Spain privatizes the sun by levying consumption tax on solar power

You know, before the end of the Republic, the Roman senate was acting like it fell out of the stupid tree and hit every branch on the way down. Then, the emperors did the same and Rome was destroyed. We see this today in our own governments around the globe. I realize they are so pathological it makes them stupid, but it is still amazing that they can say and do the stuff they do and people take it because they are “the authorities.” “Stupid is as stupid does.”

Spain privatizes the sun by levying consumption tax on solar power

Proving that idiocy truly has no bounds, Spain issued a “royal decree” taxing sunlight gatherers. The state threatens fines as much as 30 million euros for those who illegally gather sunlight without paying a tax.

The tax is just enough to make sure that homeowners cannot gather and store solar energy cheaper than state-sponsored providers.

Crashes of Convenience: Michael Hastings

Now even a former counter-terrorism czar is admitting Hastings’ car may have been cyber-hijacked.

Crashes of Convenience: Michael Hastings

Michael Hastings was that rarest of breeds: a mainstream reporter who wasn’t afraid to rail against the system, kick back against the establishment, and bite the hand that feeds him. On the morning of June 18, 2013, he died in a fiery car crash. But now details are emerging that he was on the verge of breaking an important new story about the CIA, and believed he was being investigated by the FBI. Now even a former counter-terrorism czar is admitting Hastings’ car may have been cyber-hijacked. Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we explore the strange details surrounding the untimely death of Michael Hastings.

SOTT Talk Radio: Shadow Government: CIA Mind Control, Frank Olson and JFK

Hope ya’ll caught Albarelli on SOTT radio last night. If not, check the archive and check it out!

SOTT Talk Radio: Shadow Government: CIA Mind Control, Frank Olson and JFK

It has been 50 years since the assassination of JFK and 60 years since the ‘suicide’ of Dr. Frank Olson, two events burrowed deep in the darkest secrets of the Cold War. This week we’re going to be talking to American journalist Hank P. Albarelli Jr., whose detailed investigations into these murders have shed light on the murky activities of the CIA and friends.

Albarelli is a founding member of the North American Truth and Accountability Commission on Human Experimentation, which seeks to raise public awareness about historical and ongoing human rights violations in North America, and works to establish an accurate and truthful historical record of such crimes, including human trafficking, organized ritual crime, child soldiering, mind control experimentation and other forms of torture, in both the private and public spheres.

Albarelli is the author of A Terrible Mistake, The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Secret Cold War Experiments, which documents and details numerous CIA and Pentagon sponsored experiments on unwitting human subjects, and A Secret Order: Investigating the High Strangeness and Synchronicity in the JFK Assassination, which seeks to prove the CIA’s involvement in the JFK assassination by exploring aspects of the tragic event that have defied explanation or logic to date.

Rising food prices, climate change and global ‘unrest’

Rising food prices, climate change and global ‘unrest’

I don’t mean to put a damper on the everyone’s summer holidays, but the current heatwaves in the U.S. and Europe has me thinking back to numerous warnings issued during last summer’s major drought and “record-breaking heatwave” in the U.S.

Analysts at Rabobank, a Netherlands-based bank specialising in food and agri-business financing, were crunching the numbers and predicted at the time that food prices, specifically meat prices, would soar in 2013 as a result of the U.S. drought.

Back in 2011, the New England Complex Systems Institute (NECSI), a research body of academics from Harvard and MIT, using data from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) Food Price Index, published a paper that correlated “outbreaks of unrest” in 2008 and 2011 with increases in food prices. They claimed to have identified the precise threshold for global food prices that leads to worldwide unrest: 210 points

In June, it hit 211.3…

Pallin’ around with terrorists: Hezbollah declared ‘terrorist group’ for fighting al-Qaeda-in-Syria

Pallin’ around with terrorists: Hezbollah declared ‘terrorist group’ for fighting al-Qaeda-in-Syria

wait a minute – wasn’t al-Qaeda supposed to be the worst terrorist group in the world? Isn’t the West leading a “global war on terror” whose main target is al-Qaeda? Shouldn’t the West be thanking Hezbollah, and showering it with rewards, for turning against global terrorist enemy number one?

Apparently not.

Al-Qaeda is now the West’s darling in Syria. So anybody who resists al-Qaeda – as Hezbollah recently decided to do – is a “terrorist.”

The irony doesn’t get any thicker than that.

Jailed journalist Barrett Brown faces 105 years for reporting on hacked private intelligence firms

Oh boy, Nazi Germany all over again!

Jailed journalist Barrett Brown faces 105 years for reporting on hacked private intelligence firms

Journalist Barrett Brown spent his 300th day behind bars this week on a range of charges filed after he used information obtained by the hacker group Anonymous to report on the operations of private intelligence firms. Brown faces 17 charges ranging from threatening an FBI agent to credit card fraud for posting a link online to a document that contained stolen credit card data. But according to his supporters, Brown is being unfairly targeted for daring to investigate the highly secretive world of private intelligence and military contractors. Using information Anonymous took from the firm HBGary Federal, Brown helped discover a secret plan to tarnish the reputations of WikiLeaks and journalist Glenn Greenwald of The Guardian. Brown similarly analyzed and wrote about the millions of internal company emails from Stratfor Global Intelligence that were leaked in 2011.

Julius Caesar – Death Masks

Absolutely fascinating!

Be sure to check out SOTT Talk Radio today, where I’ll be discussing the real Caesar:

Julius Caesar – Deceitful Demagogue or the People’s Champion?

Many interesting personalities emerged during the last days of Rome’s Republic, but one man stood head and shoulders above the rest. This week we’re going to continue where we left off last week, taking a deeper look at the life and times of Julius Caesar – politician, statesman, author and military general.

Caesar emerged at a time of political intrigues, civil war and rebellion. Standing for social justice, inclusive democracy and economic empowerment of the people, Caesar sought to transform the conditions of ordinary people. But he encountered tremendous resistance from the ruling oligarchy, whose efforts to thwart him culminated in his assassination at the height of his power in 44 B.C.

Caesar’s legacy is a mixed one. Was he really the tyrannical demagogue portrayed by Cicero and other contemporary historians? Or must his deeds be re-examined in light of the discovery by Francesco Carotta and others that his life and achievements were the model for the story of ‘Jesus’?

Laura will be joining us again this week, so be sure to tune in Sunday, July 21st 2013, at 11am-1pm PST, 2-4pm EST, and 8-10pm CET!

The True Face of Boston Terrorism

Oh boy! Did they ever shoot themselves in the foot on this one!

The True Face of Boston Terrorism

I find myself agreeing with the sentiments expressed by those people chosen to appear in the mainstream media to express their opinions on the publication of a “fluffed and buffed” image of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on the cover of a recent issue of Rolling Stone magazine.

That particular image of Dzhokhar is not representative of the face of terrorism, and certainly not the face of the terrorism that struck the Boston area on April 15th and the following days. I therefore also find myself agreeing with the decision of ‘tactical photographer’ Sgt. Murphy of the Boston police who, in an effort to “show the true face of terrorism”, released three images of the badly injured Dzhokhar crawling out of the boat, sniper rifle dot trained on his head.

This, indeed, is the true face of modern-day ‘terrorism’:

That is to say, a gullible teenager, manipulated and framed by the FBI for a bombing he didn’t commit, hunted for three days through the suburbs of Boston, brutalized and hospitalized by the ‘authorities’ then dragged before a court for a ‘trial by media’. Even worse, along the way, they changed his American accent for a thick Russian one.