Scientific junk! Study claims high fat diet contributes to breast cancer

Scientific junk! Study claims high fat diet contributes to breast cancer

Corn oil is toxic to the liver, kidneys and other organs, and increases the risk of cancer. Shame on them for using Big Agra’s toxic oils and then blaming its effects on healthy animal fats! This is another case of really bad science. But wait! Both of the study groups were eating corn oil, yet only one of them got the breast cancer. What gives? … the real results of this study are “Standard American Diet Causes Breast Cancer!” That should also have been the title of the Science Daily article!

Brain Researchers: Smoking increases intelligence

Brain Researchers: Smoking increases intelligence

Positive effects of nicotine on the brain’s performance is now confirmed by the Danish nicotine research at the Panum Institute in Copenhagen. We can now add another piece to the puzzle which clearly shows that smoking increases the intelligence. According to an interview with brain scientist, Professor Albert Gjedde in Ekstra Bladet.

Albert Gjedde, along with two colleagues started with nicotine tests, according to Gjedde clearly shows that if a heavy smoker suddenly stops smoking, then it bears negative consequences on his brain activity.

“The energy metabolism of oxygen in the brain decreases. This means, that one’s thinking capacity is also decreased. But if you start smoking again, so does the energy sales at the usual level, “he says. Albert Gjedde explains in the interview that a number of now concluded studies that smoking increases intelligence:

If you have to explain the concept of intelligence, it is in fact the ability to make sensible choices – to anticipate future challenges. And this is where nicotine can help” …

Research shows that tobacco simply increases the brain’s capacity for work – both the speed, endurance and concentration. The effect is also using nicotine gum and patches, but not nearly the same strength as smoking. The reason is that when nicotine is inhaled through the smoke, then it hits the brain quickly & efficiently – in seconds – and gives it a “kick”. The effect lasts for 25-60 minutes.

So that’s why the elites want the masses to stop smoking while they continue puffing away!

‘World No Tobacco Day’? Let’s All Light Up!

When we connect the dots through medicine, science, history, psychology and sociology, the truth emerges plain as day: the all-out global propaganda campaign against tobacco is part of the same push for ‘full-spectrum dominance’ over humanity in all other spheres. The targets and victims of the fake ‘War on Terror’ are the same targets of the war against tobacco. We are expected to believe that our wonderful ‘leaders’ encourage us to eat poisonous GMO food yet are oh, so concerned about the alleged health effects from smoking? Give us a break!

And so, in the spirit of resistance against the psychopaths’ war on humanity, liberty and true health… Let’s All Light Up!

Just READ the whole thing before commenting.

Why have 10 major volcanoes along the Ring of Fire suddenly roared to life?

Seven volcanoes in six different countries all start erupting within hours of each other

So, we have eruptions big enough to prompt evacuations. Flights are canceled, and a new island pops up off the coast of Japan. I would have called that newsworthy myself but obviously I’m wrong. If I was right it would have been common knowledge right? Reports may have been on the news right? So many volcanoes throwing so much gas, ash and particulates into the air can have an effect on climate, this is a scientific fact. I’m not saying that these volcanoes herald the start of a new ice age but the planet certainly seems to be getting a bit more active of late.

Why have 10 major volcanoes along the Ring of Fire suddenly roared to life?

Ten major volcanoes have erupted along the Ring of Fire during the past few months, and the mainstream media in the United States has been strangely silent about this. But this is a very big deal. We are seeing eruptions at some volcanoes that have been dormant for decades. Yes, it is certainly not unusual for two or three major volcanoes along the Ring of Fire to be active at the same time, but what we are witnessing right now is highly unusual. And if the U.S. media is not concerned about this yet, the truth is that they should be. Approximately 90 percent of all earthquakes and approximately 80 percent of all volcanic eruptions occur along the Ring of Fire, and it runs directly up the west coast of the United States. Perhaps if Mt. Rainier in Washington state suddenly exploded or a massive earthquake flattened Los Angeles the mainstream media would wake up. Most Americans have grown very complacent about these things, but right now we are witnessing volcanic activity almost everywhere else along the Ring of Fire. It is only a matter of time before it happens here too.

This IS a big deal!

SOTT Talk Radio: JFK Assassination – 50 Years Later

Yesterday we discussed JFK and the assassination on SOTT Talk Radio. If you didn’t catch it live, make sure to check out the archive. You can also get my ebook on the subject on Amazon.

JFK Assassination – 50 Years Later

November 22nd 2013 will mark 50 years since the Day America Died. A tragic event for most Americans and for ordinary people the world over who choose peace over war, equality over injustice, and happiness over greed, the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy was pivotal in setting the United States on its current path towards doom.

This week on SOTT Talk Radio we’re going to reflect on the life of a man who dreamed of a better world, and was making that dream a reality until assassins’ bullets killed the American Dream that sunny November day in Dallas, Texas.

Half a century later, it’s common knowledge in the U.S. that JFK’s murder was ordered by a powerful cabal. And yet, successive U.S. administrations have refused to release documents that would fill in the remaining gaps. Who exactly carried it out? And on behalf of whom? How did they organise it? And why did they do it?

Despite the passing of time, the ‘suiciding’ of key witnesses, the barrage of misinformation and disinformation, and the ‘loss’ of crucial documentation, excellent research has enabled others to form a cohesive and reasonably objective narrative that counters the official propaganda and places the assassination in proper historical context.

SOTT Talk Radio: Nora Gedgaudas Interview: Beyond Paleo – Primal Ice Age Diet

Nora Gedgaudas Interview: Beyond Paleo – Primal Ice Age Diet

This week on SOTT Talk Radio we’ll be talking to nutritional therapist, speaker and educator Nora Gedgaudas. Widely recognized as an expert on the ‘Paleo Diet’, Nora maintains a private practice in Portland, Oregon as both a Board-Certified nutritional consultant and a Board-Certified clinical Neurofeedback Specialist.

Nora is also the author of the best-seller Primal Body, Primal Mind: Beyond the Paleo Diet for Total Health and a Longer Life, a book that is changing the way people view their diet and health.

Examining the healthy lives of our pre-agricultural Paleolithic ancestors and contrasting it with the marked decline humanity has undergone in the Agricultural Age, up to and including today’s epidemic ‘diseases of civilization’, Nora’s book shows how our modern grain- and carbohydrate-heavy low-fat diets are a far cry from the high-fat, moderate-protein hunter-gatherer diets we are genetically programmed for.

Applying the latest scientific discoveries to the basic hunter-gatherer diet forged in the last Ice Age, Nora’s message is that a real alternative is available: a holistic, ‘paleo’ lifestyle that is helping thousands of people to break the negative feedback loop of poor diet and poor health.

22 year old with Down Syndrome beaten by the police for “bulge in pants” that was only a colostomy bag!

It’s horrifying that guns are put in the hands of such ignorant individuals as those that are generally hired for police forces. But then, psychopaths usually aren’t the brightest crayons in the box.

22 year old with Down Syndrome beaten by the police for “bulge in pants” that was only a colostomy bag!

A man with special needs is speaking out after he was left badly bruised by police.

Twenty-two-year-old Gilberto Powell, who has Down Syndrome, is left with horrible bruises and scars on his face after he had an encounter with police outside his home. “That’s my son. That’s my baby. I really love this little boy. He’s my love,” said Powell’s mother, Josephine.

According to the family, they were inside their Southwest Miami-Dade home last Saturday when Powell, who is also called Liko, called his parents on his cell phone to let them know he was walking a block from his friend’s house. On his way home, Liko said, “The police followed me.” Liko said, the officer smacked him in the face with an open hand and knocked him to the ground. “His whole hand,” he said. According to the police report, a Miami-Dade Police officer noticed a bulge in Liko’s waistband. The officer attempted to conduct a pat down, and Powell tried to run away. “I said, ‘Didn’t you know he was a Down Syndrome kid?’ And he said, ‘No, I’m not a doctor. I don’t know.’ And I said, ‘Well, you can see it in his face that he is a Down Syndrome kid,'” said Josephine.”

[Follow the link above for the video news report]

Thou shalt not read this book! The world according to people who DON’T think

Priceless: “Funny how nobody ever seems to suggest banning the ‘Bible’.”

Thou shalt not read this book! The world according to people who DON’T think

The other day, while reading a local college newspaper, I came across a story about how one parent here in North Carolina caused a book to be pulled off the shelf at one of the local high schools. The book? The Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison.

According to the report I read, the parent of a student filled out a detailed complaint about the sexual content of the book and the overall content of this work, and raised the ire of the local school board. The book was subsequently pulled from the shelves for a bit. This book has been on the required reading list in schools for many years, was on the best-seller list for many weeks when it first appeared on the literary scene, and has won awards. It’s one of those books everyone should read, in my view. Apparently, some other folks also thought it is an excellent and thought-provoking book as well, which is why it was placed on school reading lists in the first place.

Thinking used to be encouraged in some circles. Not so much anymore, obviously.

There always seem to be some people out there who want to determine what the rest of us should be exposed to, what we should see, what we should read, what and how we should think.

These kinds of people presume they also know what’s best for our kids as well.

Rather than speaking for themselves, the intent appears to be to speak for everyone else, and to force their own narrow views onto others.

Religious people, Business majors and children of divorce are the biggest liars

Not a surprise.

Religious people, Business majors and children of divorce are the biggest liars

A new Canadian study concludes that the people most likely to lie for monetary gain are the children of divorce, business majors, and – perhaps most surprisingly – the religious.

The study, conducted by Jason Childs of the University of Regina, recruited 400 students from introductory economics classes at his university. Each pair was separated. One student, the “sender” was told that she was to provide her partner (the “receiver”) in the other room with a set of cash amounts. The “receiver” then would choose the amount she preferred to take home, leaving the other portion to the “sender.” In some cases the options were $5 and $7; in others $5 and $15.

Either way, the sender would have to make a decision: Tell her partner the real amounts – so that the partner would presumably select the higher amount – or lie to her partner and take the greater portion. Just over 50% of all participants lied.

Even more interesting is who chose to lie.

Men and women did not differ significantly, while the children of divorce took the lead spot in duplicity, electing to lie to their partners at a rate 29.3% higher than the group average. Next up were the business majors with a rate of lying that was 18.1% higher than all the other majors combined. “It could be that these students are more prone to lying by nature or training,” writes Childs. “It could also be that individuals strongly motivated by financial returns, and therefore more likely to lie for a monetary payoff, are more likely to pursue an education in business.”

What’s more, the researchers found that one’s likelihood for lying was directly proportional to reported religiosity and that their small sample of children raised by single parents (who separated amicably or were single due to death of a spouse) was significantly (39%) less likely to lie for financial gain.