SOTT Talk Radio: The ‘Wetiko Virus’ and Collective Psychosis: Interview With Paul Levy

The SOTT Talk Radio team and I interviewed Paul Levy two weeks ago. We had quite the interesting discussion!

SOTT Talk Radio: The ‘Wetiko Virus’ and Collective Psychosis: Interview With Paul Levy

Born in 1956, Paul Levy graduated with degrees in art and economics and has had a lifelong intense interest in the work of C. G. Jung. As a result of an intense personal trauma in 1981, he began a process of spiritual awakening that led him on a ‘shamanic descent’ and a quest to understand the fundamental nature of reality.

Paul is the author of: The Madness of George Bush: A Reflection of Our Collective Psychosis and Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil.

In his books Paul explores and explains that we ‘disown’ our innermost, darkest thoughts and feelings and project them outwards onto others and the world, a process he compares to the Native American Indian concept of “wetiko”. Paul has stated that “there is a contagious psychospiritual disease of the soul, a parasite of the mind, that is currently being acted out en masse on the world stage via a collective psychosis of titanic proportions. This mind-virus covertly operates through the unconscious blind spots in the human psyche, rendering people oblivious to their own madness and compelling them to act against their own best interests.”

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