Torrential rains and flooding ravage Central Europe: the worst in 70 years

Wait a minute… back in 1997, around the time of the death of Princess Diana, central and eastern Europe were experiencing “The Flood of the Century.” That’s was also the year of Comet Hale-Bopp. Connection?

Torrential rains and flooding ravage Central Europe: the worst in 70 years

Authorities in parts of Europe issued disaster warnings and scrambled to reinforce flood defenses as rivers swelled by days of heavy rain threatened to burst their banks. Several people have died or are missing in the floods in Germany, the Czech Republic, Austria, and Switzerland since the rains began on Thursday. The floods have killed at least one person and left several missing across the Czech Republic. Czech officials warned that the waters of the Vltava river could reach critical levels in Prague late on Sunday as soldiers erected metal barriers and piled up sandbags to protect Prague’s historic center from flooding after days of heavy rains swelled rivers and forced evacuations from some low-laying areas. Prague authorities also limited public transport and closed underground stations as water from the Vltava River overflowed into parts of the Old Town.

The disgraceful episode of Lysenkoism brings us global warming theory

The disgraceful episode of Lysenkoism brings us global warming theory

Reality is not complying with the alarmism of the UN’s global warming models, just as it refused to do for Trofim Lysenko. Remember all that hysteria about melting polar ice caps and the disappearing ice floes for the cute polar bears? As of the end of March, the Antarctic ice cap was nearly one fourth larger than the average for the last 30 years. The Arctic ice cap had grown back to within 3% of its 30 year average. (The formerly declining Arctic ice was due to cyclically warm ocean currents). Global sea ice was greater than in March, 1980, more than 30 years ago, and also above the average since then.

Remember the alarm about the rising sea level? Yeah, that has been rising, as it has been since the end of the last ice age more than 10,000 years ago. Just exactly as it has been, at the same rate. And anyone you know that has been scared by this alarmist propaganda has been successfully played by whatever media the fool has been relying on.

Then there is the man caused, global warming, fingerprint that the U.N.’s models all showed would result in a hot spot of particularly large temperature increases in the upper troposphere above the tropics. But the incorruptible, satellite monitored, atmospheric temperature record shows no hot spot. That is further confirmed by modern weather balloons measuring atmospheric temperatures above the tropics. No hotspot. No fingerprint. No catastrophic, man caused global warming. QED.

‘It’s all a hoax!’ Boston Bombings and “Crazy Conspiracy Theories”

‘It’s all a hoax!’ Boston Bombings and “Crazy Conspiracy Theories”

Crisis actors faking injury at the Boston Bombings? No schoolchildren murdered at Sandy Hook? Holographic planes flew into the World Trade Center? “Where’s all the blood?!” Conspiracy theorists come in for a lot of ridicule, often unfairly, but the alarmingly high number of hits and airtime some recent choice conspiracy theories have received has even us backing away slowly and wondering just what is going on.

On this week’s show, we talked about the idea of “government actors” and “fakery” at “terror attacks”, including the recent killing of a British soldier in Woolwich, London, which some claim was staged and no one really died “because there was not enough blood”, echoing the claims made about Jeff Bauman at the Boston Marathon finish line.

Are such ideas deliberately promoted to sow disinformation and discredit, by association, anyone attempting to analyse the hard data?

Volcanic riddle: burst in Mount Etna eruptions puzzles experts

Volcanic riddle: burst in Mount Etna eruptions puzzles experts

“The eruptions in recent weeks have been unusually fierce and explosive,” reports German volcanologist Boris Behncke… “There have been lava fountain events in the past, but rarely in such rapid succession.”

Maybe it’s clearing a path for a big blow? That’s sorta what Krakatoa did back in the day.

Monster May snow buries Newfoundland

Another snowfall record broken; global warming, eh?

Monster May snow buries Newfoundland

A record-smashing snowstorm has buried parts of Newfoundland under about 2 feet of snow.

There were no reports of serious damage or disruption.

Gander tallied a heavy, wet snowfall of 69 cm (7 inches) between Saturday morning and Sunday night, weather data accessed by showed. Of this amount, 46 cm fell (18 inches) within only 12 hours on Sunday. The snow depth reached at least 55 cm (22 inches) on Sunday and still stood at 51 cm on Monday morning.

The snowfall had a water equivalent of about 69 mm (2.7 inches), which amounts to the lion’s share of the normal May precipitation of 86 mm.

Four unique fireball events fall over U.S. in 24 hour period – wide range reported

The planet is turning into a shooting gallery and still the madness continues.

Four unique fireball events fall over U.S. in 24 hour period – wide range reported

In the last 24 hours the AMS has received confirmed reports about 4 unique fireball events all occurring near 4:00 AM UTC time. The most recent event occurred in Arkansas and Missouri on May 19th near 3:37 UTC. At the same time 3:37 UTC 4 witnesses reported a fireball in Arizona. The distance between these two locations would inhibit witnesses from observing the same fireball from both locations. On May 18th two large fireball meteors were also spotted within an hour of each other, one over the central east coast and another in Colorado. –AMS

One terrorist, a million psychopaths, eight million sociopaths

More and more people are getting it.

One terrorist, a million psychopaths, eight million sociopaths

“If one shoe bomber caught without having followed through on his intended crime can evoke billions in defensive policies and procedures, how can we be ignoring a million psychopaths and eight million sociopaths? Instead of the GOP legislators worrying about 30,000 gay immigrants, out of 12 million, how about worrying about 120,000 psychopaths and half a million sociopaths– maybe more. I am saying that I want to see more research funding invested in developing better ways to identify sociopaths. One thing I’m seeing in the comment threads on the articles in this series is a lot of misinformation or wrong assumptions about sociopaths.”

Strange weather and the Syria distraction

And all our “brilliant” leaders can do is quibble over where the next war is going to be…

All eyes on Syria: Russian warships enter Mediterranean to form permanent task force

Warships from Russia’s Pacific Fleet have entered the Mediterranean for the first time in decades. Russia’s Navy Chief says the task force may be reinforced with nuclear submarines, as the country starts building up a permanent fleet in the region.

“The task force has successfully passed through the Suez Channel and entered the Mediterranean. It is the first time in decades that Pacific Fleet warships enter this region,” the Pacific Fleet spokesman, Capt. First Rank Roman Martov told RIA.

Keeps our eyes off the weather, the fireballs, the earthquakes, coming famines, plagues, etc.