Psychopathy in politics and finance

Psychopathy in politics and finance

As more and more studies demonstrating the corrosive effect of psychopathy on government, finance, and business emerge, researchers have begun to explore how our society itself has been molded in the psychopaths’ image.

It really is. And anybody who thinks it is normal or goes along with it in their hearts, is psychopathized.

SOTT Talk Radio: No Ordinary Inside Job – The 9/11 Psy-Ops

Ya’ll just LISTEN to this nutcase, Judy Wood. The woman is certifiable, if you ask me. Not saying her ideas are wrong, but she discredits her own work by her manner and her “fan-bots”.

SOTT Talk Radio: No Ordinary Inside Job – The 9/11 Psy-Ops

Did you hear the one about part of a Boeing 767 wing and thick rope found wedged between two buildings a block away from the site of the old World Trade Center in Manhattan? No, this isn’t a joke – they really did claim last week to find a chunk of one of the hijacked aircraft flown into the Twin Towers over 11 years ago on 9/11. Not only that, it was discovered at 51 Park Place, Lower Manhattan, site of the planned Islamic community center. Talk about “catapulting the propaganda”… or maybe that should be ‘lowering the propaganda into place’?…

Coming on the heels of the Boston Drill/Bombings on Patriots’ Day last month, as well as a ‘ricin poisoned letters’ scare that transported us all back in time to that crazy week in September 2001 when letters laced with anthrax were sent to politicians, the spectre of the 9/11 attacks looms large as ever over the U.S. and much of Western civilization.

“9/11 was an inside job,” is by now a familiar mantra in the small but active alternative online community. It has even found its way into the mainstream, despite years of ridicule and the heavy presence of COINTELPRO types derailing efforts to investigate and publish the truth of what happened on 9/11.

So, was it really an ‘inside job’? Certainly, there is evidence that Israeli intelligence and elements in the U.S. government colluded to cover-up what really happened and used the event for their own gain. We know that prior to 9/11, certain high-level members of Bush Jr.’s administration dreamed of ‘a new Pearl Harbor’, the catalyst for expanding American hegemony.

But does that necessarily mean they orchestrated it? What about the evidence for 9/11 being an ‘outside job’? Many anomalous aspects of the attacks that day have been overlooked. This week we invited Dr. Judy Wood on the show to discuss the compelling evidence she has gathered and analysed in her book Where Did the Towers Go?, pointing to some form of ‘exotic technology’ may have been responsible for destroying the World Trade Center on 9/11.

In the second part of the show, we tried to look at 9/11 from a broader perspective with Lisa Guliani, former internet-based political talk show host, political writer and editor. As you’ll soon discover, however, even over 11 years later, it’s no easier today to get a coherent discussion going about Israel and the NeoCons’ role in 9/11… can we conclude that 9/11 as a psy-ops has successfully neutralized the so-called ‘Truth Movement’?

The thing is, I think her book is worth reading by anyone interested in 9/11. It gets as close as we’re gonna get to forensic evidence of “high strangeness” on that day. It kind of opens the door to everything the C’s have said on the subject. Which is why I think somebody must have helped her put it together and sent her out to be a 9-11 Truth nutcase to vector people away from looking at what really happened that day.

Something impacted the fertilizer plant in West, Texas… most likely a Comet fragment!

Something impacted the fertilizer plant in West, Texas… most likely a Comet fragment!

Joe Quinn asked recently: Was the West, Texas Explosion a Meteorite Impact?

More information has come to light that suggests exactly that, and, at the very least, strengthens the idea that a ‘missile’ strike of some kind caused the explosion.

We now have four different video angles of the fire at the fertilizer plant. …

It seems that this very bright flaming object – most likely a flaming meteorite from a comet fragment – was coming in, directly through the smoke cloud of the initial fire, and apparently crashed either just short of or directly into the burning building and caused the crater.

What a truly strange event. But then, stranger things have happened…

‘Alien’ meteorites hit Bosnian man’s house six times

Go to the source for the videos and analysis!

Heat map reveals every spot on Earth meteorites have hit

Since 2300 BC… fascinating.

Heat map reveals every spot on Earth meteorites have hit


The map shows 34,513 recorded points on Earth that have been struck by meteorites since 2,300BC. As impressive as that figure might seem, it doesn’t include data for where meteorites that haven’t left any evidence, like every single one that landed in an ocean, or impact sites that haven’t been discovered yet.

Earth’s core 1,000 degrees hotter than expected

Earth’s core 1,000 degrees hotter than expected

Earth’s internal engine is running about 1,000 degrees Celsius (about 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit) hotter than previously measured, providing a better explanation for how the planet generates a magnetic field, a new study has found.

A team of scientists has measured the melting point of iron at high precision in a laboratory, and then drew from that result to calculate the temperature at the boundary of Earth’s inner and outer core – now estimated at 6,000 C (about 10,800 F). That’s as hot as the surface of the sun.

Maybe it is just getting hotter internally?

Global Cooling: Sudden European temperature plunge over the last decade… Are we on the brink of a Little Ice Age?

Global Cooling: Sudden European temperature plunge over the last decade… Are we on the brink of a Little Ice Age?

So since 2000 the CET shows an annual temperature diminution at the rate of -0.49°C/decade or -0.59°C in 12 years: this negates almost the entire CET temperature rise since 1850. Although this is a very short period, the extent of the climate change that has been observed since the turn of the millennium is remarkable. …

At ~10,500 years our current cooler but benign Holocene interglacial is coming towards its end and the reversion of our planet to a real ice age is foreseeable.

No faked hockey-sticks here! (Follow the link for the charts.)

First glimpse of ‘comet of the century’

First glimpse of ‘comet of the century’: Hubble gets snaps ISON that astronomers hope will amaze the world

Even at its current distance, the comet is already active as sunlight warms the surface and causes frozen volatiles to sublimate. Comets become more active as they near the inner solar system, where the Sun’s heat evaporates their ices into jets of gases and dust.

LOAD OF BALONEY. They get brighter because they are electrically active.

Scientists: Creativity part of ‘mental illness’

Perfectly logical. Psychopaths have no creativity so they must label normal people who are creative, “mentally ill”!

Scientists: Creativity part of ‘mental illness’

If you like to express yourself through painting, writing, or any other form of artistic action, scientists now say that you must be suffering from a mental illness of some kind. In a new display of how truly insane the mainstream medical health paradigm has become, mainstream media outlets are now regurgitating the words of ‘experts’ who say that those who are creative are actually, more often than not, mentally ill.

After all, more than 50% of the United States is, by definition of the psychiatrists of the nation, mentally ill. Even questioning the government is considered a mental disorder. It should come as no surprise to know that upwards of 70% of the psychiatrists who write the conditions are – of course – on the payroll of those who produce the drugs to ‘treat’ the conditions. It should also therefore come as no surprise to note that the DSM (the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, which is the foundation of the entire diagnosis system) now contains over 900 pages of bogus disorders.

And perhaps creativity may soon be added to the massive textbook, which labels people who are shy, eccentric, or have unconventional romantic lives as mentally ill.

Is it any wonder that the 4th edition of the manual, which added hundreds of new ways to diagnose patients, led to a 40 times increase in bipolar disorder diagnoses. Even the lead editor of the DSM-IV Allen Frances, MD, has stated the book is utter nonsense:

“There is no definition of a mental disorder. It’s bull****. I mean, you just can’t define it,” he said.

SOTT Talk Radio: Good Science, Bad Science – Psychology and Psychiatry

This was a good one – we even went into overtime!

SOTT Talk Radio: Good Science, Bad Science – Psychology and Psychiatry

In this second in our series of shows on the topic of science and its benefits and negative consequences for mankind, we took a look at the use and abuse of psychiatry and psychology.

From the psychotherapist’s chair to anti-depressant drugs and diverse therapeutic modalities, psychiatry and psychology have come up with as many solutions for mental health issues as there are theories of what makes people tick.

While many individuals have benefited from some form of intervention or another, the application of psychological knowledge for propaganda purposes, mind control experiments and pure corporate greed has apparently left most people’s psychological health more fragile than ever.

This week, we attempted to sort the good from the bad and the ugly by ‘psychoanalyzing’ some of the questionable practices and theories of the mind, and untangling the confusion produced by psychological terminology that frequently overlaps the same basic underlying problems people encounter in our stressful modern world.

The Psycho-Therapeutic school system: Pathologizing childhood

Presently, we’re at an all-time high of eleven percent of all school-aged children in America who have been classified as mentally ill.

The Psycho-Therapeutic school system: Pathologizing childhood

According to a recent report by the Centers for Disease Control, a staggering 6.4 million American children between the ages of 4 and 17 have been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), whose key symptoms are inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity – characteristics that most would consider typically childish behavior. High school boys, an age group particularly prone to childish antics and drifting attention spans, are particularly prone to being labeled as ADHD, with one out of every five high school boys diagnosed with the disorder.

We discussed the subject of modern psychology and psychiatry in this weeks SOTT Talk Radio podcast here:

In this second in our series of shows on the topic of science and its benefits and negative consequences for mankind, we’ll be taking a look at the use and abuse of psychiatry and psychology.

From the psychotherapist’s chair to anti-depressant drugs and diverse therapeutic modalities, psychiatry and psychology have come up with as many solutions for mental health issues as there are theories of what makes people tick.

While many individuals have benefited from some form of intervention or another, the application of psychological knowledge for propaganda purposes, mind control experiments and pure corporate greed has apparently left most people’s psychological health more fragile than ever.

This week, we will attempt to sort the good from the bad and the ugly by ‘psychoanalyzing’ some of the questionable practices and theories of the mind, and untangle the confusion produced by psychological terminology that frequently overlaps the same basic underlying problems people encounter in our stressful modern world.