness and compelling them to act against their own best interests.”

Russia bans swear-words from literature, art, mass media

Have to say I agree. Post-Modern “anything goes-ism” has taken humanity into a rapid slide toward animalism.

Russia bans swear-words from literature, art, mass media

The monitoring of the internet for obscene language has become necessary as in April 2013 President Vladimir Putin signed into force a federal law banning the use of obscene language in mass media under threat of fines up to 200,000 rubles ($5,500). Breaking the law will result in an official warning to the media outlet and two such warning within 12 months could mean the outlet’s government license is revoked.The law applies both to text prepared by editorial teams and to user comments if they are publicly accessible.

On Monday this week Vladimir Putin signed into law another bill concerning the use of obscene language – the ban on swear words in literature and art, including concerts, theatre, plays and public movie shows.

The law has drawn a lot of criticism from some parts of the Russian artistic community who fear their freedom of expression is being denied. However, according to a poll conducted by the Public Opinion foundation in 2013, 84 percent of Russians supported the ban on obscenities.

The war for Ukraine: What’s the real story?

Must read and share!

The war for Ukraine: What’s the real story?

The profusion of propaganda being disseminated by the MSM is so intense and thick that it reveals a profound desperation on the side of the West. Their many actions (and inactions) since the Ukraine first jumped off betray a push to war that exceeds all of their other illegal and engineered wars since 9/11. The big difference this time is that they are bumping up against a fierce and furious bear known as Russia. Vladimir Putin embodies the will and resolve of Russia; he also represents the East, as well as an overwhelming worldwide consensus.

Battleground Ukraine: A comprehensive summary

Do yourself a favor and take some time to read this over the next few days. It is “a must-read for westerners needing to understand what is really happening in both the Ukraine and the wider Anglo-US-NATO globalisation drive which it brings into sharp focus.”

Battleground Ukraine: A comprehensive summary

Firstly, let me say that sometimes it’s pleasant to be wrong. Well, I got it wrong. At the beginning of February my colleague, Elena Ponomarëva, and I discussed the question, could we take Crimea? I was a pessimist and said, 10% chance that we’ll take Crimea. We won’t get it because the West will react aggressively, and our authorities lack the courage. She said, on the contrary 90% chance that we take Crimea, and 10% chance that it doesn’t happen. She was right. I was wrong.

Without doubt, the re-unification with Crimea is a very important landmark. In a recent TV interview I said that this is genuinely the end of the disgraceful era which began in Malta on the 2-3rd Dec 1989, when Gorbachev surrendered absolutely everything to Bush, even what wasn’t asked for.

After that everything possible was given up. Rays of hope began to appear later, during the Putin administration. There was the war of 08.08.08. But later we failed to support Libya. Although we did put the foot down at Syria. But this is all far away from Russian lands. But Ukraine and Crimea – this is a completely new situation. We started to re-take our territory, little by little. Started doing as the Muscovite princes did in the 14th, 15th century, what the first Romanovs did, and the Stalin system in the 1930s, all of which was: leaving the historical zone of defeat.

(Cont’d here.)

Putin: Washington behind Ukraine events all along

Putin: Washington behind Ukraine events all along

The US has been behind the Ukrainian crisis from the beginning, but was initially flying low, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said. He added that if sanctions continue, Russia will have to reconsider who has access to key sectors of its economy.

“I think what is happening now shows us who really was mastering the process from the beginning. But in the beginning, the United States preferred to remain in the shadow,” Putin said, as quoted by RIA Novosti.

Putin stated that since the US has taken a lead role in resolving the political crisis in Ukraine, it is “telling that they originally were behind this process, but now they just have emerged as leaders” of it.

Yup. I’m waiting for Putin to release the evidence that 9-11 was a U.S./Israeli inside job.