9-Year-Old Girl Sets Fire in Store, Happily Skips Away

Ten News has obtained shocking security vision showing a nine- year- old child setting fire to an Ingle Farm shop. But the store owners bear no anger towards the girl. Instead they’re praising the firefighters who saved their business, and hope others will learn from their experience.

It is said that starting fires as a child is a sign of psychopathy.

SOTT Talk Radio: Who Was Jesus?

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This week, we’ll be going biblical, but with a strong revisionist bent. The idea that a man named Jesus Christ, born of a virgin, performer of miracles, betrayed and crucified and declared to be the ‘son of god’, actually existed during the Roman Empire in the area of modern-day Palestine is the subject of long and often heated debate.

Historians and archeologists are adamant that there is no historical evidence for the existence of such a person, Christians on the other hand, just know in their hearts that Jesus lived and died to take away our sins (or debts). So what’s the deal?

The skinny is that, while it isn’t exactly widely known (to say the least), there is evidence to suggest that the details of the life of Jesus Christ were in fact pinched from another famous J.C. of the same era. So, seriously, who was on first here?

Joining us for what may well turn out to be a rather blasphemous (to some) discussion will be the usual suspects and author and historian Laura Knight-Jadczyk.

I guess we are going to have to devote an entire future show to Julius Caesar.  Then another to how the gospels are about Julius Caesar.  Another about the Mithraic Mysteries and how they, too contributed to the mix.  And one about the Jewish Rebellion and how it was probably thanks to the close relationship between Julius Caesar and the Jews.  Lots of material to cover and it will take several shows to do it justice.

I think it’s only fair: a made-up guy named Jesus has been usurping Julius Caesar’s rightful place in history for 2000 years.  Now it’s time for the truth. (Check out the discussion on our forum here.)

Stop the presses! More top secret documents (leaked by Snowden?) show that Microsoft and the NSA conspired against the masses!

This is getting ridiculous.

Stop the presses! More top secret documents (leaked by Snowden?) show that Microsoft and the NSA conspired against the masses!

Microsoft has collaborated closely with US intelligence services to allow users’ communications to be intercepted, including helping the National Security Agency to circumvent the company’s own encryption, according to top-secret documents obtained by the Guardian.

The files provided by Edward Snowden illustrate the scale of co-operation between Silicon Valley and the intelligence agencies over the last three years. They also shed new light on the workings of the top-secret Prism program, which was disclosed by the Guardian and the Washington Post last month.

SOTT Comment: “Top-secret documents”; what a quaint term!

Who exactly is supposed to be leaking these “top-secret documents” to the Guardian? Snowden has been living in Moscow airport for the past 19 days!

We’re to believe that he can send them from there to Greenwald and Poitras with zero intervention from the NSA or anyone else??

Biological warfare? Mystery disease linked to vanished Israeli scientist

Uh-oh! Keep your eyes open for this nasty one.

Biological warfare? Mystery disease linked to vanished Israeli scientist

The recent [2010] outbreak of a life-threatening disease in the United States, caused by a new and exotic strain of a hyper-virulent fungus, is baffling the US media and the scientific community. Speculations point to climate change as a possible explanation. However, according to journalist Hank P. Albarelli Jr., famous for having uncovered the 1951 CIA experiments with LSD in Pont St. Esprit (France), the answer is more likely to be found inside the Fort Detrick biological warfare center and in Israeli laboratories. A key element of the enigma is apparently a dubious Israeli scientist allegedly connected to the Mossad.

Bush & Cheney Knew About 9/11 Months Before It Happened Says Whistleblower Charged Under Patriot Act

Not that I think it will persuade anyone whose mind is already made up to believe the gov. conspiracy theory about 19 Islamic Terrorists, it’s still worth watching. Snowden is discussed. One wonders, of course, how Lindauer is allowed to get around and talk about this and be a cheerleader for Snowden??? Most curious.

Was Julius Caesar the REAL “Jesus Christ”?

Recently, I visited Croatia and a lunch we had with Croatian members of our forum and FOTCM. At that meeting, I discussed some ideas I’d been having that I intended to include in the next volume of Secret History, to wit, the growing conviction I felt that Julius Caesar was the figure around whom the Jesus legend was wrapped. I had come to this idea simply by reading numerous perspectives on the history of Caesar.  I didn’t start out thinking it, it just emerged of its own by the assembling of the data.  I was naturally a bit nonplussed by this because it does sound sort of crazy, right? Well, I’ve discovered that I am not the only one who has come to this idea.  In a way, that’s a bit of a disappointment because I was going to assemble the proofs and make the case.  In another way, it is reassuring that I’m not the only one who has seen the parallels.  So, you don’t have to wait for my book to explore this idea.  Have a look:




Julius Caesar, son of Venus and founder of the Roman Empire, was elevated to status of Imperial God, Divus Julius, after his violent death. The cult that surrounded him dissolved as Christianity surfaced. The cult surrounding Jesus Christ, son of God and originator of Christianity, appeared during the second century. Early historians, however, never mentioned Jesus and even now there is no actual proof of his existence. On the one hand, an actual historical figure missing his cult; on the other, a cult missing its actual historical figure. Jesus Was Caesar examines these intriguing mirror images. Is Jesus Christ really the historical manifestation of Divus Julius? Are the Gospels built on the life of Caesar, just as the first Christian churches were built on the foundations of antique temples? Corruptions in the copying of texts, misinterpretations in translations and the transformation of iconography from Roman to Christian have been traced to their origins. Are the Gospels a ‘mis-telling’ of the life of Caesar – from the Rubicon to his assassination – mutated into the narrative of Jesus – from the Jordan to his crucifixion?

From a reviewer:

In the course of history, successful stories have always undergone cultural transformations and adaptations, and poignant historical events have always had far reaching consequences. In the 1950s the German theologian Ethelbert Staufer discovered that the Christian Easter liturgy isn’t based on genuine Christian sources, but on the funeral ceremony and passion of Caius Iulius Caesar, the founder of modern civilization. This ceremony is one of the most important events in the history of mankind, for it decided not only on the fate of the Roman Empire, but the fate of Christianity, Europe and the whole world. An improvised funeral service, driven by a wide range of deep emotions from sorrow to love, from remorse to fury, turned into uproar and insurrection, shaped Rome for all times and sealed Caesar’s apotheosis to the highest god of the state, Divus Iulius. A few generations later Caesar’s stories, among them Asinius Pollio’s “Historiae”, were still being told, the god Iulius still being worshipped, especially in the Eastern colonies, where many of his veterans had settled after the Civil War. There, in a different cultural context, the story was altered, adapted, incorrectly translated, misinterpretated, supplemented with appropriate passages from the Biblia Iudaica, but nonetheless understood: its core and ethics were preserved, and after the Jewish War Christianity suddenly surfaced and swept into western Rome. Soon afterwards the Julian religion was extinct and forgotten.In the book “Jesus was Caesar” by linguist and philosopher Francesco Carotta, Ethelbert Staufer’s findings are anything but a coincidence, rather a logical result from a historical momentum and from cultural-dynamical phenomena, which Carotta reveals in a scientific tour-de-force rollercoaster ride. “Jesus was Caesar” is a praiseworthy and highly learned work of daring excellence. This is not some borderline esoteric pap, but a gritty and witty report that never loses its scientific seriousness. The reader will embark on a journey into the Roman womb of Christendom, where astounding parallels between the lives of Jesus Christ and Iulius Caesar are revealed. Strange enough, although Carotta finally presents to us the historical Jesus in overwhelming grandezza, orthodox scientists, believers and even atheists hate (and fear) this work, which has been available in other languages since 1999, because it is not a theory at all, but a huge cluster of historical, archeological, numismatic, cultural, theological and linguistic facts and accords. Moreover, “Jesus was Caesar” is the ever first, truly integral design on the origin of Christianity and the roots of the Christ, far beyond the mere myth that is being preached in our churches. As Jesus/Iulius did, this book will eventually change the world…

This part is important because it was what affected me: “a huge cluster of historical, archeological, numismatic, cultural, theological and linguistic facts and accords…”


About two thousand years ago, a great man who was renowned for forgiveness and magnanimity was betrayed and slain by his compatriots who feared he would become their King. To the chagrin of his murderers, he was soon hailed as a God and the momentous events that ensued paved the way for the birth of Christianity.The venue for this drama, however, was not Jerusalem as might be supposed, but rather the eternal city of Rome. It is a description of the founder of the Roman Empire. In a work stranger than fiction, Gary Courtney propounds that the Jesus of Nazareth that graces the pages of the New Testament is an entirely mythological personage, and presents a step by step explanation of how the beloved Saviour of the Christian religion entered the world from the wings of a stage.

From a reviewer who more or less states some of the ideas I’ve had about this over the past months:

The betrayal and murder of Caesar bears uncanny parallels to the drama of JC. A religious play – a fabula praetexta – quite probably commemorated the death and apotheosis of the man who would be king. The Caesar cult surely did breath new life into ancient cults of dying/resurrecting godmen. Quite plausibly the Jewish fans of Caesar assimilated the sacrificed ‘saviour of mankind’ into the ‘Suffering Servant’ of Isaiah, and rolled the melodrama of the Ides of March into the Passion of the Passover. The gospels, with their curious rhetorical elements, ‘comings and goings’, and theatrical flourishes, most assuredly read like a play and not history. There’s more than coincidence here and we long for these insights to be developed fully.

He then goes on to partly dismiss it suggesting there is way more to wade through. He’s right, of course, and I’ve been doing that with the result that the conviction is only getting stronger. At least now, I’ll be able to cite others in support of the idea.

I will add one note: after doing a ton of reading, I think that it is safe to say that Julius Caesar was THE most extraordinary man in our whole, known history, bar none.

Largest demonstration in world history? 20 million people take to the streets in Egypt, give Muslim Brotherhood leader Morsi two days to step down… or face rebellion

Largest demonstration in world history? 20 million people take to the streets in Egypt, give Muslim Brotherhood leader Morsi two days to step down… or face rebellion

Egypt’s protest movement has given the president an ultimatum to step down by Tuesday or face a mass rebellion. Some 20 million outraged citizens have flooded cities across the nation in a show of frustration at Mohamed Morsi’s failure to keep the promises he made when he came to power a year ago. At least 7 people have been killed and more than 600 injured during the rallies so far. RT’s Bel Trew reports from Cairo.

Meteorite crashes through roof of Pennsylvania business

Another “once in a century” or “once in a lifetime” event. Pretty soon, everyone will have one of these!

Meteorite crashes through roof of Pennsylvania business


The dent in the floor. © KDKA

Mercer, Pennsylvania – There is a mystery surrounding a strange-looking rock that came crashing through the ceiling of a Mercer County business.

It happened sometime late Thursday night or early Friday morning. Employees of the business discovered the shiny, sharp-looking object inside their warehouse Friday morning.

They also found an eight-inch by eight-inch hole in the building’s 30-foot high, steel roof where the object came into the building.

The object left a nice dent in the building’s cement floor where it landed, too. The owner of the company says he believes the rock could be a meteorite.

However, there’s been no official word as to exactly what the object is.

Sodomy hazing leaves 13-year-old victim outcast in Colorado town

This is just freaking-insane! We truly live in a psychopathic bizarro-world!

Sodomy hazing leaves 13-year-old victim outcast in Colorado town

At the state high-school wrestling tournament in Denver last year, three upperclassmen cornered a 13-year-old boy on an empty school bus, bound him with duct tape and sodomized him with a pencil.

For the boy and his family, that was only the beginning.

The students were from Norwood, Colo., a ranching town of about 500 people near the Telluride ski resort. Two of the attackers were sons of Robert Harris, the wrestling coach, who was president of the school board. The victim’s father was the K-12 principal.

After the principal reported the incident to police, townspeople forced him to resign. Students protested against the victim at school, put “Go to Hell” stickers on his locker and wore T-shirts that supported the perpetrators. The attackers later pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges, according to the Denver district attorney’s office.

Those bullies should do HARD TIME or get run out of town on a rail after being tarred and feathered.

Celebrity philanthropist Bono revealed to be a crony of bankers and neocons in new book, The Frontman

Celebrity philanthropist Bono revealed to be a crony of bankers and neocons in new book, The Frontman

If Bono really knew the history of his own people, he would be aware that the Great Irish Famine of the 1840s was not the result of a food shortage. Famines rarely are. There were plenty of crops in the country, but they had to be exported to pay the landlords’ rents. There was also enough food in Britain at the time to feed Ireland several times over. What turned a crisis into a catastrophe was the free market doctrine for which the U2 front man is so ardent an apologist. Widespread hunger is the result of predatory social systems, a fact that Bono’s depoliticising language of humanitarianism serves to conceal.

Browne’s case is simple but devastating. As a multimillionaire investor, world-class tax avoider, pal of Bush and Blair and crony of the bankers and neo-cons, Bono has lent credence to the global forces that wreak much of the havoc he is eager to mop up. His technocratic, west-centred, corporation-friendly campaigns have driven him into one false solution, unsavoury alliance and embarrassing debacle after another. The poor for him, Browne claims, exist largely as objects of the west’s charity. They are not seen as capable of the kind of militant mobilisation that might threaten western interests.